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My Atlantian

Page 19

by Alysia S Knight

  Adam wrapped his arm around her and guided her through the door to a bench outside.

  Kallie sank down, no longer able to hold herself up. “Jerreon,” she cried out in pain for the part of her that was missing.

  Adam held her close. “Don’t give up yet. Let me call in a few favors and see if I can’t find something.” He comforted after her breakdown had passed.

  Kallie gulped back a sob. “But Adam, what will they do to him?”

  “Now don’t think about that. They won’t hurt him. I’m sure of it. They’d be foolish to.” He patted her hand again. His limo pulled up in front of them. Adam drew her up and into the plush vehicle.

  Back at his estate, he walked her to her room and told her to rest while he tried to find out what he could. Kallie sank down on the bed she’d shared with Jerreon just hours before. She wrapped her arms around his pillow. His lingering scent filled her, setting free tears until exhaustion took her, and she slept.

  The sun was setting when she woke. Kallie stepped out on the balcony and looked down at the garden where, just the evening before, she’d married Jerreon. It seemed eons ago. Steadying herself she went to find Adam, aware if he’d found out anything he would have come to tell her.

  He was at his desk. For the first time, he looked harried. His snowy white hair was in disarray from running his fingers through it. He stood when she entered, coming to wrap his arms around her. They held each other.

  “I haven’t been able to find anything.” Her pain echoed in him. He, too, had come to care about Jerreon in just the short time.

  Kallie nodded, hugging him back, willing comfort to him, as she took in his strength.

  After a moment, they released each other.

  “Why don’t we go try to eat something? Lucille’s been holding it for us.” Together they went out to the deck where the table sat waiting. Dinner didn’t hold the pleasure it had the night before, but Kallie forced herself to eat. It wouldn’t do Jerreon any good if she got sick.

  “Your family has made it home safely. I figured you’d still want to know that, at least, until we get this all figured out.”

  “Yes.” Kallie wanted her family, but really couldn’t face having them there right then either. All she wanted was Jerreon.

  Adam laid a hand on hers. “Sam is trying some of his old contacts in national security. We’re not giving up.”

  Kallie nodded, managed a few more bites before giving up and excusing herself to wander out through the garden. She let her mind drift to the faint sounds of waves that reached her. Gripping the railing, she looked over the ocean. She picked up a stirring of awareness. For a moment she hoped it was Jerreon, but as she followed it out, she came in contact with a pod of dolphins just off the shore.

  As earlier, she couldn’t tell what they were saying, just they were there. “Thank you,” she sent gratitude out to them. They had saved her and Jerreon. Warmth came back, along with whistles and a consoling calm, then they were gone.

  Kallie made her way back to Adam’s library, curling into a chair, half-listening while Adam and his security went over their options.

  She wasn’t aware of Adam until he touched her shoulder. “Why don’t you get some sleep? It’s almost midnight. We’ll start again early.”

  Kallie looked around and realized the other two men were gone.

  “We all need some rest,” he said gently.

  Kallie nodded and made it to her feet. The room swam around her. Adam caught her arm steadying her.

  “I’m okay,” Kallie assured, but let him lead her up the stairs.

  At her room, he said good-night. Kallie looked around, not really wanting to be there. Not without Jerreon. She went to the bed, but couldn’t yet force herself to lie down. She wandered around a minute before going into the bathroom and turning on the shower.

  The first sob hit her as she stepped under the spray. Tilting her head up, she let the water carry away her tears. She collapsed against the shower wall, letting the water beat down on her. The water started to chill before she reached over and turned it off. The thick towels she’d admired that morning held no pleasure as she dried.

  Working the brush through her hair reminded her of Jerreon running his fingers through it. He seemed to like the feel. She liked his hair also, and wanted to see it; not how it had been today, but his natural white-blond. That was the way he looked in her mind. How he’d been on the beach when he first touched her cheek and claimed her as his.

  “My One,” she repeated the words. “I will find you.”

  Her gaze landed on Jerreon’s pack. Earlier it had seemed important. Kallie sat on the bed opening it. She really didn’t hope to find anything that would lead her to him, it was just – his.

  On top was his bloody shirt. Tears started to flow with her fear. He’d been hurt so much today − shot, stabbed, and she didn’t know what else in the explosion.

  She felt pain deep in her and wondered if it was hers or his. He’d said something once about being able to share pain. She wanted to share his pain, give him her strength, whatever he needed.

  She forced herself to continue through the pack. He’d taken out much of what was in it, like the coins which were in Adam’s safe. There were several things she didn’t know what they were, but the case she found interested her. It took several tries to figure out how to open it.

  Several small tubes with strange symbols on them held different colored tablets. There were bandages like he’d placed on his arm in different sizes. Kallie couldn’t help but wonder if they really could heal him. She wished she’d asked him more about them. Closing the case, she put it in her purse. She would find him.

  A wave of dizziness hit her. For now, she needed rest. She lay back and reached for his pillow, hugging it tight, but once more it didn’t replace the man she loved.

  What was happening to him? Fear assaulted her with the images of old movies. Government man hunts. Scientists dissecting aliens alive. She tried to force them away reasoning that they wouldn’t do anything like that. But Kallie couldn’t get past the point that he’d been taken after people had seen Jerreon do things there was no explanation for.

  All she could do was pray he was safe. Her mind couldn’t grip the possibility he was dead. No − she’d know if he was.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kallie struggled through the surf, searching for Jerreon. She knew he was there, just out of her reach, trapped, strapped to a table in a cold vault. Gray walls hid the people watching him. Machines monitored everything from the breaths he took to every little blip of his brain. He floated in a haze of pain.

  He reached for her as if sensing her, but the tendrils of his will petered out before she could grab them.

  “No!” Kallie called coming awake. Her heart pounded. She bit down on her lip to keep from crying out again. She had to find Jerreon. Climbing from the bed, she pulled on the first clothes she found.

  The house was silent as she stepped out of the room. It was early still. Kallie headed downstairs not knowing what she could do, but she had to do something. When she pushed open the double doors to the library, she found Adam and two of his security men at the desk.

  “Kallie.” Adam rose to come to her. He didn’t ask how she slept or try to placate her. He just drew her forward. “So far, we still haven’t found anything. There’s not a peep from anyone willing to talk about Jerreon.” He settled her in the chair.

  “We’re waiting to hear from an old friend of Sam’s, but it isn’t looking promising,” he continued. “Josh has been surfing some alien theorist watch sites. That has yielded more than anything. Someone even has a video of the fight between Jerreon and Lysias. It’s going viral. Speculation is running rampant if it’s a hoax or real. That it’s real seems to be winning.”

  He gave her a half smile. “Theory has it the government is covering up. Have to agree there. The guys are checking out a couple names and places that are popping up that they think they might take him to, that is, if t
here is any truth to these sites.”

  Sam nodded to her. “We’ll find him.”

  “That was quite a show they put on.” Josh spoke up. “The news guys tried to get on it, but all they got from the official report was an explosion of a stolen boat and a shark attack.”

  Kallie wondered how much they knew of Jerreon. She thought Sam, at least, knew it all.

  “I forgot to tell you,” Adam said. “A man called yesterday. He had Jerreon’s wallet. Jerreon took his personal watercraft and left the wallet with him. Sam picked it up.”

  “The craft had been returned to him without any explanation,” Sam added.

  “There’s nothing else we can do?” Kallie felt beat.

  “As I said, we’ll find him,” Sam repeated. Hard lines furrowed his features. He was a man accustomed to challenges and winning. That was what he did and why Adam would’ve hired him.

  She nodded. “I’m going to get some air.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll have breakfast sent out,” Adam said.

  Kallie wanted to say not to bother, but knew she had to eat. A minute later, she found herself back at the railing over the surf, reaching out for Jerreon. Nothing met her call. She wished the dolphins back for just a touch of connection, but there was no link from them either.

  She stood for a moment, letting the morning sun shine down on her, but it did nothing to warm her. If she didn’t find Jerreon soon, Kallie figured she’d freeze and dry up inside, not that it mattered. She couldn’t go on with half of her missing. The worst thing was, she didn’t have any idea how to go about finding him.

  “Kallie,” Adam called her. “Come eat.”

  Too grateful for his help to do anything to add to his worry, she joined the men at the patio table. Kallie picked at her food while they ate.

  “I’ve found three locations that seem to keep popping up like an Area 51 type thing,” Josh said between bites. “The first is a lake just a little inland from here. It’s supposed to have alien ties. It’s thought to have a government facility there to monitor the activity. Next is on the coast just north of here. Officially, they do tidal research, but on the loops, they say it has more to do with earth energy mapping and alien stuff. The other location is farther out in the desert.”

  Kallie tried to follow the idea of it all, but it seemed so out there, then again, Jerreon made ‘out there’ feel not so far away.

  “Josh and I thought it might not be a bad idea to go check out the first location, since that’s where the highest amount of speculation indicates,” Sam said. “If that doesn’t pan out, we’ll move on to the next.”

  “Agreed. Go. Just keep in touch,” Adam said.

  The men stood and left the table.

  “Maybe I should go with them.” Kallie started to rise.

  Adam caught her hand and pulled her back down. “Not yet. Let them check it out first.”

  “But if I get close enough, I might be able to feel him.” Emotion made her voice waver.

  “If I let anything happen to you, Jerreon would never forgive me.”

  “But −”

  “You are the most important thing to him. Even over his own life. Trust me on this. I know. He wouldn’t want you in danger.”

  “He’s the most important thing to me,” she cried, choking on the words.

  “I know dear, just be patient. Give them a chance. If they can find anything, we’ll start driving. We’ll cover the whole country if we have to.”

  Kallie sank back into the chair. Covering her face with her hands, she nodded.

  Silence settled over them.

  Kallie sat with her arms wrapped around herself as if to help hold herself together. She didn’t know how many times the hum brushed across her senses before it registered. She reached out with her mind and listened.

  Excitement hit her. It took a second to make out it was the dolphins offshore once more. She started to pull back from them when urgency joined the emotions hitting her.

  Jerreon! The thought came to her clear again with another wave of excitement. And she knew – they’d found him.

  Kallie sprang to her feet, knocking over the chair. “I’ve got to go.”

  “What?” Adam jerked up.

  “Jerreon.” She pulled back. “I can find him. The dolphins. Can I borrow a car?”

  “I’m going with you. Let me get Edward.” He had his phone out already. Not questioning her, he hit a button. “Meet us at the car,” he said without preamble.

  “I need my purse.” Kallie ran into the house, taking the stairs two at a time. She snatched up the bag from where she had left it the night before, glanced inside to make sure Jerreon’s medical kit was there before running back down the stairs.

  Adam held the door of the limo for her, following her as she dove inside.

  “Where to?” Edward asked, waiting in the driver’s seat.

  “North, along the coast,” she answered. No one said anything as tension filled the car.

  They angled away from the shore pulling out of the neighborhood, and for a moment Kallie thought she’d lost the connection, but as soon as they closed back to the ocean, the dolphins were there waiting.

  Ten minutes passed. Adam called Sam to tell them what they were doing. Ten more minutes went by.

  “Are we still good?” Edward asked.

  “Yes.” Excitement poured off the dolphins now, plain for her to read. Strengthened now, she picked up a familiar awareness. Jerreon. They were getting closer. She reached for him knowing she was touching him, but he didn’t answer.

  I’m coming. She pressed out the words along with her love. A few minutes later, the dolphins stopped just off the shore.

  “Slow down.” Kallie cried. He was close now, but he seemed muted to her. “There.” She pointed to a driveway between two mounds decorated with rocks, pampas grass and flowering plants.

  Another fifty feet, and it opened up to a circular drive. In the center of which was a huge, metal sculpture that looked like stylized waves. Behind it rose several large concrete buildings built into the rocky cliff, extending out over the water. Another structure jutted up in the surf.

  “Jerreon’s here.”

  “Pull over and park,” Adam told Edward.

  Kallie climbed out before the limo came to a complete stop.

  “Kallie wait,” Adam called, getting out after her. “We go in there together. You do realize they probably won’t just hand him over.”

  “I’m not leaving without him.” Kallie turned to the entrance, feeling the pull in her heart, but she waited as Adam stopped to talk to Edward.

  “Stay here and call Sam. Let him know where we’re at.” Adam turned to take her arm.

  Kallie realized Adam had a cane with him. She’d only seen him carry the thing a couple times. He used it for effect when he was in a serious mood. He entered the building like he owned the place. The tip of the cane tapped the floor loudly. Adam was ready for battle.

  The doors opened automatically to a large room with high ceilings. Mosaic tiles put together in an abstract picture of the ocean and its waves cresting, covered one wall. Another wall held a floor to ceiling window looking out over the rocky shore where the waves crashed. Displays were set around the room depicting waves, wind and sun. A round steel and tile reception desk sat in front of them with the word ‘information’ hanging above it.

  Adam only paused slightly before heading to the desk. “We’d like to see the supervisor in charge,” he said to the woman at the desk.

  “I’m sorry. Mr. Harmon is tied up in meetings. I’m afraid we’re not giving tours today, though you are free to look around the displays here in the lobby,” the attendant said with canned sweetness.

  “We’re not interested in a tour. We’d like to speak to someone in charge here.” Adam’s voice remained courteous even though Kallie heard the steel in it.

  The receptionist must’ve too, because she became quite defensive in her tone. “I’m afraid that’s not possible

  “Please, we need to speak to someone.” Kallie stepped forward, placing her hands on the counter to keep from reaching across to grip the receptionist’s arm.

  The receptionist took a step back, her hand disappearing under the counter.

  “I’m looking for my husband,” Kallie said leaning in.

  That seemed to take the woman by surprise, but before she could say anything, a middle-aged, balding man in a white lab coat strode toward the desk.

  “May I help you?” he asked looking them over, his lips tightening in a firm line.

  “Yes,” Adam stepped forward. “We’re looking for Jerreon Ander.”

  “There is no one here by that name.” He turned and started to walk away.

  Kallie crossed the space that separated them in four strides. Reaching out, she caught his arm. At the same height, she halted him easily. “You’re lying. He is here. Jerreon Ander. He’s a tall man, seven feet, blond hair. He’s kind of hard to miss, especially since he was injured.”

  “Let go of me.” He looked down at her hand. “Or I will call security.”

  Kallie straightened. “I want to see him now. Where is he?”

  The doctor pulled back, looking indignant. “You’re mistaken. Why would an injured man be brought here? We’re an institute devoted to tidal research.” He pulled his arm free, straightening his cuff.

  “That might be your cover, but there’s a lot more going on here.” She stepped forward, all her fear turning to anger.

  The doctor backed away and a burly man in a guard uniform came hurrying across the floor, stepping in between them, grabbing her wrist.

  Kallie pulled back but was caught. “Let me go.”

  “See them out.” The balding man huffed.

  “No.” Kallie started to fight.

  The guard wrapped one of his thick arms around her waist lifting her off the ground.

  “Let me go.”

  Adam moved to her assistance, as all the other people in the room stopped and stared. Several guards appeared through side doors. One cut Adam off before he could reach her. Another grabbed her other arm as she slipped free.


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