When a Cowboy Loves a Woman

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When a Cowboy Loves a Woman Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Hello,” she murmured.

  “Bridget, it’s Heather. I’m so, so, so sorry, are you okay?”

  “Hi, Heather, yes, sort of.”

  “May I stop by? I have news.”

  “Do you care if I’m in my bathrobe?”

  “Of course not, but if you’d rather wait-“

  “No, I’d love to see you. Give me five minutes.”

  “Great, see you soon.”

  As Bridget hung up the phone and began to stretch, she saw the folded piece of paper waiting for her on Caden’s pillow, and opening it up, she smiled.

  Had an errand to run for my favorite girl. Back soon. xxx C.

  Smiling happily, she was about to climb out of bed when she realized how hungry she was. Calling the kitchen she ordered a full breakfast, then placing her feet on the floor she carefully stood up. Her body was stiff and sore, and moving slowly into the bathroom, she lifted her eyes to the mirror to study her injuries. One side of her face was heavily grazed, and the orange salve the doctor’s had applied made it look even worse.

  Good grief. It looks terrible. At least it’s only on one side, and my hands, look at them. They’re bad, but not as bad as my cheek. Still, I’m lucky it’s not a whole lot worse.

  Dampening a cloth she moved it over the clear side of her face, gently over both eyes, then ran a comb through her hair, but not having been properly washed and conditioned, and dunked in a tub of bath gel, she could do nothing with it. Letting it fall in a disheveled mess around her shoulders, she lifted the bathrobe from the hook behind the door, wrapped it around her body and moved back into the bedroom.

  “Do I have time to get dressed? Do I even want to?” she muttered.

  A loud knock answered her question.

  “Prepare yourself,” she called as she shuffled through the living room. “I look like I’m wearing a halloween mask.”

  “I’m prepared,” Heather called back, but as Bridget slowly opened the door, and Heather caught sight of her, she let out gasp. “Oh, my, gosh, Bridget, I thought you said you were all right. You’re not all right.”

  “It looks worse than it is,” Bridget replied closing the door behind her. “It’s all superficial. I can’t say it doesn’t hurt, but the doc said in a couple of days it will start disappearing. Children won’t run screaming into the streets when they see me.”

  “This is all my fault,” Heather lamented. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Bridget replied dropping down on the couch. “Jane is a righteous cow. She knew Valentino was off limits. I still don’t understand why she did it. Anyway, tell me your news. I would love to talk about something besides Jane and the drama.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely positive,” Bridget assured her.

  “I took your advice. I called Jeff and asked him to tell me his side of the story. Bridget, you won’t believe it. You were right. My mother cooked up the whole thing.”

  “She did? Good grief. Tell me everything.”

  “Jeff went to meet a reporter from Edge, you know, the music magazine. He was sitting at the hotel bar having a drink, and the next thing he knew, he woke up by himself in one of the rooms. It wasn’t until he got my email that he knew what had happened.”

  “Oh, Heather, that’s crazy, but how do you know your mother was behind it?”

  “He managed to get hold of the hotel security camera footage. It showed him being helped from the elevator by two guys. The girl in the picture and my mother were walking behind them.”

  “Have you seen it?”

  “No, but Jeff’s bringing it with him.”

  “He’s coming here?”

  “Yes, and I can’t wait. He’ll be arriving any time now. When I confronted my mother she admitted everything, she had no choice. We had a huge fight, and she raved on and on about how she’d done it all because she loves me so much. This all happened yesterday, but because of the storm she had to wait until this morning to take off. She left about earlier this morning.”

  “As incredible as this is, I’m honestly not surprised,” Bridget remarked. “None of it made sense. I just find it hard to believe your mother thought she could pull it off.”

  “She was pulling it off, until I talked to you,” Heather exclaimed. “She’s a very determined woman. Some of the things she did to push my career would make a heck of a book.”

  “Maybe you should write it one day.”

  “You know, I think perhaps I just might do that, but regardless, I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” Bridget said warmly. “Jeff would have found a way to reach you.”

  “It’s more than that,” Heather said quietly. “You’ve treated me like a regular person. Most everyone is weird around me. You don’t know what it’s like.”


  “It’s hard being me sometimes,” she murmured fighting back the tears.

  “You’ve been on an emotional roller coaster ride, and I know how that feels,” Bridget said putting an arm around her shoulder, “but having to deal with all the publicity, and the stresses of your life, my gosh, I can’t even imagine it.”

  “It’s been very difficult,” Heather whispered. “When I was down at the barn with you and Valentino, I felt different, like…this is going to sound odd, but…I felt like me. I must get back into riding. I miss it. I love horses, I love how they smell, I love their big brown eyes. Do you think I could have that lesson when you feel better?”

  “You bet. I’ll put you on a nice, safe, quiet horse and see where you’re at, and we can take it from there.”

  “Thank you. I hope we can stay in touch after we both leave here.”

  “I’d like that, very much,” Bridget nodded.

  “I’d better get going. I want to make myself beautiful for Jeff.”

  “You are beautiful, and I don’t mean just how you look. You and Jeff will be just fine. He sounds a bit like a cowboy.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When a cowboy loves a woman…! That’s what Caden told me.”

  “When a cowboy loves a woman, what?” Heather asked.

  “He won’t tell me, but I get the drift.”

  “How about, when a cowboy loves a woman, she knows it,” Heather suggested.

  “Oh, my, gosh, I love that,” Bridget declared.

  “Jeff is sort of a cowboy,” Heather said thoughtfully. “He’s from Montana, and he’s a big into horses. He wants to buy a ranch there.”

  “Now I know you’re in good hands,” Bridget laughed. “Call me.”

  “You call me too, and I hope you feel better fast,” Heather said rising to her feet.

  “I will. Give me a week and I’ll be a hundred percent, and was that a knock? Thank goodness, my breakfast is here. I’m starving.”

  “I’ll let him in on my way out,” Heather smiled, and walking briskly across the room she opened the door, stepping aside as the waiter rolled the cart into the room. “Bye, Bridget” she called with a wave.

  “Bye, Heather,” Bridget called back, slowly rising to her feet.

  Moving across to the table she signed the room service check, then sat down and stared out the window. The storm had left evidence of its passing, but the sun was shining, and Tim and the grooms were hand walking the horses, waiting until the paddocks dried out before putting them back.

  “Everyone has heard about what happened,” the waiter said. “Just so you know, none of us cared for Jane.”

  “Thanks, Brian,” she replied catching his name from his tag. “That’s very sweet of you.”

  “In case you weren’t aware, she’s gone. She took off early this morning.”


  “Really. Anyway, enjoy your breakfast. I hope you heal up soon.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be back in my little cottage in a day or two. I think Caden only has this suite for that long.”

  “Enjoy it while you can.”

  “Thanks, Brian
. I intend to,” she grinned.

  Settling down she began to eat, and was almost finished when the door opened and Caden walked in with a wide smile.

  “You’re up,” he declared. “How do you feel?”

  “Better now that I’ve had something to eat,” she replied. “I felt shaky when I got out of bed. What have you been up to?”

  “Coffee,” he replied.

  “You’ve been up to coffee?” she laughed.

  “Funny,” he chuckled kissing her on the unscratched side of her face before sitting down. “I’ve been very busy, but before I tell you about that, you said you remembered what happened to you.”

  “I do. I don’t know what took me so long.”

  “Shock,” he replied pouring himself his much wanted coffee. “You were in a bad way when I found you. So, tell me.”

  “When I was passing that trail that led into the rocky area, do you know where I mean?”

  “Yep, I know exactly.”

  “I stopped to look at it. I had no intention of going down there, it seemed treacherous, but there was a formation that caught my eye. It was an odd shape, and as I was staring at it, it moved.”

  “The formation moved?”

  “It was a mountain lion.”


  “It was the way the clouds and sun were causing strange shadows, he’d blended into the rocks. Needless to say, I immediately pushed Valentino forward, but I was worried. When I turned on to the trail that looped around to bring me back, I kept looking over my shoulder. I was sure he was around, but I didn’t see anything, then we reached the trees.”

  “You thought it would give you cover.”

  “Yes. I felt so exposed on the side of the hill like that, and I figured I could find my way through the trees and hit the trail on the other side. We’d gone in a little way when Valentino started to get spooky, so I got off. I thought it would be safer to lead him. I’d just hit the ground when I saw why he’d gotten so edgy.”

  “The lion?”

  “The lion,” Bridget nodded, her eyes wide. “I was so scared, Caden. He was about thirty, maybe forty feet away, and he started coming towards us. Valentino spun around and reared up, and when he did I jumped backwards and fell against a tree. I hit my head so hard, I swear, I saw stars, and I remember sliding down the trunk, grabbing it trying to hold on, then suddenly I was rolling. Of course that thicket is on a slope, it’s not steep, but it’s still a slope. I remember everything going black. Then I was dreaming about swimming in a lake and I couldn’t get back to shore. I heard your voice and opened my eyes, and you there were.”

  “Valentino was standin’ over you, guardin’ you,” he said quietly, shaking his head. “Damn.”

  “Horses are prey,” Bridget frowned. “Why didn’t he run?”

  “His desire to protect you must have been stronger. That’s just amazin’. I’ve heard of horses doin’ things like that, but I took the tales with a grain of salt.”

  “I wasn’t exaggerating when I said he saved my life.”

  “No, darlin’, you weren’t.”

  “That horse, I love him to bits,” she murmured. “I was crazy about him from the moment I saw him.”

  “Like he was about you,” Caden smiled, “and that brings me to one of the things I did this mornin’. I was able to reach Melinda.”

  “Because?” she asked, her heart skipping a beat.

  “As of about, let’s see, about thirty minutes ago, Valentino belongs to you.”

  “He does not!”

  “He does,” Caden nodded.

  “But, doesn’t she want a lot of money for him?”

  “I worked all that out. Her biggest worry was findin’ someone who would love him the way she did, and I was able to assure her that you would, and you do. I also reiterated that she could visit any time she wanted.”

  “Caden,” she breathed, “I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe it,” he nodded. “I thought you’d like that better than flowers.”


  “Richard suggested I buy you flowers and chocolates.”

  “No, Valentino is much better,” she laughed.

  “Are you ready for more?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m kind of blown away right now, but go ahead.”

  “Uh, Bridget,” he said leaning forward. “I’d love it if you’d come and stay at the ranch with me. Give it a try. The two of us.”

  “Oh, my, gosh! Caden.”

  “Whatta ya say?”

  “I, uh, well, I’d have to work somewhere, somehow, but uh, yes, I would love that,” she beamed.

  “How would you feel about bein’ the official trainer here. Tim has no interest in teachin’.”

  “So, I’d be live at your ranch, and drive here when a lesson is booked.”

  “Yep, and I promised Richard I’d find him another full time handler. One of my guys came down this mornin’ to help right away, and he’ll stay on until I do.”

  “Give up my place, and move to your ranch,” she mumbled. “Don’t you travel a lot?”

  “Not as much as you think. I have my facility up near where you live, and I go back and forth between there and my ranch. Truth is, I was up your way a lot ‘cos of you. I’d miss you when I’d come back.”

  “I’d miss you too. I hated it when you’d leave.”

  “You’ll love the ranch, Bridget. You can help me with my babies, you can show the horses for me when buyers come out, You’re so good. I’d much rather you be ridin’ so I can be sellin’.”

  “Sounds as if my time available for lessons here would be spotty,” she remarked.

  “Or you’ll be real busy, which is good, it’ll keep you outta trouble,” he said with a wink. “I just wanna be with you,” he said lowering his voice and carefully taking her injured hand. “I wanna wake up with you every mornin’, and go to sleep with you every night.”

  “Caden, I feel the same. I’ve never lived on a ranch before, but as long as I’m with you, I don’t care where I am.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes,” she whispered, swallowing back her happy tears.

  “I wanna hug you real tight, but I know I’ve gotta be careful,” he said standing up and taking her hand.

  “Hug me as tight as you want,” she sighed rising to her feet and leaning against him. “I’m so happy I want to cry, but I don’t want to get all my scratched face wet.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” he purred. “I’m gonna be here to dry your tears anytime you need me to. Seein’ you on the ground like I did, damn, girl, it scared me so bad.”

  “You have no idea how I felt when I opened my eyes and saw you over me. You were, you are, my hero.”

  “Me and Valentino,” he breathed.

  “You and Valentino,” she sighed.

  Placing his finger under her chin he tilted up her head, and softly placing his mouth on hers, he glided and pressed, tickled with his tongue, skimmed his teeth over her lower lip, then gently suckled, until breathlessly she pulled back, and with sparkling eyes she silently begged him to take her. Sweeping her up he carried her into the bedroom, laid her down and opened her bathrobe.

  “Close your eyes and don’t you move,” he said huskily.

  She heard his footfalls take him into the bathroom, then the sound of the shower, and when he returned and laid next to her, slightly damp and smelling of spice, she caught her breath.


  “Yeah, darlin’?”

  “Just hearing you come back turns me on.”

  Sliding his finger into her sex, his lips dropped to her ear.

  “So I see,” he mumbled. “When I get you home, you’re gonna be wet like this all the time. Would you like to know why?”

  “Uh-huh,” she muttered as his fingers moved from her pussy to lightly pinch her nipples.

  “Because part of your trainin’ is to keep you wantin’, and I’m gonna show you what I mean right now.�

  “You are?”

  “I’m gonna stop in a minute, and just hold you, then start again, and I’m gonna do that for a while.”

  “Oh, Caden, you’re making me crazy.”

  “At the ranch, when you’re all healed up, I’ll be doing more than just holdin’ you.”

  “Like what?”

  “Nope, that’s all I’m gonna tell you for now,” he crooned teasing her pussy, and slowly dropping his fingers away, he brought her into his arms.

  “Cruel,” she sighed.


  “I love it so much.”


  “Will I be able to stand it?”


  “How do you know?”

  “Because, darlin’, you won’t have a choice.”

  An hour later, after tantalizing her body, driving her closer to the edge with every short, scintillating episode, he slid his cock into her soaking cunt and rode her to an explosive release. Lying in his arms, trying to catch her breath, she curled against him.

  “You’re wrong,” he panted.

  “I am? About what, darlin?”

  “I won’t be able to stand it.”

  “I guess we’ll be findin’ out pretty soon,” he chuckled. “I’m thinkin’ we should pack up Valentino and head off tomorrow.”

  “I’ll hate to leave all this luxury,” she sighed, “The amazing food, the room service-“

  “Yep,” he said interrupting her, “it’s sure a nice place to spend some time, and we can always come back when it’s not real busy here, but I have a feelin’ you’re gonna like the special amenities my place has.”

  “You know,” she said with a wry smile, “I have the same feeling. I think I will too.”


  Early the following afternoon, after accepting a lunch invitation from Heather and Jeff, Caden headed to Celeste’s office to return the key to Jane’s cottage, while Bridget returned to the suite to pick up her handbag. Their suitcases were already in the horse van down at the barn. All they had to do was load Valentino and they could leave. Approaching Celeste’s door, he gave a little knock and walked in, and to his delight he saw a dozen red roses in a crystal glass vase, and a large box of unopened chocolates sitting on her desk.


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