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Sky (Legacies Book 2)

Page 8

by Erin Osborne

  “Gloria, I’ll be right there with her bag,” I tell her before heading over to the biker.

  “Take your time, honey,” she says, turning her attention back to my daughter. “I know you’re part of the club Blood and his family belong to. Are you here to watch over my daughter or me?”

  The guy looks at me for a second, shock clearly showing on his face. “Here for the baby. Why?”

  His voice is gruff and sounds like he’s been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day since he was born. He’s got dark hair and brown eyes that almost look cold and filled with hate. The young man has a day’s growth on his face and a ring in his nose. Instead of looking hot, this man looks intimidating as hell.

  “My friend just told me there’s been a man she’s been seeing hang around here lately. I know my ex is searching for me and he won’t hesitate to use my daughter to get me. Please, don’t let anything happen to my baby girl,” I plead with the man as he sits on his bike.

  “Your daughter is safe with me here. I won’t let anythin’ happen to her,” he assures me.

  “Can I at least have your name to let Gloria know so she doesn’t call the cops or some shit?” I ask him.

  “Levi,” he says, offering up a half smile.

  Nodding my head, I walk into Gloria’s apartment to see her feeding Zoey. I sit down next to her for a minute because I know I have to get to the club.

  “Levi is going to be sitting here until I come back and pick Zoey up. It’s for her protection I guess,” I inform Gloria as I let Zoey hold onto my finger while her eyes slowly drift shut. “We had a rough night last night and she didn’t get a lot of sleep. So, hopefully she’ll sleep for you a little bit today.”

  “Okay. Thank you for letting me know he’ll be out there. You go do your job and we’ll be fine,” Gloria assures me as I kiss Zoey on the top of her head and walk back out to the truck.

  The second I’m on my way to the strip club, I try to calm the nerves I’m feeling. Taking deep breaths, I concentrate on the road in front of me because there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to replace this truck if I fuck it up. I’ll have to give Tonya Zoey and any other children I may have in the future in order to make up for the damage. That’s not an option for me so I make sure to do the speed limit and stay away from other traffic on the road.

  By the time I pull into the parking lot of the club, I’m covered in a fine layer of sweat and know I’ll have to do something about getting my own vehicle because I can’t feel so nervous all the time. It’s not healthy.

  After taking a few deep breaths, I get out of the truck and make my way inside. The large man on the door smiles as I pass by and holds the door open for me. He offers me a small smile and I make my way inside. As my eyes adjust to the dim interior, I can feel Colt without ever having to look behind the bar for him. For some reason, I’ve always been able to sense whenever he was in the same room as me. Or close by if we were outside somewhere.

  I ignore him and make my way to the stage where Heaven is. When I’m close to the stage, I set my bag down on one of the tables and strip out of my shirt and pants. Once I’m in my shorts and sports bra, I climb up to the stage and warm up. Heaven doesn’t take her eyes off whatever paper she’s reading right now.

  Once I’m warmed up, I stand up and wait for her to begin our practice. It takes a few minutes for her to finish reading her paper before she slides it in the folder next to her on the stage and she looks at me.

  “Girl, you could cut the sexual tension in here with a damn knife,” she says, keeping her voice low enough for me to be the only one to hear her.

  “W-what are you talking about?” I ask her, pretending I feel nothing toward Colt.

  “Emersyn, don’t pretend you don’t want that man over there. He can’t take his eyes off you. Hasn’t since you walked in the door,” Heaven tells me with a smirk on her face. “Let’s see what you got. Dance for me and we’ll go from there. Obviously, we can’t work with the pole yet until you can take the brace off.”


  I still have the brace on my wrist from the last beating I got. My wrist is down to a dull ache most of the day, but I have a young daughter to take care of and she has to come first, so it’s taking a little longer than I’d like to heal. My injuries have always come second to her.

  “They get the fucker that did that to you?” she asks me when we finally take a break.

  “Nope. My friend helped me get away. Now, I’m scared he’s going to go after her and there’s nothing I can do to stop him because I’m here and she’s still there,” I tell her, blinking my eyes rapidly so the tears building don’t fall.

  “I’m sorry. So, are you sticking around here?” Heaven questions as I gulp water from the cold bottles Colt must have brought to the stage at some point while I was dancing.

  “I’m not sure yet. Only time will tell I guess,” I respond vaguely.

  “Meaning if Blood, Tonya, and of course Colt have nothing to say about it. Girl, they count you as family and I don’t see them letting you leave anytime soon,” I’m told as Colt walks up to the stage.

  “You almost done?” he asks, looking between Heaven and myself.

  “Yeah. She’s done for the day. Emersyn, you’ve got good moves. Any idea how you want to start your routines when you finally can?” Heaven responds and asks me at the same time.

  After taking a few minutes to think about it, I look at Heaven and let her know.

  “I think I want to start my routine at the top of the pole,” I respond.

  Colt and Heaven both look at me and then look up at the pole behind me. I don’t bother looking at it. I’ve been to a strip club, I was forced to go, and one of the dancers started her routine from the top. The men all went crazy because the stage went from being empty to a spotlight showcasing her at the top and then performing the opening of her dance on the way down the pole. That’s what I want to do so I can make money.

  “You sure about that, Em?” Colt asks me.

  I glare at him and look back at the pole. He’s not going to play a factor in the decision I make. I’ve been on my own for so long now and he’s not going to affect my choices anymore. No one is.

  “Heaven, that’s what I’d like to do,” I tell her, turning my back to Colt.

  “Okay, honey. We’ll get it worked out,” she responds.

  “You ready to go?” Colt asks me.

  Nodding my head, I grab my things and head out with Colt. Heaven has a smile on her face as I look at her. She’s reading way more into this situation with Colt than is there. We’re old friends and that’s all we’re ever going to be. Whatever he feels for me won’t matter for long because as soon as I have the money I’ll be moving on. I have to keep moving because that’s the only way Jeremy won’t ever find me.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, I focus on the man in front of me. The second we’re outside, Colt grabs my bag from me. After throwing it in the truck and locking the doors, he turns to me. I can feel the confused look on my face as I wonder what the hell is going on. I came here in the truck and figured I’d be leaving the same way. I have to be able to get Zoey from Gloria’s house.

  “What’s going on?” I ask him.

  “Takin’ the bike, baby,” he tells me, handing me a helmet.

  My nerves ramp up because I’ve never been on a bike before. And I can’t put my daughter on one. So, I wonder what the hell is going on.

  “I’ve never been on a bike before,” I shyly admit. “And, I have to get Zoey so maybe lunch isn’t a good idea.”

  “We’re goin’. Get on,” Colt says, his voice leaving no room for argument.

  He explains how to get on the bike and then tells me to make sure my legs don’t come into contact with the pipes so I’m not burned. Once all that is done, Colt checks the strap on the helmet and we get on the bike. When he turns it on, I give a little squeal because the vibrations shoot straight through me. This is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before in my life. Honestl
y, it’s like being on a huge vibrator and I don’t know if I’m going to like it.

  Hanging on for dear life, Colt leaves the parking lot and soon we’re riding into town. A few minutes into the ride, I let the sensations take over and push my fear to the side. It’s actually freeing and nice to feel the wind wrapping around me. It seems to take all my troubles away. Now, I can understand why the guys love to ride their bikes.

  Before I know it, the ride is over, and Colt is tapping my thigh. There’s a smile on his face as I awkwardly climb from the bike and still feel the vibrations through my body. I almost collapse to the ground but the man next to me steadies me and doesn’t let go until I’m steady once again on my feet.

  “You like it?” he asks, a smile on his face.

  “I love it!” I respond to him, my own smile matching his.

  “Good. Let’s eat. Mom is pickin’ up Zoey and she’ll be back at the house before we are,” he informs me, leading me into the diner on Main Street.

  Chapter Ten

  Colt Johns

  GETTING EMERSYN ON the back of my bike is the best feeling in the world. To hear she’s never been on a bike before makes me extremely happy because I may not have been her first everything, but I can share this with her. I’m the only one she’ll ever be on a bike with. A part of me wants to claim her right now and then drag her back to my house. Yeah, I know it’s a caveman mentality.

  I’ve never had anyone on the back of the bike before, so I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. Feeling Emmy’s tits pressed up against my back and having her arms wrapped around my body is a feeling I’ll never be able to describe. It feels as if her breath is blowing on my neck every time she breathes out. I’m sure it’s just the wind, but my skin still breaks out in goosebumps as she hangs on to me.

  Seeing the smile on her face as she gets off the bike makes me happy. If I have my way, I’ll have her with me as much as possible. Yes, I know I have to think about Zoey and realize there are going to be times we have to take my truck, but when she’s with my parents or someone else, we can take my bike.

  Leading her into the diner, I see Vanish and Ginger sitting at a table and make my way over to them. Ginger is one of the sweet butts at the club. Vanish and she spend time together away from the club because they’re friends. She’s the one sweet butt in the club he doesn’t fuck because of their friendship. It’s weird, but who am I to judge.

  “Mind if we join you?” I ask as Emersyn tenses up beside me.

  “Not at all,” Ginger purrs, looking at me and ignoring the woman by my side.

  I don’t think anything of it as I sit down next to Ginger while Em takes the seat between Vanish and myself. Handing Emersyn a menu, I don’t bother taking one because I already know what I want to eat; the same thing I always order when we’re here.

  “What are you guys doin’ today?” I ask Vanish, ignoring Ginger as always.

  “Not much. I got hungry and didn’t wanna come here alone so Ginger came with me,” Vanish answers as I feel a hand on my thigh.

  Looking down, I see Ginger’s claws rubbing up and down my leg. She’s getting closer and closer to my cock when I put my hand down and toss her hand off me. It seems as if she’s decided to take Lynne’s spot in trying to chase my girl off. Emersyn shifts in her chair next to me and I know it’s because of Ginger. Maybe we should get our own table. I should’ve thought of that before now.

  I turn my attention toward Emersyn and see her still looking at the menu. Her gaze doesn’t leave it as she ignores the rest of us at the table. She’s uncomfortable as hell and I can see how unsure she is just by looking at her eyes.

  “So, Em, when do you think you’re goin’ to start school?” I ask, trying to bring her into the conversation.

  “Oh, um, I’m not sure. I have other things I need to do before I think about enrolling,” she answers.

  “What are you goin’ to go for?” Vanish asks her.

  “Business management,” she answers, still not looking at any of us.

  Ginger scoffs at her response. Emersyn looks up at her and I can see her eyes filling with tears. My girl has always been emotional, and it pisses me off that I can’t do anything to calm her down right now. I turn my glare on Ginger and she doesn’t even acknowledge me.

  “That’s a good choice,” Vanish tells her. “Are you happy to be reunited with Colt and his family?”

  “Yeah. It’s been good to see them again after so long,” she answers, finally looking at Vanish and offering him a small smile.

  Jealousy runs rampant through me. Since entering the diner, I haven’t been able to catch her eyes and here she is offering Vanish, a man she barely knows, a smile. I should be the only one to get her smiles, her tears, and everything else. No one else deserves anything from her.

  “Colt, are you comin’ by the clubhouse later?” Ginger asks, running her hand down my chest.

  Before I can answer, the waitress comes over to drop off Vanish and Ginger’s food while taking our order. I get the cheeseburger with fries and a soda. Emersyn orders a small side salad and a glass of water. She can eat so I know it’s her lack of funds for the food choice.

  “I got it, sweetheart,” I tell her. “Order what you want.”

  “This is what I want,” she responds, placing her menu back in the holder in the center of the table.

  “Yeah, if you think you’re going to make it as a girl at Legacies, you’ll have to lose your fat,” Ginger says, a nasty smirk on her face.

  “Back the fuck off,” I warn her.

  “Colt, if she’s going to work at Legacies and become one of the sweet butts, she’ll have to get used to being talked to like this,” Ginger responds, a pout on her lips.

  “I’ll never be a whore for the club. I’ve been with exactly two men in my entire life and I know you can’t say the same thing. You like to have sex with a bunch of different men, have at it. It’s not my style and I won’t judge you so please don’t judge me,” Emersyn tells Ginger, her voice not at all loud or strong as she speaks.

  “Well, look who knows how to speak to someone who has a pussy and tits,” Ginger snarls at her.

  “Ginger, that’s enough. I’m not dealing with your bullshit today,” I growl out as the waitress brings over our food.

  “Colt, don’t act like I’m in the wrong here. This prissy little bitch comes in and thinks her shit doesn’t stink. She’s no better than anyone else here,” Ginger responds.

  “No, you’re right,” Emersyn says. “I’m sure you’ve never been beaten so bad you end up in the hospital multiple times, beaten until you lose your baby, or raped repeatedly. I’m sure your life is filled with happiness and sunshine. Well, I don’t think I’m better than anyone else. My only concern is providing a life for my young daughter and hoping like hell my ex doesn’t find me because he’ll kill me. Happy now?”

  No one in the diner says a word at Emersyn’s outburst. I watch as she stands up from the table, leaving her small salad untouched.

  “Colt, thank you for the thought of taking me to lunch. I have no interest in eating with someone who wants to judge me because I’ve known your family for a long time. Enjoy the rest of your day and life. Ginger, I’d say it was a pleasure, but I’d be lying,” Emersyn says before turning on her heel and leaving the diner.

  “Are you fuckin’ happy now?” I yell, looking at Ginger. “You’ve wanted to be an ol’ lady for so long and you really think the way to go about that is by pissin’ me the fuck off? I’m done playin’ your games; all of you. Put the fuckin’ word out. No one is to touch Emersyn, look in her direction, or speak to her for any fuckin’ reason. Do you understand me?”

  Ginger nods her head and I know she’s scared as hell. Vanish is looking at me with respect in his eyes. But, there’s also an underlying layer of something else I’m not sure how to read yet. He’ll tell me when he wants me to know what’s going on in his mind. Vanish isn’t a man who speaks his mind normally. I’m honestly surprised he talke
d to Emersyn, but I know it was for me and no one else. He wants her to feel comfortable around all of us and get to know us.

  My anger spikes again as I think of the pain, hurt, anger, and sadness in Emersyn’s eyes. She doesn’t spill information about herself to anyone. Ever. So for her to spew that shit out to Ginger, a fucking sweet butt, pisses me off. She’s got to be so angry and hurt by me sitting down at the table with these two. I just did what I normally do if I come in here and see someone from the club already here.

  “This is your last warning,” I growl out at the bitch sitting next to me. “Don’t ever act as if you have a claim on me or anyone else in the club. You’re there simply to spread your legs and clean. Wait until my mom hears about this. You’ll be lucky to still be in the club after that.”

  I’m surprised I kept my voice low enough so only Vanish and Ginger heard me. My heart is breaking as I think of Emersyn. I know I have to go after her. Plus, I’ve lost my appetite. The food in front of me looks old and unappealing as I stand up.

  “You leavin’?” Vanish asks me.

  “Yeah. Do what you want with my food,” I reply as I pull out my wallet and toss some bills on the table. “I don’t ever want to see you close to me again, Ginger.”

  Turning on my heel I leave the diner and walk to my bike. I look up and down the street. Emersyn isn’t anywhere to be found. Straddling my bike, I put my helmet on and start it up. Backing out of the spot I parked in, I point my bike in the direction of Gloria’s. Yeah, I know my mom was going to pick up Zoey, but I’m not sure if she did yet or not.

  After riding all over town, I get back to the house and park my bike by my dad’s. Instead of going to the apartment to see if Emersyn and Zoey are in there, I walk in my parent’s house. Walking in the kitchen, I see my parents at the table with food. I sit down with them and snag a chip off of my mom’s plate.

  “Get your own!” she yells, a smile on her face.


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