The Light of God

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The Light of God Page 3

by Michael W. Huard

  Light, held out of her hand towards her friend and replied, “He is a phoenix; a celestial being; one close to the Lord above. One who represents rebirth and, sometimes, a second chance.”

  She watched as the young child seemed very interested in her words. Light then asked, “May I ask you, my dear child, why is it that you are so lost?”

  The little girl, with light blonde curly locks, had a full face of freckles dancing along her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were as sad as any ever seen by Light.

  The child explained, “When I was as I appear now, just a little girl, I had such big dreams. You see, I wanted to be a dancer. I was always told that I could dance like no other, and I had the rhythm, grace, and creativity to do ballet.”

  Intina and Light listened on.

  “The clan on Earth that I traveled with...well they thought that it was silly and I was forced to work daily, helping the doctors in our group take care of the needy and the wounded. I worked endless hours in a homeless shelter with no time to dance. It was a worthy job most would say, but it was something that had taken my dreams from me.”

  Light knelt down to hear more. She then asked, “As to your story, why is it that you are here, for what you tell us, I do not see the reasoning?”

  The little girl explained more, “It was not until I was an older teenager that I began working for an institution that was not so keen on moral values. There were medicines that we were administering to people that were turned into vials of poison, many to help put an end to the weak and unhelpful as time went on. I was a facilitator of death and, since I had lost my dreams as a child, I was so frustrated enough to block it all out. I became numb to this taking of lives, just so others could eat, and stay afloat in a mad world.”

  This girl had helped kill the innocent.

  In her head Light heard the opinion of Intina, “She was killing people. Those that looked like they didn't have a future; it's horrendous, if I do say so myself. I do not know if there's anything you can do to forgive this individual.”

  Light gave the fiery, orange bird a stare as he was glowing now, be it upset himself. She then turned back to the child before her.

  “For that which you have done, I can offer little forgiveness. Sometimes in losing our own vision, our own hopes and dreams, we often get lost in a life we had not planned on choosing.”

  Light reached out and touched the wrought iron chains that bound the young child and they slipped from holding her, now just dangling upon the wooden bench.

  The child looked up at the angel and Light touched her face. “Are you sorry for the things that you have done?” She asked the little girl.

  The child began to cry, “I am sorry beyond words and, if I could only have a second chance, I would have fought to help those in need and not turned from them.”

  Light helped the girl wipe her tears from her face, “It is too late for that now, but I give unto you this, my travel companion and I would be most honored to see you dance before us. I have heard that he is a rather beautiful, musical singer and entertainer.”

  She then winked to the bird, who was now crunching his lips together wondering what Light was up to. She nodded at him, with a look of “come on work with me here”.

  “If Intina would do us the beauty of playing or singing something it would be a pleasure to see you dance as the ballerina you once believed you would become.”

  Light then added, “I must say, after such, you will not be given a second chance in the world of man. I will, however, send you up to a different realm, be it a place where you may dance and bring happiness to those that dwell there for eternity.”

  The girl smiled at this gracious offer.

  Light then waved her long-fingered hands about, thus changing the dried-up flowers to those of yellow, white, green, and a beautiful reddish orange color. All sprouted amongst the field as the young girl stepped out upon the new setting and prepared to dance for the companions.

  Intina cleared his voice. He then sang a most beautiful song.

  The girl leaped amongst the flowers and spun around raising her hands and twirling all about. It was the first time she was happy in centuries.

  Afterward, she was sent on her way and, when she was gone, Intina just stood looking at his angel friend.

  “Go ahead,” Light implied, “I know you want to say something.”

  Intina replied, “That was nice of you!”

  The angel winked at her traveling mate. “What did it really hurt, right? I could feel her spirit longing to do better, and this my fiery friend is forgiveness.”

  The phoenix felt that perhaps he may figure out such one day, and it was beginning to feel pretty good.

  Chapter Six

  To travel deeper was what was to come next. However, the pair searched and searched for a gateway to the lowest of lowest abyssal level. They found no such thing. They were being blocked off, she knew it.

  She now knew both Lucifer and his lieutenant were involved, yet was still unsure where their scheming would go, or how such could affect Earth. She had no choice but to go to Earth. There was no way to go beyond where they stood. Each of them gazed over a river of blood; there just was no route onward and downward.

  More dark minions now appeared. Each carried a trident of obsidian and all raised their pitchforks calling for death and battle.

  They rushed at the companions who both took a fighting stance, awaiting their charge. Intina’s claws and ravaging bite went to work and Light whirled her sword with the grace and strength of a true lord of brightness. They both suffered hits, cuts and bruises yet, they prevailed.

  Twenty minutes later, sweating and injured from the fighting, the pair exited the nine layers and made way to safer grounds. They landed near a river of milk and honey, where time stood still. Intina sat on the edge of the river and sipped its contents. He was awaiting the plan to actually go to Earth.

  He turned and looked to Light. “So what is next?”

  She smiled softly at him. “Whatever it is, it’s been nice having you with me.” The large phoenix was grinning now. “It has been my pleasure, yet we have more to do right?”

  Light nodded, “That we do. Let us take a small break right here.” She was overwhelmed at all they had already been through. She just needed a moment here.

  The two of them rested some. The liquid healed their wounds. Light then eventually turned to her most trusted companion and wondered out loud what was next. “Where shall we go, Intina? Do you know this place called Earth? I can’t say for sure what the best thing to do is”

  The bird gave a funny look towards her. He had thought she already knew where and what to do. “I have never been,” he announced inside her head.

  Both contemplated such for a while.

  Within her mind she brought forth thoughts and images, names and locations. There were so many people! Humans loved to reproduce.

  She then offered her findings to Intina. He was of the highest intelligence, heavenly gifted, yet had never been too far. He was all ears now.

  “Well, this is what we have; there’s the Hell’s Angels; some sort of motorcycle gang. Do you think they could be part of such drama?”

  Intina shook his head no.

  “Okay then, how about, the Guardian Angles, Intina, they may be the ones. I see they have a slogan that is we dare to care. It could be them.”

  Intina shook his head no!

  Light sighed, “Alright then, what say we go to Los Angeles, the so-called named City of Angels?”

  Intina paused; perhaps this could be a good place to begin. He shook his long beak up and down saying yes, finally.

  The angel took hold of the bird’s wing as they stood together preparing to leave the river bank. “Just close your eyes my friend, and off we shall go.”

  The pair arrived moments later and as they set down on a high cityscape roof. Light immediately wondered how they would go about with their appearances.

  “Well, I see you looking at me,”
she smirked at Intina. “I know, I know. Here, is this better,” she added making her wings disappear. The bird shook his head. She then saw that her cape, armor, and clothing were also not an earthly fit.

  Placing her hands about her frame, she instantly adjusted to be wearing high black boots, dark leggings and a long navy, high collared sweater. She tilted her head to the side with a smile at her companion. Yet he poked his nose still at her side. A sword was still there and the bird knew it was not a good choice.

  Light made it vanish as well and folded her arms now waiting for Intina do deal with his own appearance. She opened her arms up and then pointed at him.

  “Your turn my trusted ally.”

  The phoenix’s shape changed into a normal man upon hearing her words. He was now a light haired, crew cut donning chap. One who looked like a military man, if not a fit, good looking young guy.

  Light responded with a look of approval.

  “Ahhhh you’re handsome! I like it,” she announced as a welcome compliment.

  Intina had not changed his look in centuries and all of this was rather exciting.

  They then climbed down, and entered the streets of Los Angeles. Their first stop was a psychic. Light was being drawn to her for answers. On this planet, it was such that spirit-like guides, so-called channel lenders, as they often were called, acted as angels of mankind. Many were fake, and in truth none were real angels. She hoped the one she felt this calling for was the real deal as to at least having answers to her seeking’s.

  Earth was always known as a high risk zone for corruption, but this was where they were now. Down on the streets they soon came upon the hidden apartment of one such seer. The locale was set between a few dark roads and buildings about.

  Yet, before they knocked on the door, the alleyway was suddenly full with hooded men. They wore sweatshirts and dark pants and all gathered about the pair before they were able to enter.

  A voice then called out in the night.

  “We saw you come down from the roof and followed you. When we encounter strangers in this part of the city, there is always concern.”

  The men now appeared out of the shadows; they were human males and had a standard on their chest as to be some sort of street guardians. The patch was of two crossed baton-like clubs.

  “Who are you and what is your business in this area?” The head patrolman now asked.

  He was a tall man, with dark hair and a mustache.

  Light gave an honest answer. “We come only seeking our fortune. We were told that this was a good place to go,” she made note of such pointing to a door. “We are not here to cause disarray or anything else that would be troublesome to you good men on your patrol.”

  The men each raised an eyebrow at the thought of the two strangers appearing from the rooftops above.

  Their leader pondered these newbies, “My name is Maximillian, I suggest you be very cautious roaming about the streets in this region. Most people in this vicinity are not safe from watching eyes, those of the Y-Wood Corporation, or of wicked woman known as Spicy who dwells in the city.”

  Light nodded her head, “Fair enough, we will heed your warning to the highest level. This, here, is our door I may add, so we shall leave the streets immediately and leave you to do the good duty of watching over the people of the area.”

  Maximillian squinted a bit trying to get a better view avoiding one of the street lights that was glaring over his eyes. He studied the woman and her male companion. They did not seem like they were all too shady and, with such, he gave them a nod of approval. “Very well, be on your way inside, and good luck with seeking your fortune,” he grinned. “I have to admit, nowadays, most people are not so fortunate.”

  He then called to his men to move on and continued down the alleyway.

  Chapter Seven

  Once inside, a small, bald-headed male stepped out from behind a curtain of golden yellow. “Good day,” he announced, “I am Torres, and it is my pleasure to meet you both.” He wore a simple light tan, two-piece smock outfit. Almost fit for a monk of ancient times, its V-neck top fell over his tiny chest loosely. Yet he seemed comfortable. A few gemstones decorated its collar top part. On his face, Light saw piercings about his nose and a spiral tattoo down one side of his cheek. He was at best forty years of age.

  “Thank you,” she replied. “May we sit and have a reading?”

  Torres seemed amused at how these two had located him. He waved a hand for them to have a seat before an oval table at the center of his small apartment room.

  “Sit now as strangers and let us get to know one another,” he suggested. “I get the sense that you are not here to hear about yourselves this night. It is about others that you inquire, is it not?”

  Light was impressed at his guess. They were many charlatans, she was sure, that dwelled here upon Earth. Most were masters faking their abilities to earn funding. But, for him realizing their intent right away, she was pleased and ready to move forward.

  Torres kept a keen eye on Intina who had wandered about the apartment, looking at every item he could possibly study. Then, suddenly, he returned spinning a chair backside and sitting with them all.

  Torres announced, “It appears your companion is seemingly uncomfortable in the form that he is taking, will he be ok?”

  Light replied, “He will be fine.” Again, this guy was good.

  The seer did not use a deck of cards, crystals, or any sort of other implements. He only asked that Light now reach out and hold his hands.

  He read into her mind, but even he himself was confused at all within. She was searching for something or someone but it was not clear to what, or whom, it was.

  He did sense that she was curious to know more about a group of women who were fighting against the tyranny of the land, and Torres new of these women. For the name she sought was that of the Mystical Slayers, a somewhat infamous, especially after a recent attack on the on big Corporation grounds, freedom fighting sisterhood.

  “Why these women?” He wondered. He then broke hands and looked into her eyes giving his initial thoughts. It had to be all that these women had to deal with; the vileness of Y-Wood leadership.

  “I sense within you... a yearning to learn of that which is wicked on Earth. However, it strikes me odd that you seemingly have a good heart and a clean soul. So why such desire to see where evil dwells?”

  Light explained, “I truly do not seek the darkness. I only wish to know if there are plans in the works from those that perhaps follow such a creed of evil. Is there anything else you can tell me in such regard?”

  Torres talked on, “First off, the women that you seek have been raised and schooled in the history of mankind. Each has made a vow, and their entire group has made it their mission to fight against those that would suppress the people here.”

  He then ran his hands about his face pausing for a second.

  “As to this evil that you seem to be holding inside; searching for... it would be those that govern here, those whom would never go back to a world that once was.”

  Intina felt as those this was turning into riddles and gibberish banter.

  His was shaking his head as if this was not enough information to help them whatsoever.

  If drama was the name of the game, she was still dumbfounded as to where, why, and how it was to come about. Torres felt she was still confused. He asked, “May I offer you both a little tea?”

  The pair accepted his offer.

  Light was lost as to what to ask next. She and Intina sipped their tea as the room became quiet for a bit.

  She stood up, “Well okay, I very much appreciate your time and thank you for seeing us on the spur of the moment.”

  Torres stood now as well, he bowed placing each of his palms together at the center of his forehead. “You’re most welcome my dear. I wish I could help you more, but there are answers before you. I hope you can see them clearly one day.”

  Light nodded and she and Intina now exited h
is small place. Intina was about to ask questions but stopped his train of thought as they reached the alley outside.

  It was then that Intina immediately recognized in the shadows where the patrol men earlier stood. They were all now laying on the ground. His night vision showed them sliced in several pieces, bloodied, and unmoving. His stomach turned over.

  He put his hand in front of Light, “Go no further, I sense grave danger out here, and it is not of an earthly kind.” She hesitated and now focused in on the slain men in the streetway more closely. Intina told her what he saw.

  She then grabbed Intina holding him back, “Do not show yourself; you know the laws of the heavens! We’re not allowed to appear as our true essence on Earth or we will be punished and banned from such venture. Stay my friend, stay as you are.”

  It was then that, emerging from the blackness deep in the alley appeared a massive soldier. His black wings were as wide as the entire city avenue. He carried a monster of a sword and in the most deep and haunting voice he called out, “YOU, WOMAN, ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HERE!”

  He came forward, his black metal armor now gleaming off the street lights. He raised his sword pointing it at Light. “I am the DOOM BRINGER sent by Palestine. You should have known better Angel of Mercy, FOR THERE IS NO MERCY FOR YOU!”

  Intina knew very well what a Doom Bringer was. He was an agent of the devil himself; one of the most powerful beings in existence. The magic phoenix knew to keep this human form meant his powers would be heavily limited. He had no choice, so immediately he shaped changed back into a fiery bird.

  Light turned and called for him to stop, but it was too late.

  Intina grew to his big size and his fiery wings sprouted up as he stepped out to face their adversary.

  Light drew her sword.

  The massive Doom Bringer, whose eyes glowed red, stood close to fifteen feet tall. He was known to be an unstoppable force and the companions knew very well this was their hardest battle to be.

  He did not speak anymore and strode forward with a single purpose in mind. Destroy this meddling angel and her pet bird.


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