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Staring at God Page 118

by Simon Heffer

  MacDonald, James Ramsay 71, 76, 80, 213–14, 281, 424, 484, 485, 527, 574–5, 576, 577, 580, 595, 675, 728, 772

  MacDonogh, Major General Sir George 648

  McGarry, John 817

  McKean, John 664, 699

  McKenna, Pamela 290, 307, 475–6

  McKenna, Reginald: remits sentences of suffragettes 103; and aliens 108, 110; and fabrication of false news 134; assumes responsibiity of Press Bureau 136; sees deputation against women drinking 168; signs the pledge 170; suggests Northcliffe is conspiring with Lloyd George 199; hatred of Churchill 199, 223; accused of by Lloyd George of plotting against Asquith 201; believes Lloyd George is intriguing against him 208; and Fisher’s resignation 223, 224; becomes Chancellor 236; opposed to conscription 280, 294, 306, 308, 323; his budgets 286–7, 325, 600; in War Committee 296; as Lloyd George’s sworn enemy 391, 438, 450, 461, 469, 471; and Asquith 471, 472, 479, 480, 489; loses seat 772

  Maclean, Sir Donald 804, 809

  MacLean, John 284

  McLeod, Kenneth 756

  McNeile, Captain H. C. see ‘Sapper’

  MacNeill, Eoin 342, 343, 347, 348–9, 352–3, 354, 357, 364, 373, 635

  MacNeill, Swift 115–16, 433, 624

  Macpherson, Ian 709

  Macpherson, James 645

  MacQuerney, William 616

  Macready, General Sir Nevil 691, 719

  Mahon, General Sir Bryan 685–6

  Maitland, R. W. 743

  Malleson, Lady Constance 424, 641

  Malleson, Miles 424, 425; Two Short Plays 424

  Mallet, Sir Bernard 784

  Manchester 98, 142, 178, 210, 272, 289, 317, 540, 617, 735, 751; bantam battalions 178; Lloyd George’s speech (1915) 245–6, 272

  Manchester Guardian 35, 88, 199, 300, 437, 578, 585, 741

  Manchester Regiment 101

  Manpower Distribution Board 426, 430, 593–4

  Mansfield, Katherine 572

  Marconi scandal (1912–13) 436, 461, 467, 480, 716

  ‘Marconigang’ 436, 437, 450, 451

  Margate 559

  Markham, Sir Arthur 80–81, 135, 272

  Markievicz, Countess Constance (née Gore-Booth) 359, 367, 373, 774

  Marlborough, Charles Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of 97

  Marlborough, Consuela Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of (née Vanderbilt) 168

  marriages 97, 615; bigamous 122, 615, 641

  Marsh, Eddie 573

  Martin, Albert 771

  Mary of Teck, Queen 97–8, 101, 102, 103, 111, 112, 140, 157, 226, 228, 258, 259, 263, 538, 591, 594, 610, 617, 655, 725, 754, 755, 757, 824

  Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) 151, 152

  Masefield, John 106

  Massingham, H. W. 197, 423

  Masterman, Charles 105, 106, 217, 501, 502; The Battle of the Somme 415–17

  Maternity and Child Welfare Act (1918) 746–7

  Matin, Le 20, 203, 583

  Maurice of Battenberg, Prince 114

  Maurice, General Sir Frederick 507, 647, 648, 669, 679, 680, 681, 708, 709–11, 712, 713, 714, 715–16, 737, 739, 768, 772

  Maurice, Frederick Denison 507

  Max of Baden, Prince 729, 754

  Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico 6

  Maxse, Leo 65, 436, 520, 565

  Maxwell, General Sir John ‘Conky’ 362–3, 364, 366–8, 373, 374, 379, 687

  MCC see Marylebone Cricket Club

  Meath, Reginald Brabazon, 12th Earl of vii, 116

  Mee, Arthur: The King’s England 780

  Mensdorff, Count Albert von, Austrian ambassador to Britain 6, 22, 23, 28, 41–2, 50, 87

  Mercer, Cecil see Yates, Dornford

  merchant shipping 529, 531, 653

  Merseyside 268, 783

  Merthyr Tydfil 104, 105

  Messines, Battle of (1917) 556

  Metropolitan Police/Scotland Yard 116, 144, 220, 285, 550, 586, 597, 616, 666, 718–19, 812

  Meux, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Hedworth 405, 711, 734

  Meynell, Francis 572

  MFGB see Miners Federation of Great Britain

  Middlesbrough 752

  Middlesex Regiment 101, 152

  Midleton, St John Brodrick, 1st Earl of 349–50, 371–2, 630, 632, 633, 694–5

  Military Service Acts (1916) 309, 310–11, 312, 325, 329–31, 580, 706, 717, 800

  Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty 586

  Millard, Dr 524

  Milner, Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount 208, 484; included in coalition government 226–7, 242; leads Food Production Committee 286, 528; seconds call for Air Ministry 319; as successor to Kitchener 399; in Lloyd George’s War Cabinet 483, 484, 558, 561, 562; and Buchan 501; presses Lloyd George to replace Carson at the Admiralty 512; introduces Corn Production Bill 528; fears France will be an unreliable ally 555–6; criticised by Robertson 560; and Lloyd George 563, 567; agrees with Lansdowne’s letter 583; on Lloyd George–Robertson quarrel 642; and Austen Chamberlain 662; his ancestry queried by Northcliffe 667; influences Lloyd George on Supreme War Council 671, 673; and Robertson 673, 675; and Lloyd George’s rebuttal of Maurice 713, 716; and Haig’s optimism 278; against ‘humiliating’ peace terms for Germany 733; gives interview objected to by Northcliffe 740; defended by Carson 740; succeeded as war secretary by Churchill 799; appointed colonial secretary 790

  Milner, Sir Frederick 213

  Milroy, John 817

  minefields/mine-laying, German 133, 149, 154, 160, 181

  miners/mines 163, 166–7, 205–7, 270–72, 286, 313, 336–7, 426, 540, 544, 546, 552, 593, 598–9, 619, 654, 718, 750, 808, 812; see alo coal industry

  Miners Federation of Great Britain (MFGB) 166–7, 206, 207, 270, 281, 426, 544, 551, 593, 653, 654, 764

  Ministry of Health 543, 620, 752, 753, 793

  Ministry of Labour 490, 552, 762, 801

  Ministry of Munitions 231, 232, 245, 248, 249, 274, 282, 314, 326, 402, 488, 495, 511, 515, 518, 593, 594, 598, 602, 603, 604, 645, 668

  Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Fund 763

  Mitchell, Sir Francis 215

  MO5(g) 110, 114

  Moeran, E. J. (Jack) 95, 653

  Mond, Sir Alfred 455, 487

  Money, Sir Leo Chiozza 487, 764–5, 767

  Mons, Battle of (1914) 98, 124–5, 131–2, 135, 137, 141, 418, 755

  Montagu, Edwin S. 57, 120; and Venetia Stanley 120, 186, 197; as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 182, 194; urged by Mrs Asquith to marry Venetia 198, 202; and the difficulty of telling Asquith 209; and her conversion to Judaism 212; engagement announced 216; and the Derby Scheme 304, 305; as secretary to the cabinet 329; declines post as chief secretary 373; and Asquith–Lloyd George relations 391, 467, 468, 470; refuses offer of post of director of National Service 485–6, 495; becomes Secretary of State for India 517, 633, 790; on reconstruction committee 554; and Amritsar massacre 820

  Montagu of Beaulieu, John Douglas-Scott-Montagu, 2nd Baron 319, 610

  Montgomery, Hugh 28

  Morley of Blackburn, John Morley, 1st Viscount, Lord President of the Council 37–8, 55, 61, 67, 68–9, 70, 71, 72, 83, 86, 87, 804

  Morning Post 62, 98, 117, 135, 147, 200, 208, 222, 226, 236, 269, 279, 324, 343, 344, 379, 433, 435, 438, 466, 481, 482, 564, 583, 665, 666, 705–6, 709, 790, 820

  Morrell, Lady Ottoline 78, 88, 105, 265, 329, 333, 336, 374, 392, 406, 407, 580, 641

  Morrell, Philip 78–9, 80, 105, 333, 335, 336, 374, 406, 407, 424, 572, 720–21, 722, 804

  Müller, W. G. Max, British Consul General in Budapest 28, 32

  munitions industry 100, 167, 168, 194, 202–3, 204, 205, 206, 208, 210–11, 220, 232–3, 234–5, 247, 248–9, 279–80, 313, 315–16, 337–8, 434, 453, 550, 553, 594, 596; female workers 207, 235, 275, 285, 317, 331, 754, 778; factory explosions 235, 338, 553, 683–4; pay 598, 654; and Armistice 754, 756–7; postwar 797, 798

  Munitions of War Act (19195) 235, 270, 274, 282

  Murray, Sir Archibald 299

  Murray, Gilbert 42, 267; Can War Ever Be Right 26

  Murray of Elibank 435–6, 450, 518, 741

  Murry, John Middleton 572

  music 103, 106–7, 112, 151, 262, 263, 265–7, 274, 651–3

  Namur 131

  Narodna Odbrana 22, 29

  Nash, Paul 665

  Nash, Vaughan 554

  Nathan, Sir Matthew 346, 353, 365

  Nation 197, 423

  National Anti-Conscription Fellowship 585

  National Canine Defence league 190

  National Council for Civil Liberties 586

  National Council of Public Morals 618

  National Federation of Discharged and Demobilised Sailors and Soldiers 766

  National Filling Factories 235

  national health insurance 620, 745–6

  National Projectile Factories 235

  National Registration Act (1915) 274, 276

  National Relief Fund 103

  National Review 520

  National Shell Factories 234–5, 683, 778

  National Union of Railwaymen (NUR) 311, 597, 620, 810–11

  National Union of Women Workers 247

  National Volunteer Force for Home Defence 96

  National War Aims Committee (NWAC) 586, 597

  NCF see No Conscription Fellowship

  Needlework Guild 98

  Netherlands, the/Holland 27, 51, 52, 83, 86, 146, 255, 319, 577, 754, 756, 769

  neurasthenia see shell shock

  Neutrality League 43, 55, 92

  Neuve Chapelle, Battle of (1915) 167–8, 170, 179, 195, 198, 199, 210

  Nevinson, Christopher: Paths of Glory 665

  New Statesman 104

  New Zealand 60, 128, 182

  Newbolt, Sir Henry 106, 525, 755; ‘Poetry and Patriotism’ 106; The Vigil 92–3

  Newcastle-upon-Tyne 111, 116, 164, 203, 202, 204–6, 207, 209, 210, 228, 268

  Newhaven 266, 269

  Newmarket 151, 152, 154, 302, 602

  News of the World 38, 66, 403

  Nicholas II, Tsar 11, 12, 31, 34, 35, 45, 50, 56, 57, 61, 68, 104, 139, 534, 576, 587, 588, 589–90, 605

  Nicoll, Sir William Robertson 326

  Nicolson, Sir Arthur 7, 14, 18, 27, 32–3, 36, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 52, 55, 57, 59, 62, 63–4, 68, 69, 77, 82

  Niger, HMS 138

  Nightingale, Florence 341, 779

  Nivelle, General Robert 503, 504, 505, 507, 555, 560, 593

  No Conscription Fellowship (NCF) 325, 334, 405, 406, 640

  Noel, Reverend Conrad 266

  Non-Combatant Corps 313

  North Hampshire Golf Club 97

  Northampton 111, 113, 166

  Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount: publishes anti-German sentiments 60, 65, 69, 77, 79; starts The Great War (periodical) 92; and Haldane 117; ‘the most powerful man in the country’ 135; and account of retreat from Mons 135, 136–7; critical of Asquith 199; angry over censorship 200–1; and Sir John French 211, 220–21; dislikes Lloyd George 211; campaigns against Asquith 219; calls for internment of enemy aliens 219; has ‘very useful’ discussion with Lloyd George 221; distrusted by him 227; puts pressure on Asquith 228, 229; attacks Kitchener 234, 239, 240, 269; relations with Lloyd George 241; campaigns for conscription 269; Churchill on 279; supports Derby Scheme 290, 302; campaigns against Asquith 291, 304, 324, 397; and Carson 294; Lloyd George seen as his creature 308, 312, 317; attacked by Simon 315; advises Derby on air defences 318–19; and Fisher’s return 321; angry at ‘men doing women’s work’ 325; and food shortages 338; ‘a public danger’ 397; and Milner 399; and Lloyd George’s appointment as secretary of war 401, 403; secures him an interview with United Press of America 436, 437; exposes Lloyd George’s interference in his job 438; out to destroy Lloyd George 459, 461, 463; and Asquith’s new War Committee 465–6; believed by Asquith to be intriguing against him with Lloyd George 470–71, 477; relationship with Lloyd George 478, 479, 480, 482, 518, 520; and Balfour’s appointment as foreign secretary 485; stays out of Lloyd George’s administration 486; advises him on ‘new men’ 487; accused of wanting to destroy Parliament 491; despises Churchill 508; turns on Carson 512; and Jellicoe’s resignation 513; on unpopularity of Lloyd George’s government 514; house bombed by the Germans 519; heads war mission to USA 512, 519–20; offered viscountcy 520; and the King 520; demands rationing 525, 531; attacks Neville Chamberlain 550, 551; and Lansdowne’s letter 583–4; helps Daily Express stay in business 586; and Haig 643; attacks Robertson 657; and Repington 658, 665; oversees foreign propaganda 659, 662, 664, 735–6; pioneers aviation 664; demands further round-ups of aliens 667; forms Alien Committee 668; and Robertson 675, 677, 704; and Austen Chamberlain 708; supports Lloyd George in Maurice debate 715; pessimistic about the war 728; calls for Germany’s unconditional surrender 733; told to ‘go to Hades’ by Lloyd George 733; attacked by Carson 739–40; and general election 772; worried that too many of the Tory ‘Old Gang’ are still in power 788; supports Churchill’s demobilisation strategy 803; savaged by Lloyd George 821–2; see also Northcliffe press

  Northcliffe, Mary Harmsworth, Viscountess (née Milner) 98

  Northcliffe press 110, 113, 135, 228, 237, 255, 262, 269, 278, 279, 287, 291, 293, 315, 398, 478, 481, 571–2, 657, 661, 663, 664, 666; see also Daily Mail; Times, The; Weekly Dispatch

  Northumberland, Alan Percy, 8th Duke of 233

  Northumberland Fusiliers 101

  Norway 41, 83, 86, 319

  Novello, Ivor: Keep The Home Fires Burning 106–7

  nurses 778, 781

  Oakeshott, Walter 525

  O’Brien, James 356

  O’Brien, William 688

  Observer 66, 305

  O’Connor, T. P. 342, 377–8, 379, 427, 625–6

  Odham’s printing works, London 611

  O’Dwyer, Edward, Bishop of Limerick 348, 349

  O’Dwyer, Sir Michael 819, 820

  O’Farrell, Elizabeth 364

  O’Flanagan, Father Michael 625, 774

  O’Grady, James 596

  ‘Old Contemptibles’ 140, 142

  Oldham 209

  Oliver, Rear Admiral Sir Henry 445

  Ollivant, Lt Colonel A. H. 144

  Olympic, RMS 137

  Order of St John 621

  Orlando, Vittorio 771, 820

  Ormsby-Gore, William 673

  Orpen, Sir William 665

  Osborne, Gladys 419

  Ottoman Empire/Turks 5, 73, 82, 182–4, 187, 192, 193, 201, 301, 314, 491, 561, 562, 576, 582, 671, 728, 729, 731, 732; see also Dardanelles; Gallipoli

  Outhwaite, Robert 81

  Overend, Gurney & Co. 62

  Owen, Wilfred 262, 573, 758; ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ 573; Dulce et Decorum Est 758

  Oxford University 106, 107, 254

  Oxfordshire Hussars 136

  pacifism/pacifists 36, 68, 78, 80, 104, 105, 245, 266, 286, 305, 311, 404, 407, 424, 425, 438, 472, 479, 554, 574, 576–7, 578, 579, 580, 581, 585–6, 593, 605, 651, 717, 804, 805

  Page, Walter Hines, American ambassador to Britain 86

  Painlevé, Paul 567

  painting 264–5

  Pal, Dr Satya 819

  Palestine 183, 314, 521, 563, 658, 681, 728

  Pall Mall Gazette 223, 737

  pals’ battalions 100–1

  Pankhurst, Christabel 103, 104, 144

  Pankhurst, Emmeline 103, 274, 623

  Pankhurst, Sylvia 749

  Papen, Franz von 342

  Paris 139, 144, 149, 563, 576–7, 581, 583, 703, 821, 824

  Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act (1918) 768

  Parmoor, Charles Cripps, 1st Baron 345

  Parnell, Charles 363

  Parr, John 131, 755

  Parry, Sir Hubert 80, 95–6, 266, 267, 651, 652, 653, 752; ‘The Chivalry of the Sea’ 652; Fifth Symphony 652; ‘Jerusalem’ 266–7, 268, 652; Songs of Farewell 266, 652; Symphonic Variations 652

  Passchendaele 94, 552, 558, 560, 711

  Payot, General Charles 798

Patrick 346, 349, 353, 354, 355, 356, 358, 363, 364, 367

  Pearson, Sir Arthur 621

  Pease, Joseph 132

  Peel, Sir Robert 436

  Peel, William Peel, 1st Earl 805

  Penrose-Fitzgerald, Admiral Charles Cooper 142–3

  Percy, Alan Percy, Earl (later 8th Duke of Northumberland) 584

  Pershing, General John J. 703

  Pétain, Marshal Philippe 679

  Peto, Basil 746

  petrol shortages 154, 317, 525, 603, 785

  Pigou, Professor A. C. 334

  pigs 541, 648; feeding 455, 525, 530, 571, 648

  Pinero, Arthur 263

  Pitt, William, the Younger 144, 158, 310

  Plebs League 595

  Plessen, Baron Leopold von 668

  Plowman, Max: A Subaltern on the Somme 574

  Plumer, General Sir Herbert 672, 796

  Plunkett, Count George 392–3, 625

  Plunkett, Sir Horace 365, 390–91, 632–3, 686, 691–2, 695, 702, 756, 818

  Plunkett, Joseph 347, 348, 349, 356, 392, 429

  Plymouth, Robert Windsor-Clive, 1st Earl of 591

  poetry/poets 92–3, 138, 259–61, 262, 266, 414–15, 425, 555, 573, 650–51, 758

  Poincaré, Raymond 9, 15, 26, 30, 41, 48, 53, 58, 61

  poison gas 214–15, 238, 254; British use of 288

  police 150; see also Metropolitan Police

  Ponsonby, Arthur 79–80; Falsehood in Wartime … 80

  poppies 780

  Port Talbot Steel Company 232

  Portland, William Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of 97, 748

  postage stamps 656

  Press Bureau 115, 134, 191, 256, 431, 501

  Primrose, Neil 520–21

  Pringle, William 81, 490, 501, 645, 664, 737–8

  prisoners of war: British 112, 133, 190, 396, 725, 757, 770; German 118, 255, 332, 410, 416, 449, 530, 548, 598, 641, 727, 728

  prisons 615

  profiteering 163, 232, 494, 534, 813; food 206, 207, 454, 531, 535, 536, 576; brewers 596, 597, 656

  propaganda 134–5, 137

  prostitution 611–12, 613, 614

  Prothero, Rowland 526–8, 537, 547, 548

  public schoolboys 18, 95, 100, 418, 779; see also Eton School

  Punch (magazine) 541–2

  Quakers 640, 804

  Queensberry, John Douglas, 9th Marquess of 446

  Quintinshill rail disaster (1915) 242

  railways/railway workers 72–3, 166, 242, 285, 311, 439–40, 544, 552, 597, 602, 649, 650, 719, 749–50, 770, 797, 808, 814; worst British disaster 242

  Ramsgate 606, 610


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