Skylar (The Club Girl Diaries Book 7)

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Skylar (The Club Girl Diaries Book 7) Page 11

by Addison Jane

  I had decided to go a different route and pay out my ass to have a detailed and intricate pinstriping done on the tank. The picture had a realistic looking bald eagle on either side of the tank right up the front, flying right beside me as I rode, pulling the American flag behind it. The flag waving in the wind. The guy who I paid to design it was the same artist who had drawn up my chest piece. He was fucking amazing, the way he drew brought the artwork to life, and that’s exactly what I wanted.

  The bright red and blues were a constant reminder of what I’d been through, and the eagle was essentially how I’d gotten my name, it was like a part of me.

  While I’d been through hell and back and was still feeling the ramifications of my choices, there was no way in hell I’d ever regret the things I did for my country. It was who I was. It made me the man I was today, and I’d do it again tomorrow if I had to.

  We pulled up outside the hotel the club was staying in a little before 11.00 a.m. A staff member rushed out the front door, the young guy’s eyes lighting up as he took in my bike. He let out a long whistle as I pulled into the loading zone and switched off the engine.

  “Wow! I think I definitely like yours the best,” he said in awe, taking a walk around, his eyes roaming. I usually didn’t mind people checking out my baby, but then as I took my helmet off, I noticed his eyes wandering somewhere else, and I didn’t fucking like that one damn bit.

  “You check out her ass one more time, and the hotel is going to be missing a bell boy,” I growled, even less amused when Skylar giggled softly as she used my shoulder to steady herself while she climbed off.

  He held up his hands and backed away, eyes wide. “S-Sorry man. Didn’t mean to offend your woman,” he stammered with an embarrassed smile.

  “You didn’t offend me,” Skylar offered, as she shook out her golden hair from the tight plait she’d had it in, allowing it to fall in soft tendrils down her back.

  I huffed as I climbed off the bike and placed my helmet on the seat, Sky doing the same. “We’re only gonna be fifteen minutes or so. You wanna be helpful? You watch my shit until we get back.”

  The kid rushed forward, his head bouncing like a bobblehead. “Of course, man, whatever you need! You don’t have to worry about anyone scratching this baby, it’ll be nice and safe in my hands.” Crossing his arms, he puffed out his chest like he was ready to take on fucking Superman before he let harm come to my ride.

  With a snort, I grabbed Skylar’s hand and headed for the front door. “You scratch it, you better start running,” I called over my shoulder.

  Skylar elbowed me in the side, but I ignored her as I spoke to the woman at the front desk who was apparently unfazed by my harsh demeanor and sharp tone. Given all the chapters of the Brothers by Blood were staying in this hotel, she’d probably already met a lot worse.

  Not saying we were all assholes, but we tended to be a bit more… okay, so maybe we were assholes.

  We grabbed the key and headed to the elevators. Skylar was quiet, leaning against the mirrored wall as we rode up to the sixth floor, her eyes closed and her breathing light.

  “You should stay here and sleep,” I told her with a frown. I knew she hadn’t slept much last night because I’d laid awake for just as long, if not longer, my body and mind refusing to crash. The day had been a complete clusterfuck, and when she’d walked into that bathroom, offering me a reprieve, I’d fucking taken it with both hands, not really contemplating at the time what it would mean.

  She’d made it clear, it was nothing more, nothing different than what she would do with my brothers, given it was her duty and all that damn bullshit. I wanted to call her bluff, but instead, I’d taken the easy way out and gone along with it.

  I couldn’t see myself with an old lady. Not saying I hadn’t entertained the idea before and even had one or two which could have led in that direction, but they ran eventually.

  Skylar didn’t bother to open her eyes and look at me, she simply shook her head. “I’m fine, I just need to get out of these clothes and into some fresh ones,” she said quietly, her nose twitching like a little bunny rabbit and bringing a smile to my face. She finally opened her eyes and peeked at me grinning. “Seriously, I’m surprised people aren’t passing out as I walk by.”

  The elevator dinged and we both stepped out, walking side by side down the hall as we eyed the room numbers.

  “You’re absolutely fine,” I said gruffly as I swiped the keycard over the pad on the door. The light turned green, and I pushed it open. Skylar rushed inside, spotting her backpack on the large bed and snatched it up before diving into the bathroom.

  I rolled my eyes, making a beeline for my duffle bag, stripping off my shirt as I crossed the room.

  I knew what she meant. We both felt dirty and gross after sweating through our clothes, rolling around in a smoking car and then, after having a shower, having to put the offending items back on again. It didn’t feel nice putting dirty clothes back on a clean body.

  It took me less than five minutes to strip and change, and surprisingly, Skylar shot out of the bathroom as I was putting my boots back on.

  My eyes traveled up her legs, her bare fucking legs, to a pair of Daisy Dukes that barely covered her ass cheeks. Then if that wasn’t enough to send my cock springing through my jeans, the top she had on was a black Brothers by Blood MC shirt that had been cut off just above her belly button, the short sleeves rolled up to her shoulders. Her riding boots gave her that cowgirl meets biker look that had me considering for a moment, calling Op and telling him something had come up. It wouldn’t be a fucking lie considering the way the front of my jeans now held a significant bulge.

  “She’s trying to fucking kill me,” I groaned, getting up from the bed, still unable to take my eyes away from the sexiest fucking thing I’d seen my entire life.

  “Lost your crown, drama queen?” she threw back, jutting her hip out and placing her hand on it.

  I pointed at her sharply, and she bit her lip. “The only thing that sass is gonna get you is this…” I grabbed my cock with my hand, and her lip twitched, “… in that fucking smart mouth.”

  I was beginning to think she liked pushing my damn buttons by the way she was trying to keep herself from smiling. She’d learn soon enough I didn’t make idle threats. She was going to push too hard, and I was going to follow through on all these promises.

  For the most part, Skylar was the perfect club girl. Respectful, bright and bubbly, willing to help out wherever she could. But I was beginning to see she was also playful and cheeky, and while I should really warn her about being too lippy with the brothers… I honestly couldn’t do it because I found it kind of sexy.

  “Why do I feel like yesterday is gonna seem like a walk in the park compared to today?” I mumbled as I placed my hand on her back and directed her toward the door. She plucked her leather jacket from the bathroom door as we passed by and once again, we were out.

  I needed a stiff drink and to find somewhere to get my wing mirror fixed before tomorrow. I was silently hoping the boys from around here would be able to hook that up pretty quickly because having my beautiful girl broken like that, completely shattered my heart.

  “I’ll be on my best behavior, you’ll see,” Skylar said with a gentle smile as we stepped into the elevator again.

  I caught her hand as the doors slid shut, turning her body and pressing her back against the wall. My knee slipped between her thighs, spreading them slightly. “So for the rest of the club, you’ll become a saint,” I started, lifting one hand and brushing it across her lips. Her eyes lit up, her tongue flicking out to follow the same path I’d just traced. “But for me, I get the sarcastic smart ass. Why is that?”

  Her cheeks flushed, and I leaned back just slightly, wondering how she suddenly seemed shy and embarrassed and not instantly hitting me with some kind of comeback.

  Skylar cleared her throat, her eyes looking low before she met my gaze again. “I wanted to make you smile.”
  My brow pulled together. “Excuse me?”

  She huffed, her shoulders slumping like she was annoyed that I didn’t just automatically know what the hell she was talking about. “You asked me if I knew that it was a ten-hour ride with my backpack, and I said, it’s not my first rodeo cowboy… and you smiled.” She shrugged like it didn’t mean anything important, but she’d obviously thought about it. “You don’t smile often, but you do when I say stupid shit like that… and I like it when you smile.”

  Well, fucking shit.

  We jolted to a stop, and she used the distraction and the sudden movement to duck under my arm and out the door.

  I rushed after her. “You’re full of surprises, you know that?” I told her, my hand settling on her warm back for no other reason than I wanted to touch her.

  “Aren’t you glad you have me around to make your life more exciting?” She grinned as we stepped out of the hotel lobby. “Do you even remember how dull your life was without me in it?”

  “Sky…” I warned, but she was right.

  And I fucking smiled.

  I’d never been to Dallas before, but Eagle explained that the charity event was being held in the huge parking lot at the Texas state fairgrounds.

  When we arrived, I quickly realized just how big the area was, and how many people had come along to support the fundraiser. Rows and rows of stalls lined the parking lot which looked as if it could hold upward of four thousand cars. I just stared on in awe at the amount of people and tents and fair-like games that were set up, including a semi-truck that had its covers removed to be used as a stage and housed a band.

  The guard at one of the gates waved us in, and Eagle moved slowly through the wave of people as he headed for the far corner where I could see the club colors flying. Some of the public stopped and stared, kids with bright eyes holding colored balloons waved as we glided by, others turned up their noses and took their time moving out of the way.

  The Brothers had set up camp in the corner of the parking lot, there were a couple of tents selling motorcycle themed clothing and souvenirs, as well as Brothers by Blood T-shirts reading “Support your Local Brothers” and club merchandise which already looked like it was selling well. A couple of the boys were manning the miniature track they had drawn out with the mini choppers that kids were lined up to ride. Optimus currently had a blushing teen girl climbing on the back of his Harley as he took her for a ride down the end of the stalls to the other side of the carpark and back.

  The line of sparkling chrome motorcycles was almost blinding as Eagle pulled up and backed his ride into the formation and kicked out the stand. People who were standing around taking pictures instantly stopped and watched as we both climbed off. I saw the moment their eyes spotted the stunning detailed tank that Eagle had painted, and a young kid who must have been around nine or ten quickly rushed over, his mother trailing along behind.

  “Excuse me!” the little boy called.

  Eagle turned and pulled off his helmet. He crouched down on one knee. “Hey man, what’s up?”

  “Micah, don’t run off like that!” his mother said as she jogged up to where the kid had come to a jerking stop. She looked at Eagle and me before she spoke, “Sorry, he’s really into motorcycles at the moment.”

  “No problem,” Eagle replied before moving his eyes back to Micah. “You wanna sit on it and take a picture?”

  Micah’s eyes lit up, and he turned to his mom, bouncing on his toes. “Can I Mom, please?”

  His mom smiled softly, undoubtedly enjoying the way her child’s face lit up with excitement and happiness. “Of course,” she replied, pulling her cell phone from her pocket.

  “Come on, little brother,” Eagle urged holding out his hand. Micah took it gleefully and allowed Eagle to lead him over to the bike. I stepped out of the way, rounding back to stand beside the mom as Eagle lifted Micah onto his bike.

  He went to step away, but Micah grabbed his arm. “Will you be in the picture with me?”

  Eagle seemed wary for a second but soon nodded. “Sure, man.”

  Micah leaned forward and grabbed the handlebars while Eagle put a steadying hand on him and the bike.

  Mom took several pictures, one after the other until she was satisfied she got one she liked. Micah turned to Eagle, rattling on about what he knew about motorcycles and asking what kind of bike it was.

  “He’s very sweet for letting my boy sit on his bike, I’m sure it’s worth a lot of money,” the mother said turning to me.

  I smiled. “You’ll find most of the brothers here look a little rough on the outside, but they really do care about the strength of family,” I told her, smiling as I watched Eagle hoist Micah off the bike and set him on the ground before giving him a high five.

  “Don’t judge a book,” the woman said softly, and I grinned, nodding my head.

  “Don’t judge a book,” I agreed.

  Micah and his mother took off quickly in a wave of excitement, the young boy unable to stop talking as his mother pulled him away to look at the other stalls.

  “Hey, Sky!” I turned to see Jess strutting over like she owned the place, holding a bunch of flyers in her hand. She was dressed much like I was, her hair hanging loosely and fluttering in the soft breeze. Her perfectly tanned legs on show for all to see including the vine tattoo she had which wound from her ankle all the way up her thigh, disappearing beneath her shorts. It was covered in different vibrantly colored flowers, the soft and beautiful design a contrast to the tough exterior she tried to paint on each day.

  “You want to come with me to sell some raffle tickets?” she asked when she finally made it to where I was standing. She jiggled a fanny pack that was sitting low on her hips, the sounds of money rattling inside.

  “Sure!” I said enthusiastically, eager to take a look around and help out since we had been so late. I turned to see Eagle still standing by his bike, chatting with Leo and Blizzard. “I’ll catch you later?” I called, not wanting to interrupt.

  His head turned to me, and he lifted his chin. “Stay out of trouble. I don’t feel like diving into any burning cars to save you today.”

  Leo and Blizzard both grinned, but I snapped a salute, catching the way his mouth turned up before Jess grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

  I fluttered the raffle tickets in the air as we strolled down the first line of booths and tents. The entire place was filled with laughter and joy, and while after yesterday I was tempted to just head back home, I was now glad that I’d pulled up my big girl panties and come to help out the club.

  Every dollar they raised today was going to the child cancer charity, even after all the money they had spent to get here, the club refused to take any of it to help pay for their own costs. I admired that deeply within our boys. I knew they had other motives to be here, but when it counted, they were all in to do what they could to maybe make someone else’s life a little fuller.

  Jess and I managed to sell quite a few tickets as we soldiered down each row of booths. Mostly they came from men who were using the excuse to flirt with us, or kids who heard about the prize we were giving away—a custom designed dirt bike that a member of another chapter had built himself.

  There were other clubs here with booths and activities too, none quite as big as ours, but still, a solid effort to do what they could. Most of them noted the name on our shirts and nodded as we passed, others chose to ignore us altogether which was perfectly fine with me. I didn’t want to start anything or feel like I was stepping on another clubs toes. Neither Jess nor I were entirely sure at that stage which clubs were friendly and which weren’t, so we kept to ourselves when we passed by.

  We were about halfway back to the club’s area, feeling pretty good with a fanny pack full of money and completely out of raffle tickets. We’d get one of the boys to draw a winner when we got back, and hopefully, they’ll still be in the sea of people and be able to come claim their prize.

  “I hope someone with kids gets the
dirt bike,” Jess said as we wandered and weaved through people. “I’d really hate it if someone like that old guy got it, the one who couldn’t stop licking his lips as he waited for his change.”

  I shuddered. “I agree. I wonder if we can rig it somehow.”

  Jess laughed. “We probably should have thought of that before we just threw all the tickets in here randomly.” She poked the small container I was carrying which held all the stray ticket stubs that held everyone’s details.

  Jess’s laughter was suddenly cut short, and I turned to see her eying a group of guys who were sitting in the back of a truck and on the tailgate. They were leering at us, their eyes watching us closely as we approached. A strange feeling settled in my stomach, but I tried to push it to the side.

  “Just ignore them,” I said under my breath. Being stared at and ogled by men wasn’t something we were new to. For the most part, we took it in our stride and had learned over the years we were with the club, how to brush off unwanted advances when we were out without club members to keep the assholes away.

  This felt different, though.

  These guys, they looked tidy enough, like they should be the kind of country guys who you would take home to your parents.

  “Is it just me, or are you getting a really weird feeling about those guys watching us,” Jess said with a nervous laugh. At least it wasn’t just me. Jess hardly ever got nervous, she was the first one to snap back at some weirdo who gave her the creeps.

  As we got closer, I noticed the young boys were ducking in and out of a tent, they obviously were here for the charity run to promote something. Jess and I gave a wide berth, hoping with the amount of people walking up and down the rows, that we could maybe walk by and not give this strange feeling the both of us had a second thought.

  Instead, the second I got a look inside the tent, I froze, and my heart stopped.

  No exaggeration.

  I felt it still inside my chest.


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