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Winter's Scorching Kisses

Page 26

by Lily Thomas

  Then his finger slid back up to her nub and circled it with her moisture. His finger teased her, driving her insane, and her body bucked next to him, wanting more, needing more.

  “I want you inside me.” She panted as her eyes slid closed and her back arched.

  His finger dipped lower until it entered her sheath, and her hips bucked, driving his finger deeper.

  “More.” She panted.

  A second finger joined the first, and the friction in her sheath had her moaning. Pleasure rolled through her, rocking her to the core.

  “I’m going to possess you, Adorra.”

  Her heart warmed at the dark promise.

  “Now come for me, Adorra.”

  And she did. She shattered in his arms, her body quaking around his finger, trying to draw it deeper as lights exploded behind her closed eyelids.

  Mathar was doing his best to restrain himself and take things slow, but her moaning and thrusting of her hips were driving him insane. He wanted nothing more than to sink into her and let her hot sheath welcome his length.

  She quivered around his fingers, and he thrust them to the hilt. She rotated her hips and thrust herself down onto his pumping fingers. This woman before him had to be a dream, yet here she was, and he could feel her coming around his fingers. She had to be real… just a gift from the gods.

  Her moans grew wild, and he leaned down and captured her moans with his mouth. They stirred his cock and made him wish it was his cock inside her instead of his fingers. Her back arched again, brushing one of her nipples up against his chest.

  Mathar sucked in a breath as the taut tip prodded him, teasing him.

  Her quaking ceased, and her eyes opened.

  “So responsive.”

  She tossed him a saucy grin as her hand trailed down his chest, traced a scar that’d been on his body for years by a stray sword strike, and then down to his hard length. Her small hand squeezed around him until a bead of seed formed on the tip.

  Then she slid down the bed and placed a tender kiss to his cock.

  “Let me pleasure you.” She purred, her hazel eyes darkened by her desire.

  He wasn’t about to argue with her.

  Her tongue flicked out and circled the crown of his cock. His eyes rolled back in his head as a groan slipped out of his mouth. With a moan, Adorra sucked his cock into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked him deep.

  “Gods, woman.”

  He fisted his hands by his side. He felt her other hand fondled his balls, as her other hand and her mouth pumped his length. If she kept this up, he wasn’t going to last long. Cracking open his eyes, he watched her head bob up and down on his cock, riding it with her mouth. Then she broke away, her tongue flicked out of her mouth, and she licked the crease of his cock.

  His back arched, his hips thrust, and she opened her mouth, taking him back inside herself. He could feel her tongue licking the underside of his cock as she continued to take him, nearly deep enough to bump into the back of her throat.

  One of his hands worked its way into her full head of hair as he gripped a handful of her silky strands.

  “I’m going to come.” He warned her.

  “Mmm.” Adorra murmured against his cock.

  If she wanted to take him in her mouth, then it was fine with him. His eyes slid closed, and he let the pressure wash through him until he jerked against her mouth, spewing his seed down her throat.

  Once he finished, he opened his eyes to find Adorra smiling up at him, and his heart hitched in his chest. He reached down, grabbed her arms and yanked her up until she was laying in his arms. He stroked one of his hands down her hair.

  She wrapped an arm around his side and slowly traced a finger over the mass of scarred flesh on his back. “Jasmine told me.”

  He didn’t need to ask about what. “Edmund wasn’t the first man I’ve killed, and I can’t promise he will be the last.”

  “I understand why you killed your father. I can only imagine.”

  “I’m glad you’ve never suffered like that.” He placed a kiss to her forehead. “I only wish I could have done more for my mother.”

  She raised a hand to his face and stroked a thumb over his cheek and the stumble that was growing. Turning his head, he kissed her thumb.

  “Do you want a family?”

  Mathar paused, not sure what he thought on the subject. “I’m not sure I would make any child a fair parent.”

  Adorra leaned back as her eyes studied him. “And I think you aren’t giving yourself the benefit of the doubt. You are a great man, Mathar, you really are.”

  He sighed. “After everything I went through, I wouldn’t make anyone a good father.”

  “You aren’t like your own father. He took your mother, don’t let him take your future from you as well.”

  He smiled as he gazed down at her. Perhaps she was right. If he let his father take any future family from him, then his father would have won. It was time for him to take a chance, and he knew exactly who it was that he wanted to take this chance with.

  “How has no one seen him?” Adorra grumped as she glanced around the great hall.

  Her sister shrugged beside her at the table. “He came to Dryden and me and said there was something he needed to take care of, but that he would be back.”

  “Where did he go? It’s been nearly a week.” After their heartwarming night together, she’d seen a spark of interest in his eyes at her words. She knew she hadn’t come out and said it, but she’d been hoping he might offer her a place in that cabin he was building.

  “Trust me.” Jasmine placed a hand over hers. “He should be back today.”

  Adorra’s eyes narrowed on her sister. “What do you know, Jasmine?”

  Her sister blinked at her innocently. “You’ll find out.”

  She frowned, but she knew no matter how much she badgered Jasmine, her sister wasn’t about to give up. She had a secret, and for some reason, she was holding it firmly to her chest.

  “Well, I suppose now is the perfect time to think about when I should be leaving.”

  “You want to leave? Still?” Jasmine rotated in her seat and looked heartbroken that Adorra hadn’t reconsidered.

  She wanted to stay. Her sister was here, and there wasn’t much left back in Arcaern for her, but there were still some things that she needed. There were items of importance back at the manor, things she didn’t want the king to take or give away to his other noblemen.

  “I want to remain here with you,” Adorra said truthfully.

  “You forgive us then?”

  “For Edmund?” Adorra shrugged. “I think you did save my life, because I’m sure he did try to poison me, but I wish it hadn’t had to happen on my wedding night. It was traumatizing.”

  “I can only imagine what you went through that night.” Jasmine shook her head, her curls waving around her face. “I had wished Mathar would’ve done it without you in the same room.”

  “You can’t blame him for finding the perfect opportunity. The wing of the manor had been vacated to allow us, a newlywed couple, plenty of time alone. There was barely anyone around.”

  Jasmine wrapped her arms around Adorra and hugged her close. “Mathar should be back at any moment. Trust me. Stay until he comes back.”

  Adorra nodded as she wrapped her arms around her sister who still had yet to give birth. “I will.”

  Mathar pulled up on his snorting horse as he entered the castle courtyard. The hooves of his horse caused a racket as the noise clattered off the cobblestones and was reflected back by the rock walls.

  It’d been a week since he’d last seen this castle, and he couldn’t wait to find Adorra. He was ready… ready for a new start. This was their chance to show life and his father that they could find happiness.

  Swinging a leg over the back of his saddle, he hopped down from on his horse. A stable hand rushed forward to take the reins and control his worked up stallion. He’d ridden his stallion hard, and that anima
l deserved a mountain of apples.

  He heaved a small pack over his shoulder and flew up the stairs and busted through the castle doors. Popping his head into the great hall, he gave it a quick glance, searching for Adorra. He was ready to show Adorra what he’d brought back for her. If this couldn’t prove how he felt about her and convinced her to stay, then he wasn’t sure what he could do. Romantic gestures weren’t something he was used to, so he hoped it worked.

  When he didn’t find her, he moved on to her chamber. He plowed through the halls, causing everyone in his path to jump out of the way. The moment he arrived at her door, he opened it… only to find it empty.

  He was running out of places to check.

  Mathar turned on a heel and rushed back the same way he’d gone. There was one last place he could check, the sunroom that’d Dryden built for Jasmine.

  Barreling through the halls, he made it to the sunroom door in record time. Sucking in a breath, he placed a hand on the knob of the door, which was ice cold from the outside air, and turned it. The door creaked open on its hinges, and he walked through.

  The warm air inside wrapped around him immediately, like a welcome embrace from a lover. Stepping into the sunroom, he closed the door behind him and slowly walked through the inside garden, until his eyes landed on the form of Adorra.

  She was sitting with her back towards him, near one of the fireplaces. Pink roses bloomed all around her in a delicate display of color, highlighting her brown air. His knees almost buckled as his heart pulsed in his ears.

  It was now or never.

  She could either accept him or reject him, but she was the first woman who believed he could be more than the rumors of his father.

  Rounding a corner, he pulled up beside her. “Adorra.”

  Her head shot up. Her eyes went wide. “Mathar. Where have you been?”

  “I went to get these for you.” Mathar lifted the pack off his shoulder and handed it over to her.

  She held out a cautious hand, grabbed the strap, brought it onto her lap, and undid the top tie to look inside.

  Adorra wasn’t sure what to expect, but she opened the tie with trembling fingers, her breath hitching in her chest. Then she peeled back the lid and her eyes caught on the gleaming jewels inside.

  “Are these…?”

  “Your mother’s.” Mathar filled in.

  “But how…?”

  “Your sister can’t resist playing matchmaker, because she told me that these would be my only hope of convincing you to stay.”

  She ripped her gaze off the family jewels and saw him fidgeting nervously with his hands. This massive warrior who could kill most anyone in a fight looked like he wanted to bolt from the room. A smile played across her lips.

  “This was sweet.”

  He shrugged. “Your sister thought this was the only reason you were going back to the manor.”

  Adorra glanced down at the jewels. She would hate to see the manor go to someone else, but the jewels held the most sentimentality. Her sister was here and refusing to leave, and then there was… Mathar.

  She glanced back up at him. “Do you want me to stay?”

  His face heated with color and he coughed. “I was hoping these,” he waved a hand at the jewels, “would convince you to stay, yes.”

  “But do you want me to stay?” She was going to yank the answer out of him if she had to. “Do you want to share the peacefulness of the woods with me?”

  Mathar rushed towards her, startling the breath from her lungs. He grabbed a hold of her hands as he knelt beside her seat. “I would like to finally dream that you and I can start a new future, a new family together. We both have suffered losses,” he paused as he appeared to get choked up, “I’m hoping together we can start something that will have a happier ending.”

  Adorra just stared at him in shock. She was ready to scream yes at him. Her eyes skimmed over his silver hair and those dark eyes of his. Leaning forward, she captured his face with her hands and whispered, “Yes. I’m ready for a new start, and where better to start than a new land?”

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