Sky (Legacies Book 2)

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Sky (Legacies Book 2) Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  “You ready for me, Emmy?” he asks, sliding his hand up and down his cock.

  I nod my head as I watch him. Words don’t form as I stare at him.

  “Need the words, baby,” he tells me, leaning down closer and pulling a nipple in his mouth again.

  “Yes, Colt. I’m ready for you,” I finally tell him, finding my voice.

  He lays down between my thighs and rubs his cock through my folds, letting it get covered in my juices. Finally, Colt slides the tip of his cock inside me. I gasp as he stretches me and slides in further.

  “I’m not made of glass,” I tell him, knowing he’s trying not to hurt me.

  Colt takes my words in and it seems to snap the control he’s been trying to hang on to. He slides out, leaving just the tip of his cock in me, before slamming his entire length inside my body. I scream out as he stretches me. Colt gives me a minute to adjust to his size and remains still over my body. His entire body is shaking in his attempt to remain still.

  I try to move my body beneath him. Colt gets my silent approval to start moving and slides out of me. He sets a startlingly fast and hard pace as he slides out and slams back in repeatedly. I wrap my legs around his hips and my good arm around his neck. My bad wrist lays against the couch and Colt makes sure he doesn’t hit it or jar me too much as his arm is beneath us to hold me in place.

  Already I can feel myself tightening and another orgasm building within me. Colt moves one arm to reach between us as he begins to rub my clit, pinching it every now and then. It’s not long before I’m tightening around him and yelling out his name once more. He thrusts in me three more times before he buries himself inside me and stills his body.

  “Emersyn!” he yells out as his own orgasm crashes over him.

  Colt rolls us so we’re laying on our sides, facing one another. He keeps his arms wrapped around me and rubs one up and down my back as our breathing begins to return to normal. That’s when I realize he didn’t use a condom. I didn’t even think about it when I was staring at his body and anticipating being with him; the one person I’ve always wanted and never thought I’d have.

  When our breathing is normal again, Colt gets up and heads to the bathroom. I hear the door shut and nothing after that. Instead of sitting up to get dressed, I remain laying down while I wait for him to get out of the bathroom so I can clean up. Colt completely shocks me when he walks back out to me and begins to clean me with a warm washcloth. The second I’m clean, he helps me sit up and disappears again. When he comes out of the room again, Colt is carrying Zoey who’s buried in his chest with her head resting on his shoulder. My ovaries explode at the sight of him carrying my baby girl.

  “I’m gonna get dressed and make us dinner. How about a quick and easy dinner of fries and BLTs?” he asks me, handing Zoey over to me after I put my shirt on.

  “Sounds good. I’ll change her and help you,” I tell him.

  “No. I’ve got dinner. You sit down and be with your daughter,” he says, pulling his jeans on and buttoning them up.

  Colt doesn’t bother putting his shirt back on and I’m not going to complain one bit over the view I have if I turn my head a little bit. I only get up to make Zoey a bottle while she’s laying on her blanket on the floor with her teddy bear. There’s a knock on the door as I’m heading back to her and I freeze.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Colt says, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his body. “Logan heard you’re here and wants to see you for himself.”

  “I thought he had to work tonight?” I question.

  “Dad made an exception and got someone else to cover his shift,” he responds, letting go of me to head to the door.

  Logan comes in as I sit down with Zoey in my arms. It’s definitely not easy taking care of her with only one good arm, but I’m managing. In seconds, Logan is standing in front of me, looking down. He’s an inch or two taller than Colt so I’m thinking he’s around six-foot-four. Logan towers over me as I sit before him on the couch. And he’s intimidating as he stares down at me.

  “Emersyn, I can’t believe you’re really here,” he finally says. “How did you know we were here?”

  “I didn’t. I was brought here and then showed up at Legacies to audition. There was never any connection to your family and being here,” I answer him honestly.

  “I’d ask how you’ve been, but I don’t think I need to,” he says looking at his brother.

  There’s some sort of silent communication between the brothers and I’m not sure I want to know what’s going on. Though I have a strong feeling it has to do with my ex. Part of me is scared while the other part wants them to do something to ensure Jeremy never bothers me again.

  I’m not scared about them getting hurt; I fully believe they can take care of themselves as always and they have an entire club at their back. The only thing I’m scared of is one of them getting in trouble for taking out Jeremy and ending up in prison because of it. It will kill me if that happens.

  Logan finally sits down next to me and looks at Zoey. She’s staring back at him as he smiles at her. I watch on as he reaches out his finger to her and she grabs on to him. Zoey smiles at him and I swear Logan melts at her small, innocent smile. I do every single time, so I know what he’s feeling.

  “So, are you two done hookin’ up for the night?” Logan asks, never one to hold back what’s on his mind.

  I blush as Colt laughs at his question.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say to him, averting my eyes from him.

  “Em, I heard you screamin’ Colt’s name from outside. Now, as far as I’m concerned, I’m crashin’ your little party tonight. It’s goin’ to be the three of us just like the old days,” Logan informs us.

  “I don’t have a problem with that, little brother,” Colt says, beginning to place our plates on the island. “Dinner’s ready.”

  Getting up, I head for the island with Zoey in my arms. Logan scoops her from me and puts her in his lap. Once again, my ovaries are on fire as I see him holding my little girl.

  Logan is Colt’s opposite in every way. While Colt is light with his dirty blond hair and gray eyes, Logan has dark brown hair with brown eyes. His eyes are the color of warm chocolate on a hot summer day. He’s taller than Colt and is the more carefree of the two. Colt has always been more serious. Well, that was before. I don’t know how they are now though. I guess I’ll have to find out and there’s plenty of time to do that if Tonya and Axle have any say in the matter.

  Chapter Six

  Emersyn ‘Sky’ Wilkes

  WAKING UP THIS morning, I’m hotter than I’ve ever been in my life. Glancing from one side of me to the other, I see Logan on one side and Colt on the other side of me. Last night flashes before my eyes as I slowly begin to slide out of bed. Not that I had sex with both brothers because that’s disgusting. Well, only because Colt and Logan are brothers.

  Logan, Colt, and I had spent the night reminiscing about the past and the things we got up to while we were younger. They took turns helping me take care of Zoey and looked hot as fuck while they were doing it. Colt even gave her a bath, making her laugh and squeal in delight as he washed her and got her ready for bed.

  After Zoey was in her playpen for the night, the three of us sat on the bed and watched a movie. I can’t even tell you what movie it was because I ended up falling asleep just after the beginning of the movie. I’m not even sure how I ended up in bed between the two men. I’m not going to complain though; it’s just like when we were younger and had sleepovers.

  The second I get out of bed, leaving the two men there, I go to the bathroom to take care of business. Once I’m done, I go back into the bedroom to grab Zoey to give her breakfast and change her for the day. We sit in the living room and I change her diaper before feeding her. Once she’s fed, I change her into a little summer dress Kari got her. It’s pink with little white hearts on it. There’s a matching hat to go with it; not that she’s wearing it while we’re i

  After sitting her in the car seat because I don’t have anything else to put her in, I head to the kitchen and check to see what Colt bought yesterday. I didn’t have a chance to look at the groceries and whatever else he picked up for me. Opening up the refrigerator, I see it’s completely full. There’s milk, juice, eggs, bacon, and everything else I could want. The freezer is also packed with food.

  Opening up the first cupboard, I see it’s full of formula and baby food. Extra bottles and small baby spoons also fill the cupboard. Nothing has been washed yet as there’s still labels and packaging on everything. I haven’t even put Zoey on baby food yet, but it’s coming soon. The next cupboard is filled with tea, cereal, oatmeal, and crackers. All things I used to eat and drink when I was younger. There’s a cupboard filled with cups and coffee mugs then another with plates and bowls. The kitchen is completely stocked with everything Zoey and I will ever need.

  Pulling out the eggs, bacon, bread, milk, coffee, and orange juice I begin making breakfast. I mix the eggs with the milk to make scrambled eggs after putting the bacon in a frying pan. Before dumping the eggs into the frying pan, I start the coffee so it’s ready to go when the rest of the food is.

  Mixing the eggs up as they cook, I put the first two pieces of bread in the toaster. Flipping the bacon, I hear the first sounds of one of the guys up. I don’t pay attention to them as I look over at Zoey and see her playing in her car seat with her little teddy bear. She’s chewing on the ear of the thing as I smile down at her.

  Putting my attention back on the cooking food, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and I know instantly it’s Colt. The chills racing up my body let me know it’s him. I’m not even sure how to explain the feelings he evokes in me.

  “What’s all this?” he asks, resting his chin on my shoulder as he looks at the food cooking.

  “Breakfast for you big lugs,” I answer him.

  “And you,” he says, letting me know I’ll be eating with them too.

  “Yes, me too,” I respond as he turns from me and pulls the two pieces of toast out of the toaster.

  After buttering the toast and setting it on one of three plates he’s pulled from the cupboard, Colt makes himself a cup of coffee. He doesn’t leave my sight other than to bend down in front of Zoey to play with her.

  “Good mornin’, Princess,” he says to her, running a hand down her cheek.

  She smiles up at him and I know he’s well on his way to winning my daughter over. Even if she’s only four months old. Holy shit! Zoey’s four months old today. She’s getting so big and I know it’s only a matter of time before she’s crawling and then walking. Talking and beginning to assert her independence. My baby isn’t going to be a baby forever and the thought saddens me.

  “What’s wrong, Emmy?” Colt asks, setting his cup on the island.

  “I just realized she’s four months old today and she’s not going to be a baby forever. So, it made me a little sad,” I tell him honestly.

  There’s never been a time I haven’t been honest with Colt. Or Logan. I have no secrets from them, and I don’t think I ever will. If I choose to stay in Brighton Hills. That’s still up for debate. Because with the way I feel for Colt, I don’t know if I can stay here. I’m not dumb, this is just sex for him. Colt is a friend and that’s all he’ll ever be. Right now, we’re just friends with benefits and it breaks my heart to realize it will never be more than that.

  I can’t stay here and let Colt in more than he already is. Colt is the one man on Earth who has the power to break me completely. Even Jeremy couldn’t do that because I never truly loved or cared for him. I was scared of him and didn’t want him to beat me anymore than he already was. So, I stayed until I thought it was safe to leave him when he wouldn’t find me. It never happened like that, but I tried.

  “Morning everyone,” Logan says, walking in the kitchen as if it’s an everyday occurrence.

  “Hey, Logan,” I reply. “Breakfast is ready.”

  “Perfect timin’ as always, little brother,” Colt says, a smile on his face as I plate the eggs and bacon.

  “We gotta head out after eatin’,” Logan informs us. “Dad messaged me with an order for the cookout today.”

  “Okay,” Colt answers, leaving me out of the conversation.

  We all eat, and I keep one eye on Zoey. She’s still playing with her bear and not paying attention to us at all. I really need to get her some toys and things to play with. She can’t be in the car seat or the playpen all the time. Hell, she can’t sleep in the playpen forever either.

  “What’s got you so lost in thought again?” Colt asks me.

  “Oh, um, nothing,” I say, taking a sip of my juice.

  “It’s not nothin’ with the concern I see on your face,” he says, ignoring Logan sitting here beside me.

  “Fine,” I huff out. “I was just thinking how I need to get some things for Zoey. Toys and things for her to play with. Plus, she can’t sleep in the playpen forever. I just have to start working before I can do any of that.”

  The two brothers once again have a silent communication with just their eyes. It’s creepy as hell and I want to be let in on the secret, but I already know better than to ask them what’s going on. Neither Colt nor Logan will let me know until they’re ready to.

  So, I go back to eating my breakfast and try to ignore them.

  The second we’re done eating, Colt and Logan clean up the kitchen before they head out. Colt places a kiss on my lips before he follows Logan out the door. Once I’m alone with Zoey, I sit on the couch and pick her up. There must be something I can do today with no car or anything else.

  Before I can decide what to do, there’s a knock on the door. I tamp down the fear and nerves as I place Zoey in the car seat and walk slowly toward the door. My only thought is wanting to get over this fear of every person knocking on my door being Jeremy.

  “Emersyn, honey, it’s me,” Tonya calls out through the still closed door.

  I quicken my steps and open the door to see Tonya’s smiling face. She comes in the apartment and I watch as she goes directly to Zoey. This is the first time she’s seeing her. I’m honestly surprised she’s waited this long to stop by. Then I wonder if Colt had anything to do with it.

  “She’s so precious,” Tonya says looking from her to me.

  “Thank you,” I respond, shutting the door and walking over to them.

  “Now, we have places to be,” Tonya says suddenly. “Do you have a stroller or anything for her?”

  “Oh, um, no, I don’t.”

  “That’s okay. We’ll make it work until you get one. Come on,” she says. “Get some diapers and whatever else you’ll need for her.”

  “Where are we going?” I ask her.

  “To the clubhouse. There’s a family cookout today and we want you there,” she responds like I’m told this every day.

  “Tonya, I’m not . . .,” I begin to say.

  “Nonsense, Emersyn. You’re our family and you’re going to be there with us. We want you to get used to the guys because they do show up in Legacies from time to time. You need to know who they are,” she tells me.

  “Okay. I guess that makes sense,” I respond though I don’t fully believe it.

  I walk into the bedroom and grab diapers, wipes, an extra outfit, and a small bag to put it all in. After making sure I don’t need anything else from there, I walk into the kitchen and grab her formula, an extra bottle, and make her one really quick before we leave.

  Tonya has the hat on her, and she’s strapped into the car seat already. She’s waiting for me by the door and I meet her there. I’m still moving kind of slow and I don’t rush to get to her. The nerves I’m feeling are normal for me because I’ve had them ever since my mom was killed. Not knowing what was going to happen makes me nervous and I have to learn how to deal with it.

  We get in the truck and Tonya fastens the baby in the backseat. Within seconds, we’re off to the clubhouse. I’m
not sure where it is, but she pulls out of the driveway and follows the road in front of the house for less than a mile before she turns down another driveway.

  The second driveway is paved and there’s a large gate we have to go through. It looks as if the gate is connected to the gate at their house. I look at Tonya and she’s smiling.

  “Have you figured it out yet?” she asks, looking at me.

  “I don’t think so. Is this all your property?” I ask her.

  “Yeah. We had no choice but to leave when we did. Blood was a part of the club, but he had taken some time off. We were going through some shit and he wanted to work on saving our marriage. So, we left Brighton Hills and moved by you. Blood was only a member at that point and was granted the time off. When we left, there were some things going down in the club and he had to come back. The second we did; he was voted in as President and we haven’t looked back since.”

  “If I had known what was going on with you, we would’ve been there for you in a hot minute. Emersyn, you have no clue the pain I feel that you’ve been going through all this shit alone. And to look at you and see the evidence of some asshole putting their hands on you. I’ve never seen Blood, Colt, or Logan as pissed as I did yesterday. Blood had to hold Logan back when he found out. He looks at you as a sister,” Tonya tells me.

  “There was nothing you could do to help me. I had to go to hell to get where I am. I’m hoping I’ll be able to work enough to get my own place, get my GED, go to college, and get what Zoey needs. There’re things she needs and I just can’t get them for her right now,” I say to her. “The boys always see me as their little sister. Just like they do now.”

  “Honey, you’re gonna learn who does and who doesn’t see you as a sister,” Tonya tells me evasively.

  I honestly have no clue what’s going on right now. Tonya is talking in riddles and I don’t have the patience to figure it out right now. Especially when a building comes into view.

  The building is large and looks like a huge warehouse. There’s a long line of bikes parked in front of it. Tonya parks her car on the opposite side of the door. She shuts the truck off and gets out before grabbing Zoey out of the back. I grab her bag and get out, having to jump down to the pavement below me. It jars my body and I have to take a second because of the pain it shoots through my body.


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