Message from Heaven

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Message from Heaven Page 8

by Lydia Rose

  “No, honey. You are.” Nadine squeezed Kim to her. “Why don’t I go with you to help?”

  “Nooo,” Kim said quickly and then saw the sadness in Nadine’s eyes. “I would love for you to come with me, but I won’t subject you to my mother.”

  “Or her wrath on you.”

  Kim lowered her head in shame. She didn’t need to spend a few days with her mother continually telling her how disappointed she was with the life she had chosen; how she was going to burn in hell for her sins. “I’m sorry,” she finally said.

  “I know, baby.”

  “Why don’t you go upstairs and put something comfortable on while I finish making our dinner?”

  Nadine came down the stairs wearing a pair of Kim’s sweats and heavy socks.

  After dinner, the two women laid on the couch facing each other. “I’m going to miss you,” Nadine said running her fingers through the blond hair. “Will you call me?”

  “You know I will,” Kim answered as her lips found the hollow of Nadine’s throat.

  The two women continued to kiss, which then became fondling. It wasn’t long before clothes were thrown to the floor. Laying on top of Nadine, Kim looked down into the soft brown eyes. She wanted this woman in her life and not just on a part-time basis. Kim was terrified to ask Nadine to move in with her because she didn’t know if she could face the rejection. Instead she said, “I’d ask you to move in with me, but I’m afraid there isn’t room for you and your wardrobe.” Her grin opened wide. The look on Nadine’s face told her everything she wanted to know. “I love you.”

  “I love you too and if I thought you were serious about me moving in, I would.”

  “I am serious.”

  “It’s not too soon?” Nadine asked.

  “Life is too short, Nadine. I want to spend as much time as I can with you.”

  “Is that an age joke?” Nadine asked frowning.

  “Yes, sweetheart it is,” Kim answered rolling her eyes. Then she laid on top of Nadine grinding their bodies together until the sweat added more friction to their movements. Her hand now slipped between their bodies and she allowed her fingers to fill with the moisture dripping from Nadine. She circled the bud and listened to the moans coming from her lover.

  “More,” Nadine moaned out as Kim slipped two fingers into her. “Yes,” she said moving to the rhythm of Kim’s movements, wanting to hold on to the luxurious feel of Kim’s fingers, but wanting to climax at the same time. Her body chose for her and she crested to a strong wave of utter ecstasy. Nadine’s arms squeezed Kim’s body to her once again. “I am going to miss you so much.” Her giggles followed her words.


  The moment Kim and her mother took their seats on the plane, her phone signaled a text. She pulled the phone out of her pocket and read the message. Have a safe journey. I love you. A smile automatically appeared on her face. Kim now began to type. “I love you too. Call you later.”

  “I’m sure that was from your girlfriend based on the smile you’re wearing,” Alice said shaking her head.

  The smile instantly left Kim’s face and she tucked the phone back into her pocket.

  “I don’t know who made you like this, but you better grow up. You’ll never find a husband if you continue with your debauchery.”

  Kim didn’t even bother to answer. She found that the best way to deal with her mother was to just ignore her. Her head laid back and she waited for the plane to take flight. Once they were in the air, she got up to see if there were any empty seats in the back. Finding one in the back row, she sat down and spent the rest of the flight there.

  Of course, her mother had something to say about Kim disappearing, but again she didn’t respond.

  Walking into her grandmother’s apartment hit Kim hard. She expected her grandmother to be there smiling and giving her a big hug, but instead she was met with emptiness. Her mother brought her back to the present.

  “What are we going to do with these things?” Alice asked shaking her head.

  “Put the things you want in a bag and I’ve got an idea.” Kim left the apartment and knocked on Helen’s door. “Hi, Helen.”

  “Kim. Please come in.”

  Kim entered the small apartment and took a seat.

  “Are you here cleaning out your grandmother’s apartment?” Helen asked.

  “Yes, and that’s why I’m here. Would you or any of your friends want anything from the apartment? Any of your neighbors are welcome to the furniture or clothes.”

  “That’s nice of you, Kim,” she said touching Kim’s hand. “The service was nice for your grandmother. She would have loved it.” Kim nodded holding back her tears. “Was that your girlfriend with you?” Again, Kim nodded. “She’s very beautiful and I can tell how much she loves you. I’m sorry that your grandmother never got to meet her.”

  “Me too. She would have loved Nadine.” Kim turned to Helen. “I know my grandmother shared the money I sent her.” A small smile appeared on Helen’s face. “I want to continue sending money which I want you to share with Marion and Sheila. Will you do that?”

  “Are you sure you can afford it, Kim?”

  “Yes, Helen.”

  “Then we will gladly accept your kindness. Your grandmother was so proud of you, Kim. I want you to know that.”

  This time, Kim couldn’t hold back the tears and they fell easily down her cheeks. “Would you spread the word to the people in the building and let them know about the furniture and stuff?”

  “Of course, and I’ll start making phone calls.”

  “Thank you.

  “No, Kim, we all thank you for your generosity.”

  Kim nodded and went back to the apartment.

  “Well?” her mother asked when she returned.

  “I’ve offered everything to the tenants in the building. We will have to wait and see if anyone shows up.” She walked toward the bedroom so she could call Nadine.

  By late afternoon, the only thing left in the apartment was the box spring and mattress. Those would be picked up early the next morning. After finishing off the pizza they ordered, Kim walked toward the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower and go to bed.” Before she closed the door, she announced, “If you have a problem sleeping with me, you are welcome to sleep on the floor.” A snicker left her mouth as she closed the bathroom door.

  Back in the bedroom while her mother showered, she called Nadine. “Hi, sweetie. How is it going?”

  “The apartment is empty. I just have to stop at the bank tomorrow and then back to the airport.”

  “Has your mother been treating you okay?” Nadine asked worried.

  Kim sighed. “I’ve ignored her digs and stayed out of her way.”

  “I’m sorry, Kim.”

  “Our relationship has always been strained so it’s nothing different.” Kim pulled the covers up. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too. I took off Friday so we can spend the weekend together.”

  “What would you like to do?” Kim asked in a seductive voice.

  “That, of course, but maybe we can go out to dinner with our friends Friday night.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’ll let Sam know and you can get ahold of Cheryl and Amber.” Kim heard the shower go off. “I better go. My mother will be in the room in a few minutes.”

  “I love you and I’ll come by your house tomorrow after work.”

  “I love you too,” she said as her mother stepped into the room. “Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Alice was shaking her head as placed her clothes into her carry-on bag. “You have no shame.”

  Kim didn’t say anything as she set her phone on the floor and laid down on the bed.


  “I have to stop at the bank before we go to the airport,” Kim said as they left the apartment building for the last time.

  “Your grandmother didn’t have any money,” Alice said shaking her head.

  “It’s my a
ccount,” Kim answered, getting out of the car at the bank.

  Back in the car, Alice began to probe. “Why would you need an account in Florida?”

  “To help Gram when I came down to visit.”

  “You just throw your money away like it grows on trees.”

  That was the last thing Alice said to her daughter the entire trip back to New Jersey. The plane was full on the way back so Kim was forced to stay in her seat. Thankfully, her mother closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Once Kim had pulled up to her mother’s house, Alice began with her tirade. “You are twenty-seven years old. You have to stop this nonsense with this woman and find yourself a good man. You will burn in hell if you don’t repent these ways.”

  I’ll save you a seat. Kim only wished she had the courage to speak those words out loud.

  “Do you think that woman is going to stay with someone like you? She obviously has money.”

  Kim couldn’t take it anymore. “Nadine is the best thing that’s happened to me and I’m going to marry her someday.” Her mother began to speak, but Kim held up her hand. “Now that Gram’s gone, you and I don’t have to have any contact with each other. I’ve kept it in for all these years, but now I don’t have to listen to you anymore. Get out of my car and I never want to hear from you again.” Alice just sat there. “Out,” she yelled.

  Even though it was hard to say goodbye to her parents and former life, Kim felt free. Finally, free to live the life she was supposed to live.


  Nadine knocked on the door at five-thirty. Kim met her with open arms when she opened the door. As they pulled together into a fierce hug, Kim whispered in her ear, “You feel so good. I never want to go away without you again.”

  Nadine leaned her head back and captured Kim’s lips. They kissed until they couldn’t breathe. “That was some kiss.”

  “I want to kiss you for the rest of my life.”

  Nadine held Kim loosely and looked into her eyes. “Are you sure you are all right?”

  “I will be. I told my mother that since my grandmother passed, I didn’t want any contact with her any longer.”

  “Oh, honey,” Nadine said pulling her close again. “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”

  Kim nodded. “I’m tired of being the black sheep of the family. I always have been. Even before they knew what I was. It’s been like that my entire life and I’m taking my life back. For myself. For us.” She looked at the soft brown eyes lovingly. “You are the most important person in my life, Nadine.”

  “I feel the same way, honey. Sit down a second.” She pulled Kim by the hand to the couch. “What about your sister and brother?”

  “I’m not sure. They’ve always listened to what my parents told them to do. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”

  “While you were away, I went through my clothes and shoes.” She smiled. “My mom even went through her closet. All the clothes are at a consignment store.” Nadine saw the look on Kim’s face. “Honey, those clothes aren’t appropriate for your clientele,” Nadine said grinning. “The money will go to a charity. I have no intention of keeping the money.”

  “How did I get so lucky?” Kim said burying her head in Nadine’s shoulder.

  “I’m the one who is lucky. Even my secretary said I’ve changed.” She pulled Kim back to look into her blue eyes. “I told her it’s because of you. You’ve made me a better person, Kim. You,” she said poking her finger in her chest.

  “Does that mean you’ll move in with me?” Kim asked, leaning into Nadine.

  “I will, but not right now.”

  Kim sat up and looked at her lover. “Why?”

  “I love you with all my heart, but I think we should wait a little while before we take that next step.” Nadine hoped she could explain herself without Kim thinking she was having doubts about them. “Honey, you just lost your grandmother, you’re estranged from your family. I don’t want you to regret the decision you are trying to make right now.”

  “I won’t change my mind about that. I love you and want you in my life.” She cupped Nadine’s chin. “For the rest of my life.”

  “I want the same things you do, but let’s not rush into anything.” Nadine took Kim’s hand. “Please, Kim.”

  “Life is short, Nadine. We both know that. I want to start my life with you now. I don’t want to wait. I know everything about you that I need to know and you know me,” she said wearing a big grin.

  “I don’t know everything about you.”

  “You’ll find out more about me when we live together.”

  “You aren’t going to give up on this, are you?”


  “Can I take the weekend to give you my answer?”

  “Yes, but just know that I want you here.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” Nadine asked with a small chuckle.

  “Just love me,” Kim answered kissing Nadine softly.

  “You already have that, my love.”


  Nadine and Kim walked into the restaurant holding hands and met their friends in the entryway. “You beat us here,” Kim said as she began hugging everyone.

  “You two probably just got out of bed,” Cheryl said poking Nadine.

  Nadine rolled her eyes and looked at Sam. “I’ve heard such nice things about you.”

  “Kim said you were beautiful, but she didn’t do you justice,” Sam said taking in the beauty standing before him. Sam watched as Nadine blushed a deep red. He leaned over to Kim. “She’s modest too. You really did strike gold.”

  “I told you,” Kim answered as she captured Nadine’s hand again. “Let’s get our table. I’m starving.” Now it was her turn to blush as all the friends turned to her knowing how Kim had worked up an appetite.

  “Don’t you love that stage of ‘you can’t keep your hands off each other’?” Sam said to Cheryl and Amber.

  “Speak for yourself, Sam. I still feel that way about my wife.”

  Sam opened his mouth to make a snide remark, but the look on Cheryl’s face told him not to. “Good for the two of you,” he finally said.

  “So, what is it you do, Sam?” Nadine asked getting the three away from talking about their sex lives.

  “I’m an attorney. Kim here helped me get my business off the ground.” He smiled at Kim. “She’s a good friend.” He winked at Kim.

  “Were you two ever…?” Nadine couldn’t finish her sentence. She swallowed hard, “Involved?” she finished.

  “Us?” Sam laughed. “Me and you? Can you imagine, Kim?”

  “No,” she said softly.

  “Nadine put your mind to rest on that one. Kim doesn’t have the right parts.”

  “You’re gay?”

  “Yes, and I knew that I was from the time I was six years old. Kim was my friend my entire life. She kept my secret when the world wasn’t ready to accept me.”

  Nadine let out a relieved sigh. “She’s the best,” she said grinning at Kim.

  “Oh brother,” Cheryl said. “Do you two want to be alone with each other?”

  “Yes,” Kim answered quickly taking Nadine’s hand under the table.

  “I want to make a toast,” Sam said standing up. “Nadine, even though I only just met you,” he looked at Kim, “I know that if Kim chose you to love, you must be a good person. She wanted to get to know you from the day she met you. This girl,” he pointed, “is a loyal and generous friend. She was there for me when no one else was. I hope that you appreciate the fact that Kim chose you. There were so many women that wanted the title of her girlfriend, but she waited for the right one.” Sam held up his glass. “To Kim and Nadine.”

  Kim got up from the table and walked over to her best friend. “I love you, Sam.” They both hugged.

  Nadine got up and whispered in his ear once Kim released him. “I will take very good care of your best friend’s heart and never hurt her.” She kissed his cheek and pulle
d him to her body. “Thank you.”

  “If I knew this was going to be such an emotional dinner, I would have brought a box of tissues,” Cheryl said wiping her eyes.


  The moment they walked into the house, Nadine said, “I’ll move in with you. I don’t care about your finances and if you are in debt up to your eyeballs. I love you so much, Kim, that nothing else matters. I will support you emotionally and financially if you need it.” Her hand went to Kim’s chin. “I just want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you and nothing is going to change that.” By now Nadine was crying. Her heart was filled with so much love for this woman, she knew nothing else mattered.

  Kim wiped her tears and led Nadine over to the couch. “I’m happy to hear everything you said, but I have to be honest with you.”

  “You’ve changed your mind?” Nadine asked in a panic. Did she wait too long to say yes that Kim changed her mind?

  “I haven’t changed my mind. I have more money than I can spend in this lifetime. I have-”

  Nadine’s hand went over Kim’s mouth. “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know how much money you have. I don’t want you ever to think that I’m with you because you may be rich.”

  “I trust you Nadine with the knowledge and my heart.”

  “I trust you too and that’s why I don’t need to know. Just know that I will love you until the last breath has left my body.”


  Nadine didn’t waste any time moving into Kim’s home. Nadine’s parents were thrilled with the knowledge that Nadine had found her soulmate and now they wanted to know when they would have grandchildren.

  “Mom,” Nadine scolded. “Don’t even bring that up to Kim. We aren’t married and if she thinks that’s what I want, she’ll go out and get pregnant.”

  “Do you want children?” Jennifer asked cautiously.

  “I don’t know, Mom. It wasn’t something high on my priority list.”

  “At least Kim is young enough that you can wait a few years to decide. Unless you wanted the experience of giving birth yourself?”


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