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Sky (Legacies Book 2)

Page 13

by Erin Osborne

  Well, that’s where my intended seat is. Instead, I find myself in Colt’s lap. His chin is resting on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around me. One hand rests on my stomach and Logan doesn’t miss the placement of his hand. He raises an eyebrow in our direction. Colt must let him know something non-verbally because a large smile breaks out on his face and he nods at us.

  Everyone in the club begins to sing ‘Happy birthday’ to me as two of the club members bring a cake to the table. Twenty candles fill the top as I look down at the beautiful cake in front of me. It’s a sheet cake with purple flowers on it. In purple writing is ‘Happy birthday Emersyn’. Once again, tears fill my eyes as I look up at everyone finishing up the song.

  Making my wish, I blow out the candles to a round of applause. Everyone hoots and hollers as I lean back into Colt’s body. This is one of the best days of my life.

  “What did you wish for?” Colt asks me, his voice almost a whisper.

  “I can’t tell you that. If I do, it won’t come true,” I tell him, turning my face to place a kiss on his warm lips.

  He tastes of beer and something unique to him. I get lost in the moment until Tonya clears her throat. We break apart and I look around us, a blush creeping up my face.

  Blood and Logan bring over stacks of gifts for me to begin opening. There are so many boxes, bags, and things for me to open. I’m not sure how they pulled this off because no one remembered until today. It’d be different if Colt and Tonya had planned this a few days ago or something. I’m not going to question anything because I’m not sure I’d like the answers I get.

  The gifts contain everything from gift cards to cash, to finally things I need. Not necessarily for me, but for the apartment and Zoey. Each gift I open makes me fall even more in love with this dysfunctional band of men and women. None of them had to do this for me and I’ll never forget it; not for as long as I live.

  “It’s time I dance with my girl,” Colt murmurs in my ear, still not letting me up from his lap.

  Tangled Up In You by Aaron Lewis is playing through the sound system as Colt leads me to the dance floor in the clubhouse. A few other couples are dancing together and off to the side stands the woman who was staring at Colt a little while ago. She still hasn’t taken her eyes off of him and it’s beginning to creep me out.

  “What’s wrong, angel?” Colt asks me when I don’t relax into his arms.

  “That woman won’t take her eyes off of you,” I tell him, looking over to see her still standing against the wall.

  “That’s Connie. She’s friends with Ginger. After the first time you came here, Ginger is in trouble and not allowed here right now. I’d be surprised if she comes back after the ass whoopin’ Mom put on her,” he tells me. “Trust me, I don’t want that brand of crazy and you have nothin’ to worry about. Remember what I told you?”

  “I remember. She’s just been staring at you for so long now and it’s just making me feel weird,” I say. “It’s like she’s waiting to do something so I doubt you.”

  “We’ll keep an eye on her, angel,” he says, his voice full of promise and I finally rest my head against his chest

  After the song has ended, I make my way to the bathroom. Honestly, I want the bitch to corner me and say whatever’s on her mind. I may not stand up for myself a lot, but I’m not going to be watching my back constantly either. I’d rather the whore for the club say what she has to say so I can continue on with my night.

  It takes minutes for her to follow me into the bathroom. I’m just coming out of a stall when she steps toward me. The woman looks to be in her late twenties with bleach blonde hair and dull, lifeless blue eyes. Her clothes are tight to her body and so revealing I’m surprised Tonya hasn’t had a fit about her being out with all of us here right now.

  “So, you’re the reason Ginger got beat to hell and isn’t allowed here right now? You’re nothing and won’t ever be Colt’s. He’s not a one-woman man and he’ll cheat on you within minutes of you leaving here,” she sneers at me. “In fact, he was with me last night. I’m sore from riding his cock so long. He really knows how to fuck, and fuck hard.”

  “Really? That’s your story?” I question her, getting up in her face. “He was in my bed all night last night. In fact, he was still sleeping when I woke up this morning. You can play all the games you want with the single men. Leave Colt the fuck alone or you’ll be dealing with me.”

  “I’m not scared of you,” she says, rearing back as if to punch me.

  “You hit my daughter and I’ll beat your ass worse than Ginger,” Tonya says, walking in the room. “Get the fuck outta here and I don’t wanna see your face again tonight. Next time, you’re out on your ass with Ginger. She’s no longer welcome back here and it’s because of you. In fact, pack your shit, you’re gone too. I’m not dealing with this shit anymore.”

  Connie glares at me before turning on her sky-high heels and leaving the bathroom. I start laughing my ass off before walking over to wash my hands. Tonya definitely isn’t one to fuck with. I’ll hopefully never be on the bad side of her.

  We walk back to the common room. I watch as Tonya climbs up on the bar and whistles loud as hell. Colt wraps his arms around me, and Blood and Logan stand on either side. Blood has Zoey in his arms as she sleeps peacefully against his chest. This is my family right here and hopefully soon my dad will join us.

  “Listen up!” Tonya yells. “You all like having the sweet butts, strippers, and pieces of strange here. I’m done dealing with their bullshit and I know most of the ol’ ladies are too. You want to keep them coming here, then I suggest you keep their asses in line. Since Emersyn has come home, she’s been basically confronted by two. Things are going on none of you have no clue about and it’s not my job to tell you. One more time I have to deal with a disrespectful sweet butt, they’re all outta here. Do you all understand me?”

  Not a single person in the clubhouse makes a noise until one of the sweet butts steps forward. She’s a brave bitch. This girl is young; she looks as if she’s barely legal honestly. Her hair is so red, it’s almost blinding, and you can tell it comes straight from a box at a cheap store. Or she just hasn’t dyed it in a while. Her eyes are lifeless, green, and narrowed on Tonya before turning her attention to Blood. Then her eyes have some sort of spark to them as she sees him and licks her lips. Ugh! Gross!

  “You’re not the club President,” she says. “We don’t have to listen to you, you stupid bitch.”

  “Slut, you better watch yourself. That’s my ol’ lady and wife. She’s in charge of the sweet butts like you and if she says you’re out, then you’re out. Get the fuck outta my sight,” Blood says as the girl pales beneath the caked-on makeup and runs from the room.

  “Now, Connie is packing her shit to leave here after she was going to hit Emersyn in the bathroom. One more outburst from a whore around here and I’m done. You boys will have to find your fucks for the night at the bar or some other place in town. Now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of the night and I better not have to step in the middle of anything else,” she says, Logan and Colt helping her down from the bar as everyone begins to party once more.

  “Thank you, Tonya,” I tell her when she steps over to me. “I think I had her handled though.”

  “You did, sweetie,” she answers. “I’ve just been around longer and know when one is about to go off the rails. Connie was at that point and there’s no reason for you to fight in your condition.”

  “I can’t thank you all enough for tonight. But, Zoey’s already sleeping and I should probably get her into her bed. I’m about ready for bed myself,” I tell them all. “Colt, you mind taking me home before you come back here?”

  “Goin’ home with you, angel. No reason for me to be here,” he says, kissing my temple. “Mom, Dad, thank you for makin’ this happen so quick. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Tonya, Blood, and Logan hug me goodbye. Blood puts Zoey in her car seat and takes her out to the truck while Logan and Col
t take all of my stuff outside. It doesn’t take long to load everything up and for us to be on the way home. All I want to do is climb into bed and fall fast asleep. I stifle a yawn just as Colt pulls in the driveway.

  “I’ll get our Princess. You run up and unlock the door. Don’t go inside without me,” Colt says as he shuts the truck off.

  “Okay,” I answer, getting out of the truck and heading up the stairs.

  Within minutes, he’s by my side. He walks in the house and looks around. Colt takes Zoey into the bedroom and lays her down while I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and make my way into the bedroom. Colt strips me down to nothing and helps me get in bed. Then, he strips his own clothes off and slides into bed with me.

  “I love you so much,” he tells me, pulling my body back further into his own. “Did you have fun tonight?”

  “I did. Thank you so much for everything. I love you, Colt,” I respond to him, yawning again.

  “Sleep, my sweet angel. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

  Closing my eyes, I let sleep pull me under and dream of the family Colt and I are going to have. Of days where my entire family, or as many people that are still living, can all be together in one place; a place I’m not constantly looking over my shoulder. Then, I dream of my mother. I imagine her smiling down on me and watching over us all.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Colt Johns

  EMERSYN IS AT Legacies for her daily practice with Heaven. Logan is stocking the bar and making sure everything is set for opening up tonight while I have Zoey. After dropping Em off at the club, I turn the truck in the direction of the clubhouse. There’re some things I need to take care of there.

  Parking the truck outside the door in my mom’s parking spot, I shut the truck off and go to the back to get Zoey out. She’s currently sleeping in the car seat as I pick up her diaper bag and sling it over my shoulder. Walking inside, I see Bounce and Vanish sitting at a table with coffee sitting in front of them.

  “What are you doin’ here?” Vanish asks me.

  “Need to clean up a few things. Got a delivery comin’ in a little bit,” I answer him.

  “Gettin’ rid of everythin’ in your room, huh?” Bounce asks, a knowing look in his eyes.

  “Yeah. I want it all fresh in there for my girls.”

  “Don’t blame you. You got a good girl in Emersyn. Don’t lose her,” Vanish tells me, a deep sadness and regret lurking in his eyes.

  “I don’t plan on it. Lost her once and I’m not goin’ through that shit again. The only dark spot in us just startin’ out is her ex. He’s got her scared and ready to run,” I tell the two men before me.

  “We’ll fight any battle he wants to bring to our door,” Bounce assures me.

  “I know. She doesn’t want us to fight her battle with him. She’s afraid somethin’ will happen to one of us,” I tell my brothers.

  “We all got your back and hers. You can’t make her your ol’ lady yet since you’re a Prospect. But that girl is family and we’ll protect her as one of our own,” Vanish says, his voice leaves no room for argument.

  Nodding my head, I make my way to the hall where my room is. I’m on the first floor with a small as hell room because of my Prospect status. I’ll get a bigger room on the second floor once I get patched in. For now, my room will work because I don’t see us spending much time here. Only on nights when there’s a party and we’re too drunk to drive. For the next number of months, Emersyn can’t drink so we won’t have to stay here.

  Unlocking my door, I open it and walk in. Since I’ll be clearing almost everything out, I don’t bother shutting the door behind me. Instead, I set the car seat down in the corner and make sure Zoey isn’t going to wake up just yet. When she doesn’t move, I walk to the bed and pull the sheets and blankets from it. Wadding them up, I toss them just outside the door to be washed for someone else to use. They won’t be coming back in my room.

  Next, I take the mattress from the bedframe and drag it to the hallway. Leaning it against the wall, I go back in and begin to dismantle the bed itself. Nothing in this room will be anything that’s been here when I’ve had sweet butts in here. I don’t want that shit to taint my relationship with Emersyn. And Zoey doesn’t need to be near it either. Everything is going to be brand new; just like us.

  Once I have my clothes emptied from the dresser and nightstands, I move those to the hallway too. Since Logan isn’t here, I get Levi and Charlie in here to help me take care of all this shit. We won’t be throwing it away. For now, it will go in a storage room until it’s time for me to leave this room. Then it will be brought back in to use as most everything is until it’s no longer able to be used again.

  The second I have everything out of the room, I bring in the paint. Levi, Charlie and myself begin painting the walls a light gray. The trim remains the same old white, but I put a coat of new paint on it too. I know it’s not good for Zoey to be inhaling paint fumes, so Sydney is here. She’s in the common room with Bounce and Vanish where she’s feeding my little Princess.

  As soon as the painting is done, I take a break. I’ve been at this for a few hours now. By the time the paint dries, the delivery truck should be here with my new stuff. I have a new bed, a crib for Zoey, new dresser that will work for Emersyn and me, and new nightstands that match the bed. The other furniture was a mishmash of old things. Nothing matched and I was okay with that. Now, I want better things in life for my girls. They deserve nothing but the best. Along with the new baby.

  Walking into the common room, I grab a plate from the end of the bar and fill it with burgers, fries, and grab a cold soda. I’m not sure who cooked, at this point I don’t care. I’m starving and need to eat before I get the rest of the room done. Zoey is lying in her car seat while Sydney eats. Her little one is in the car seat next to my Princess. Bounce is sitting right next to them because he never leaves Briar alone. He’s going to be up her ass when she gets older and I almost feel bad about it. But, I’m sure I’ll be the same way when Zoey gets older too.

  “How are things goin’?” Bounce asks me.

  “Just waitin’ for the paint to dry and the stuff to get delivered,” I respond, taking a large bite of my burger.

  “Nice. Need a hand with it?” he asks me, turning his attention to Briar as she moves in her car seat.

  “Nah. Got Levi and Charlie to help me. Unless they get pulled away,” I respond.

  “What about the new bedding?” Sydney asks, piping up in our conversation.

  I look at her clueless. I’m not sure what she means. I bought bedding, it’s sitting at the bottom of the closet in my room already.

  “What do you mean?” I question her, finishing the last of my burger.

  “Have you washed it yet?”

  “No. I was just goin’ to put it on the beds,” I reply.

  “You can’t do that. Wash it first and then put it on the beds. Especially with Zoey’s new bedding,” she tells me.

  Nodding my head, I quickly finish up my lunch so I can get all the bedding and get it washed. I know we won’t be staying here tonight, but I want everything ready in case we need to come in for some reason. Especially with her ex fucknut out there on the loose still. If I think he’s near my woman, she’ll be brought in before she can blink. I’m not going to lose her, and nothing will be done to our baby she carries now. Emersyn can call me every name in the book, and I’ll take it.

  Getting up from the table, I look at Sydney.

  “Are you good to watch her for a little bit longer? I want to get that stuff in the washer before the movers get here,” I ask her.

  “Yeah. Go get your things done. We’re not going anywhere,” she answers.

  “Thank you,” I respond.

  Walking to the room, I grab the bags with bedding in them and make my way to the laundry room. It takes me a little bit to get them out of the packaging and make sure all the cardboard pieces are gone before putting each in a load of the multiple washers we have here. O
ne of the sweet butts comes in as I’m putting Zoey’s bed sheets in the washer.

  “You need help?” she asks me.

  This girl is new. She’s got long brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her hair is clearly dyed, but it looks good on her. There’s not a ton of makeup caked on her face and her clothes aren’t skintight. This girl still looks bright-eyed and fresh compared to the rest of the sweet butts in here who look like they’ve been ridden hard and put away wet. They look much older than they actually are and try way too hard to land a brother.

  “No thanks. Just about done,” I answer her.

  She nods her head and goes about filling the washers with clothes from the members’ rooms she’s been cleaning. It’s one of the jobs for the sweet butts and this one is actually doing it. I see her getting hard and fed up with the bullshit soon.

  “Anyone else cleanin’?” I ask her before leaving the room.

  “I don’t know. I’m about to do the bathrooms after I start this laundry,” she responds, almost afraid of answering me.

  “Don’t let them make you do all the work around here. It’ll get real old, real fast,” I warn her.

  Again, she nods her head at me. I leave the laundry room and set a timer on my phone to go back and switch the bedding over as soon as the washers are done. While I’m waiting, I go to my room and work on cleaning everything up. After getting the paint and brushes out, I pick everything off the floor, empty the garbage can, and then vacuum the carpet.

  “Colt got your stuff out here,” Bounce calls from the common room as I put the vacuum cleaner away.

  Walking into the common room, I head to the door after seeing Sydney holding Zoey and feeding her some sort of baby food. Bounce is holding his daughter and feeding her as well. Opening the door of the clubhouse, I see the delivery truck.

  “Colt Johns?” the man asks.

  “Yeah. If you get everythin’ off the truck, we’ll get it inside,” I inform him. Can’t have a stranger wandering around the clubhouse.

  “Sure thing. After everything is unloaded, you’ll just have to sign for it and I’ll be on my way,” he assures me.


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