Book Read Free

My Atlantian

Page 6

by Alysia S Knight

  “May I help you?” The woman turned her attention on him.

  “Yes, I would like a room please.”

  “Do you have a reservation?”

  He shook his head. The actions continued as how it had with the other couple until they got to how to pay for it. He pulled out a coin from his pocket that, when he showed it to the last person, he had almost been robbed for.

  “I haven’t had time to exchange this yet. He laid it on the counter and reached out with his mind to gauge the woman’s reaction. What he felt was skepticism.

  “What is that?”

  “A Stater.”

  “I can’t take that.” She frowned at him.

  “What about a daric?”

  “I’ve never heard of that either, but that thing looks old. I think you would have to take it to a coin dealer.” If it’s real. He picked up the words in her mind. The woman pulled back a little. “Don’t you have a credit card?”

  Jerreon wanted to say he’d never heard of that. Instead, he said, “thank you,” then pushed out again with his mind, this time for her to forget.

  He walked out the door, standing for a moment, wondering what to do before taking the path Kallie had.

  The sun dipped low, touching the ocean. He passed a pool with a man and three children playing in the water.

  What a blessing. He wondered if he and Kallie would have children. Was he to have a life here on this world? He could only hope. He would gladly forgo returning to his world to have a life with Kallie. What would she think if she knew his thoughts? More importantly what would she think if she knew he wasn’t from this world? He had to tell her, but how?

  Jerreon circled the pool and passed another building, then felt her presence. She was thinking of him. She was worried about him. He could feel her concern. It soothed him. He wanted to go to her but it wasn’t to be, not yet. He needed to get rid of Lysias, then he could court her. Before that though, he needed to figure out how to fit into her world.

  Sinking down on a chair by the pool, he looked over the small outdoor sitting area to her room. The curtains were drawn, keeping her from his sight, but nothing kept her from his mind. He started to lean back then sat up removing the pack so it would be more comfortable. Tonight he could relax. It should take Lysias a couple days to find them, and by then, Kallie would be headed to her home far away from there. He hoped it was far enough away.

  The sound of splashing drew his attention back to the pool. It looked welcoming. As he watched, a woman came to the edge of the pool, and with some coaxing, the children got out with the father carrying one young boy. They stopped by a wall on one side and water came on and they cleansed off. He wondered why they needed to after just getting out of the water. They took sheets from a stack and dried off.

  When they walked away, Jerreon stood and went to the wall. It only took turning one of the knobs to get water to flow, but what really beckoned him though was the pool. Removing his clothes down to his under garments, which were similar to how the man was dressed, he went down the steps into the water.

  It was bliss. After the hot, dirty days with only the ocean water to clean off, it felt amazing. Though there was something in the water that smelled odd and made his eyes sting, so he kept his head up as he let his arms pull him through it in long, muscle loosening, strokes.

  It didn’t take him long to tire as he was already exhausted. He got out, going to the wall and started the water again. This felt fresher as he washed himself. Stopping the water, he picked up one of the sheetings. It was thick and soft. He dried himself off then returned to the chair to finish drying while he ate one of the last energy meals from his pack.

  He had to figure out how to get currency soon, because he was running out of food, but he was too tired to worry about it then. He dressed and drew his jacket from the pack and pulled it on. It was not cold, but by morning it might be needed.

  Leaning back, he placed his pack under his head for a rest and went to sleep.


  “Kallie, please tell me you’re going to be careful,” Melissa said coming out of the bathroom with her makeup bag.

  “Quit worrying. He’s gone.” Even as she said the words, she knew they weren’t true. Jerreon was somewhere close. Kallie didn’t know how she knew it, but she did. “He didn’t even get my phone number.” She added to ease her friend. Melissa had enough to worry about. She took a pair of pants off the hanger and put them in the suitcase.

  As soon as they walked into their room, Melissa’s phone started ringing. Her daughter, Joy, was in labor two weeks early with Melissa’s first grandchild. Luckily, Melissa was able to change her flight, but she had to hurry to make it to the airport on time.

  “Well, I’m worried.” Melissa reached out and caught Kallie’s arm. “You’re like one of my daughters.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m fine,” Kallie reassured. “Go see your new grandson.”

  Melissa brightened then glanced at her. “You will be careful?”

  “Melissa! Honestly, what did you think of Jerreon?”

  The older woman stopped in the middle of the room. “That’s the problem. I like him a lot, and I don’t know why. The last man I felt that good about right off, I married.”

  “See.” Kallie smiled.

  “I know, it’s just I couldn’t find out anything on him. There wasn’t even a comment out there by a guy with that name, and I tried several different spellings. Do you know how uncommon that is? It’s odd. There at least should have been something.”

  “He’s from a different country,” Kallie pointed out.

  “Yes, but he didn’t say which. Did you notice that? Maybe he’s a terrorist. Maybe he’s using you as cover.”

  “I see where your next story is going.”

  “It’s pretty good, isn’t it?” Melissa looked at her and crinkled her nose, then put her hands to her cheeks. “I’ve got to go. I can’t believe it, me a grandmother.”

  Kallie zipped closed the suitcase and picked it up. “The shuttle ought to be out there now. They said they’d send it right over.”

  Melissa grabbed her purse and her computer bag and headed for the door. Kallie opened it just as a shuttle pulled up. The man got out and came to get the bag.

  “It’s been so fun. Come see me before you start a new job.” Melissa hugged her.

  “I’ll try. Keep me informed on the baby.”

  “You keep me informed on the hunk. Something tells me you will be seeing him again.”

  Kallie wasn’t going to deny it, because she not only hoped, but felt it was true. “I’ll keep in touch.”

  Melissa got on the shuttle and Kallie watched it pull away. She thought about taking a walk instead of going back to her room then disregarded it, knowing what she really was thinking of doing was trying to find Jerreon. So, she went inside to get some writing done before bed. The only problem was, the hero in her story kept shifting to an extremely tall, well-built man, with white-blond hair and an accent that made women swoon. Finally, she gave up, knowing she wasn’t going to do justice to her book and went to bed.


  “My One.” The words drifted into Kallie’s dream followed with the image of Jerreon. His finger stroked over her cheek, making her heart pound. The sun made his hair gleam like a halo around his head as he leaned over her.

  Warmth and contentment filled her. “You make that sound like you love me.”

  “I do.”

  “But you said them before we’d even met.”

  “I have loved you forever. I was meant to find you.”

  Kallie looked in his eyes and saw the truth behind the words. “That sounds so mysterious.”

  “It is not. It is just meant to be. Do you not feel it – the bond – the connection between us?” His finger brushed her cheek again.

  “Yes, but I don’t understand it. I don’t understand any of this.”

  “Yes, you do. You just have to look with your heart. It will tell you all your answers
. You just have to accept them.” He cupped her cheek in his hand.

  “What would you have me do?”

  “Trust me. Be patient. I was not planning on finding you now. I am not sure what to do about it because I am duty bound to complete what I came to do. Can you be patient?” His eyes searched her face for her answer.

  “Yes, but maybe it is that I am to help you.”

  “To help me could be dangerous to you. I will not have that. I would rather never have you then put you in danger.”

  “Yet you say it was destiny that we found each other. And if it is, here at this time and place, then is it not destiny that I help you?”

  He frowned. “Your mind sees things in ways I wish you would not.”

  She laughed at the perplexity in him. He stared at her and his head descended. “My One.” His lips were a breath away when a ping penetrated her dream pulling her out.

  Kallie stretched and looked around the room. Soft light filtered in around the curtains. Her thoughts went immediately to Jerreon. Had she dreamed him? Panic hit her, then eased. No, she could feel him, there on the edges of her mind. He was real.

  There was another ping. Kallie looked over at the nightstand to her phone. She picked it up and opened the text message.

  ‘He came at 5:24. Isn’t he beautiful?’

  There were two pictures attached, one of a crying infant and another of him asleep in Melissa’s arms.

  ‘He is. Congratulations.’ She sent back a message then stretched again her thoughts back on Jerreon. She smiled. He was close. She tried to picture him but instead of any of the ways she’d seen him the day before, she got the image of him sleeping with shrubbery around him and a pool.

  Kallie slipped from the bed going to the sliding glass doors to push the curtain aside. She saw him even before she stepped out on the patio. He lay asleep on a chaise lounge not thirty feet from her door. The sun hadn’t quite reached him, but he seemed to glow without it.

  The grass was damp on her bare feet as she crossed to him. A slight chill touched the air, but she was comfortable enough in the shorts and tank which she’d slept in. Kallie didn’t really care who saw her. Her attention was focused on the man that, in less than twenty-four hours, had taken over her mind − and her heart.

  His features hadn’t softened much in sleep, and they were definitely no less striking. Adonis, as one of the sisters had called him, was fitting. He was dressed the same as he’d been the day before but had added a jacket that matched his pants.

  She locked on his face. Her finger tingled with the thought of tracing the chiseled line of his jaw. She realized there was no stubble there and was surprised.

  Kallie eased down on the cushion beside him. Drawn to follow her thoughts, she touched his cheek, similar to how he had in her dream. Her finger glided over the smooth skin. She traced down then back up his chin to his lips. They parted at her touch and curved slightly.

  “Kallie.” She heard her name but his lips didn’t move. Still, when she shifted her gaze she found him looking at her, his eyelids still half-closed with sleep. He moved his head and kissed her fingertip.

  “I would wake like this every morning of my life.” His words came low and rumbled as a hand slid around her waist.

  She moved with just a slight amount of pressure to lean down.

  “Soon, when it is right, you will be mine. Until then, I ask for just a taste to get to know you,” he said just before their lips touched.

  Heat and rightness swept through Kallie so strong the world dropped away, and there was only Jerreon. The kiss lingered only a second to know the truth. She was his and he was hers. Destiny had forged whatever bond was needed.

  “Yes,” he said, easing her back. “You will be a temptation for me until it is time.”

  “And when will that be?”

  “Soon.” He touched her cheek with reverence.

  Kallie realized that was how he’d been doing it from the first. It seemed to have special meaning to him, and she liked it.

  He smiled and looked over her. “You are as beautiful as your name says. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes. And you slept out here? I thought you were going to get a room.”

  “I tried but the woman hostel keeper could not accept my currency. I need to take it to get it exchanged.”

  “I’m surprised you were allowed to stay out here.”

  “A man came by once. He thought I must have had a disagreement with my wife. I let him think that and urged him to accept it was okay that I was here.”

  “Oh, so today, am I going to be the wife you were fighting with?”

  “He will not remember.” Jerreon’s gaze dipped as if he’d just noticed the necklace she still wore. He reached up and touched the crystal. “We may not always be in agreement, but we will never fight.”

  “Oh, really?” She laughed at the sincerity in his words.

  He nodded. “It is not in you. You are a peacemaker and have much love.”

  She was surprised by his assessment, especially because he was right, she really was a peacemaker.

  His next words surprised her more. “I would never want to hurt you.”

  She swallowed, looking away. “I’m still surprised he let you stay.”

  “I urged it to be so.”

  “Okay.” Kallie wasn’t quite sure what to make of that. She didn’t think it meant he threatened him, but wasn’t sure what he could’ve said to persuade the security guard. She decided to let it drop. “So, what are your plans today?”

  “First, I am hungry, so I must exchange my currency. How do I find a coin collector?” His brow furrowed slightly over the word.

  “A coin collector?”

  “Yes, the woman at the desk said I must have one of them to exchange my currency.”

  “There must have been some kind of misunderstanding. I’ll help you do an exchange later. It’s pretty early. I’ll treat you to breakfast.”

  “What does it mean to treat me?”

  “I will pay.”

  “I have currency.” He stiffened.

  “I understand,” she soothed him. “We can exchange your money later.”

  “I also need to get some different clothes.” He looked at her. His gaze heated.

  “I …” Kallie stumbled over what to say. “I didn’t think about coming out.”

  “You came to me.”

  Kallie felt flustered. It was true. She’d just seen him there and came. She was decently attired, but still she flushed, because she obviously was wearing what she’d slept in. She hadn’t even brushed her hair. Automatically, she reached up to smooth down the wild strands.

  “I need to go in and change.” She rose quickly, stumbling slightly. “Will you be all right here?” she asked, backing away before she did anything foolish, like asking him in while she changed. Melissa’s warning of caution played over in her mind.

  “Yes. I washed off last night.” He pointed to the outdoor shower.

  “I’ll try not to be long.”

  “There is no hurry this day. I will swim while I wait.”

  “There’s a changing room over there.” She motioned to a door with a symbol of a man on it.

  “Yes, I found it last night. Thank you.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Kallie turned and fled before she could invite him into her room, not quite sure how he would take the invitation. Though she was drawn to him, he was a stranger, even if he talked as if they were already married. She should stop that. It should terrify her, especially after her ex-boss and his possessive games, but for some reason, it didn’t. With Jerreon, it felt too right.

  Kallie hurried into the shower. She told herself she was not falling for him just because he was so good looking and had such a sweet accent. Which was the truth, neither of those things were what drew her, even at first. Yes, she’d noticed his looks, and she loved his height and the way he made her feel next to him. It was an oddity for her.

  A lot of guys wanted the small,
delicate women that made them feel big and strong, and she was definitely not that. Guys tended to let her open her own doors. She sighed, wondering if Jerreon would open doors for her. Sure, she could do it herself, but every once in a while, it would be nice to be treated like a lady.

  Out of the shower, Kallie pulled on a pair of white capris with a bright blue-colored, short sleeve peasant shirt, and flat white sandals. She wished she had some high heels, but these went good with the outfit and were comfortable to walk in. She hadn’t removed the necklace so she just added a pair of silver Celtic knot earrings.

  Drying her hair, she ran her brush through it, letting it hang free in a thick blonde curtain that she knew a lot of guys liked. She thought Jerreon would be one who appreciated it. She fiddled with a touch of makeup, sprayed on her perfume, which had a light natural scent, then grabbed her purse and phone and went out the front door.

  Kallie came around the building and froze. Jerreon stood by the showers, his back to her, running a towel down his long legs. He wore pale blue bottoms that were totally decent but, at his height, they showed a lot of tanned skin and corded muscles. He turned as if sensing her there and her mouth went dry. Adonis meets Hercules, the thought went through her mind. She knew he was muscled, but she’d never seen such a beautiful man. He wasn’t bulgy just – perfect.

  His eyes landed on her and he smiled. “You are beautiful.”

  “That’s what I was thinking.”

  He frowned. “I am but a man.”


  “Men are not beautiful.”

  “I,” she drew it out, “could argue that with you right now.”

  “You find me so?” He let the towel drop, standing tall.

  “Very.” She breathed out, walking to him.

  “Then this is good.” He dipped his head. “I will dress then we can go eat.” He reached for his pants and started to pull them on.

  “There isn’t a hurry. We can wait for your shorts to dry.”

  “It is not necessary, they hold no moisture.”


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