Sky (Legacies Book 2)

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Sky (Legacies Book 2) Page 6

by Erin Osborne

  Tonya waits for me and we walk in the front door together. Through the door, I have to let my eyes adjust for a minute. It’s dim in here. To the left of the door, I see a long bar with shelves of alcohol and glasses waiting to be used. Stools line the front of the bar. There’re tables filling the rest of the room. Except for the area where two pool tables sit.

  A large window is at the back of the room on the wall before a dim hallway. I can’t see in the window though so it must have a film on it or something. At the end of the bar there’s a swinging door. One wall has pictures filling the wall. Above those pictures is a flag with the same design I’ve seen on Axel’s vest. It’s in black and white. I’m sure I could look at the place a million times and never see everything in here.

  “Tonya!” a young woman yells from the hallway.

  “Lynne, why are you here?” Tonya asks. “It’s family day which means no sweet butts allowed.”

  “So why is that bitch with you?” the woman asks, pointing to me.

  I’m stunned speechless. I have no clue what I’ve done to this woman to make her hate me on sight. Really, I think it’s best if I go back to the apartment and leave the club to the Johns family. I’m clearly not wanted here.

  “Lynne, I suggest you shut the fuck up,” Tonya says, not raising her voice. “I’m the Queen here and you better fall in line. Obviously, you’re not in any condition to leave, so go to your room and stay put. Don’t ever question me again. Blood will be hearing about this too.”

  Lynne stomps off after flipping Tonya off.

  “Stupid bitch,” I hear Tonya mutter under her breath. “There’s not many rules here. The main one is don’t ever enter the room at the beginning of the hallway down here. And the rooms upstairs are off limits. They belong to the guys. Don’t go snooping into shit either. Stay with Blood or me. The boys will probably be busy all day.”

  “Okay. Tonya, I can go home. Actually, I think it’s a better idea if I’m not here. Obviously, I’m not wanted here for some reason,” I tell her.

  “Bullshit!” Axel yells out. “You’re family here and if we want you here, you’ll be here. Emersyn, you don’t let anyone give you shit; stand up for yourself.”

  I nod my head and sit down at the table Tonya sat Zoey on. Axel, or rather Blood, walks up to my daughter and takes her out of the car seat. He cuddles her to his chest and a smile breaks out on his face. He’s in heaven right now for some reason. Before I can comment, the door opens again, and I turn to see Colt and Logan walk in carrying huge boxes. They nod their heads at me and turn their attention to the task they’re doing.

  Turning my head away, I concentrate on Blood and my daughter. After a few minutes, someone turns music on, and Tonya leads us outside. When we step through the door, I see so many men. More than I thought would be here. They’re all huge and sexy as hell. Only one of them has a woman hanging onto him. She’s heavily pregnant and stunning.

  “Sydney, come here,” Tonya calls out. “I want you to meet Emersyn.”

  The woman walks over to us with a smile on her face. The only time it disappears is when she gets close enough to see the bruises and cuts on my body. Something flares in her eyes, but it’s gone as quick as it was there.

  “You mean the Emersyn you told me about?” the woman asks.

  “The one and only. Showed up for auditions yesterday,” Tonya responds. “Emersyn, this is Sydney. Sydney this is Emersyn. Syd is known as Delight at the strip club. Though she doesn’t dance anymore for obvious reasons. Bounce is her man and will tear any man looking at her limb from limb. You’ll meet him later.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I say, holding out my good hand.

  “You too, Emersyn,” Sydney says. “And who’s the precious one Blood has with him? Looks like you got some competition, Tonya.”

  “That’s our granddaughter, Zoey,” Tonya answers her as my mouth drops open.

  The two women share a look and I’m not sure what it means.

  “Emersyn, why don’t you come sit with Bounce and me?” Sydney asks. “He won’t let me do much right now because he decided to get me pregnant.”

  I follow her after getting a nod from Tonya. Still, I have no clue what to say about her calling Zoey their granddaughter. It’s confusing as hell. I used to be close to the family, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them. Or had anything to do with them.

  “Bounce, this is Emersyn. She’s going to be working at Legacies,” Sydney says, introducing me to her man. “Emersyn, if you need anything, Bounce is one of the bouncers there. He’ll help you out.”

  “Oh, okay. It’s nice to meet you,” I tell him.

  For the next little while, I sit with Sydney and Bounce. They bring me into the conversation as they ask about Zoey and me. It’s honestly refreshing to be around people who don’t just ignore me. We’ll see how this goes.

  Colt followed us outside not long after. His eyes are never far from me because I can feel them on me. I catch his eyes every now and then and he shoots me a smile and a wink. Every single time I feel myself blushing.

  I’ve met so many people so far and I’m never going to remember their names. But I can’t concentrate when Blood still has my daughter in his arms. It’s not because I think he’s going to hurt her; he would never hurt my daughter. I think it’s because no one other than Kari has helped me take care of her. Well, other than Colt and Logan last night. This is all so new for me and I think I’m going to enjoy it while I’m here.

  Chapter Seven

  Colt Johns

  LOGAN AND I got back with the alcohol order Dad placed. The second I walked in the clubhouse, my eyes landed on Emersyn. I had no clue why she’d be at the clubhouse because no one said anything to me. Or Logan based on his gasp. I wonder what the hell my mom is playing at right now.

  The entire time I’m putting the order away, my gaze is locked on Emersyn. Well, until she goes outside with my mom. Dad has already taken Zoey from her and I know he’s not going to give her back anytime soon. My dad already has a soft spot for the baby girl, and I know how he feels. Zoey and Emersyn have me wrapped around their fingers already and I know it’s only a matter of time before anyone else figures out that I want Emersyn as my own.

  As soon as Logan and I are done putting the alcohol away, I make my way out back so I can get my eyes on Emersyn. There’s a deep-seated need to see her and make sure no one else has their eyes on her. I’ll beat anyone who has any ideas of getting into her bed or of getting to know her better. Emersyn is mine; she has been since we were teenagers.

  When I get outside, Emersyn is sitting with Bounce and Sydney. They’re talking and I watch as Emersyn laughs at something being said to her. Walking closer to the grills, I need to check the coolers and make sure the beer is stocked for the rest of the family. I’ll take a break in a little while, but for now, I’m the club’s bitch because that’s what being a Prospect is.

  “Blood, let me see that cutie,” I hear Vanish say, putting his bottled water down.

  My dad actually hands Zoey over to the man and I watch as she cuddles into him. She smiles up at him and I can see she’s already a little flirt. I smile as I watch her with him. Well, until he makes his way over to Emersyn and sits down next to her at the table.

  I stare at the table as I dump more ice in the tubs filled with beer. Vanish is a good guy, he’d be good for Emersyn and Zoey if he wanted an ol’ lady of his own. Right now, he’s just looking for an easy piece of ass and I know that’s all Emmy would be for him. Still, I can’t say a single word to him if he wants to make a play for her because I’m just a Prospect and Vanish is a member of the club.

  A hand clasps onto my shoulder as I begin to dump the ice on the ground instead of the tub in front of me. I’m so lost in my thoughts and in watching Vanish with Emersyn and Zoey, I’m not paying attention to my duties here.

  “What’s got you so lost, son?” my dad asks, staring down at me.

  “Oh, nothin’,” I respond, lyin
g to my father.

  “Son, I know what you’re not tellin’ me. You want Emersyn as your ol’ lady and Zoey as your daughter. When she came in and told us her story, I watched your face and saw the emotions flashin’ through your eyes. Especially when Em said she had a daughter. You got mad that baby isn’t yours. You’ve always been in love with Emersyn. Even before you knew what you were feelin’,” he tells me.

  Looking around, I see no one else is close to us. That’s why my dad is talking to me right now. No one can hear what we’re talking about. Honestly, I’m both stunned and not stunned by my dad knowing what I feel for Emersyn.

  “How?” I ask him, knowing he knows what I mean.

  “Son, I’ve seen the way you look at her and the way you’ve always tried to protect her. I saw the way you were when we moved here, and you couldn’t contact Emersyn. We never told you that by the way. You were miserable and had nothin’ but thoughts of Emersyn since the day you realized how different girls and boys are. What makes them perfect for one another. Now, you’re lookin’ at Vanish like you want to kill him,” he says to me.

  “I didn’t contact her because Emersyn always deserved better than the club. Better than me. Obviously, things have changed, and I don’t want her anywhere other than by my side. I want to claim her as my ol’ lady, Dad,” I answer him honestly.

  “So, make it happen. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Prospect or a fully patched member. Just make sure she’s what you truly want because if you hurt her, I’ll kick your ass myself. And that’s before your mother gets to you,” he tells me.

  “Dad, I don’t even have a home for Zoey and her to live in. I don’t want her stayin’ in the apartment above the garage forever. Hell, she feels like shit because she can’t even afford to get things she needs for the baby. I’m gonna make sure she has them, but I have to go slowly with her,” I say, standing up next to him.

  “Son, do what you gotta do to make her yours if that’s what you want. Do it now,” he tells me, placing a hand on my shoulder and walking away to find my mother.

  We’ve eaten, the music is blaring, and I’ve been watching Emersyn from afar. She’s laughed with Sydney and my mom, danced with them, and been a great mother to Zoey. Emersyn is never far from her daughter and the only time she’s away from her is when she’s in the arms of my parents. That’s the only time she gets up on the dance floor.

  When Zoey has needed a nap, I’ve let Emersyn take her into my room. Before Logan and I went to the alcohol store, I cleaned up my room and made sure it wasn’t only clean, but there were new sheets on the bed and a brand-new comforter. There was no way in hell I was going to put either of my girls in a bed sweet butts have been in. The next thing I’ll be doing is getting a new bed and making sure there’s a crib here for Zoey to use.

  Vanish has been hanging around her for the most part too. He’s even danced with her once. I watched on as Vanish held her close and they danced together. Instead of getting pissed off or anything else, I made my way into the clubhouse. Lynne has tried to get her claws into me every time I go in there too.

  Walking inside to go to the bathroom and grab more beer for the tubs outside, Lynne once again tries to get me to fuck her.

  Turning the corner, I see her sitting at the bar. She perks up the second she sees me.

  “Baby, there you are,” she purrs like that shit’s attractive; it’s not.

  “Lynne, I’m not your baby,” I growl out, already in a foul mood.

  “Don’t be like that, Colt,” she tells me, running her hand down my chest. “You know you want me. I don’t usually fuck Prospects, but I’ll make an exception for you. I’ve wanted you since the day I became a sweet butt here.”

  “Not gonna happen. Back the fuck off,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and forcing it from my body. “I don’t want you and the only reason you want me is because of who my dad is. If he weren’t the President of the club, you wouldn’t be tryin’ so hard to fuck me.”

  “Colt, baby,” she tries again, looking over my shoulder. “What about last night? You wanted me so bad last night when you came here in the middle of the night. I know that new whore thinks she owns you, but that’s not true. You’re mine; you’ve always been mine. And obviously she can’t satisfy you the way I can, baby.”

  Before I can say a word to her, there’s a loud gasp from behind me. Lynne’s face turns into an evil smirk as I hear footsteps running from the clubhouse toward the back door.

  “Oops,” Lynne says as I turn murderous eyes toward her, knowing Emersyn just heard what she had to say.

  “You stupid bitch. Do you know what you’ve just done? Your days are numbered once my parents find out. They think of Emersyn as a fuckin’ daughter and you just upset her. Hope your lies were worth gettin’ kicked the fuck outta here,” I growl out, leaving the clubhouse to go find my girl.

  Running through the back door, I stop as the fire from the pits light the night and search the crowd for Emersyn and my parents. They’ll hear about what Lynne just did and will know Emersyn heard every single vile word she spewed. Lynne wants to be an ol’ lady to a member. Not just any member, but an officer. Those are the only men she lets near her nasty snatch and they only take her when they’re drunk as fuck and there’s no else to be with.

  I finally spot her standing in front of my parents. By the way her shoulders are slumped and how her body is trembling, I know she’s upset, and it won’t be long before my parents are hearing about what happened inside. Making my decision, I walk closer to my family to hear what’s being said.

  “Guys, I’m just really tired and I want to go back to the apartment,” I hear Emersyn telling my parents.

  “Somethin’ happened. What?” my dad asks, stepping in closer to her while holding Zoey closer to his chest.

  “N-n-nothing,” she tells him, tipping her head down so she isn’t looking into his eyes as she tells the lie. “I’m just really tired and while Colt has let me use his room for her naps, I’m sure he wants it for the night.”

  “No, I don’t,” I tell her, stepping up right behind her and placing a hand on her hip. “I’ll take her back to the apartment. Then, I need to talk to you, Dad.”

  “Tonya, take the girls to the truck and Colt will be right there,” he says, wanting to talk now instead of later on.

  As soon as the girls are gone, my dad gives his full attention to me.

  “What happened to Emersyn?” he asks, not wanting to wait.

  “Lynne. I went in to get more beer and she decided it was time to try to fuck me. Again. At one point she said somethin’ about me comin’ back in the middle of the night last night to fuck her and how Emersyn can’t satisfy me. Emersyn heard her and Lynne made damn sure she did, Dad. I saw her lookin’ over my shoulder, but I didn’t think anythin’ of it. This is as much my fault as it is hers,” I tell him, looking down as guilt consumes me.

  “Logan, get Lynne out here. Now!” Dad hollers. “Son, you need to make this right with Emersyn. She’s fuckin’ crushed by what she heard. You love her, let her know you love her and tell her what you want. Don’t fuckin’ hold back from her any more or you’re gonna lose her.”

  I nod my head as Logan brings a struggling Lynne out to us. For a minute, my dad just stares at her. She shows no remorse or guilt as I turn my focus on her. Instead, there’s a smirk on her face and a bruise surrounding her eye. What the fuck?

  “What do you think you’re doin’, Lynne?” my dad questions.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” she says, letting a few tears escape her eyes. “I was sitting at the bar when Colt came in. He tried to push up on me and I wasn’t having it. I’d already been warned by Tonya to be in my room but with everyone out back I thought it would be okay to get a drink. When I wouldn’t give it up for Colt, he punched me in the face.”

  “Like hell I did!” I yell out, causing everyone to stop what they’re doing and look at us.

  I’ve never hit a woman before in my life and I would never
think of hitting one now. Not even a slut who thinks she’s entitled and wants to be with an officer, even a future officer, in the Kings Vengeance MC.

  “You’re lyin’!” my dad says. “My son would never hit a woman. He knows what would happen to him if he did.”

  “I’m not lying to you. He got so pissed at me and I wanted to run out here and tell you, but he took off after that new slut,” she says.

  “That girl isn’t a fuckin’ slut. She’s practically my daughter. “Specs, get me the fuckin’ camera footage.”

  Lynne is suddenly looking around nervously. She didn’t know there’s cameras in the common room. Hell, not many did until right now.

  “I find out you’re lyin’, I’ll let my wife beat the fuck outta you before I kick your ass to the curb,” he says, holding his hand up to shut Lynne up when she was going to say something. “You’ve had your chance to tell your side of things. Now, we’ll let the camera footage show the truth.”

  Specs runs out a few minutes later with his laptop. He stops next to my dad and I stand on his other side to watch the scene unfold. The footage clearly shows me walking into the common room, Lynne trying to seduce me and get me to fuck her. Then it shows Emersyn walk in and that’s when Lynne runs her mouth and does exactly as I told my father.

  When I look up, we’re surrounded by the men of the club. I see rage and anger on all their faces. Especially Vanish, Bounce, Logan, and my dad. Anyone who spends a second in Emersyn’s company can’t help but fall for her. Well, most people. Lynne is obviously an exception because she’s a bitch and has no morals when it comes to becoming an ol’ lady.

  My dad looks up at Lynne who’s got Logan and Vanish at her back so she can’t go anywhere. He’s not happy. I can see the vein throbbing in his forehead. Dad is about to explode and it’s not going to be pretty. At all.


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