Sky (Legacies Book 2)

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Sky (Legacies Book 2) Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  Chapter Twenty

  Emersyn ‘Sky’ Wilkes

  AS I SLOWLY begin to wake up, I realize I’m in a room I’ve never been in before. Well, I’m sure I’ve been in it, but it’s all brand new. This is Colt’s room, but it’s not the same as it was the first time I came in here. The bed is new, as is the dresser, and the paint on the walls is fresh. In fact, the only thing I think that hasn’t been replaced is the carpeting.

  The walls are a light gray with white trim. It’s been touched up though. There’s a black curtain covering the window. There’s a slim opening where the sunlight streams in, but not enough to wake someone up. This time, there’s even a brand-new crib set up with new sheets and a blanket. My heart melts at seeing everything he’s done to make us comfortable here.

  It’s not long before Zoey wakes up. I quickly make her a bottle since I don’t have any baby food here. After feeding her, I change her and then look around Colt’s room here. On the nightstand beside the bed sits a lone photo. Walking over to it, I look and it’s a picture of the two of us. He’s got his arm around me in the picture and we’re both smiling at the photographer. I remember this day.

  This picture was taken a week before they moved. Colt had come home to get ready before a date. When he saw me outside, he came over to spend a minute with me. Yeah, by that point, I was getting scraps of his time, but I cherished each and every moment we spent together.

  I have a bikini top on with a pair of shorts. My hair is up, and I’ve got no makeup on my face. Colt is wearing a pair of shorts and has his T-shirt in his hand. Tonya took the picture because it was one of the few times we were together at that point. Looking back, I’m sure she knew they were moving and wanted to capture as many photos as she could before they left. She was always taking pictures back then. I’m sure she still does; I just don’t see her doing it now.

  Keeping the picture in my hand, I walk back over to the other side of the bed and continue looking at it. I wish those simple times hadn’t left me. That fate hadn’t stepped in and torn my life to shreds. Yes, it’s on me because I could’ve made better decisions but if I had never fucked with Jeremy, I wouldn’t have my amazing daughter. And life without Zoey isn’t worth living.

  Sitting on the bed, I continue to let memories of when I was younger flood me. It’s not often I let myself think of those days; the days I was truly happy and had a loving family by my side. Then I think of the days after the Johns family left and everything else that went downhill. Those thoughts are the reason why I don’t like letting my memories invade and bring me down.

  “Angel, Dad needs to talk to you,” Colt says, bringing me out of my head. “It’s about Jeremy. We need information so we can find his ass and get rid of him.”

  “Okay. I don’t know much, but I’ll tell you what I do know,” I respond.

  Standing up, we walk out of the room and make our way to Blood’s office. Colt leads me just down the hall, he knocks on the door and Blood calls for us to come in. I’m led in the office where I see Blood sitting behind a huge desk. There’s another man sitting next to him with two chairs sitting in front of the desk. My nerves ramp up as I realize it’s going to be more than just Colt and Blood listening to what I have to say. Colt shuts the door, but I don’t hear it click shut and latch. There’s a small opening as I turn my head to look at the door.

  I’m not stupid enough to believe they haven’t told the rest of the club what I’ve said about Jeremy and my life after they left. However, it’s much different to be the one reliving the stories, the nightmares really. Taking a seat, Colt sits down next to me and I point my head down. I don’t want to look at anyone as I relive everything pertaining to Jeremy and my fucked-up past.

  “Darlin’ you know I wouldn’t have you doin’ this if I didn’t have to,” Blood begins. “This is Zeus, he’s our tech guy and will be makin’ sure he has all the information to find this guy. Okay?”

  Taking a deep breath, I nod my head and try to think of what I know about him.

  “His name is Jeremy Robbins. I’m not sure what his birthdate is or who any of his family is. He was really tight lipped about all of that. Other than knowing he’s a few years older than me, I’m not sure of his exact age. He could be younger than Colt, or he could be a year older than him,” I begin. “When I stayed with him, he had a house a street over from Mom and Dad’s house. It was by the grocery store. I don’t know if he rented it or if he owned it somehow. Jeremy is a drug addict and I know he runs around with some pretty dangerous people. I’ve seen men wearing cuts like you guys, but I don’t remember the club name on them.”

  “That’s good, darlin’,” Blood tells me.

  Zeus does some work on his computer. After a few minutes, he turns the screen toward me to see if the man filling the screen is my ex. I nod my head at him and quickly turn away. There’s no way in hell I want to look at him any longer than I absolutely need to. The man is evil personified, and I’ll never forget him as long as I live.

  Colt and his family here are helping me replace the nightmares with good memories, but it’s going to take a long time before I can think of Zoey’s sperm donor and not relive the painful past I shared with him. Colt places his hand on my thigh as a sign of comfort; which I’m in desperate need of.

  As I look around the room, I glimpse one of the sweet butts standing outside the door. She’s got a notebook in her hands and is writing down what we’re saying in here. What the fuck? This isn’t a fucking game; this is my life. If she’s helping Jeremy, I’ll beat the shit out of her. Well, I won’t because I’m pregnant, but I know Tonya will.

  Turning my attention to the three men in the room with me, I try to let them know there’s someone in the hallway. Zeus looks up and I can see the second he realizes what I’m trying to tell them. Immediately, he moves to the door and brings the woman inside the room.

  “Connie, you were just taken out of here by Bounce. How the fuck did you get back in again?” Blood yells, startling Zoey and me.

  “I-I-I, um, I had some help,” she confesses, knowing she’s not getting out of anything.

  “Who?” he demands.

  “One of the Prospects. I’m not telling which one either. You can figure that shit out on your own,” she says, trying to be a little defiant to the very end.

  “Get Bounce and Breaker in here. Now!” he booms once more, standing to take Zoey from my arms.

  Within minutes, the two men are in the office and I feel so crowded in. Each man in the room with me is over six foot tall. Bounce and Breaker are the largest two of the men surrounding me. Now, Connie cowers and knows her plans are fucked. She’s not going to walk out of here.

  “I want to know how you’re gettin’ in,” Bounce says, not waiting for anyone else to tell him anything. “Show me. Now.”

  Bounce keeps his voice low. It’s the deadliest I’ve ever heard another human being. His voice is already deep, now it seems to be even deeper as he goes into club mode. I’m glad I’m not Connie right now.

  “Take her to the shed once she shows you how. And she told us one of the Prospects is helpin’ her get in here. Won’t give up which one. We’ll have Tonya get it out of her,” Blood says.

  “On it, Pres,” Breaker answers.

  The two men lead Connie from the office. Blood and Zeus look over what she was writing down. Seriously, it’s not like I gave them much information. It’s more about Jeremy and his information than anything else.

  “Colt, take Emersyn and Zoey home. They don’t need to be here. I’ll have someone on her when you have to leave,” Blood says, handing my daughter to me after kissing the top of her head.

  Colt leads me from the office and then to the common room. Tonya is sitting at the bar with books in front of her. She looks up and I can see the anger and frustration on her face. She’s not happy about something and everyone will pay for it. Mama Tonya isn’t a nice woman when she’s pissed or frustrated. I’ve seen her more than once like that.

“Coming into work later?” she asks as Colt stops to get the keys to her truck.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there,” I answer her.

  “Okay, sweetheart. I’ll be there to do paperwork and stuff later on. I’ll watch your set. I only want you doing one tonight no matter what anyone else says. You’re in the middle,” Tonya tells me.

  “Sounds good. I’ll do more if you need me to,” I tell her.

  “No. I only want you doing one. We need to be careful with you now,” she tells me.

  “Alright. That leaves more time for me to be on the floor to help the waitresses,” I tell her.

  Colt looks at me like he’s got something to say. Instead of saying it, he keeps his mouth shut. He knows how I feel about this and that I want to make money. I need to make money. He’s not in my shoes where he has nothing with a child and one on the way. He’ll never understand where I’m coming from. I don’t hate him for it, I’m glad he doesn’t know the struggles I’ve been facing. The only thing I wish he did was be more understanding about my side of the situation.

  We walk out and get in the truck. Colt once again buckles Zoey in while I get in the front seat. He jumps up in the driver’s seat and turns the engine on. Placing his hand on my thigh, Colt takes us to the apartment. Neither one of us say a word. We’re processing what all happened today.

  “Colt, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. Not only my situation, but with the girls at the clubhouse,” I tell him, looking out the window.

  “Angel, none of this is your fault. You need help and we’re goin’ to help you. Jeremy won’t be a problem for you soon. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you like I should’ve been. Connie and Ginger were already on their way out. They’re the ones causing problems. They just don’t know when to give up,” he assures me, grabbing my hand and bringing it up to kiss the back of it.

  “I just want to cuddle on the couch with you until it’s time for work,” I say.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. I’m not leavin’ your side, angel. You’re stuck with me,” he says, his voice full of promise.

  “You’re stuck with me, too,” I respond.

  Getting in the apartment, Colt and I lounge on the couch. I’m not feeling that good and I want to make sure I don’t get sick at work tonight. People will start asking questions I don’t want to answer right now. Not until we know everything is good with the baby.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Colt Johns

  SINCE GETTING THE call from Emersyn yesterday, I haven’t let her out of my sight. My dad is watching Zoey while we’re at work tonight because I don’t want her away from anyone in the club right now. Emersyn has made vague comments about Jeremy not wanting her, but I don’t doubt the fact that he’d use my princess to get to my woman. He’s a sick fuck. Any man who puts his hands on a woman and threatens an innocent child is.

  Connie has been dealt with. My mom took out her rage on the bitch before she was put down. While we don’t condone beating, torturing, and raping women, there are some circumstances you can’t help. Not a single member of our club killed her though. Someone else came in to pick her up and took care of the problem for us. So, I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before Ginger pops her head back up.

  Bounce and Breaker found the hole in the fence these bitches were getting in through. Then, someone in the club would help them get in one of the back doors. We’re still not sure which member it is. Hell, I don’t even know if it’s a Prospect at this point. None of us know, but we’re watching everyone around us. Whoever it is will fuck up sooner or later. I’m only hoping it’s before Emersyn gets hurt or worse. The men have already put in the cameras where no one knows they are to pick up the blind spots that were missing before.

  Our club has ties to a small group of women who take care of problems men don’t want to. They come in for a fee, take the woman, or women, causing the problem away, and we get no details. The only thing they do is ask what crime it is they’ve committed before they dole out their own brand of justice.

  Connie is a hard one because she didn’t give up a damn thing to Bounce or my mom. The women are going to see what they can get out of her, but if we don’t hear from them again then they didn’t get any answers. The ex sweet butt is a lot stronger than I gave her credit for; I thought she’d talk in a matter of minutes once my mom got her hands on her. Instead, she shut her mouth and only opened it to scream out her pain. My mom definitely knows how to inflict some damage when she wants to. I’m glad I was with my woman and not there to witness it.

  While Emersyn was sleeping in this morning, I left and went to buy a new truck. I can’t keep her on the bike because she’s pregnant. While I love having her body wrapped around me, I won’t risk the baby or her. So, Mom is staying with her in the apartment while Dad is outside working on his bike. Logan will be there too. I have Levi with me so he can drive the truck back. No one else rides my bike. Ever.

  Emersyn was completely shocked when we went to leave for work and I led her to the truck instead of mom’s. Tears filled her eyes because she was happy, and a little sad. She told me I was the only person in her life who actually followed through on doing what they said they were going to do. I even went and bought a new car seat for Zoey, so we don’t have to keep transferring them between the trucks. Plus, we’ll need another one when I get her a car of her own.

  Walking in Legacies after parking, I let Em go in the dressing room. The rest of the staff is out front, and I pull them all in, including Bounce and Breaker, even though they already know the situation.

  “Listen up everyone,” I begin. “Mom will be in later. I want you all to be on the lookout when you’re here. We’re lookin’ for this man. He is not allowed to be in here. However, if you see him, get the closest member to you immediately.”

  “Who is it?” Kevin, our night DJ asks.

  “It’s Sky’s ex. He’s after her and it won’t be good if he gets his hands on her. We have reason to believe he’s already in town. It’s just a matter of time before he shows his face. Study this picture and make sure you listen. Mom will go over everythin’ in the meetin’.”

  Everyone nods their head and takes a picture from the stack I’m holding. Bounce and Breaker will be on the doors from now on. At least until we get the fucker. One of the other members will be at the stage to collect the money for each woman. Other members will be scattered throughout the club at all times. It’s spreading us thin, but we’re doing the best we can right now.

  After making sure everything behind the bar is stocked and ready to go, I make my way to the dressing room. Sydney is here tonight, and she’ll be working on the floor. She’s in the dressing room when I walk in. Emersyn is nowhere to be found.

  “Where is she?” I ask.

  “Bathroom. I don’t know if she’s okay,” Sydney answers me.

  Rushing to the door, I knock and put my head to it. I hear Em getting sick. Trying the handle, the door is unlocked. Making my way inside, I quickly shut the door and lock it behind me. Leaning over Emersyn’s back, I pull her hair back and rub her back. There’s not much else I can do for her.

  “Are you okay?” I ask when she seems to be done.

  “Yeah. Sorry, it’s the morning sickness,” she answers weakly.

  “Are you sure that’s all it is? Should we take you to the doctor?” I question him.

  “This is normal,” she says, trying to assure me as she pulls out a toothbrush and toothpaste.

  “I don’t want you dancin’ if you’re sick,” I say, my voice sounding pleading to my own ears.

  “Colt, we’ve been over this. I’ll be fine. Certain smells make this happen. I just happened to walk in here and the perfume overwhelmed me. Trust me, I’m fine,” she says, her voice already sounding stronger.

  “I’ll be watchin’ you, angel,” I say as she unlocks the door and makes her way to the dressing table she uses.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she says, beginning to grab what she n
eeds to get ready for tonight.

  “I’m gonna get back out there,” I tell her. “I’ll send back some water and crackers for you.”

  “Thank you, babe,” she tells me.

  “I love you, always,” I say, leaning down for a kiss.

  “I love you too.”

  Walking back out to the front of the club, I see Vanish already behind the bar. He’s getting a few drinks for the members of the club. They’ll have a drink in their hands at all times to play their part. They’ll be nursing their drinks though. We want to make it look as if they’re just here to have a good time and party it up at our strip club. Not like they’re on the lookout for the asshole Jeremy.

  “You good?” Vanish asks me.

  “Yeah. Just need to get somethin’ for Emersyn,” I respond. “Heaven, can you run this back to her and keep an eye on her?”

  “Sure, Colt. Is she okay?” she asks.

  “Yeah. Just feelin’ under the weather.”

  Heaven nods her head and takes the water and crackers back to my girl. That’s why I love the MC and everyone who works at Legacies. We’re all a big family and everyone has one another’s back. This is what I want to bring Emersyn, Zoey, and our new baby into.

  Before I know it, the front doors are opened, and men begin to pour inside. I can hear some of the conversations going on and they’re all about my girl. They can’t wait to see her perform on stage again and see if the same performance she gave every other night will be done again tonight.

  “That blonde bitch will be riding my cock before the end of the night,” one man says as he saunters up to the bar.

  “She’s definitely a hot piece of ass. I wouldn’t mind a ride with her,” another man says.


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