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A Budding Romance

Page 6

by Bella Osborne

  Quite a few people were there already, and they were standing in their twos and threes still at the very early drinking stage and not quite ready to start talking to strangers. A few people had made an effort, Anna spotted a couple of Carmen Mirandas, three Tarzans in recycled tiger fur throws, lots of beachwear and T-shirts with bright green bug-eyed frogs on them.

  ‘Come on, let’s mingle,’ said Sophie and she started to talk to a random stranger. After a few minutes Anna tuned out. There was a limit to the amount of enthusiasm she could fake about air travel to a member of cabin crew. Flying was Anna’s idea of hell but he didn’t need to know that. Sophie on the other hand was enthralled. Anna looked about and spotted Hudson sitting alone on a beanbag. He was absent-mindedly stirring his swizzle stick round and round his empty glass. She picked up a bottle of Bud and made her way through the jungle.

  ‘Hi,’ said Anna, handing him the bottle. ‘Has your man gone and left you?’

  ‘Yeah, something like that. You look fantastic.’

  Anna was very pleased with her outfit given she had left it until the last minute. Whilst she was a little short to pull off the Amazonian heroine Wonder Woman it was a fun outfit and she’d quite liked the film when Roberta had insisted on all the woman in the office going to see it.

  ‘Thanks,’ Anna replied as she plonked herself down on the beanbag next to him and instantly regretted it as the stuffing shifted and she found herself squashed up against him with her legs splayed in the air. She hastily hoiked her top back into place and wriggled until she was no longer tipping, and was a respectable distance away.

  ‘Why are you skulking over here and not chatting to people?’ Anna gestured to a group of four guys all in camouflage hot pants.

  ‘I don’t know most of them. They’re mainly Sim’s friends …’

  ‘But why so glum?’ she asked, not satisfied with his lame explanation of such downtrodden body language from the man who was always reeking confidence in the office.

  ‘I’ve been running around all day collecting this lot,’ he said, gesturing at the party props. ‘Sim goes into Vicious Dictator mode when he’s stressed so I’m beat. You won’t believe how many times I’ve had to move the goddamn trapeze; we’ll have to get a plasterer in afterwards to fix up the ceiling because it had to be bolted into the beam each time.’

  They both looked up. ‘It’s worth it though. It’s amazing.’

  ‘What can I say? He’s a slave to his party people.’ He fiddled with his beer bottle and Anna wished she could find a soft drink. This was a very different Hudson. He seemed vulnerable, unlike the invincible presence she encountered daily at work.

  A hoot from the doorway made Anna turn around. ‘Look Karl is here!’

  They both watched as Karl dressed in a cardboard cut-out of the cover of Fifty Shades of Grey made an entrance and Sophie whooped liked she’d downed half the punch bowl.

  ‘Why’s he dressed like a book?’ asked Anna.

  ‘I’m surprised he hasn’t boasted to you already about his ingenious outfit. He’s Amazon …’

  ‘Dot com,’ said Anna, as the penny dropped. ‘Right, I get it,’ she said, rolling her eyes.

  ‘There was always going to be one,’ said Hudson.

  ‘And it was always going to be Karl.’

  ‘I should make some more punch,’ said Hudson with a lacklustre smile, and he disappeared to the kitchen. Even her fake boyfriend didn’t want to spend time with her. He was different around her tonight. She hadn’t thought before but obviously he would have to drop the fake relationship façade in front of Sim. It made her question the relationship she thought they were building. Perhaps it was all a charade.

  Anna sidled up to Sophie who was guffawing loudly next to a gorilla and a Māori – were people really this geographically uneducated? she thought. When there was a pause in the guffawing Anna leaned in. ‘Please can we go now?’

  ‘No way! We’ve only been here a few minutes and it’s a good party, even if I can’t have the proper cocktails.’ Sophie waved a cocktail glass complete with umbrella and cherry.

  ‘Umbrellas in cocktails?’ Anna pulled a face.

  ‘It’s ironic,’ said Sophie, sucking hard on the straw and stepping away from the Māori and the gorilla. ‘Those two are dealers.’

  ‘Drugs?’ said Anna, in a hushed but frantic voice.

  ‘No, you numpty. Foreign currency. They used to work with Hudson in London. I’m gathering background information on him.’

  ‘Being bloody nosy more like.’

  ‘Yes, that too.’ She encouraged Anna up the stairs into the kitchen area. ‘How amazing is this flat?’

  Anna gave a cursory look around. It was classic loft living; on trend and immaculate. ‘Yeah, it seems nice.’

  Sophie baulked. ‘Nice? Have you any idea how much a place like this costs? This kitchen is top of the range and gadget loaded, and the loo is lush too.’

  Anna shook her head. ‘You’ve checked out the loo already?’

  ‘Err, pregnant lady,’ said Sophie, pointing dramatically to her bump. ‘I’ve been twice.’ She grinned and had another straw full of her virgin cocktail. ‘Getting in and out of this outfit is a nightmare.’

  ‘Are you cured of the crush yet?’ said Anna, checking her watch. Had they really only been there twenty minutes? It felt like at least an hour.

  ‘Nowhere near,’ said Sophie, stifling a yawn and she headed after Sim. Anna followed reluctantly. She knew she was being churlish; she could probably enjoy herself if she made the effort to talk to a few individuals.

  Anna felt like a spare part as Sim and Sophie discussed the miracle of her pregnancy.

  ‘I’d love to be a daddy,’ said Sim. ‘I love children. They see the world in such a pure way and squeeze every last drop of fun out of life.’

  ‘You are so right,’ said Sophie, ignoring Anna’s twitching. Sophie leaned in closer to Sim. ‘Would you like to touch the bump?’

  ‘May I?’ Sim looked thrilled to be asked. It seemed Sophie had another gay crush.

  ‘Does Hudson want to be a father too?’ asked Anna.

  ‘He does eventually but he’s focused on carving out this big career for himself first. He’s got this thing about being more successful than his father.’ Anna was interested but Sim had turned back to Sophie. ‘Do you know what sex the baby is?’

  ‘No, we’ve already got one of each so we don’t mind.’

  ‘Ooh, any names?’ asked Sim and Anna decided it was a good cue to have another search for a soft drink because once you got Sophie on names, you were there for the long haul. Sophie had obsessed over the names of the first two for the full nine months each time, having decided she wanted something different from the norm but not too different that the child would be picked on. Anna wasn’t entirely sure Sophie had been successful in her choices; Petal and Arlo were a bit too out there for her but they were lovely kids and she was very fond of them.

  Anna went to fill her glass at the virgin punch bowl and Hudson appeared. ‘Let me help you,’ he said, expertly ladling the liquid into her glass. ‘Are you okay? I know you don’t know many people here. Would you like me to introduce you to some?’

  It was thoughtful, but she was capable of talking to strangers without his help. She just didn’t like parties and she knew it showed. ‘No, thanks, I’m coping fine. I’ve already had an interesting chat with a monkey and a flamingo,’ she said with a brief grimace. She wasn’t sure what effect she’d been going for but grimace was definitely the result. ‘Nice flat.’

  ‘Flat?’ He was almost laughing.

  ‘What would you call it?’

  ‘Condo or apartment.’

  ‘Nice condo.’ It was hard to say without sounding absurd.

  ‘Thanks. It’s only rented but I’ve let out my place in London to balance it out. Have you seen the view?’ He gestured to the large window and started to walk towards it – Anna felt she had to follow.

  ‘It’s stunning,’ said An
na. It was still Birmingham but with the canal below and the Birmingham skyline lit up you couldn’t fail to be a little bit impressed with it. ‘Or bostin’ as we locals say.’

  ‘It’s like a whole new language here. It’s different to London. Karl asked me for a kipper tie last week. It took me most of the day to realise he wasn’t joking and he meant a cup of tea.’ Hudson’s accent went all Prince Charles at the end of the sentence and she laughed.

  ‘He’s doing it to wind you up. He’s a coffee drinker.’

  ‘I’m surprised by how much I like Birmingham. I guess it gets under your skin …’

  ‘… and in your respiratory system,’ said Anna. She was fond of Birmingham but people who weren’t born there always had a more romantic view of the city. ‘It’s not New York, though. That’s top of my wish list, somewhere I’ve always wanted to go. It looks so alive. Do you miss New York?’

  ‘Yeah, I do. I didn’t think I would but I don’t visit as much since …’

  Anna gestured for him to continue. Hudson took a deep breath. ‘Since my father moved back there.’

  This didn’t make a lot of sense to Anna. She figured if her dad had moved there she’d be going more often not less. ‘Things okay between you?’

  ‘He named me Hudson, what do you think?’

  She laughed at his joke, but he was trying to lighten the conversation and he’d got Anna intrigued now although she didn’t want to push him. ‘I think it’s a good name.’

  There was an excruciatingly long pause. He knocked back his drink in one go before looking Anna in the eye. ‘He’s recently remarried.’ He scanned the room as if expecting someone to call him over and when they didn’t he pointed at Anna’s glass. ‘You sure you don’t want something alcoholic? If you don’t fancy cocktails there’s wine.’

  ‘No, I don’t drink.’

  ‘Oh, okay. Sorry, I didn’t realise. Is there any particular reason?’

  Anna would have preferred to avoid this topic of conversation altogether, but tried to keep her cool. She didn’t want to draw attention to something she longed to forget. ‘I guess I’ve seen the damage it can do.’

  ‘Sure, fair enough,’ said Hudson. When he came back he steered them over to a wooden bench. ‘Shall we take a seat?’ he asked. Anna sat down and immediately had to budge up as Hudson sat down next to her and his hip connected with hers.

  The music changed and ‘Dreams’ by The Cranberries started. Both Anna and Hudson looked over their shoulders and Sim was pointing at Hudson and mouthing ‘for you’. Anna had almost forgotten Hudson was gay until that moment.

  ‘Have you and Sim lived together long?’

  Hudson had a think. ‘He moved in just before Christmas. What’s that? About six months.’

  ‘Not long then?’

  ‘No, it just feels a lot longer.’ He gave a long-suffering look. ‘He could have stayed in London but he’s had a tough time recently so moving away for a while felt like the right option.’

  ‘And you thought Birmingham was the answer? Blimey, remind me not to upset you.’

  Hudson chuckled and they both sipped their drinks. ‘He makes friends easily and the community here has been really welcoming. Talking of which, Sophie tells me you’ve got yourself a stalker?

  ‘His name’s Connor.’

  ‘Have you met him yet or does his restraining order get in the way of that?’ She knew he was teasing but he looked more jovial than concerned.

  ‘No. It’s just a texting thing. But I am tempted to know more about him.’

  ‘Just be careful.’ He picked at the label on the beer bottle.

  ‘It’s okay, I’m off men. Apart from fake boyfriends.’ There was a glimmer in his eyes.

  They watched as the music changed and Sim began pogoing around with someone dressed as a parrot. A couple in lion onesies came to admire the view.

  ‘Is it very wrong of me to judge people by their costume?’ said Hudson, his voice hushed. ‘I don’t mean the quality, you understand …’

  ‘You mean whether it fits with the Amazon theme.’

  ‘Precisely,’ said Hudson, clinking his bottle unexpectedly against Anna’s glass.

  Anna leaned a little closer. ‘I’ve been doing the same.’ He leaned his shoulder against hers and it felt companionable as they sipped drinks and watched the lights flicker over Birmingham.

  ‘Hudson, I’m sorry I’m late,’ said Roberta, as she barrelled over spoiling the moment completely.

  ‘Great outfit, Roberta,’ said Hudson, and Anna had to concentrate to avoid doing a Cheshire cat impression.

  ‘Oh, I’m glad you approve,’ said Roberta, preening herself in her tiger-print shift dress.

  ‘Let me get you a drink,’ said Hudson, getting up and giving Anna a conspiratorial look as he disappeared.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Anna yawned and checked her watch. She scanned the room for the umpteenth time. There was no sign of Sophie. She feared she had left the party although she knew she wouldn’t have done without telling her. Being pregnant frequently zapped Sophie’s energy and it often happened without warning. Perhaps she was having a nap somewhere. Sim came over and linked arms with her.

  ‘We need you,’ he said, raising his eyebrows.

  ‘Sorry, Sim, I just need to find Sophie then I’m off I’m afraid.’

  ‘I think she’s locked herself in the loo.’

  ‘What?’ Anna followed Sim out of the main room to the toilet door where Hudson and Roberta were standing looking anxious. She joined them. ‘What’s happened?’

  ‘Sophie’s locked herself in and won’t talk to anyone. Does she do this sort of thing often?’ asked Roberta, with a frown that made her forehead look like a Klingon’s.

  ‘No, never,’ said Anna. ‘Has someone upset her?’ she asked, looking from Roberta to Hudson and back again. They both shook their heads.

  ‘She said she was going to the loo about ten minutes ago and we’ve not seen her since,’ said Hudson, his tone a lot softer than Roberta’s.

  Anna knocked tentatively on the door. ‘Hi hun, it’s me, are you okay?’

  ‘You won’t get a reply,’ said Roberta and Anna gave her a withering look.

  ‘There’s a window, isn’t there?’ asked Anna.

  Sim took a sharp intake of breath. ‘Do you think she’s escaped?’

  Hudson ignored Sim’s dramatics. ‘There is a window but it’s too small to climb through,’ said Hudson. ‘Especially …’ He made a baby bump motion.

  ‘But we could look in and check she’s okay,’ suggested Anna. Hudson didn’t answer but went straight into action mode. He strode over to the bench seat, ordered the snogging lions off it and headed for the balcony with Roberta, Sim and Anna all trailing behind him. The window was open a fraction, which was enough for Hudson to push his fingers through and carefully open it wider and see inside. Hudson froze for a moment and then turned to Anna.

  ‘I think you need to handle this,’ he said, offering a hand to help her up onto the bench. A million things rushed through Anna’s head but none of them matched the sight she saw through the window.

  Sophie was curled in a ball, with her black cat outfit and pants around her ankles as if she had slumped off the toilet – but she was sound asleep.

  ‘Is she all right?’ asked Roberta, trying to get onto the bench.

  ‘She’s completely fine. No emergency. She’s just um … asleep. Sim, could you get Roberta another drink please,’ said Hudson, indicating the need for speed with his twitching eyebrows. Sim steered a reluctant Roberta away.

  ‘Bloody hell, Sophie,’ said Anna, through the window but she didn’t respond.

  ‘I’ll unlock the door with a screwdriver,’ said Hudson, pulling the window closed. ‘Then I’m handing over to you.’

  ‘I get all the good jobs,’ said Anna and a little of their rapport seemed to have returned.

  Anna opened one eye. It was very early on a Sunday morning after a rather late night and she wa
s about to drift back to sleep when she heard someone open her bedroom door. Half expecting to see a mad axe murderer she sat bolt upright.

  ‘Now aren’t you a pretty picture?’ said Sophie, shuffling in with two mugs of coffee.

  Anna squinted. ‘What? Why?’

  ‘I have a key remember?’ Sophie swapped the mugs to one hand to pull the key from her pocket as evidence.

  ‘Yes, but it’s …’ Anna checked the clock. ‘Eight o’clock on a Sunday morning.’

  ‘I wanted to say thanks for sorting me out last night and to check a few things.’ Sophie sat on the end of Anna’s bed and bit her lip. Anna reached for one of the coffee mugs but Sophie was staring at her expecting something first.

  ‘Ah,’ said Anna, realising what she was asking. ‘You want to know more about the whole falling asleep in the loo thing. You’re okay, I covered up your dignity. Well, I pulled your pants back up.’

  Sophie straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. ‘Thank goodness nobody saw my fairy.’

  Anna winced. ‘Why do you call it that?’ She waved a hand and pointed at the coffee mug – she definitely needed it now.

  ‘Sorry, it’s the kids. You forget.’ Sophie finally handed her a mug.

  ‘But of all the things to call it.’ Anna took a swig of coffee and savoured the rich flavour. Sophie had put the machine on – her friend knew her well.

  ‘Vagina is too medical and you can’t say Lady Garden or muff with the kids or they’ll repeat it,’ mused Sophie, concentrating hard.

  ‘What’s wrong with bottom?’

  ‘Then it all gets confusing – front bottom, back bottom?’

  Anna instantly wished she hadn’t started the discussion. ‘And calling it a fairy is less confusing?’

  ‘Yes. Apart from Christmas time when it’s a bit weird. Dave is always like a child when it’s time to put the fairy on the top of the tree. And don’t get us started with fairy lights.’

  They giggled together and sipped their coffees.

  ‘So, I have nothing to worry about at the office tomorrow then? Nothing to think up an elaborate explanation for?’ asked Sophie, obviously seeking reassurance.


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