Message from Heaven

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Message from Heaven Page 9

by Lydia Rose

  Nadine wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I want that experience for myself, Mom. I know that probably disappoints you, but it isn’t me.”

  “But you’re happy, right?” Jennifer asked knowing the subject of children was closed for now.

  “Ecstatic, Mom. I’m just so sorry it took me so long to find her.”

  “Honey, Kim is only twenty-seven. If you found her any sooner, she would have been too young for you.” They both laughed at Jennifer’s statement.


  Six months after Nadine moved in, she came home one night to a dining room lit by candlelight. “What’s going on?” she asked when she walked into the house.

  “I thought we’d have a nice romantic dinner tonight.”

  “What’s the occasion?” Nadine asked moving to the stove to see what was on the menu. “Lobster?”

  “It is your favorite.” Kim leaned over and kissed her deeply.

  “Did I forget an anniversary?” Nadine asked wrapping her arms loosely around Kim’s neck.


  The dinner was delicious as Nadine knew it would be. She was suspicious that Kim had an ulterior motive for the dinner, but waited for it to be unveiled. It came with dessert. Kim brought out a piece of chocolate cake and placed it in front of Nadine. Nadine picked up her fork and as she was ready to cut a piece, her eyes opened wide.

  “I knew it. I knew you were up to something,” she said laughing.

  Kim was now down on her knee and took the ring off the top of the cake. “I love you, Nadine. Would you be willing to be my wife?”

  Nadine was out of her chair and on her knees now in front of Kim. “Yes, Kim. I will marry you.” Their bodies came together in a fierce hug and kiss.

  When they broke apart, Kim slipped the ring on Nadine’s finger. “I hope you like the ring.”

  “It’s beautiful, Nadine and I’m glad you didn’t go overboard and buy a gigantic piece of jewelry.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” She helped Nadine up and they took their seats again. “So, is next weekend too soon?”

  “Too soon for what?” Nadine asked not understanding.

  “To get married.”

  “Are you pregnant?” Nadine asked jokingly, but wondered.

  Kim laughed. “No. I just don’t want to wait for you to be my wife.”

  When Kim spoke this way, Nadine worried. The rush for her to move in and now the proposal. Kim had the patience of a saint on everything else, but her. “How about we talk to our friends and family and choose a date.”

  “I don’t know if you want a big wedding or not,” Kim said.

  “I don’t, Kim. You are all I need.” Kim smiled. “I don’t want you to change your mind, but are you sure?”

  “Yes, Kim. I may not know everything about you and we’ll probably learn each other’s bad habits and drive each other crazy.” Her hand came up in a gentle caress. “But I know the important things about you and I know those are the important things to know about each other. I just hope you aren’t disappointed with me in the end.”

  “Nadine, I love you and want to marry you. That’s all that is important.”

  “We can get married right here and then take everyone out to dinner afterwards.” She kissed Kim gently. “Okay?”

  “Sounds perfect.”


  The wedding was scheduled for two months after Kim proposed. It was decided by the two brides to have the ceremony and dinner at their favorite restaurant. The private room would hold their family and friends. Kim invited her sister and brother, but two days before the wedding, still no answer had been received.

  “It’s okay, Nadine. I didn’t think they would go against what my parents dictate,” Kim insisted softly.

  “Kim, they aren’t children. Your brother and sister should make up their own minds.”

  “I think they are. They never gave me any support when I came out. My sister believed it was a sin just as my parents did. Eric,” she said with a shrug, “said he didn’t care one way or another, but I guess he really did.” Kim got up from the couch. “I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be right down.”

  Nadine sat there wanting to pick up Kim’s phone and call Kim’s family. She wanted to know what the hell was wrong with them that they’d rather disown their own daughter than to see her happy. She was trying to decide what to do when Kim’s phone rang. The screen said Eric and she quickly answered the call.

  “Hi, this is Kim’s phone,” she said trying to sound enthusiastic.

  “Is this Nadine?” Eric asked.


  “This is Eric, Kim’s brother.”

  “Eric, it is so nice to speak with you.” Nadine was going to give him the benefit of the doubt until he revealed why he was calling.

  “I wanted to let my sister know that I’ll be at the wedding with my fiancé,” he paused, “unless it’s too late?”

  “No, Eric. Not at all. We will be so happy to have you at the wedding. What about your sister?”

  “Terry?” Eric laughed. “She’s so far up my mom’s ass that she won’t do anything to rock the boat.” Eric now realized he shouldn’t have said that to Kim’s future wife. “I’m sorry, Nadine. Terry is unfortunately like my parents and that is never going to change”

  “I understand, Eric. I’m happy that you will be there to support Kim. You don’t realize what this is going to mean to her.”

  “I know, Nadine. I hated the way my parents treated Kim. Anna and I have very little to do with them these days. Will your parents be there?”

  “Yes, and my sister and brother.”

  “Is Kim close to your family?”

  “She is, and my mother loves Kim like she’s another daughter.”

  “I’m glad she has that. I’m glad she has you and I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me too, Eric.” Kim came down the stairs. “Eric, would you like to speak with your sister?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Eric,” she said taking the phone into her office.

  When Kim came out of the office, Nadine could see she had been crying and went to her. “Are you okay, baby?”

  “He’s coming to the wedding.”

  “I know,” Nadine answered, pulling her close to her body. “He loves you, Kim. He proved that to me and I hope he proved it to you.”

  Kim nodded her head because all she could do was sob in Nadine’s arms.


  The night before the wedding, Nadine left work early so she and Kim could visit the restaurant and make sure everything was ready for the following day. Kim had sent her a text saying she was running behind and would be at the house to pick her up in twenty minutes. Nadine carried the mail in the house and dropped it on the hall table. Then she went upstairs to change clothes. Coming down the stairs, she grabbed the mail and sat on the couch. One envelope caught her eye. It was from her father’s investment company, but what was different this time was an added name. “What the hell,” she said seeing her name along with Kim’s name. Her finger slid across the flap and removed the paperwork. Nadine’s mouth dropped open just as the front door opened.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Kim stopped in her tracks when she saw what was in Nadine’s hand. “I can explain,” she said moving closer.

  “This I would love to hear,” she said waving the papers in her hand.

  Kim took the seat next to her. “We will be married tomorrow at this time and I wanted to make sure if something happened to me that you would be covered.”

  “Covered? Kim, this says that you have over fifty million dollars.”

  “Yes. Your dad has done a great job increasing my net worth.”

  “Is that all you are going to say?”

  “I told you I had more money than I needed,” she hesitated before continuing, “and you said you didn’t want to know how much money I had.”

  “Yes, but I never imagined that you had that kind of money. How?”

  Kim shrugged.
“I won the lottery.”


  “The year after I graduated from college.”

  “I had no idea,” she said shaking her head.

  “That’s because I live simply. I don’t need that kind of money, but it does help me help other people.”

  “I can’t marry you.”

  “Why the hell not?” Kim asked starting to get angry.

  “You are too good for me,” Nadine answered quietly.

  Kim let out the breath she had been holding. “If the money bothers you, I can give it all away.”

  “See. That’s why you are too good for me.”

  “Come here,” Kim said pulling the woman she loved to her. “I love you and I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

  “You make me happy,” Nadine said through tears against Kim’s chest. “I love you so much.”

  “Then how about we go see if the restaurant is ready for our wedding. I can’t wait for you to be my wife.”

  “Me too,” Nadine said sitting up and wiping her eyes.


  Kim and Nadine didn’t follow the tradition of spending the night apart, but dressed separately. Nadine would be going to her parents’ home to dress and Kim would be at home with Sam.

  Nadine walked into her parents’ home and walked up to her father. “You’ve been keeping a lot of secrets,” she said with a grin.

  “What secrets?” he asked innocently.

  “I saw the statement yesterday.”

  “Oh that,” Joe answered and turned his back on his daughter. “You know I couldn’t say anything. Are you shocked?” he asked, now looking into his daughter’s eyes.

  “Shocked is too mild. Flabbergasted is more like it. I am so glad I didn’t know before I agreed to marry her.”

  “Kim knows you aren’t a gold digger,” Joe said with an arm around her daughter.

  “Yeah, but that kind of money can turn anyone’s head.” Nadine put her arm around her father’s waist. “She offered to give it all away if it would make me feel better.”

  “She wouldn’t?” Joe asked and watched Nadine’s head go up and down.

  “Don’t worry, I would never ask her to do that.”

  “Kim does a lot of good with that money. I am thrilled to help her accomplish that.”

  Nadine stood on her toes and kissed her father’s cheek. “I know you are, Dad.”


  Nadine was led on her father’s arm to where the ceremony would take place. She was wearing a white dress that didn’t scream wedding dress, but she knew that Kim would love it. Nadine looked and saw Kim standing there in a white suit. Her blond hair had been styled and her blue eyes sparkled as she approached. They both wore large smiles and no one could miss how much they loved each other. Joe took Nadine’s hand and placed it on top of Kim’s. He kissed both women and took his seat.

  “You look beautiful,” Kim said leaning toward the woman that would soon be her wife.

  Nadine’s smile met hers. “I think I am the luckiest woman in the world. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  The preacher chuckled as he watched the two women in love. “Dearly beloved…”

  The ceremony was short and then the two women kissed to seal their promise of love and to spend the rest of their lives together.

  Nadine danced the first dance with her father and Kim danced with her brother Eric. Before the song ended, Joe led Nadine over to her bride.

  “I missed you,” Nadine whispered into Kim’s ear before she pulled her close to her body. “You are so beautiful.”

  “That’s because you make me feel that way. I want us to feel this happy for the rest of our lives.”

  “We will, sweetie. Always.”

  They climbed the stairs once the brides entered Kim’s house. Their kisses stopped their progression up the stairs. They just couldn’t keep their hands and lips off each other. The wedding was filled with love and happiness that flowed to all who attended. No one would deny that these two women loved each other with their soft caresses and constant kissing. Kim was now unzipping Nadine’s dress and slowly removing the rest of her clothes.

  “Hurry, Kim. I can’t wait for you to touch me,” Nadine begged.

  Kim kissed her lips softly and now removed her own clothes before their bodies came together on the mattress. They kissed for a long time without taking it any further.

  “You know we are married now?” Nadine asked looking into Kim’s eyes. A slight nod followed her grin. “Then I think you should show me how much you love me.”

  Kim didn’t need any further instructions from her bride. Her lips caressed Nadine’s breast and her hand moved to the apex of her legs. Nadine’s moans told her just how much she was enjoying her touches. Her fingers moved into her lover and Nadine’s desire poured from her body. “I love you so much,” she said as Nadine pulled her head to her so she could kiss her. Their tongues danced as her touches brought Nadine to a strong climax.

  “Now you are mine forever,” she said through breathless pants.

  “I’ve always been yours.” Kim now found herself on her back with Nadine looking down into her eyes. “Thank you for being my wife.”

  “You will never have to thank me for that, my love.”

  Lying in each other’s arms later than night, or more likely early morning, Kim turned on her side. “Now that we are married...” Kim began.

  “If the next words out of your mouth are babies or children, I’m going to toss you off the bed.” Kim buried her head in Nadine’s shoulder and giggled. “We were only married a few hours ago and I want to enjoy being your lover for a while before we become mommies.” Nadine lifted her head. “Can we revisit this conversation say a year from now?”

  “Okay. What do we do now?” Kim asked lightly running her fingers over Nadine’s body.

  “I think what you are doing is a good start.”

  “I love you so much, Nadine,” she said before kissing her mouth tenderly.

  “I will love you for the rest of my life, Kim.”


  The honeymoon was everything the two women could have hoped for. They were staying in Aruba in a condo owned by one of Nadine’s clients. It was right on the beach and they took advantage of that fact every day. The romantic dinners and making love topped off the rest of their honeymoon.

  “Do you know how happy I am?” Kim asked as she pulled Nadine’s body to her one morning.

  “Not as happy as I am,” Nadine said chuckling.

  “I could die right now and know that I had the greatest love in my lifetime.”

  Nadine put her hand over Kim’s mouth. “Don’t even think that. I want the next sixty years with you.” She kissed her softly. “I want to make love to you for the rest of my life.”

  Kim laughed. “I think I might have trouble making love to you when I’m in my eighties.”

  “You. I’ll be in my nineties, but I will sure as hell try, as long as I have a breath in my body.”

  “You better. We will just have to pay someone to put you on top of me,”

  “We’re so goofy. It must be because we are so in love with each other.”

  “Must be,” Kim answered as she reached for Nadine’s breast.


  “I hate the fact that we have to go home tomorrow,” Nadine said letting out an exaggerated breath.

  “Me too, but we will come back.” Her hand went through the front of Nadine’s dark hair and pushed it behind her ear. They kissed deeply as their bodies pressed together expressing their love for each other. “I will always remember our time here and you. I will always remember you,” Kim said looking into the dark eyes. “Always.”

  “I will too, my love. Always.”


  One Year Later

  “Mom, I’m going to tell Kim today that I want to start a family,” Nadine said smiling.

  “Oh, Nadine. I’m so happy to hear you say that. Do you think
Kim will be excited?”

  Nadine laughed. “She wanted to start a family right after we got married. Kim will be thrilled. I’m making us a special anniversary dinner and then I’m going to tell her.”

  “I thought I’d never hear the day that you said you wanted to be a mother. Are you going to have the baby or will Kim?”

  “Mom, I think I’m a little too old to carry a baby.”

  “No, you aren’t, but you’d have to do it quickly because you will be too old soon.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Nadine said rolling her eyes.

  Nadine had their dinner in the oven awaiting Kim’s return. Sam had needed Kim’s help with a project and it gave her the opportunity to get the house ready for her surprise. Kim came in the house a few minutes later.

  “It smells wonderful in here,” she said walking over to her bride. “Happy anniversary again, baby.”

  “Happy anniversary. Go sit in the dining room and I’ll bring our plates.”

  Kim sat down at the table and looked at the candles on the table. Nadine came in and put their plates down. Before she took a seat, she dimmed the light.

  “We could have gone out to eat tonight so you didn’t have to go to all this work,” Kim said as she placed her napkin on her lap.

  “I know, but I thought this would be more romantic.” She smiled at Kim and reached for her cheek.

  “Thank you. You are so good to me.”

  “Impossible, Kim. I am living a life I thought I would never have. You changed my world for the better. I love you,” she said before stealing a soft kiss.

  “I love you too.”

  The dishes were cleaned up and now Nadine took Kim’s hand leading her to the living room. “Happy anniversary, baby,” Nadine said handing her a box and card.

  Kim opened the card and read what Nadine had written.

  Kim, you have brought life to a person who didn’t even know how lonely she was. You have brought endless possibilities to the life that we share together. I promise to give you the same for the rest of my life.

  Love, Your Wife,

  Nadine XXOO


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