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When a Cowboy Loves a Woman

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I’ll be holding my breath until I hear from you!”

  “It won’t take long,” Caden promised. “Listen to the rest of what Tim recorded. It’ll be a distraction until I get back.”

  “I’m almost afraid to,” Richard sighed staring at the phone on his desk.

  “I doubt it could be much worse than what you’ve already heard.”

  “You’re probably right. Good luck with Jane.”

  “If anyone needs luck it’s her, but I think her luck just ran out. Which is her cottage?”

  “It’s the largest one, grey and white, closest to the east paddock, sort of set off by itself.”

  “Back soon. Keep the faith.”

  Leaving the office, Caden walked the short distance to Celeste’s door, and poking his head in he requested a favor. She happily obliged, then striding to the foyer, he grabbed a community raincoat from the closet, and stepping outside he jumped into the golf cart sitting under the shelter of the portico. As he headed to the barn, though the rain was bucketing down around him, he paid it no attention.

  Jane, you made a big mistake. You can try and mess with me, but pick on the woman I love, and one of my dearest friends, and you’re gonna be real sorry.


  Caden had made a quick stop at the barn, poking his head in on Valentino and Goliath to make sure they were all right, then drove the golf cart down the gravel lane to the grey and white cottage Richard had described. Like the others, it was a storybook house, but it had the added feature of a small front yard and a white picket fence. Pulling the golf cart under the only shelter he could find, a large, nearby, oak tree, he ran through the rain, jumped the fence, and standing under the porch overhang he banged on the front door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Jane, it’s Caden.”

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  “Not physically possible,” he replied banging again.

  “I’m not opening the door. You can stand out in that horrible weather all day if you want, I don’t give a shit.”

  “Jane, last request, open the door.”

  “Go ahead and kick it down,” she railed. “I can have you arrested and sue your ass as well.”

  Shaking his head, Caden reached into his pocket, and courtesy of Celeste, he withdrew a key. Slipping it into the lock he slowly turned it and walked inside.

  “What the fuck?” Jane exclaimed staring at him in shock.

  She was standing in the middle of the living room, cardboard boxes on the coffee table in front of her. It was obvious she was in the middle of packing.

  “I did ask nicely,” Caden said calmly, closing the door behind him.

  “You have no fucking right to be in here,” she hissed.“I know what you did,” he said ignoring her comment and unbuttoning his raincoat.

  “What do you mean?” she said warily, eyeing him like trapped prey.

  “A video has come to light,” he continued, tossing his wet coat over a chair.

  “A video? Of what?”

  “I should say, several videos, but the one I’m talkin’ about shows what happened with you and Bridget this mornin’.”

  “Excellent,” she beamed. “I have proof that bitch pushed me off that mounting block. Thanks for the great news, you moron.”

  “Uh-huh. It also shows somethin’ else.”

  “Stop with the head games, just fucking tell me.”

  “Happy to,” he said moving closer. “After Heather Chadwick and her mother left and you thought you were alone, you broke into a very satisfied smile.”

  “What does that prove?” she growled sidling away from him as he neared.

  “You set the whole thing up. Somehow you found out that Heather and Bridget had struck up a friendship, and you knew Heather would tell her about the lesson, the one you managed to book by manipulating her mother.”

  “So what?”

  “Sending Bridget off on a trail ride early, so she’d wonder why you wanted her outta the way, that was the bait. You knew her curiosity would get the better of her and she’d come back. You timed it perfectly. Bridget went crazy, just as you wanted her to. She’d be fired, and you’d have your petty victory, but it worked out even better than you’d planned, didn’t it Jane?”

  “Yeah,” she said haughtily, “it did. I didn’t expect her to get physical, but now I’ve got my ticket to a nice big settlement check, but you, Caden, you’re a double moron. I had that horse sold to that Chadwick woman for a ton of money. You would’ve made a mint.”

  “The horse isn’t for sale, period,” he said shaking his head. “You have yet to learn that there are things in this life you can’t put a price on.”

  “Oh, please,” she said rolling her eyes. “You can leave now. You’ve told me you figured it out, big deal, now piss off.”

  “Not quite yet,” he said soberly. “You also staged that scene with Tim to make him think you were pissed about Bridget’s behavior, but you weren’t. That was just another way to cover your tracks.”

  “Yeah, so what? It doesn’t change anything. I’m in the middle of packing and I have zero interest in anything you have to say. You’re wasting your breath. Like I said, piss off.”

  Stepping forward, she bent over to lift up one of the boxes on the coffee table, and Caden broke into a smile. It was the moment for which he’d been waiting. Reaching behind his waist he withdrew the long, thin riding crop he’d picked up at the barn. Moving silently behind her, he swished it across her seat with considerable force.


  Hands flying to her cheeks, she spun around, glaring at him in shock.

  “I’ll whip your ass ’til it’s striped like a zebra if that’s what it takes for you to pay attention,” he declared. His voice was even, almost quiet, and his blue eyes carried a steely glint. “You understand me?”

  “You bastard,” she quivered, her brow crinkling as she glowered at him.

  “Do…you…understand…me?” he slowly repeated, locking her stupefied gaze.

  Wordlessly she nodded her head, though she was still trying to make sense of what had just happened.

  “Sit down,” he said sternly.

  Backing away from him, still gripping her stinging cheeks, she found the couch, and winced as her bottom touched the cushion. He was a few steps behind her, and lifting one foot on to the coffee table, he leaned his elbow on his raised knee and scowled down at her.

  “You listenin’, or is your ass stingin’ so bad it’s makin’ it hard to focus.”

  “I’m listening,” she breathed dropping her eyes.

  “Hey,” he said tapping the crop on her thigh, “don’t be lookin’ anywhere except at me.”

  Lifting her gaze she stared back at him.

  “I’m still seein’ so much arrogance in you. If I didn’t have Bridget in my life, I’d find a way to spank your butt every single day until you started behavin’ like a human bein’.”

  “I, uh, don’t know you mean,” she muttered.

  “Bullshit,” he growled. “You know exactly who you are. That’s why you’re so good at what you do. You’re a lyin’, schemin’ nasty girl, and I’ll bet it’s a rare thing for someone to call you on your crap.”

  “Fine,” she said dropping her shoulders. “I admit it. It’s how I am because it’s the only way to get ahead in this world. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, nice guys finish last? The same is true for nice girls.”

  “There you go. That’s the Jane I need to be dealin’ with, the real Jane.”

  “What do you want?”

  “You’re not gonna be suin’ anyone.”

  “The hell I’m not,” she spat.

  “You have two talents. You’re not a horse person, not even close, but you’re a damn good rider and you can manage a stable. I knew the first five minutes I saw you in the barn that you knew what you’re doin.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “That’s your first talent. Your second talent is that
you can read people and use their weaknesses against them. Bridget’s not stupid, but you were one step ahead of her the whole time. Even if she hadn’t come back, you still would have gotten what you wanted. Not everythin’, but you would have ridden Valentino, and won over Heather and her mother.”

  “Fine, yes, you’re right, but get to the point. You still haven’t told me why I’m not going to sue Richard and your precious Bridget, and get a shitload of money.”

  “Do you have any idea how long it takes to file and win a lawsuit, and the deep pockets you need? That video can be deleted in two seconds, and I can promise you, Heather and her mother will not support you. That means it’s just your word against Bridget’s, and Jane, that’s not enough, not by a long shot, and that’s just for starters.”

  “Fuck,” she muttered. “I know where you’re going next.”

  “Really? Tell me, let’s see if you’re as clever as I think you are.”

  “You know a zillion people in the horse world, and you have a spotless reputation. Everyone loves you. You’ll spread the word that Jane Walters is a liability, and I won’t be able to get a job doing anything but mucking shit.”

  “Not even muckin’ shit,” Caden said gravely. “I’ll also get the word out to all my buddies who have sale barns, tellin’ them to steer clear of any horse flesh represented by you. It might take me a month, six months, a year, but I will ruin you in the horse world, and do it happily. If you wanna go ahead and harass the people I love by messin’ with ‘em, go ahead, but believe me, Jane, you’re gonna come out the loser, big time. How’s your ass?”

  “How do you think?” she snapped.

  “Imagine if I whipped it like that a dozen, then two dozen, then three dozen times. That’s how you’re gonna feel if you go ahead with your nasty little lawsuits. You’ll feel like I’m wailing my crop on your backside every time you turn around. Your name will be dirtier than mud.”

  “Okay, okay,” she exclaimed throwing up her hands. “You win. I get it. No lawsuits. You can back off. I’m moving to Montana anyway. I’ve got a friend up there who’s starting up a barn. I know he’ll hire me.”

  “Yep, I’ll just bet you do, and I hope he smacks your ass. That’s what you need, along with some other things.”

  “In your dreams,” she growled.

  “Nope, there’s only one girl in my dreams, and it sure as hell isn’t you. I’m gonna leave this crop here, and if you start havin’ second thoughts, you just take a real good look at it.”

  “I told you, you don’t have to worry. You say I’m smart, well, I am, and I know when to cut my losses and move on.”

  Straightening up, he dropped the crop on the coffee table.

  “Take it anyway,” he said. “Maybe lookin’ at it now and then might remind you that nice girls, and good people, don’t always finish last.”

  A sudden peal of thunder echoed over their heads, and a flash of lightening crackled is brilliance through the small house.

  “See, God agrees with me,” he remarked as he moved across the room and put on this raincoat.


  “Yep?” he asked walking to the door.

  “It wasn’t personal.”

  “Never thought it was, at least, not to you,” he replied. “Try usin’ that brain for somethin’ positive. What you get out of it might surprise you.”

  Opening the door he stepped out into the weather, and jogging over to the golf cart, which had become completely soaked, he settled in and started back to the house. The relentless rain saw him drenched by the time he reached the shelter of the portico and stopped at the front door. Taking off the coat and shaking it quickly, he stepped inside and hung it on the coat hook, then pulling off his wet boots, he left them by the front door and headed to Richard’s office. Knocking on his door, he heard Richard’s call to enter and stepped inside.

  “How many times…?”

  “I know,” Caden said grinning, “I don’t have to knock.”

  “Why are you in your socks?”

  “Boots are soaked through. I didn’t wanna walk ‘em over your perfect floors.”

  “My staff thanks you,” Richard said with a small bow of his head. “Do you bring good news?”

  “I do, you don’t have to worry about any lawsuits from your former employee.”

  “Seriously? I can’t believe it. She was positively vile on the phone this morning. How did you manage that?”

  “I gave her a reality check.”

  “I owe you,” Richard sighed. “I truly owe you.”

  “Hey, I owed you walkin’ in here a few days ago. Bringin’ Bridget on board like you did, just so I had a chance to make things right, that was a big deal.”

  “Happy to do it, you know I’m a romantic at heart.”

  “Yeah, I do, so why don’t you get outta that chair of yours and get with the program?”

  “What? What do mean?” Richard mumbled as a pink blush crossed his face.

  “That woman down the hallway that you can’t do without! You think she’s here just ‘cos she likes the food?”

  “I, uh, I…”

  “Just sayin’,” Caden said with a wink. “Ya know, when a cowboy loves a woman…!”

  “When a man loves a woman, what, give me an end to that sentence.”

  “I’ll say this much,” Caden chuckled. “This cowboy is goin’ up to his girl and he’s gonna show her how much he loves her. What is a one time corporate executive, ivy-league educated, dapper dan gonna do?”

  Moving quickly to the door, leaving his speechless friend to ponder, Caden strode down the hallway and trotted up the stairs into his suite. Moving directly to his bedroom, he gazed lovingly at his sleeping Bridget as he stripped off his clothes and climbed gently into bed. He was tired, but that’s not why he’d slipped between the sheets. He just wanted to be with her, and as he closed his eyes he let out a long, deep sigh.

  Damn, this has been one helluva a day. I feel like I’ve just been bucked off a bronc that tried to break my back.

  She moved an arm, dropping it against him, and turning on his side he looked across at her wounded, but peaceful face.

  “I’m gonna spend my life makin’ you happy,” he whispered. “I’m gonna love you, and protect you, and spank your butt whenever you need it.”

  “You are?” she breathed without opening her eyes.

  “I thought you were sleepin’.”

  “I am.”

  “I’ve got somethin’ special waitin’ for you at my ranch, and I’m gonna be takin’ you there real soon.”

  “Caden, I remember what happened.”

  “You do?”

  “You won’t believe me.”

  “Of course I will.”


  “I promise.”

  “Valentino saved my life, but I’ll tell you how later. I need to keep sleeping.”

  “Okay, darlin’.”

  “Please stay here.”

  “There’s nowhere else I wanna be,” he sighed.

  A shiver rattled down his spine. His hair was wet, and he realized he was chilled. Moving closer, snuggling into her body, he breathed in her warmth and sank into her energy. Moments later his eyes began to close, and the mattress summoned him to rest.

  It was in the dark hours of the early morning when he felt Bridget’s fingers gently wrap around his cock, rousing him from sleep. He was on his side, his back to her, and quietly groaning he rolled over and buried his lips in her neck. The soft smooth skin invited his tongue, and his hands began roaming leisurely over her body.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” he whispered raising his head, his eyes falling on her grazed face.

  “When I’m with you, I’m always okay,” she breathed.

  “I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  “You won’t, and if you do, I don’t care.”

  Her hand returned to his manhood, gently massaging, and surrendering to their mutual need he pushed the covers away, then lowered
his lips to her breasts. He could hear the splattering of rain against the windows, but it was an even, consistent drumming, almost a soothing melody, and devouring her nipples he felt his cock surge to life.

  Dropping his fingers between her legs, he softly circled her clit, then applying pressure, he fervently rubbed, eliciting gasps of pleasure. Keeping his thumb against her nub, he thrust his middle finger into her depths, searching out the magic spot that would ripple its scintillating sensation through her body. Her cry told him he’d found it, and guided by her loud, needful moans, he touched and released several times before slowly withdrawing and sliding on top of her.

  Kissing her gently, he snaked his cock home, and with slow, measured strokes, he brought her close to the edge, then whispering in her ear he pushed her forward.

  “In my house,” he breathed, “I have a special place reserved for you, a place that you will come to ache for, a place that will make you quiver, and beg and-“

  “Please,” she pleaded, “I need to come.”

  “A place that will take you higher than you can imagine,” he finished as he slowed, drawing out the moment.

  “Caden, I’m begging, I’m right there, please, Sir.”

  “There you go,” he whispered, “a please, Sir will usually get you want you want.”

  Rising up, gripping her hips, he surged forward, thrusting with powerful, rapid strokes. Her body grew taut as she toppled headlong into her moment, and as his cock jerked his eruption, he groaned his joy, uniting with her passionate wails. Moments later, resting in his arms, she murmured his name.

  “Yes, darlin’?” he whispered.

  “Thank you for making all this happen,” she sighed. “Bringing me here. Bringing us back to each other.”

  As he felt her drift back to sleep, he had an unexpected epiphany.

  I don’t wanna see you every few nights, or every other night, I want you with me every night, I wanna wake up and feel you sleepin’ next to me, I wanna see your smilin’ face over my dinner table, and somehow, I’m gonna make that happen.


  Early the following morning Caden slipped softly from the bed, showered and dressed, then kissing her on the unmarred cheek, he left a note on his pillow. The kiss was a vague whisper in her sleep, and late that morning when she finally woke up, it was because the phone was ringing on the bedside table. Glancing at the clock she was shocked when she saw the time, and with a deep yawn she picked up the receiver.


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