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My Atlantian

Page 11

by Alysia S Knight

  “I will.” Kallie brushed back a tear that slipped down her cheek. “Thank you.” She hugged him.

  “I thank you, also.” Jerreon stepped up and wrapped his arms around them both.

  After a moment, Adam spoke again. “Well, we better sit down and eat. My chef will not be happy with me if we ruin the fine meal she made by our dallying.”

  As soon as they settled at the table, the food was served, and conversation turned to a much more relaxed and happier topic. Kallie told them about her writing, then they moved on to compare childhoods.

  Finally, Kallie couldn’t help asking the obvious question that had been avoided. “Where are you from exactly?”

  Jerreon looked at them both as if assessing them for their reactions. “The place I came from is called Lantis. I grew up just outside the city. My planet is hundreds of light-years away. My galaxy is just a speck to yours.”

  “Then how did you get here?” Kallie leaned forward.

  “We call it a Syndasi. It is a link between planets. It connects and uses close to what you refer to as a wormhole in space.”

  “So, after you get Lysias you will go back through?”

  He felt pain flare up in Kallie and reached over the table for her hand. “No! Even if it were possible, I would not leave you.”

  “Why is it not possible?” Adam asked. “Your people have obviously been here before and returned to your world.”

  “After I went through, the link had to be closed because it was unstable. We use crystals to help stabilize the Syndasi. Lysias tried to take the crystal with him.”

  “But it broke.” Kallie reached up to finger the shard that hung around her neck, remembering what he’d told her.

  “Yes. Without a stabilizer the link cannot be left open long. It causes an imbalance that can be detrimental to both worlds.”

  “You mentioned something about that.” Kallie thought back.

  “Yes. We at one time developed … a base here to study your people. You were interesting because you were so similar to us, though quite behind in advancement. My people foolishly remained too long. The Syndasi started to fail. It caused earthquakes and floods before the base could be brought home. It is recorded many people died. And there was so much destruction here, and on our planet. It was a time of sorrow. There never has been allowed such an endeavor again.”

  “Atlantis.” She exchanged looks with Adam, who nodded.

  “How is it you know of this?” Jerreon looked between them.

  “To us it is a lost, fabled city. People have been looking for it for centuries,” Kallie answered him.

  “It was called after our capital city.” Jerreon confirmed. “Over the centuries teams have come through to observe and study, but none are allowed to stay for any length of time. That is how we gained the crystal. The cave it came from is here, on this land, but some ways away. The crystals resonate with the energy of the Earth and my people. It drew my people to it. I plan to visit the cave. I figured Lysias would head there as soon as he recovered the other piece of the one he has. But now that he knows I am here he will wish to deal with me first.”

  A shiver ran through Kallie.

  Jerreon reached over and laid his hand on hers, squeezing lightly.

  “Why don’t you two take a walk and watch the sunset. I’ll be in the study when you’re ready to say goodnight.” Adam stood, leaned down, and to Kallie’s surprised, kissed her on the cheek.

  She watched the old man go, feeling oddly warm toward him. “I like him.” She turned back to Jerreon.

  “Yes.” Jerreon said, stepping around her to hold her chair for her in a show of what she thought of as old-world manners. Maybe older than she thought. “It is sad that he lost his family.”

  “He has a new one now. Though we cannot replace his real one, we can ease his loss.” He took her hand again, interlocking their fingers. Together, they strolled through the gardens. “Does it bother you? Where I am from?” he asked.

  “It seems unreal in a way to me.” She stopped and turned in front of him, looking up. “When I look at you all I see is you. What I feel is love.”

  He brushed his hand over her cheek and dipped his head to kiss her. “I am just a man.” He kissed her again. “A man who had to come a long way to find love.” When he kissed her a third time, he pulled her tight to him as Kallie slid her arms around his neck.

  They broke the kiss and he wrapped his arm around her, keeping her to his side as they walked on, stopping over the rocky point to watch the sunset. Kallie sighed, leaning back against his chest. The sun dipped into the ocean and disappeared leaving behind wisps of pinks and oranges tinting the sky.

  She yawned, feeling oddly content.

  “You are tired, My One.” He nuzzled her neck.

  “It has been a busy couple of days.”

  “With many emotional shifts,” he added for her.

  “Yes.” She agreed, snuggling deeper against him.

  “I think it would be good if I returned you to your place of sleep. What would you like to do tomorrow?”

  “Spend it with you.”

  She felt him shake with a light laugh. “That is a given. But the next day you are to leave, did you want to go see your ship that is a museum? I think that would be interesting to see. I will come get you. We can eat breakfast, then go.”

  “Okay.” She turned in his arms, arching to initiate their next kiss, which continued until they were both breathing hard.

  Silently, he led her back to the study where Adam sat at his large carved desk.

  “In, so soon?” Adam looked up.

  “I would take her to her room now.”

  He picked up the phone on his desk. “They’re ready to leave now,” he said into it and put the receiver down.

  “Before you go.” He held something out to Jerreon.

  Kallie looked to see what it was.

  “An international driver’s license and passport. We put you from England. I thought it might cover some of your speech. Also here is a cell phone. I already put in my personal number, as well as Edward’s, Sam’s, the head of security here and the house phone. And, of course, Kallie’s number.” He glanced at her for reaction, a glint in his eyes.

  She just tipped her head and smiled. If he was able to produce a passport, she wasn’t going to question his ability to get her phone number. He probably even had her dental records.

  “Thank you. I will see Kallie home then be back. If that is still acceptable?”

  “Yes. In fact, if you want to get her belongings and return, I can have a room prepared. You are most welcome here.”

  “Thank you, but I’ll be fine there for the night.”

  “If you are sure, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He stood to come around the desk and walk them out. At the top of the steps, he kissed her cheek.

  “I swear I have been kissed on the cheek more today than I have in my whole life. You have to love men with old world charms.”

  Adam laughed. “Why don’t you add my number to your phone, in case you need anything?”

  “I will. Thank you for everything. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, dear.”

  Kallie settled back into the seat. “I feel like a princess.” She stretched her legs out in front of her.

  “This is nice, but I would like to drive a car. Adam said he would see to it.” Jerreon followed her motion of stretching out his long legs as he wrapped an arm around her.

  “Do you have cars?”

  “We have something similar. It does not have wheels. It goes over air.”

  “A hovercraft?”

  He touched the device on his wrist then nodded. “Yes, that would be a close approximation.”

  He described his home to her until they arrived back at the resort. He walked her to her door. “I would linger, but then I would not want to go. So, I will say farewell.”


  He stared down at her a moment before swooping in to kiss her, hard and th
orough, before he released her and strode away, leaving Kallie to still her racing heart.

  She wondered what he would say if he knew she’d never been kissed like that before.

  “I know.” The words hit her clearly along with a wave of satisfaction. “Sleep well, My One.”


  Jerreon sat in the passenger seat next to Sam Faulkner, Adam’s head of security and listened as the man covered every aspect of the car, and how to handle high performance driving. It had taken him all of ten minutes to ‘get the hang of it’, as Sam referred to it. Satisfied, Sam moved on to instructing him in some advanced evasive driving techniques, as Adam suggested. Sam finished the explanation then took them through the course once then turned the car over to Jerreon. He followed the man’s every move, liking the response and power of the vehicle.

  “Why don’t you take it around a couple more times and then we’ll be done,” Sam said.

  “Yes. I would like to go see Kallie.”

  “Would you like to take the car? Adam approved it if I felt you were ready, and I think you are.”

  Jerreon thought for a second, wanting to show her what he’d accomplished, but shook his head. “I think not. It would be better if I learned my way around first.”

  “You know how to use the nav.”

  “Yes, but I would not want to endanger Kallie.”


  Two hours later, after picking up Kallie and eating breakfast together, they stood waiting to buy tickets to go onto the aircraft carrier the USS Midway. He was content to follow her anywhere she wanted to go. The parks with the land or sea animals sounded most interesting, but he decided he would prefer to have more time for them, so they elected to save them for a later date.

  He hadn’t told her yet, but Adam was trying to arrange everything for their marriage to take place that evening. Adam promised to call when all was set, then he would let her know. He hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed about not having her family there, but he wanted them married before she left the next day.

  There was much love in her voice when she showed him pictures of her family and talked of them. During breakfast he’d broached the subject, actually she had, commenting about her calling him, Her One. He had felt her pleasure in it.

  “You know, you use that term as wife,” she’d said.

  He knew she was after his thoughts. He’d been more than happy to give them to her.

  “Here, for me to you, it would be wife.” He’d restated. “For you to me, it would be husband. Though, it still must be made so, but as you have said, it is acceptable.”

  She nodded. “What are you thinking?” She looked up to him and touched his cheek. She’d made the motion several times that morning.

  “Open your mind to me and see,” he challenged her.

  She took a deep breath and reached to touch the crystal.

  He felt the stirrings. “That’s it, concentrate on me. Only me.”

  Her touch was soft and slightly shaky. He stretched out with his mind to strengthen the link.

  “You’re thinking of marrying me,” she whispered.

  “The sooner the better,” he said into her mind. “Will this be a problem without your family?” He searched for her reaction. All he found was love and certainty.

  “No, all I want is to be with you.”

  “It is all I want, also.”

  “Freeze! You, big man, put your hands up.” A voice demanded harshly.

  Jerreon turned ready for an attack, shoving Kallie behind him, their link dissolving but not before he caught a flash of fear.

  “Freeze!” The word was repeated.

  Two men wearing uniforms stood about six meters away. Their hands extended out toward him, holding, what he figured, was some kind of weapon.

  “Jerreon, don’t move,” Kallie said.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  “Put your hands up,” a younger, dark skinned man ordered.

  “Jerreon, slowly raise your hands above your head,” Kallie said gently, but he still heard fear. “They are law enforcement officers.”

  “But why are they talking to me?” He studied the men who eyed him apprehensively. The younger scowled up at him.

  People around them pulled back and stared as if he were some kind of beast or demon.

  Kallie touched his arm. “I’m not sure but just do as they say until we can figure out what’s happening.”

  “Move back please.” The other officer, older than the first, motioned to her.

  Kallie stayed her ground. “May I ask what this is about?”

  “Kallie, move back.” Jerreon got the perceived danger now, as alarm filled the crowd. He wanted to shift away from her, but was afraid to make any movement for fear the men might react and harm her by mistake. The younger man was getting more agitated, though he was trying to hide it behind his bluster. Jerreon slowly raised his hands, and to his relief Kallie took a couple steps away.

  “What’s going on?” she repeated her question.

  “There is a warrant out for his arrest,” the older man said.

  “What? That’s impossible. For what?” she objected.

  “Ma’am, please stay back and be still. We don’t want any trouble with you.” The younger man glanced nervously in her direction. Kallie moved back and, to Jerreon’s relief, shifted the man’s focus back on him, but it didn’t stay, flicking around.

  “Kneel down,” the older man instructed, more calmly. “Cross your ankles and place your hands behind your head.”

  Jerreon started to comply. A shriek split the air follow by the wail of a child. Out of the corner of his eye, Jerreon saw a flailing child push back from the woman holding him and tumble over the dock.

  The woman screamed.

  “Freeze.” The younger officer yelled and fired.

  A projectile burst from the weapon. Jerreon locked his mind on it to assess the danger. He started to step out of the way, then realized its path would pass him to Kallie. He spun, placing himself directly in front of her.

  Chapter Ten

  Energy hit Jerreon. Pain flicked across his senses a moment before he could clamp down on it. Swiping the projectiles from his chest, he willed the energy through his body, pooling it in his hands. He thrust his hands straight up, palms out and forced the energy out into the sky where it crackled and fizzed out.

  His ears rang with the continued screams from the mother as he turned and jumped. Jerreon cleared the post of the railing, flattening his arms to his sides, and brought his feet together. He arrowed into the water. Tendrils of energy still ricocheted through his body hampering him a second before he locked on the child.

  Jerreon folded over then pulled his arms through the water propelling himself down. It took eight strokes to reach the boy. Snagging an arm around the small, limp figure, he started up. He broke the surface lifting the boy high out of the water.

  “Over here.” One of the people looking down motioned him to the side, and he saw a ladder leading into the water. It only took a couple strokes to reach the bottom rung.

  He hoisted the child onto his shoulder and started to climb. Half way up he heard the boy cough. A cry escaped the child as they reached the top.

  Jerreon handed the boy over to a man reaching out for him, and climbed the last rungs until he stepped off on the dock. Kallie reached him, throwing her arms around him in much the same manner the crying woman did to her son.

  “I am wet,” Jerreon said, trying to ease her back, not that his efforts had any success.

  “Are you all right?” She ran her hands from his shoulders down his arms to his hands turning them up to check them. Her gaze and hands came back to his body. He flinched when she touched where one of the points had hit him. She stilled, and her hands went to his shirt. He caught her hand before she could pull it up.

  “I am well.” He cupped her face, forcing her to look up at him. He kissed her forehead trying to hold his sodden body back from her. “The child?” He looked b
ack to see the crying boy held tight to his mother. He appeared to be fine but frightened.

  “Freeze!” The word came again.

  “What?” Kallie spun, placing herself in front of him.

  “He is still under arrest.” The older officer stood facing them. He didn’t seem as belligerent as before, but he was serious, duty minded.

  “Kallie.” Jerreon placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “What am I to do?” He looked at the man.

  The officer seemed taken back by the question. “Turn and put your hands behind your neck.

  Jerreon moved Kallie to the side and complied. The man came forward, took hold of his wrist and brought it down snapping a binder on it. He did the same to the other wrist and then turned Jerreon to face him.

  “There is a paramedic unit on the way to check out you and the boy.” The man looked him up and down. “Though you don’t seem to need it. How’d you take that jolt and not go down.”

  “I do not understand.”

  Before the officer could answer, the woman with the child came up. “Thank you.” Tears still streaked down her face. “Thank you so much. He got scared when I freaked at what was happening. I’ve never seen an arrest before.” She glanced at the officer then looked back to Jerreon. “I don’t know what you did but thank you.”

  “You are most welcome.” Jerreon dipped his head then smiled to the boy who stared at him in awe.

  “He didn’t do anything,” Kallie said in his defense. “We don’t know what this is about.” She looked at the officer.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, but we have to take him in.” He appeared quite apologetic.

  The medic arrived and headed toward him when Officer Osborn said he’d been ‘tased’.

  “I am all right,” Jerreon said when the medic approached him. “See to the child.”


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