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When a Cowboy Loves a Woman

Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  “It was for my benefit too,” he said as she opened the door. “Bridget, this is great,” he added as he followed her in and scanned the cozy surroundings.

  “It is, but I like your suite better.”

  “Well, sure, but this is very, what’s the word?”

  “Whimsical?” she suggested. “It’s like a getaway place, a gingerbread cottage.”

  “Yep, that’s it.”

  “Why was it for your benefit too? Keeping the peace this morning, I mean.”

  “Because I have no desire to break up a cat fight,” he said with a grin. “I could get scratched.”

  “Ha, very funny,” she quipped. “Now then, what would you like for lunch? I have many things I can offer you. How about an omelette and a salad?”

  “Perfect. I’ll make the salad.”

  “Deal,” she agreed. “I have a question.”


  “You managed this morning, but what about this afternoon? I want to ride Valentino, but Miss High and Mighty will probably try to stop me. She’ll give me some sort of stupid job to do, I’m sure of it.”

  “I’ve been thinkin’ about that,” Caden said solemnly. “I was gonna go into town with Max but I’ve changed my mind. I’ll go in tomorrow. I think I’d better stick around.”

  “So you can run interference? You don’t have to. I can fight my own battles.”

  “I’m fully aware of that,” he said as he began to prepare the lettuce, “but I don’t want any battles, not on my watch.”

  “Then what do you suggest? I’m going to get on Valentino this afternoon, I don’t care what she says.

  “There’s a simple solution. When we go back I’ll ask you to ride him for me, then she can’t interfere.”

  “Everything was so nice here, and then she shows up. This sucks,” Bridget declared as she began to whisk the eggs.

  “Yeah, it kinda does,” Caden agreed, “but it might come right. Give it a couple of days and see how it crinkles out. I know Richard is glad you’re here. He’s been tellin’ me for ages that he needed a third horse professional, as he called it.”

  “I like that,” she laughed. “I’m a horse professional. I wonder when we’ll meet Heather Chadwick. Do you know which room she’s in?”

  “No, but we’ll probably see her at some point.”

  “Can we eat in the dining room for dinner?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll ask Richard. Technically you’re staff, but you’re also my guest in the house, so it’s a question mark. Our famous Miss Chadwick may not want to mingle.”

  “Ah, right. I get that. The omelette is going in the pan,” she announced.

  “Yes ma’am, I’ll have this salad ready, and after we eat I’m gonna spank you.”

  “What? You are not!”

  “Yes I am,” he chuckled.


  “Because you’ve got a gorgeous butt and the spirit is movin’ me, and it just might help keep a lid on that quick tongue of yours if Jane goads you.”

  “Whip her ass, not mine!”

  “You’d be as mad as a bear fightin’ for a salmon if I did that.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” she nodded plating the omelette. “Just not too hard. I want to ride, remember?”

  “I’ll smack your butt as hard as I want, honey,” he declared landing a quick swat making her squeal. “Now let’s eat.”

  While Caden and Bridget were enjoying their lunch, Heather Chadwick was settling into her suite. She loved the ranch, but not because of the horses, or luxurious amenities, or even the isolation, but because they didn’t have a two bedroom suite available, and she had a room to herself.

  Her mother, Molly Chadwick, was her manager, and solely responsible for Heather’s enormous success. Heather was beautiful and talented, but there were hundreds of equally beautiful and talented girls still waiting tables and working as receptionists in production companies. It was Molly that had made the difference.

  She had been a penniless, single mother, and when she saw her baby develop with the face of an angel and bubbling energy, she was determined that Heather’s looks and effervescent personality would lift them out of poverty. From the time the child was old enough to speak, she was in children’s theatre groups, beauty pageants, acting and deportment classes, and at the tender age of six, she’d landed two national commercials. Molly had been able to move them out of their one room studio apartment into much nicer dwellings.

  Heather became Molly’s job, and Molly was tireless in her efforts. She had run the girl ragged dragging her from one casting office to the next, spending a fortune on her clothes and training, and when it became apparent that Heather had been blessed with celestial singing voice, it had been a tremendous bonus. During dark days when things were not going well, it was the child’s voice that convinced Molly pursuing her daughter’s fame was God’s will. She would shake off her fears and doubts, and emerge from her gloom stronger and more determined than ever.

  Molly had not just maintained control over Heather’s career, she’d maintained a tight rein on Heather herself. She would not allow her daughter to fall victim to drugs or alcohol, or be exploited by some unemployed, smooth talking, handsome actor looking to ride on her coattails. No, that wasn’t going to happen! Molly had decided Heather would marry into wealth, a professional man, a man of taste and breeding, and a man who would support Heather’s rising star.

  Everything had been going brilliantly. Heather’s Oscar win had thrown her into the big leagues. Multi-million dollar offers were walking through the door, and the best and brightest directors wanted to work with her.

  Then it happened. Molly’s worst nightmare.

  Heather fell in love, but not with a man of stature, or even another famous actor. The man in question Molly didn’t consider to be a man at all. He was a rock and roll musician, and from the moment Bridget had met him, Molly’s control had begun to slip away.

  When Jeff Ludlow had stepped in, her sweet, obedient Heather became difficult, suggesting she could choose her own scripts, coming home at all hours, and sometimes not at all. When she’d announced Jeff had asked her to marry him and she’d accepted, Molly knew she had to act. Her years of sacrifice and grueling work were about to blow up, and she would not, could not, allow it.

  A short time after the public announcement of the engagement, it was over. The tabloids had a field day, citing everything from infidelity, to Heather’s non-existent terrible temper. Though Molly had begged her daughter to tell her what happened, she’d refused, until one night, after many glasses of champagne, Heather confided in the woman who had been there throughout her life, the only person she could trust, and sobbed out her heart.

  Her mother was warm and understanding, she held her and rocked her and told her everything would be all right, then booked them into Dudley’s Dude Ranch, a place where Jeff Ludlow wouldn’t find them. A place where Heather could get some peace, and she would be able to heal her relationship with her daughter.

  Heather was happy to leave. Jeff was pestering her, calling and emailing, and though her mother was running interference, Heather was afraid to leave the house for fear of running into him. As the private jet had whisked her out of Burbank Airport, though her heart was still breaking, Heather had managed to hold back her tears, and landing at the small, isolated airstrip, she’d felt her body relax.

  She was out of the fray, and she’d find a way to get past the tragedy. The man she absolutely adored, the man she loved with a passion, the man who made her skin sing, and her heart swell with joy, had betrayed her, but she was Heather Chadwick, and she’d get through it.

  She’d finished unpacking, and wandering to the window she stared out at the horses lazily grazing. During her teenage years her mother had insisted Heather learn the basics of both dressage and jumping, and Heather had loved every minute. The smell of the barn, the welcoming nicker of her favorite horse, and the thrill of learning, had made her time at the stable her favorite
hours of the week.

  “I’m going to buy a horse,” she mumbled, mesmerized by the view. “That’s my priority when I get back to L.A. I’m going to buy a horse and get back into riding. Being around horses will help me, I know it will.”

  A fresh wave of sadness rattled through her veins, and the heavy tears spilled down her face. Her broken heart was still in tatters, and she was as angry at herself as she was at the man who had betrayed her.

  How could I have been such a fool? I thought he loved me, really loved me, for me, not because I’m Heather Chadwick the star, but because of me. All those things he said to me were just lies. Stop it, stop it, he’s not worth your tears.

  Running into the bathroom she splashed her face with cold water, and regaining control she decided on a long, hot bath. Checking the various gels on offer, she selected lavender, and turning on the faucets she dropped several generous dollops into the jacuzzi tub. She was about to undress when the phone called her back to the living room, and she hurried to answer it.


  “Darling, are you settling in?”

  “Yes, mother, I’m fine. I’m going to take a lavender bath.”

  “What a good idea. Are you hungry?”

  “No, but after I finish my soak I’d like to go down to the barn and meet the horses.”

  “Wonderful idea.”

  “Can you find out when I can ride?”

  “Of course. You just call me when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks, mother.”

  The thought of getting on a horse again sent a half-smile to her lips, and stopping by the window for a last look, the smile grew wider.

  So good for the soul. You’ll help mend me, I know you will. I should never have stopped riding. Being busy is no excuse. I’m going to buy a horse, and care for it and ride whenever I can. No, not whenever I can, no. I’m going to make sure any contract I sign allows me time to be at the barn. Oh, wow, that makes me feel so much better.

  Back in Bridget’s cabin, she and Caden had just finished their lunch, and Bridget was clearing up the dishes.

  “Why don’t we go for a walk after we wash these up,” she suggested.

  “We could,” Caden replied casually, standing up to help her, “but there’s something I need to take care of first.”

  “Really?” she said airily. “What would that be?”

  “You’re adorable,” he chuckled. “You know what I’m talking about.”

  “I do?”

  “You keep playin’ coy like that and I might take it into my head to add a few extra swats,” he warned placing the dishes he’d been carrying on the counter.

  “You don’t need to spank me again,” she protested. “My ass is still tender from before!”

  “This is what’s gonna happen,” he said calmly, taking her hands. “You ready? You listenin’?”

  “I’m listening,” she sighed.

  “I’m gonna go into the bedroom. You’re gonna finish cleanin’ up, then you’re gonna come in, kneel in front of me, and ask me to spank you.”

  “I am?”



  “Why?” he laughed. “Did you just ask me why?”

  “I did.”

  “I’ve already told you the why, and, darlin’,” he said dropping his voice, “you’d best not ask me again. When you’re back at the ranch, you’re gonna spend a couple of days in trainin’, and that means bein’ in the house dressed in a skirt with no panties. I’m gonna be liftin’ that skirt and whackin’ that butt whenever I feel like it, and if you ask me why every time, it’s gonna get real red, real fast.”

  “Oh,” she whispered, why did that make me so hot. Good grief, I want him to jump my bones right now.

  “Don’t keep me waitin’ too long,” he said firmly. “Now kiss me.”

  Lifting her arms around his neck, she tilted up her chin, and moved her mouth across his. He held her softly, kissing her back with a warmth and tenderness that sent her butterflies dancing, and when she pulled back, she stared into his sparkling blue eyes.

  “I love you so much, Caden.”

  “I love you so much too, sweet girl. Are you gonna do as you’re told?”

  “Absolutely,” she breathed.

  Giving her a hug, he headed into the bedroom. His cock had risen to life, and pulling off his boots and jeans he sat on the edge of the bed. He’d only been there a minute or two when Bridget walked in the door. She hesitated for a moment, then moved across and dropped to her knees.

  “Please, Sir, will you spank me?”

  “Why do you want me to spank you, Bridget?”

  “Uh, because I know you want to, and…”


  “Because I want you to, Sir. It helps me stay centered, and it, uh, just helps me.”

  “Even though I make your bottom sting?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Drop your jeans and panties to your knees, keep your feet on the floor and bend over my lap.”

  Sliding down her zipper, her butterflies flew into a frenzy, but as she stretched herself over his lap, she let out a long, grateful sigh.

  “I thought so,” he remarked moving his hand over her cheeks. “You may debate me, but in the end you need this.”

  “I do, Sir.”

  “No matter what Jane says or does when we get back to the barn, you’ll smile, and nod, and play nice, understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I do want you to enjoy your ride, so I won’t spank you too hard, just enough to make sure you do as I say.”

  Before she could respond his hand went to work, but rather than cover her entire seat, he focused on her sensitive sit spot.

  “Gonna make sure you remember this when you sit in that saddle,” he said sternly.

  “OW, OW, oh, Sir, OW, I will. OW.”

  “Shush, just a few more,” he said pausing. “Not a sound. Let’s see just how obedient you can be.”

  Bridget grabbed a pillow and grit her teeth as he went back to work. His hand had slowed, but it was landing harder smacks, and just when she thought she could no longer contain herself, it stopped.

  “I’m proud of you,” he crooned as his hand began to rub away the burn. “You’ll get a reward for that.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she panted.

  “My goodness, aren’t you wet?” he murmured slipping a finger into her open channel. “I’m gonna rub you to a lovely release for bein’ such a good girl and not makin’ a sound.”

  “Oh, thank you, Sir,” she mewled wriggling against his hand.

  “One thing you’ll learn, darlin’, if you’re good, you’ll be rewarded, and if you’re bad, you’ll be punished. Relax now, and let it happen.”

  Sinking into his wide, strong lap, Bridget closed her eyes and let the moment build. He was frigging her, then rubbing her clit, and when his free hand moved under her body and tweaked her nipple, it sent a shard of electricity sparking through her body.

  “I’m so close,” she moaned.

  “I know, baby, don’t chase, just let it happen.”

  He tweaked her nipple again, but harder, and his finger working her cunt increased its pace. She could feel her moment hovering, then suddenly the delicious eruption washed through her.

  Caden watched her, relishing the sight, continuing his attention until the moment had passed, then he shifted her on to the bed and pulled off her T-shirt. Dropping his briefs, he kneeled above her, and gazing down at her glorious body, her jeans still around her legs, he massaged himself to a deep and satisfying climax.

  He stayed there for a moment, catching his breath, then moving from the bed he made his way into the bathroom, washed up, then flopped on the bed next to her.

  “Ready to face the afternoon?” he crooned bringing her into his arms.

  “So ready,” she sighed snuggling next to him.

  “You did those dishes really fast.”

  “Nope, they’re in the sink. I couldn’t stand
it. I had to come in.”

  “I see,” he said smiling. “I’ll have to think about that.”

  “No, you won’t,” she giggled.

  “No,” he chuckled, “no, I won’t.”

  “How much time do we have?”

  “Let’s see, about twenty minutes. Why?”

  “Because I’m so happy right now, and I just want to lay here with you.”

  “That works for me. Did you hear there’s a storm on its way?”

  “No,” she yawned. “When is it coming?”

  “Tomorrow some time, maybe late mornin’, early afternoon, could be any time I guess.”

  “Huh. Should we bring in the horses?”

  “I’m thinkin’ so, just in case it gets squally.”

  “I can’t wait to see your ranch.”

  “You’ll love it,” he sighed.

  “I can’t wait to walk around in a skirt with no underwear,” she whispered.

  “Is that so? You think about that and nap now. I need to catch five minutes,” he yawned.

  “Mmm, okay.”

  As Caden let himself unwind, his mind wandered to his basement, a basement he’d outfitted over the last few years, piece by piece, implement by implement. He’d only allowed two other people down there, close friends who were in a domestic discipline marriage. After their visit they’d built their own basement playroom.

  I always knew I’d find the right woman to share it with. You’re goin’ down there, darlin’, and I’m gonna teach you so many things. I’ll take it slow, but you’re gonna learn, and I know you’re gonna love it.


  “Let me do all the talkin’,” Caden said as he and Bridget approached the barn.

  “Happily,” she quipped. “I’ll just walk in and grab a halter. I’d much rather be in Valentino’s company than Jane’s.”

  “Should I have spanked you with a bit more gusto?” he asked lowering his voice.

  “NO. I’ll play nice, I promise.”

  Entering the barn aisle, Tim came walking briskly forward, smiling happily.

  “Hey, Caden, and you’re obviously Bridget, I’ve yet to officially meet you. Welcome.”


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