Sky (Legacies Book 2)

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Sky (Legacies Book 2) Page 4

by Erin Osborne

  “Hell fuckin’ no,” I burst out. “You’re not stayin’ at that fuckin’ place.”

  Emersyn looks at me like I’ve grown two heads and I’m crazy as hell right now. Maybe I am with the thoughts running through my mind right now. One look at Emersyn after she’s grown and I’m ready to commit murder for her in order to give her peace and ready to take on a child as mine when I’ve never wanted kids or a woman of my own. I’m way too young to settle down but when it comes to Emersyn, I’ve always wanted that with her.

  Until we moved, I honestly thought we would settle down and get married. I never let her know how I felt though. Instead, all I wanted to do was nail every female who would look in my direction the same way Logan did. I can’t even say I haven’t been with a bitch this month because I have. But, I just got tested last week and I haven’t been with anyone since then. So, I know I’m clean.

  “I agree with Colt, Emersyn. You’re not stayin’ there when a psychopath is out there waitin’ to catch you off guard. We have an apartment over our garage and you’re gonna stay there,” my dad tells her. “The baby and you can stay there for as long as you need to. We’ll work out everythin’ else later.”

  I watch as my dad helps Emersyn stand from her chair and pulls her in for one of his bear hugs. She flinches with the pain already filling her body and my dad releases her. Walking over next to her, I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her close to me.

  “I’ll take her to get her daughter and their things right now,” I tell my parents, knowing I’m supposed to work tonight.

  “Take the night off. Logan can work for you tonight,” my dad says to me. “You focus on gettin’ Emersyn and the baby settled in.”

  “You guys don’t have to do all this for me,” she says, completely having lost all of the confidence she used to have.

  “Like hell we don’t. You’re family, honey,” my mom tells her. “By the way, we don’t usually hire anyone under twenty-one, but I think we’ll make an exception in this case. But, you’re not even practicing until you’re completely healed. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Emersyn answers. “Thank you so much.”

  “Baby girl, we just got you back in our lives and no one will ever touch you again,” my dad assures her. “You go get your things and we’ll check on you later.”

  Emersyn and I leave the club with the eyes of Carver, Bounce, Breaker, and Vanish on us. They all know how I am with women and I’m showing more attention and feelings toward Emersyn than they’ve ever seen. Throw in the fact my parents have claimed her as family and no one is going to say a single word against Emersyn. They may make smart ass comments toward me about her though.

  “How did you get here?” I ask her.

  “This car. It’s Gloria’s,” she tells me as she starts slowly walking that way.

  “I’ll follow you,” I say once she’s got the door open and is sitting behind the wheel.

  She nods and I shut her in the car while walking over to my bike. The entire way over there, I can’t believe she’s really here. Emersyn is back and this time, I’m not letting her go. There’s something about her that calls to me; almost as if she’s the other half to my soul. It’s always been this way between Emersyn and me. I was just too chicken shit to tell her about it before we left because I never thought we’d see one another again.

  Plus, I knew she wasn’t ready to have sex. Emersyn is two years younger than me and I wanted to learn what to do with a woman so when she was ready, I knew what to do to make it the best possible experience for her. At least that’s what I told myself. In reality, I was a horny as fuck teenager and started fucking anyone I could just because of the way I look.

  Logan started having sex before me and he used to brag because he was younger than me and was already fucking half the females in school. He didn’t understand I wanted to be with Emersyn because he only saw her as a little sister. When I’d finally had enough of him bragging, I said fuck it and had sex. From there, that’s all I’ve been doing. In the process, we both pushed Emersyn away and then ended up moving away.

  All this time, she’s needed us, and we weren’t there for her. Well, that changes today and she’s going to have to get used to being my woman. Emersyn will become my ol’ lady and her little girl, Zoey, will be my little girl. No one is going to get in the way of us being together. Including me.

  As I follow her the short distance to the apartment complex, my thoughts drift to her daughter. I wonder how much she looks like Emersyn and if she’s a good baby. I want to know what she’s like and how much sleep Emmy actually gets with having a four-month-old. Right now, there’s no way to tell because of her black eye.

  We pull into the apartment and I park next to her. Well, I guess I really didn’t think this shit through. I’m on my bike and Emersyn doesn’t have a vehicle of her own. How the hell am I supposed to get them to my parent’s house? I can’t exactly fit Emersyn, a baby, and their belongings on a bike.

  By the time I’m getting off, I’m wondering if her neighbor will help us out. At least by taking us to Legacies so I can switch my bike out for Mom’s truck. She’s got the extended cab and I can easily fit everything in it. Well, I hope I can. I have no clue if her neighbor’s car will actually fit all their things.

  “Are you ready for this?” I ask Emersyn as she gets out of the car.

  “I don’t know, Colt,” she tells me. “I’m sure I’ll be fine staying here.”

  “No, you won’t. There’s no security here and there is at Mom and Dad’s house. He’s the President of Kings Vengeance Motorcycle Club and takes it all very seriously. So, you’ll be safer there than anywhere else,” I tell her, not giving her a choice in the matter. “Now, let’s go get your things and ask Gloria if she can give you and the baby a ride to Legacies so I can get Mom’s truck.”

  She nods her head at me, and I follow her into her apartment. There’s a woman sitting on the couch holding a little baby. The woman looks up and smiles at Emersyn while moving the baby to hand her over to her mom. I watch the interaction from just inside the doorway.

  “Um, Gloria, this is Colt. I’ve known him a long time. Zoey and I are moving to his parent’s house,” she tells her.

  “That’s good. Your dad is Blood?” she asks me.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I respond.

  “No better place for you and little Zoey,” Gloria assures her.

  “Um, ma’am, is there any way you could give Zoey and Emersyn a ride to Legacies so I can get my mom’s truck to take them to their house?” I ask her.

  “You bet ya. Let me know what else you need from me,” she says.

  “Nothing until I’m ready to go,” Emersyn answers her.

  Emersyn puts Zoey down in the playpen after giving her a one armed snuggle. I watch as she disappears down a hallway and then go to follow her. Coming to the only door on the left, I look in and see her packing her things. It honestly doesn’t look as if she’s going to have much of anything here.

  “How much of this stuff is yours?” I ask her, coming in the room and up close behind her.

  “Oh, just the clothes, the playpen, and a few little things in the bathroom and closet across the hall. I have three bags for our things. Oh, and there’s some food in the refrigerator Cooper bought last night. I’m not sure what else he bought,” she replies.

  “Okay. I’ll go get the things from the bathroom and closet. I’ll make sure to separate the dirty clothes,” I say. “You finish up in here and then I’ll sort the rest of the apartment.”

  Within an hour we’re heading away from the apartment complex. Emersyn and Zoey literally have nothing to their names and that’s about to fucking change. Especially once my mom finds out. She’s going to spoil Zoey like crazy and I know she’ll do the same with Emersyn. Everyone will because you only have to be in Emmy’s presence for a few minutes and you fall in love with her.

  I follow Gloria to Legacies and see Mom’s truck still parked there. She must
have decided to get some work done before heading out. Running in, I grab the keys from her and let her know I’ll be back in a little bit. After switching Emersyn’s things over and her saying goodbye to Gloria, I put Zoey in the truck, and we head out.

  It takes fifteen minutes to get from Legacies to my parent’s house. She looks at their large home in awe because it’s a lot different than what we had when we were neighbors. Mom and Dad actually own a hundred acres and the clubhouse has its own driveway and sits out behind their house. It’s far enough away they don’t hear the commotion when there’re parties and you can’t even see it from the house. Emersyn will find out about it in time.

  “We’re here. Let’s get you guys upstairs and then I’ll get groceries while you get settled in,” I tell her, grabbing all three bags while she takes Zoey’s car seat in her good hand.

  Zoey’s eyes are open, and I see they’re the same hazel color with the ring of yellow around them. Depending on her mood, I guarantee they’ll change to an almost complete yellow or gold color; the same as her mother’s. Zoey is going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older for sure. Her mom is but no one else will ever touch her but me.

  Setting the bags in the door, I decide to let Emersyn look around for herself. I don’t need to give her the tour of such a small place. Well, it’s small, but it’s bigger than the apartment she was just in.

  “Make yourself at home. I’m goin’ to take Mom’s truck back and get you some groceries. I’ll be back soon,” I tell her, looking closely at her.

  Emersyn looks like a doe caught in headlights right now and I want to wrap her in my arms until she feels safe and protected. Instead, I head for the door before I completely overwhelm her and take her to bed. Right now, she needs food and rest. I’ll be staying here to help her with the baby until she’s healed enough not to worry about it.

  Closing the door behind me, I press the heel of my hand against my hard cock and release the breath I was holding. I guess my feeling about something happening today was right; something very good happened. Jogging down the steps of the garage, I head for the truck and leave Emersyn alone after making sure to close the gate so no one can get to her while I’m gone.

  Chapter Five

  Emersyn ‘Sky’ Wilkes

  AFTER COLT LEFT me in the apartment at his parent’s house, I walked through the large space. Walking in the door, there’s a combined living room and kitchen. Both areas are all hardwood flooring and are larger than the small apartment I was just in. There’s a couch, a recliner, a large TV mounted to the wall, and bookshelves. The kitchen has a ton of cupboard space with an island and four stools sitting at it.

  Walking further into the apartment, I see there’s three doors down a narrow hallway. The first door is a small laundry room with a washer, dryer, and a rack for hanging clothes up on. There’s also a counter to fold clothes on. Opening the second door, I see a larger bedroom. There’s more than enough room for the Queen-sized bed, nightstands, and playpen to be in here. I open the door in the room and see a decent size closet. Back in the hall, I go to the last door and see a large bathroom. It’s got a soaker tub, a standing shower big enough for a few people with multiple shower heads, a toilet, his and her sinks. A cabinet is also by the toilet for towels and other goods belonging in the bathroom.

  Once I’ve walked through the apartment, I set the playpen up because Zoey’s getting tired. She’s rubbing her eyes and is slightly fussy. It’s not easy to set up the playpen with only one hand, but I manage to do it. After getting it ready for her, I grab her bag and take out a diaper, the wipes, and her formula. The bottle and water are already in the kitchen.

  Zoey makes noises as I change her and place her back in the car seat so I can make her bottle. Thankfully there’s a microwave here so I can warm the water up. I don’t like doing it this way, but there’s not a lot of time before she starts crying for her food.

  Walking back into the living room, I set her bottle on the table next to the couch and pick my daughter up. Once she’s in my arms, I sit on the couch and pick up her bottle. Zoey greedily sucks on the nipple to get her formula as I rub a finger down her cheek. She barely finishes the bottle before she’s passed out. So, I set her bottle down on the table and get up to place her in the playpen in the room.

  Once she’s down and I know she’s not going to wake back up, I head back to the living room. Sitting down on the couch, I pick up the remote and see the TV is a smart TV. Instead of putting on a movie channel or anything else, I pick YouTube, putting on A Day To Be Alone by One Less Reason.

  In the last forty-eight hours, so much has changed in my life. Most of it good because I’m away from Jeremy and his drug addicted, abusive ways. Then I found Axel, Tonya, and Colt again. The only problem with that is my crush on Colt is now back with a vengeance and I don’t want to have feelings for him. I don’t even know who he is now. We’ve both changed a lot and I don’t know if it’s for the better or worse yet.

  Colt stands over six-foot tall now. His hair is still the same dirty blond but it’s a little longer than I remember him wearing it. Well, the top is longer while the back and sides are shaved short. He’s still got those grey eyes I swear can look straight through a person to see their soul. While his body is still on the athletic side, he was always playing football or baseball, there’re more muscles now. And of course, the tattoos. Today he’s got growth on his face and I’m not sure if it’s something he normally keeps, but I like the look on him. In my opinion, Colt Johns has only gotten better looking with age.

  The tears start falling and I can’t stop them. I’m sitting alone in the Johns’ apartment ugly crying because I’m so overwhelmed with everything going on in my life right now. I don’t know which way to turn or who to turn to. There’s no way I’m going to burden Tonya, Axel, and Colt with my problems. They’re my problems and they don’t need to step in to help me.

  I’m crying so hard I don’t even realize Colt’s back until he sits down next to me and wraps his arms around me. He pulls me into his lap and lets me cry against his shoulder for a while.

  His presence calms me and soon I find my tears drying as I cuddle in his embrace. More of the feelings I have for him rush to the surface as he comforts me. Tilting my head up to look at him Colt leans down and kisses me. He presses his lips against me, and I savor the feeling. This is the first time Colt has kissed me and it feels as if an electric jolt is shooting from him directly to me.

  Colt slides his tongue against my lips and I open my mouth for him. He slides his tongue in my mouth and I slide mine against his, letting him suck my tongue into his mouth. One hand tangles in my hair and I moan into his mouth. Without breaking the kiss, Colt stands up and lays me down on the couch under his body.

  I feel his hand sliding up under my shirt and go to the sports bra I’m still wearing. He lifts it up over my boobs and finds my nipple. A jolt shoots through my body at the contact as he pinches and pulls my nipple until it’s a hardened peak. I arch my body up into him and he lets more of his body weight fall on me.

  “Emmy, my Emmy, I need you,” he tells me, his voice hoarse and filled with lust when he breaks the kiss.

  Colt kisses down my neck until he reaches my nipple. He sucks it into his mouth and bites down before taking the sting away with his tongue. I tangle my fingers into his hair to hold him in place. This time it’s his turn to moan as I dig my fingers in deeper as he sucks harder on my nipple.

  He only stops long enough to get my shirt and bra off. Once they’re gone, he takes a minute to stare down at me. Colt lifts his body off of me and taps my hips to get me to lift them so he can strip my sweats and shorts from my body. As soon as I’m stripped bare before him, Colt quickly removes his own clothing, flinging everything except his cut to the floor in front of the couch. He lays his cut over the closest chair and then comes back to me.

  I stare at his body, taking in every single detail. He’s got a tattoo on his chest that’s a set of angel wings with a name
I can’t quite see in the center of them. His nipples are pierced and I see washboard abs leading down to that sinful, sexy V. A trail of hair starts just below his belly button and leads down to his hips. Looking at his hard length, I see several barbells lining all the way down his cock. My eyes widen in shock because I’ve never seen anything like it before. Not to mention he’s huge. I’m not sure he’s even going to fit.

  “Open those legs for me,” Colt rasps out.

  I do as he tells me to and spread my legs before him. It’s his turn to stare at me as he takes in every single detail of my body, including the stretch marks from carrying Zoey. I don’t hide my body from him because it’s a part of me and he’s either going to like it or not.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says, his voice even deeper than before.

  Colt climbs back in between my legs and lowers his face to my pussy. I jolt as he slides his tongue through my folds. He does this several times before sucking my clit into his mouth. At the same time, he slides a finger inside my channel and begins to slide it in and out.

  I try to arch my body up into his touch, but Colt places an arm across my lower stomach which prevents me from moving. My body is already tightening as my orgasm begins to coil within me.

  “Please. Colt,” I plead with him.

  He doesn’t let up as he continues to slide his finger in and out of me, adding a second one. I’m not sure what the hell he does, but Colt starts hitting a spot inside me pushing me closer and closer to the edge. It takes him biting down on my clit to throw me over the edge.

  “Colt!” I yell out, digging my fingers into his hair.

  As I come back down from flying over the cliff, Colt begins to slow his fingers down but doesn’t stop sliding them in and out of me. When he feels I’m done, Colt pulls from me and sits back on his haunches. I watch as he slides his fingers in his mouth and sucks my juices off. That was sexy as hell and not revolting like I thought it’d be.


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