Skylar (The Club Girl Diaries Book 7)

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Skylar (The Club Girl Diaries Book 7) Page 10

by Addison Jane

  Her knees buckled, and she moaned, tossing her head back and tightening her grip. “Holy. Fuck,” she cursed, soon followed by a nervous giggle. “You know how to torture a girl, huh? You just gonna do that, and then sit there and stare at me for the next five minutes?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound cut short by the echo of my palm against her wet skin.

  She didn’t cry out, and I grinned.

  Girl was strong.

  “You gonna keep complaining?” I taunted.

  Her head shook back and forth quickly, and she kept her mouth tight-lipped. When I was satisfied she was going be a good girl, I went in for another taste, and this time I took my time, groaning to myself as I dipped my tongue deeper between her folds as I drew it upward again.

  She tasted good. Not like fucking candy or any of that dumb shit I’ve heard men say about their woman. No, it was just good. It made you want to keep your head buried there for hours, knowing that the more wetness you gathered on your tongue, the more excited she was getting.

  I teased her happily, tickling her clit with my tongue as I slipped two fingers inside her, pressing them in and out, deep and slow. She bounced around, moaning my name when I worked her up, only to curse me when I wouldn’t let her get quite to that high she needed and was searching so damn hard for.

  “Eagle! Fuck!” she snapped, hanging her head as she caught her breath. “Please,” she finally pleaded, pressing her ass back and wiggling it, her pussy wetter than it was five minutes ago.

  “Please what?” I asked, standing to my feet and stepping up behind her, sliding my length up in between her ass cheeks.

  She inhaled sharply. “Please fuck me,” she groaned, stamping her foot like a pouting child. “You seriously need to let me come before I explode, and if I explode, I’m taking you down with me.”

  I laughed, the sound coming out harsher than I intended, or maybe it was just kind of unusual, one I didn’t hear come from myself often. I smirked, enjoying the way Skylar knew her body so well. She knew what she needed and what she wanted, and she definitely wasn’t afraid to say it.

  It was fucking sexy as hell.

  I only drew back once, done with teasing and fucking around.

  My cock was so hard, I needed this release too. I thought I might injure myself soon if I didn’t get it inside her, right where it’s been dying to be this whole time.

  I lined it up, then thrust my hips forward, the both of us groaning in unison as I bottomed out inside her. My hands went to Skylar’s hips as I held myself there, trying not to detonate from that one clench of her delighted walls around me. She tossed her hair aside and looked at me over her shoulder, the warmth I found there was mixed right now with a devilish spark that I found sexy and intriguing. I pulled back slowly and her gaze narrowed to a glare before I drove my entire length back inside her and her eyes rolled back in her head as she tried to hold on for dear life.

  “Hold on tight, baby girl,” I warned her, wishing I had her face with me right now so I could get lost in her mouth and completely own her. I pumped my hips faster and harder, the slapping of skin against skin and pleasure filled moans filled this bathroom and probably the neighbors too.

  “Oh shit,” Skylar murmured, and I caught her around the waist as her legs began to shake and threaten to give way underneath her. “Eagle!”

  A heat wave moved through my body, starting at my toes. It was hot, and it made my skin tingle as I began to come. The walls of her pussy tugged and pulled at me, dragging every last fucking drop of cum from inside me with each and every aftershock of her orgasm.

  She was still clutching for dear life to the bar across the shower, and I was bent over her back with one arm wrapped around her waist and the other pressed against the shower wall above her head, trying to hold the both of us up as our bodies found their strength again and we fought to catch our breath.

  When I finally felt as though I had my shit together, and I wasn’t going to collapse on the shower floor and kill myself—not that it wouldn’t be worth it after screwing the most beautiful fucking woman—I pressed a gentle kiss right between Skylar’s shoulder blades and took a step back.

  “Holy motherfucker!” I screamed, leaping out of the spray of water that had now turned ice cold.

  Skylar giggled and sunk to her knees against the wall. “I’m actually kind of glad it’s cold, my body feels like it could overheat at any moment.” She paused. “Wow! I’ve never come that quickly in my life.”

  I snorted, stepping forward and holding my hand out to her.

  She smiled almost shyly as she took the offer and I pulled her to her feet, my other hand automatically threading itself in her hair and cupping the side of her face. “Obviously I did my job pretty well then, huh?”

  She laughed, the sound so full of life that I had to grin. “Can’t argue with that one,” she agreed with a shrug before reaching up on her tiptoes and pressing her breasts against my chest. Her mouth was a breath away from mine, and suddenly, the water just stopped, and an instant chill went through me. I looked to the side and saw she’d twisted the shower to off, leaving us both breathing heavily and dripping wet, her in more ways than one.

  “What if I needed a cold shower?” I asked, turning back to her with an eyebrow raised. She fell back onto her heels and rolled her eyes.

  “We just did it in a cold shower, I think it’s safe to say that that won’t do shit to make your soldier there stand down.” She stepped back, and my hand slipped from her face. “There’s a pretty damn comfortable bed in the other room, though.”

  As I opened my mouth to speak, a buzzing noise filled the room.

  It took me a minute to realize it was my cell phone ringing.

  And just like that, my high was gone.

  The peace was gone.

  The shadows were slipping in again.

  Grabbing a towel, I slipped out of the bathroom as Eagle answered the phone call, his tone so easily making that swift move from jovial and teasing, to serious and closed off.

  The flutters that I’d just felt in my stomach died away.

  I could still feel the blood pumping in time with my heart between my legs as I sat down on the side of the bed and tried my best to squeeze some of the water out of my hair. It was quickly becoming a matted mess, and I knew putting my fingers through it before I went to sleep, since I didn’t have my brush, was going to be bloody painful.

  I was trying to stay calm, trying to remind myself that I was a club girl in Eagle’s club, that he was just taking what was offered, that it wasn’t any more than what I would usually do for any of the brothers.

  It was all bullshit, though.

  I knew I wasn’t doing a very good job of convincing myself.

  The door to the bathroom swung open, and Eagle stomped out, a towel tied strategically around his waist, and his phone still pressed to his ear. He didn’t seem angry, just stressed, and maybe worried. And I knew it had something to do with his brother.

  I’d spotted his name on the call screen before Eagle answered, which was why I’d tried to make myself scarce, but I guess that wasn’t exactly possible in a hotel room.

  Since he wasn’t speaking and I couldn’t hear anyone talking on the other end, I quickly spoke up. “Do you want me to go out and give you some space?” I asked, shifting so I could cover my body with the white comforter.

  His head shot up, and he narrowed his eyes. “What?” he asked as though I’d spoken a completely different language. Then the confused brow shot up into surprise. “No. Don’t move.”

  A gruff voice spoke into the phone on the other end, and the second Eagle heard it, it was like he lost the energy to stand. He slowly slipped down the wall until he was sitting on the carpet floor with his knees bent.

  “Fuck…” he whispered then paused. “Yeah, thanks. Bye.”

  He dropped his cell phone onto the floor and leaned his head back against the wall, letting his eyes drift closed. I wasn’t sure what to say. I
wanted to be there for him if he needed me, but I also didn’t want to force myself in when it was obvious that Eagle didn’t share a lot about himself willingly. Now wasn’t exactly the time to make things tense between us again. I wasn’t a girlfriend who would be expected to go and comfort him. I was just a club girl who wasn’t privy to any information.

  We sat like that in silence for over twenty minutes. Neither of us moving, even when Eagle’s phone rang and Optimus’ name lit up the screen. He ignored it, followed by a text that urged Eagle to call when he could.

  We could both see it from where we were sitting, but still, we didn’t move.

  I wondered whether this was it, that we wouldn’t speak for the rest of the night and then when we joined back up with the club tomorrow, we would act like nothing had happened. His brothers were all worried, they were calling to check in, but it seemed like it was frustrating Eagle more than anything, the way his eyes glared at his phone each time it vibrated to remind him that he had a message.

  A few more minutes of deafening silence and Eagle took in a deep breath. “My brother is in a special ops team,” he explained, clearing his voice when it threatened to crack. “They had to be pulled out of a mission because of a small ambush. It shouldn’t have been anything major, but one of the offenders managed to get a couple rounds off before he was taken down. And his aim was pretty fucking good.”

  My lips were dry, and I felt like my heart was in my throat, the steady thud making it hard to breathe as I listened to him talk.

  “My brother Jake took one to the leg, and it nicked an artery,” he said in a whisper. “That was his commanding officer saying he’s lost a lot of blood, but that he was gonna be okay.”

  I slipped off the end of the bed and onto the floor, dragging the comforter with me and holding my hand over my heart where I thought it might burst if that story hadn’t had a happy ending. “Wow,” I breathed out on a sigh. “I’m glad he’s okay.”

  Eagle finally opened his eyes and looked at me and what I saw there was utter relief. “Same. Don’t know what I would have done…” he let his words hang. The pain evident in his tone as he thought about the idea of losing his younger brother, someone he obviously cared a lot about. He swallowed, his face tightening like there was a lump in his throat. “Come here.”

  I chewed the inside of my cheek for a second before abandoning the warmth and comfort of the soft blanket surrounding me and crawled across the floor to where he was sitting. When I was finally at arm’s length, he dropped his legs to the ground and reached out, grabbing my hand and pulling me over his body, so my legs were straddling his. I was completely bare, and the air in the room had begun to cool as it was starting to get late and the sun was receding.

  Letting him take the lead, not knowing exactly what he wanted or needed from me, I simply pressed my hands against his chest. His heart was racing, making no sign of slowing down and that on its own told me everything I needed to know about Eagle’s love for his family. I knew then that if things had turned out differently, we could be in an incredibly different scenario right now.

  His hands fell to my hips, his rough, callused palms tickling my skin.

  From here, I had the perfect view of his tattoo. It was intricate and held a stunning realism that I knew only practiced professionals would be able to achieve. The stars seemed like they were actually lit up in the night sky surrounding them, like beacons of light he could use to guide him home if he was ever lost.

  The rich red and blues that I knew represented the stripes of our nation’s flag, they melted together like the water of an ocean, a place away from the city lights, where the stars could shine their brightest.

  “I’ve been through some shit in my life,” he said softly, his eyes following his fingers as they drifted across my skin, up the center of my stomach and chest to my neck. “I didn’t come out of that shit unscathed like others did. I’ve got problems. For the most part, I’m okay, but then sometimes… my mind takes me back to a place where things weren’t okay, and the line between memory and reality can sometimes get skewed.”

  I nodded. I knew what he was saying. Eagle had been in the army. I couldn’t imagine many people would come back from places like that with only pleasant memories about the things they had seen, and the things they had to do in the name of their country.

  “Everybody has something that makes them vulnerable, a piece of their past that hits them like a sledgehammer when they aren’t expecting it,” I whispered. My hand trailed up and over his beard, a thrum going through my clit as I remembered what it felt like to have it brushing against the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. I forced myself to concentrate. “I’m not pretending to know what you’re going through, I don’t think I ever will. But don’t ever feel like you’re some kind of crazy person, because you aren’t alone.”

  I knew what I was talking about. The number of punishments I’d been through in my youth because I spent a lot of time questioning our teachings was off the charts, and I still had the scars to prove it, just like Eagle did. Sometimes I would get whipped just for meeting with my grandmother who was known to be the Colony’s local loopy.

  I’d been beaten, burned, and humiliated. There were still times in my life where I avoided crowds or plugged my nose at the smell of things that reminded me of being back there.

  What he had faced personally, I really had no idea, but I was sure that in no way were his reactions over the top or dramatic.

  We all dealt with our problems differently. We all viewed situations from a diverse perspective. Something that might impact on me in a massive way might not even bother a man like him, and vice versa. We can’t judge how we feel, on the reaction of someone else to the same situation.

  Eagle’s hands settled back on my thighs, and he inhaled deeply, laying his head back against the wall. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to dump my shit on you like this. Today has been stressful to say the fucking least.”

  It had been a strange day.

  Between Deacon calling about my sister’s freak out, Eagle hearing about his brother being hurt and leaping into a burning vehicle—yeah, I’d say today had been one for the history books. I was actually looking forward to meeting up with the club again tomorrow in Dallas, and hopefully, maybe even having some fun.

  “You’re not dumping anything on me,” I told him. “Like I said, if I can take you away from all the mess and confusion in your head even for a little while, I’m happy to be of service. I guess it’s kind of my job really, help you guys rest and relax when you’re stressed.” The words tasted like acid the moment they touched my tongue, but I guess it was my way of figuring out for myself where we really stood again because the lines had suddenly become very blurred.

  Twenty-four hours ago, Eagle was a man who barely said a word and really didn’t look happy about having to carry me on the back of his bike. He’d always been polite I guess, but standoffish, and in a way, untouchable.

  And now here we were having a heart to heart, with him sharing more about himself than I think he ever intended. I wanted to be there for him, and in my gut, I would gladly give him everything I had to give if that was what he needed. The shitty part was, I could feel my heart reaching out for him too, and I had been telling myself for forever that I would never fall in love with a brother.

  Eagle slowly lowered his head, so he was looking at me dead on.

  I couldn’t read his expression, it was blank as if we hadn’t just been having some crazy emotional conversation and he hadn’t been hurting inside.

  “Yeah, I guess I’m good now,” he replied quietly. He wasn’t good, but I’d pushed this shit in a different direction, and now I had to deal with the consequences. “Best we make a run to get some food before it gets too dark and then get some rest.”

  I didn’t want to move, but I knew that was a hint for me to back up and give him some space. It was hard to tell whether he was angry or just indifferent to my comment.

  Surely he couldn’t ha
ve actually been feeling any different?

  Tossing the thought aside, I reluctantly climbed up from his lap and went in search of my clothes. His eyes watched me the entire time, and I fucking liked it.

  Don’t fall for him.

  Don’t fall…


  Skylar and I were on the road at sunrise the next morning, hoping to make it to Dallas by lunchtime so we could at least be somewhat helpful to the club for the afternoon. She was feeling fine with no problems through the night, and her voice was almost back to normal. I was trying to ignore the way the long ride had me feeling like I had itchy feet again. This was the place I felt the most at home, on the road to nowhere.

  After what happened with my unit, it’s like that feeling of not being able to breathe stayed with me in my subconscious, and there would be times where I would have to just pack my shit and leave all of a sudden, no matter where I was.

  Maybe it was the feeling of being a sitting duck, or the fear I would be trapped again. I really had no idea, but despite the drama of yesterday, the ride the rest of the way to Dallas had me feeling really good.

  The main purpose of us being at this event was to connect with some of the other clubs from across the country which we had close ties with, but it was also important for us to show our faces and support for the charity. The Brothers by Blood chapter in Texas had organized some booths and activities for us to raise money, which included rides for the kids on the back of our bikes and even a few mini choppers for some of the older kids to test drive, among other things.

  I knew it was essential to get my bike there and fixed up, given I knew my personal ride would attract a lot of attention.

  While the brothers’ rides were all in pristine condition, most of them liked to stick to the sleek black and chrome look. It was sharp, clean and made them look mean as shit, and on top of that, it was harder to identify with no specific markings if at any point there was trouble.


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