Sky (Legacies Book 2)

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Sky (Legacies Book 2) Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  Once I have her diaper bag ready, sunscreen slathered on her porcelain skin, and a hat on her head, I grab the stroller, my cell phone, and grab her, we head out of the door. At the top of the stairs, I set the stroller down and lock the door. Placing the key in the pocket of her diaper bag I always keep it in, I get the stroller and make my way down the stairs.

  Opening the stroller up, I place Zoey in it and put the diaper bag across the handlebars of it. Looking at the driveway, there’s no truck or bikes here. So, I put a song on my phone and begin the short trek to the park near Blood and Tonya’s house. It’s a ten-minute walk there. I talk to Zoey as we walk and point out different things like butterflies flitting around and other animals in nature. She doesn’t understand a word I’m saying, but I do it just the same.

  When we get to the park, I see it’s empty. I take a deep breath because I honestly don’t want to talk to anyone else here. Today, I just want to be with my daughter until Colt gets home. We spend all of our time inside and I’m over it. I’m going crazy being locked inside four walls.

  Am I taking a chance by coming out in public? Yes, I am.

  Will I be vigilant of my surroundings, so I don’t give anyone the chance to sneak up on me? I always am.

  Zoey is the most important thing to me, and I know I have to remain careful for her. And the baby I’m carrying now. I’ll never do anything to jeopardize either one of my children. I wouldn’t forgive myself if I did.

  I place Zoey in one of the baby swings and step in front of her so I can see her face as I gently push her. Pulling out my phone, I take pictures of her smiling and laughing. When she starts laughing hard, I record a video to send to Colt when we get back home. If I send it now, I know he’ll worry about me being here and that’s not what I want.

  After pushing Zoey in the swings for a while, I take her out and make my way over to the slide. It’s big enough I can go down it with her. So, I climb up the stairs and sit down. Keeping her facing me, I let go and we slide down. Once again, my daughter laughs and I silently vow to do anything in my power to hear that sound for the rest of my days.

  Laying out a blanket on the ground under a tree, I lay Zoey down so she can take a nap. She’s getting a little cranky and it will only get worse if I try to take her home to lay her down. So, we’ll make do here.

  While she’s sleeping, I pull out my phone and pull up a book. I’m still reading an MC series by Darlene Tallman and Liberty Parker. The books are great, and I get completely sucked into them once I start. Not enough to be distracted from my daughter, but enough to ensure I don’t want to stop reading them.

  Before too long, I start to get an uneasy feeling. The hair on the back of my neck and arms stands up on end. It feels as if someone is watching me. Looking around the area, I don’t see anyone. Still, the longer I sit here, the more uneasy I become.

  Closing out my book, I pull up my contacts and try to call Colt. It goes to voicemail without even ringing. I’m not sure if he’s in a meeting or what. So, I scroll down my list and place a call to Tonya. She answers immediately.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, knowing I barely call her.

  “I’m at the park with Zoey and something’s wrong. Not with the her or me. I feel like someone’s watching us. We’re the only ones at the park, Tonya,” I tell her, trying to keep the panic from my voice.

  “The park down from the house?” she questions as I hear chairs scraping against the floor and footsteps rushing in the background.

  “Yeah. Zoey’s sleeping. I’m trying not to panic, but I know it’s Jeremy. He’s the only one looking for me,” I tell her.

  “Stay on the phone with me. We’re on our way,” she informs me.

  I hear her truck turn on and the music is quickly replaced with silence on her end. The revving of her engine along with the sound of several motorcycles fill the line. My eyes never stop moving around the area as I continue to search for whoever is watching us. Zoey, thankfully, doesn’t even stir and remains asleep throughout this ordeal.

  All I wanted was to spend the day out of the house and at the park with my daughter. Instead, I realize I’m never going to be able to do anything that’s out in the open. I’ll forever be a prisoner of wherever I’m living or behind the walls of the clubhouse.

  Yeah, I can go outside at the clubhouse, but I’d be surrounded by bikers, sweet butts, and whoever else is there for the day. I won’t ever be able to just spend a day alone with Zoey and the baby I’m carrying. And it’s all because of choices I made; a decision to rebel against the loss of my mother and having to do everything for my father.

  My heart is racing, my hair is still standing up on end, and I can feel my entire body drain of any color I have. It’s like living with Jeremy on a daily basis again. I’m walking on eggshells, not going out to do anything other than one shopping trip, and constantly looking over my shoulder. This is not a life I’m living; I’m merely existing and surviving. I want to live and be able to do things.

  Tears begin to stream down my face. I want to bury my head in my hands, but I know I can’t do that. If I do, I won’t see any attack coming at me. I won’t be able to protect my daughter. It’s bad enough my vision is blurry because I’m crying. Wiping my tears away, I pick everything up except for the blanket Zoey’s still sleeping on. Instead, I wrap her up despite the heat of the day as I hear the rumble of the motorcycles and Tonya’s truck.

  Looking toward the parking lot of the park, I watch as Tonya and four bikes pull directly onto the grass and up to me. They don’t give a fuck about not marking up the grass or anything else. Their only thought is getting to us.

  Tonya parks her truck in front of me while the bikes park behind me. They’re essentially putting themselves between whoever is out there and us. Colt jumps off his bike and runs to Zoey and me. He ushers us into the backseat of the truck, while the other guys spread out and begin searching the trees and everywhere else someone could hide.

  The second I’m in the truck and the door is shut behind us, Tonya takes off. I turn my head and watch as Colt gets on his bike and follows us. I’m not sure where they’re taking us. At this point, I don’t give a flying fuck. I just want to get out of this situation and figure out what I have to do now.

  When I feel the truck pull to a stop, I see we’re at the clubhouse. Colt is at my door before I can blink, and he helps me get out with Zoey in my arms. Not my finest moment as a mother, but I was so scared I didn’t make sure everything was buckled the way I normally do. Hell, I don’t even have the stroller with me anymore. It’s still at the park and that’s where it can stay.

  “Let’s get you inside,” Colt tells me.

  I look at him and see the panic and fear filling his eyes. Placing my hand in his, I let him lead me inside. He needs this as much as I do right now. Colt needs to know Zoey and I are still here and we’re safe. If I hadn’t called, I’m not sure what would’ve happened, but I can guarantee it wouldn’t have been good. Nothing with Jeremy ever is.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Colt Johns

  WE WERE ALL in a meeting at the club. My mom didn’t mandate Emersyn be there because it’s the second day she’s had off since she started practicing. So, we’ll fill her in after the fact. Because of the meeting we all shut our phones off. My mom is the only one allowed to have her phone on. Even my dad shuts his off when we’re in a meeting at Legacies.

  Before we can get into hiring new girls to strip, my mom’s phone goes off. I can tell by the tone of her voice whoever she’s talking to isn’t happy. I’m just not sure what’s going on. Not until she puts it on speaker phone, and I hear Emersyn’s scared, trembling voice.

  “I’m at the park with Zoey and something’s wrong. Not with the her or me. I feel like someone’s watching us. We’re the only ones at the park, Tonya,” she says.

  I know she’s trying to be strong, it’s in her voice. Unfortunately, I can hear her true feelings. Emersyn is scared to death. Jumping up from my chair, I wa
it to hear which park they’re at.

  “The park down from the house?” Mom questions as everyone else jumps up and waits for more information.

  “Yeah. Zoey’s sleeping. I’m trying not to panic, but I know it’s Jeremy. He’s the only one looking for me,” Em says.

  My mom is still talking to her as we all run from the club jump on our bikes. Mom jumps up in her truck and we all take off. I’m seeing every single possible scenario running through my head as we make our way toward the park. None of them are good. I never want her to be out of my sights again.

  The second we pull onto the grass at the park, my heart starts to slow as I take in my girls; my family. They look to be untouched, there’s only fear etched on Emersyn’s face. Zoey is sleeping in her arms and I’m happy for that.

  Stopping my bike, I barely take the time to put the kickstand down. Rushing over to them, I usher them to my mom’s truck as quickly as I can. The entire time I’m watching the park for any signs of the unknown out there. I’m sure Emersyn is right, and Jeremy is here once again. When I get my hands on that motherfucker, he’s going to wish he never met my Emersyn.

  The second I have the door shut on the truck; I race back to my bike so we can get my family out of here. They won’t be here for a second longer than absolutely necessary. Mom and I leave while my dad, Bounce, and Carver stay to search for the man tormenting my woman.

  Back at the clubhouse, I take a deep breath and go to help Emersyn out of the truck. Leading her inside, I head directly for my room. Opening the door, I let Em go in before me. She’s clutching Zoey to her chest and I know it’s going to take a while for her to want to put her down. I feel the same way right now about both of them.

  Shutting the door behind us, I hang my cut up on the back of the door. Emersyn settles onto bed and places Zoey in the middle. I climb in on the other side and pull both girls closer to my body.

  “Are you okay?” I finally ask Emersyn.

  “I don’t know, Colt. The longer Jeremy is out there, the more I realize I’m nothing more than a prisoner. I have to watch where I am and what I’m doing so I don’t put Zoey or myself in jeopardy. I’m not living life,” I answer. “How long am I supposed to live like this?”

  “Angel, we’ll get him as soon as we can. I’ve got church in a little bit. Dad’s lettin’ me sit in on this one because it’s about you. Close your eyes and try to get some rest,” I tell her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

  Laying down on the bed, I close my eyes and just relish being here with Emersyn and Zoey. I can’t let myself fall asleep because I know I’ll be late for church and there’s no way in hell I won’t be in that church meeting.

  As with most clubs, Prospects aren’t allowed to attend church. One of us stands outside the door to make sure all phones, weapons, and anything else is left on the outside of the doors. The only time we’re allowed on the other side of the doors is when it’s our time to become a fully patched member.

  It doesn’t take long for Emersyn to fall asleep. The second I see her passed out, I get up and slide my arms back through my cut. As soon as it’s in place, I open my door and close it softly. Locking it, I turn around as arms wrap around me.

  The scent of cheap perfume invades my senses. Immediately I turn my attention to the woman standing before me. It’s Connie. She’s not supposed to be here anymore. Not since my mom kicked her out after cornering Emersyn in the bathroom. I’m pissed; this is the second bitch to get in here when they’re not supposed to.

  “What the fuck are you doin’ in here?” I growl at her as I pry her arms from around me.

  “Baby, you know you always loved Ginger and I on your cock,” she tells me. “I miss you. I’m not even bothered by the fact Ginger isn’t here anymore. It can be just you and me. You don’t need a brat that’s not yours bringing you down. And you certainly don’t need some bitch that can’t please you like I can.”

  “Bitch, I’ve never fucked you or Ginger,” I growl out. “Blood! Bounce!”

  I’m not wasting time with getting this bitch removed once again from the clubhouse. Connie is trying to wrap herself around me because I’m sure she knows Emersyn is on the other side of the door. She wants her to catch us in the hallway and think something is going on that’s not.

  “What’s goin’ on?” my dad asks, coming in the hallway.

  “This bitch is back and she’s not leavin’. Like Ginger the other day, she’s tryin’ to say we’re together or we’ve been together in the past. I don’t fuckin’ want her here and she needs to leave once and for all. Emersyn doesn’t need this shit after today,” I tell him as Connie tries to once again wrap around me.

  Bounce comes up behind my dad and he immediately grabs onto Connie’s arm. By now, my mother is also in the hallway and her eyes are narrowed into slits as she takes in the bitch before us.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here?” she asks, walking even closer. “I kicked your ass out the last time you tried to start shit. First that skank Ginger thought she could come back in here. Now you do. You bitches need to learn your fucking place in this club. Oh wait, you don’t have one anymore. So, Bounce take her outside so I can beat her down once more.”

  “You can’t!” Connie shrieks, no doubt waking Emersyn and Zoey up. “I’m pregnant with Colt’s baby.”

  “The fuck?” I question, raising my own voice. “I never fucked you. Mom, I swear I never fucked this bitch. She’s nothing but a liar.”

  “I know, son. She wants her ‘place’ in the club. Connie, I’m not going to beat your ass in case you are actually pregnant by someone. However, if I ever see your fucked-up face in this clubhouse again, I won’t hesitate to beat your ass to the point these boys are digging a grave. Do you fucking understand me?” my mom growls out.

  Connie doesn’t cower or shy away from any of us as Bounce and my mom lead her from the clubhouse. There’s a smirk on her face and I know this isn’t the last we’ve seen of her. Ginger and Connie are up to something and I’m not sure what it is just yet. We’ll figure it out as a club, but it’s going to take time because we have to focus on Jeremy. I want that fucker found as of yesterday.

  “Let’s get to church,” my dad says, pulling me from my thoughts. “You ready to go in there and keep a cool head?”

  “Yeah. I know what’s at stake. My family is at stake, Dad. Every member of it,” I assure him.

  My dad nods his head and we make our way down the hall to church. I put my phone in the basket where Levi’s standing. Along with my gun. My dad puts his phone, gun, and a few knives in the basket before we make our way in the room. I stand at the wall on the opposite end of my dad’s chair as the rest of the members make their way in. I’m the only Prospect in here and they all know it’s unusual, but they don’t question my dad.

  Slamming the gavel on the table, my dad begins the meeting.

  “We’ve got a few things to talk about today,” he says. “The first is that Emersyn’s ex is here. We don’t know where he is or when he’s going to strike, but we know for sure he will. I’m going to bring Emersyn in shortly to give us more details about him, so we have the whole picture of what we’re dealin’ with here. Zeus and Colt will be the only ones sittin’ in on that with me. And Bounce. Today, we had to race to the park because she felt like she was bein’ watched. When the girls went to the mall, she had the same feelin’. From here on out, I want two patches and Colt on her at all times. If we can’t have two patches on her, a Prospect will be on her. It’s goin’ to be hard because we have a run comin’ up. Colt, you’re sittin’ this one out so you can be here.”

  “Got it, Pres,” I say.

  “We also need to talk about Ginger and Connie. Both those sweet butts have been kicked out of the club and yet they’ve each made their way in here. Today, Connie claimed to be pregnant by Colt. He’s never fucked around with her. Or Ginger. If you’re here and I find out any of you have been lettin’ them in here, we’ll be bringin’ you in front of the club. Whi
le we’ll vote on the punishment, Colt will get his hands on you as well,” my dad announces. “I want eyes open at all times and those bitches not to get the fuck in here. They’ve caused problems with Emersyn and she’s like a daughter to me. They’re up to somethin’ so we need to find out what it is. If you see them in town, follow their asses and find out where they’re goin’.”

  “Pres, may I speak?” I ask, giving him the respect he deserves.

  “Go ahead, Colt,” he replies.

  “When we find Jeremy, I want him. He’s goin’ after my woman even though I can’t claim her in the eyes of the club yet. I want to be the one to end his nasty, douche canoe, pussy ass,” I say, letting my rage out.

  My dad, in his role as President of the MC, sits back in his chair and thinks about it for a minute. The rest of the guys don’t say a single word. They’ll follow my dad’s decision on this.

  “You’ve got it,” he finally responds.

  Everyone nods their head at my dad. He looks around the table and sees that no one else has anything to add to today’s meeting.

  “Zeus, I want you to stay behind. Colt go see if she’s awake and ready to tell us about Jeremy,” my dad orders.

  We all leave the room and I make my way toward Emersyn. I don’t want to wake her up, but the sooner we know everything about Jeremy, the sooner we can get his fucking ass away from my family. He’s not going to terrorize Emersyn for much longer if I can help it.

  Unlocking my door, I open it and step inside. Zoey and Emersyn are both awake. Em is sitting on the bed with Zoey in her arms as she holds something in her other hand. Getting closer to her, I see it’s a picture.

  “Angel, Dad needs to talk to you,” I tell her. “It’s about Jeremy. We need information so we can find his ass and get rid of him.”

  “Okay. I don’t know much, but I’ll tell you what I do know,” she responds.

  Standing up, we walk out of the room and make our way to my dad’s office. He won’t meet her in church because women usually don’t go in there. Leading her just down the hall, I knock on the door and he calls for us to come in. This is going to be hard for her, but I won’t leave her side. I’ll never leave her side if I can help it.


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