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Sky (Legacies Book 2)

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by Erin Osborne

  Zoey is my little girl. She’s almost four months old now because I had her almost two weeks early thanks to Jeremy. Thankfully there’s been no long-term effects of having her premature. Zoey is quiet, she has large hazel eyes with the same ring of yellow I have, and a dusting of brown hair on her little head. The only time she fusses is if she’s sick or hungry and even that was too much for Jeremy lately. Not for me though because my entire world revolves around my daughter and she’s the only person I care about.

  I’m scared to death to leave him because I know it’s not going to happen. As far as Jeremy is concerned, I’m his and that’s where I’ll stay until he kills me. He sees me as his property to clean, cook, and make sure his whores are comfortable when they’re in my house. Yeah, I pay all the bills from the inheritance I got from my mom passing away. I didn’t even know about it until I snuck home one day and found the letter in the mail.

  My dad isn’t doing very good. He’s about to lose the house, he’s not working, and he ignored me when I told him I needed help. He hasn’t even seen his granddaughter and I don’t believe he ever will because he’s so lost and in his own head. At this point, I think the county is about to condemn the house because he’s not doing anything to take care of it. Especially the yard as it’s overgrown.

  As I pull myself from my head, I realize I have no clue where Zoey is. I don’t remember anything after blacking out on the bedroom floor with her asleep in her crib next to me. Fear fills me with the thought Jeremy has our daughter and is hurting her or worse. The beeping gets faster and louder in my ears as I continuously look around the room for my daughter.

  “It’s good to see you awake,” a nurse says, walking in my room. “How are you feeling?”

  “Where’s my daughter?” I ask her, panic filling my voice and body.

  “She’s with Kari, your emergency contact,” the nurse answers as she takes my vitals and I sink back into the bed behind me. “Try to stay calm and I’ll get her here as soon as I can now that you’re awake.”

  “T-thank you,” I tell her, offering a small smile. “Can you tell me what’s wrong with me?”

  “Well, you have a badly sprained wrist, there’s a large bump on your head which is why you were knocked out for the last few days, and there’s bruising and cuts all over your body. Do you need anything else?” she asks.

  “No. Just my daughter,” I respond.

  “Alright. My name is Allie and I’ll be in later to check on you,” she informs me, leaving the room after marking down some notes in my chart.

  I close my eyes and try to relax. It’s not easy with the pain coursing through me, but I don’t want anything to end it. When I take pain medicine, I have bad reactions, so I usually don’t bother with them. And I’ve definitely been in the hospital enough times for it to be noted in my chart so the doctors tend not to give it to me. The hardest thing I take is ibuprofen or maybe Tylenol.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I suddenly hear a commotion in the hallway. My first thought is Jeremy is here and he’s pissed. Fear fills me and then dread at the thought of seeing him. I don’t want to have anything to do with him anymore. I’m over the beatings and him threatening my daughter. This isn’t the way to live life; it’s not a life at all.

  When the door opens, I see Kari with my precious angel in her arms. A man is following her with three very large bags in his hands. My eyes widen as I take in the scene unfolding before me. What the fuck is going on?

  “Kari?” I ask without saying any other words because I have no clue who the hell this man is.

  “He’s a friend. Emersyn meet Cooper. Cooper, this is Emersyn. She’s the one who needs help,” Kari tells me and him.

  “What’s going on?” I ask her, getting more confused by the second.

  “Babe, I’m done seeing that asshole put his hands on you. This is the fourth time you’ve ended up in the hospital and it stops now. Especially with him threatening this little angel. The only reason I could get your things is because he was passed the fuck out when I broke in to get her,” Kari informs me. “Cooper is getting Zoey and you out of her tonight and Jeremy won’t be able to find you again.”

  “How am I supposed to leave the hospital when I just woke up?” I ask her.

  “I’ve explained the situation to the doctor on call. He’s going to release you and then if there’s any problems you have to get directly to the hospital. You’ll be with Cooper for several hours to get where you’re going so he’ll be able to keep an eye on you,” she says.

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea,” I say hesitantly.

  “It’s the only idea we have to get you and Zoey out of here alive,” Kari says with tears in her eyes. “And I’m the one losing my best friend because I won’t be able to contact you ever again. Jeremy will know I have no clue where you are and that I have no contact with you if he tracks my phone or anything.”

  “Wait, I don’t ever get to talk to you again?” I ask, more confusion filling me.

  “Not until Jeremy stops looking for you and leaves you alone,” Kari answers me.

  “Cooper, have you ever done this before?” I ask the man who has yet to talk.

  “Yes, I have,” he responds, his deep voice rippling over me.


  Before I can say another word, the doctor comes in the room. He goes over me and checks the vitals that have been recorded in my chart since my arrival. Once he’s satisfied he’s gone over everything, he turns a stern face to me.

  “Miss, you’re very lucky to be alive. The only reason I’m letting you out of here is to get away from the person responsible for your injuries. Security has already escorted him from the property once since you were brought in two days ago,” the doctor warns me. “You get out of here and start your life somewhere new. If you have any symptoms or are in worse pain, get immediately to a hospital. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” I assure him. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  The doctor calls the nurse in to take out the IV in my arm and put some tape on it so I can get dressed. She takes the IV out, undoes the rest of the wires and things on me before taking her leave from the room.

  He nods his head and walks out of the room. Cooper follows after him so I can get out of this gown and into a pair of sweats and large tee-shirt Kari already set on the bed for me. She helps me change and brushes out my long brown hair. Once it’s brushed out, she puts it in a messy bun, and I get out of the bed.

  I move slow as we head out of the hospital room. Kari is carrying the car seat with Zoey sleeping peacefully in it. By the time I’m at the door, the nurse who removed my IV is coming to the room with a wheelchair. Smiling at her, I sit in the chair and they rush me to the front of the building. Cooper wants to get on the road before anyone discovers I’m leaving. Can’t say that I blame him.

  Once we’re outside, Cooper pulls a newer car up to the door. Kari and Cooper help me in the car before Kari buckles Zoey into the base already in the backseat of the car. As soon as she’s done, she hugs me and kisses my cheek to tell me goodbye.

  Kari shuts the door before a word can be said between us. This is our final time seeing one another for an undetermined amount of time. We’ve never gone more than a little bit of time between talking. My heart is breaking right now, and I just want this situation to be over with.

  Cooper looks at me with sympathy and pity in his eyes. It’s a look I’m all too familiar with considering everyone who’s ever seen me covered in bruises looks at me the same way. I’ll be happy as hell when I never have to see someone look at me the same way again.

  “You may as well rest. We’ll be in the car for a while,” Cooper finally tells me.

  I nod my head and lean back in the seat and close my eyes. It’s not long before sleep is claiming me.

  Chapter Two

  Emersyn ‘Sky’ Wilkes

  “WAKE UP, SLEEPY head,” Cooper says, softly shaking me awake. “We’re here.” />
  “Where are we?” I ask, my voice filled with sleep.

  “Brighton Hills,” he answers. “This is home for you. For now.”

  “Oh, okay,” I respond, though it’s not needed.

  Cooper pulls up to what looks like an apartment complex. Even in the dark it looks rundown with more dirt for a yard than actual grass. Chills run through me as I realize this is where Zoey and I will be living from now on. Well, at least on a temporary basis. But it’s better than being somewhere Jeremy can find me.

  “What time is it?” I ask before we get out of the car.

  “It’s a little after eight. Let’s get you and the baby inside,” Cooper responds.

  He grabs the car seat out of the backseat as if he’s done it a million and one times. Cooper doesn’t fumble or not understand how to detach the base from the car seat. I’m honestly in awe and wonder if he’s got a woman and kids at home waiting for him to get back to them.

  As soon as I’m out of the car, Cooper leads me into the complex which has four separate doors. He stops at the door marked number two and pulls a set of keys out of his pocket. After unlocking the door, he lets me go inside before him and flips on the switch so I can see where we’ll be living for the foreseeable future.

  The room in the front is a combined kitchen and living room. There’s a small table on the cracked linoleum that looks as if it hasn’t seen a decent cleaning in an extremely long time. As in ever. When I look at the carpet, I wonder if it’s ever been replaced since the apartment was built. Beggars can’t be choosers though and I’m not in any situation at all to bitch about this place. A little elbow grease and cleaning and it will all be good.

  A couch sits in the middle of the living room with a coffee table in front of it. There’s an old TV on a second table just before that. Nothing else is in the room. The cupboards of the kitchen are open and there’s not a single thing in them. So, I guess there’s no food here either. Oh well. I can get that in the morning because I’m not hungry in the least right now.

  I spot a hallway off the back of the living room and walk down that way. There’re three doors; two on the right side of the hallway and one on the left. The first door I come to is on the right and it’s a small closet with a hanging bar and shelves behind it.

  Walking to the next door on the left, I open it to see a bedroom. It’s not huge, but it’s big enough for the twin bed and I can place a playpen or something next to the bed for Zoey to sleep in. There’s a stained mattress on the bed and I hope I have some sheets in the bag Kari packed up for me.

  Finally, I leave the room and make my way to the last door in the short hallway. It opens up to a bathroom that’s hardly bigger than the closet at the other end of the hall. There’s a toilet right next to the tub and a standing sink with no cupboard or anything underneath it. At least there’s a shower curtain hanging so I can take a shower.

  “It’s not much, but it’s the best we could do on short notice. The club has a few safe houses around the country, but this is the last one we have open. Let’s see what you have packed, and we’ll go from there,” Cooper says to me as I turn to head back to the living room where Zoey is still sleeping in her car seat.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I tell him even though Cooper is already heading back in that direction.

  I sit on the couch and pull a bag over to me. Opening the zipper, I see it’s stuff for Zoey. There’re pajamas, diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, clothes, and several other things she’ll need until I can get her more.

  Cooper is pulling out towels, sheets, a folder he hands over to me, and several other things I’ll need for the house. Looking in the folder, I see it’s all our important papers, including my ID, our birth certificates, and a few other things. The pictures of my parents before my mom died and the ones of Colt and Logan’s family are in there too. They’ll be going in my room by my bed. Well, they would if I had a nightstand. Maybe I can find a cheap one once I find a job. That’s going to be the next thing on my to do list.

  The third bag contains clothes for me. There’s also make-up, a brush, my toothbrush and toothpaste, my purse, and feminine products are in there too. My face heats as a blush covers it as Cooper pulls them out to show me. Not something I necessarily want a stranger to see.

  “Okay. I’m going to run to the store and grab some food. Is there anything in particular you eat? Or don’t eat?” Cooper asks me.

  “Oh, I’m not picky,” I respond. “Um, can I give you money for the food and maybe a playpen for the baby? And cleaning supplies?”

  “Don’t worry about money. I’ll get it all taken care of,” Cooper responds.

  “Oh, okay. Thank you,” I tell him, not used to anyone taking care of me when for the last few years, I’ve taken care of everyone in my life.

  Cooper leaves the apartment and I go to close the door behind him. As I do, there’s an older woman standing outside the door across from mine. She turns and offers me a smile.

  “You’re new here,” she says, walking over to me. “I’m Gloria.”

  “Hello,” I respond, holding out my hand. “I’m Emersyn. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You’re just getting in?” she asks, as I open the door wider hearing Zoey begin to stir.

  “Yeah. Um, would you like to come in?” I ask, not sure what to do right now.

  Gloria follows me in and closes the door behind her. She looks down at Zoey still in the car seat as I slowly grab a bottle to wash with the small bottle of dish soap Kari packed because she knows how I am.

  As I quickly wash the bottle, Gloria sits on the couch and looks down at my daughter.

  “She’s so beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her after filling the bottle with water from the bottle of it that was in the bag and then adding the formula.

  Before giving my daughter her bottle, I remove her from the car seat and change her clothes. She’s soaked with sweat and I know it’s making her miserable. I put her clothes in a pile and then change her diaper on one of the towels because I don’t trust the carpet and what may be on it from whoever was here last.

  As soon as she’s changed, and into a fresh pair of pajamas, I sit on the couch next to Gloria to feed her. This is what I’ve been missing; my daughter’s weight in my arms and her body against me. I may be in a ton of pain right now, but that will never stop me from being there for my daughter. It hasn’t yet in the short time since she’s been born.

  “Honey, can I ask what happened to you?” Gloria asks, noticing my splinted wrist and the bruises and cuts littering my body.

  “Oh, um, I have an ex that liked to use me as a punching bag,” I respond. “A friend helped me get away so I’m in hiding now.”

  “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry to hear that. As far as I’m concerned, a man who beats a woman isn’t no man at all,” Gloria says, sympathizing with me.

  “Well, I can take that. I’ve been dealing with him for almost three years now. It’s threatening my daughter that I can’t stand,” I tell her.

  “He did what?” Gloria asks, completely shocked. “Threatening an innocent baby. You were right to leave, honey. I’m glad you have a friend who helped you get out.”

  “Yeah. My only regret is that I can’t see her right now. In case she leads him to me,” I reply with sadness in my voice.

  “You’ll have her in your life again. I guarantee it,” Gloria says. “I’m gonna head home. If you need anything at all, I’m there. I typically don’t go anywhere at all.”

  “Okay. It was really nice to meet you, Gloria,” I tell her, trying to stand with Zoey in my arms.

  “You sit right there. I’ll shut the door behind me. Don’t forget, I’m here if you need me,” she says before standing and leaving my apartment.

  By the time Cooper got back last night, I was asleep on the couch with Zoey on the inside of it. He woke me up once he got everything put away and the bed made. Cooper even set the playpen up and made sure there was a new, soft blanket in it for
my daughter.

  Cooper made me something to eat because I need to even if I’m not hungry before he let me go back to bed. Instead of leaving, Cooper slept on the couch last night and left first thing this morning. When he left, he gave me a burner phone and his number is programmed into it in case I need something.

  After getting Zoey taken care of, I took a shower, made breakfast, and put everything away. The rest of the day I spent lounging around because I’m in a ton of pain. Well, my body is slowly going down to aching and not in pain like I was when I woke up in the hospital. I’m not dumb enough to think it’s going to go away any time soon. I’ve been through this way too many times to count to know how long it’s going to take me to heal completely.

  The last thing I do before bed is a few loads of laundry. I need to have clothes that are fresh and not full of wrinkles from being in bags for several hours. It’s the only way I’m going to look presentable enough to get some type of job. I’ll have to check with Gloria in the morning to see if she has a paper I can look at.

  Finally, when it’s almost midnight, I climb into bed after making sure all the windows and doors are locked. I check on Zoey in the playpen and then let myself relax enough to go to sleep. My dreams aren’t dreams at all, but nightmares filled with visions of Jeremy coming after us. He’s not going to stop until he has me in his grasp to beat, torture, and kill me.

  Chapter Three

  Emersyn ‘Sky’ Wilkes

  WAKING UP, I hear knocking at my door. After making sure Zoey is still asleep in the playpen, I head to the door. I can’t even look through the peephole to see who’s there because there isn’t one. Without knowing who’s on the other side of the door, I don’t even want to call out to ask who’s there.


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