The Light of God

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The Light of God Page 4

by Michael W. Huard

  Light had to show her true colors as well. Her clothing ripped from her back as her white wings propelled her upward. Intina went to the left and also rose to face the Doom Bringer.

  Intina dove first. He clawed and tore into the Doom Bringer, yet could do little damage. The monster was armored heavily and his skin too thick, even in open places, to dig into. The beast backhanded the bird sending him sprawling into an adjacent building wall across the street.

  Light propelled herself like a rocket, sword first, into him.

  His red eyes would be her target. She hit him hard, but one of his two curved, downward pointing horns, is what she ended up cutting into. Some of the horn tore off and the beast reacted with a bellowing cry as it turned about and tried to cleave Light in two. She was just able to avoid his swing, spinning about and landing on her feet down the roadway.

  The Doom Bringer raised his arms and flexed his big muscles. This time he rose up and came right at her. She deflected his blade with hers, but he was stronger, and his sword much bigger. Light did all she could do not get smashed as he backed her up against a wall, slamming hit after hit at her.

  He then changed heights cutting her in the leg. It was a nasty gash that sent her to the ground in sheering pain. Her leg was nearly severed, hanging loosely to her hip now.

  Intina came again. He used both his claws to spray out rows of fire directly into the monster’s face. But it was not enough to stop him from again attacking a now downed Light.

  The beast missed. She was down but not out. She rolled away from his downward heave, and his sword stuck heavily into the street pavement. She then rammed her blade into his back seeking his liver and gutting the Doom Bringer deeply.

  The creature’s reaction was a good sign. He, too, was hurt. He roared and spun about, elbowing out at the white-winged angel who just barley ducked his blow. They bashed swords together and again he was the stronger of them, backing Light to the ground.

  She could hardly keep her balance with such an injured leg. He had her now on one knee, and she would fall in seconds. Intina had no choice; he went from within, gathering his true Ki, his inner power. He found himself spiraling in a heated ball of white flame. This was his celestial gift, whitefire; the type of fire that could affect any fire monster from the pits of hell.

  He had to do it! He must save her. Intina knew the consequences but, without a second thought, he propelled himself into the Doom Bringer just as the monstrosity was about to cleave Light in two.

  The beast and bird upon impact were sent onward down the street nearly thirty yards. The white ball of fire blew up and the entire alley became as bright as day. Light fell low, blocking her eyes crying out in distress, “Noooooooo, Intina noooooo!” She screamed.

  The Doom Bringer was not resistant to this heavenly fire. It erupted in flames and melted to its very core. A skeleton stood in his place and soon crumbled to the street pavement.

  Light crawled to Intina. The phoenix himself was seriously wounded and drained of his life force. In using the whitefire, the bird had sacrificed himself for his angel comrade.

  He had known this would occur, but she was worth it. He loved her!

  Chapter Eight

  She reached the drained and withered bird and took him into her arms. “What have you done? You should have never chosen that direction!”

  Intina only laid his head upon her nearly severed leg. Even almost dead, he was able to heal his beloved companion. Light began to cry. “My friend, my beautiful, strong, brave friend, you...can’t leave me, please hold on.”

  Light pushed her long black hair from her sweaty face. She knew what she had to do, and she needed to do it fast. There was but one hope in saving Intina’s life.

  The Doom Bringer was proof that Lucifer was involved. There was no time for more seeking’s. There was only one being that could save Intina, and that was God himself.

  There were channels to go through; those before that one must converse with. The need to talk with the All Mighty would require hoops to jump through, even for the Angel of Mercy.

  In her heart, nothing could stop her from getting to him, and saving Intina.


  (OUR NEXT MYSTICAL SLAYERS origin story will lead Light on her quest to save Intina. Look for “The Talk with God” -coming soon!)

  © MICHAEL W. HUARD 2019 all rights reserved


  Well, you made it to the end of my novelette. I hope that means you enjoyed it. I would just like to thank you for giving me your valuable time to entertain you. I am blessed to have such a fun job, but I only have it because of people like you; people kind enough to give my books a chance. I am grateful for that. I love writing and telling heroic stories. If you have enjoyed this book and would like to help me out, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else readers visit. The most important part of how well a book sells is the many positive reviews it has. If you leave me one, you’re directly helping me to continue on this wonderful writing journey.

  – Thanks again, Michael W. Huard


  Michael W. Huard is a dreamer, a lover of words, and someone with an endless imagination. He’s a long-time martial artist, a long-time D&D game master, and simply a human being on a voyage in time.

  Please join his mailing list for all the latest updates in the Mystical Slayer book series. Mike is always busy writing many more stories about your favorite sisterhood.

  THE MYSTICAL SLAYERS Heritage Series (All novellas)

  Rising: A Mystical Slayers prequel Novella (This is set hundreds of years before Land of the Free)

  Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light: A Mystical Slayers Novella Prequel

  Hellcat: A Mystical Slayers Novella Prequel (This takes place right after Sisters of the Dawn's Early Light)

  Now Available – The Mystical Slayers Heritage OMNIBUS; all three novellas in one huge book or boxed set.

  THE MYSTICAL SLAYERS Trilogy (All full novels)

  LAND of the FREE: Book 1 in the Mystical Slayers three-novel series.

  HOPE BRINGERS: Book 2 in the Mystical Slayers trilogy, a sequel for the ages!

  FREEDOM: Book 3, the exciting conclusion is here.

  GOTHIC FAIRY TALES Novelette Series

  The Black Rose Witch

  Red Cold Snow

  Diva in the Mists

  *And announcing, Gothic Fairy Tales Book 1: “Lover’s Bane” Coming soon!


  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight




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