When a Cowboy Loves a Woman

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When a Cowboy Loves a Woman Page 17

by Maggie Carpenter

  “What’s this?” he asked with a grin.

  “Uh, from Richard,” she said shyly.

  “That old fox,” he laughed. “I’ve already said my goodbyes to him, so I’ll refrain from stickin’ my head in to razz him.”

  “Please do,” she begged. “I think sending me these things was very difficult. He hasn’t been able to look me in the eye all day.”

  “He’ll get there. He’s just catchin’ his breath,” Caden assured her. “The key was a big help, thanks, Celeste. I’ll be back soon.”

  Leaning over her desk he pecked her on the cheek, then walking back into the foyer he found Bridget waiting.


  “Yes,” she nodded.

  “Let’s take the golf cart,” he suggested. “You still need to take things easy.”

  “Please, I can walk to the barn,” she scoffed.

  “You either come in the golf cart, or I’ll pick you up in the van on the way out.”

  “Fine,” she sighed. “I’ll come with you in the cart.”

  Five minutes later Caden was loading Valentino into the horse van, and with a last goodbye and thank you to Tim, he and Bridget set off for his ranch.

  The day was idyllic. Spotty clouds and warm sunshine made the drive picturesque, and when Caden turned off the main road, driving through a small town much like the one near Dudley’s Dude Ranch, it was a short distance to the tree lined lane leading up to his house.

  If the appearance of Dudley’s had surprised Bridget when she’d first seen it, Caden’s house was equally startling. She’d thought it would be a sprawling, one level ranch home, but she was met by a two-story, log house with double-story front windows. A natural grey brick front patio, and a chimney made of the same stone, gave the home an elegant appearance, and glancing across at him she broke into a smile.

  “Caden, this place is gorgeous.”

  “Thanks. I’ve always had a thing for log cabins, but I wanted a decent-sized house that had a bit more appeal than just four square walls.”

  “It sure has that,” she exclaimed. “When I first met you, didn’t you describe yourself as a cowboy who sells a few horses, and trains a few more?”

  “That’s who I am,” he winked.

  “You don’t have a home like that selling a few horses, Caden.”

  “I didn’t have to buy the land,” he replied. “It was my dads, I just-“

  “You just built a phenomenal house and created a super successful horse sales and training farm is what you did.”

  “With a little help from my friends, as Joe Cocker once said. You know who he is?”

  “Yes, I do,” she nodded. “You are a very impressive man, Caden Price.”

  “Jane must have found out about this place,” he remarked. “That’s probably the only reason she was so aggressive.”

  “I doubt it,” Bridget murmured leaning across the console. “You are one sexy cowboy.”

  “Sit back in your seat please, young lady.”

  “Spoilsport,” she quipped.

  As he continued down a gravel road, two large barns came into view, and he rolled the van to a stop.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “Probably out checkin’ fencin’ or workin’ some horses in the ring.”

  “Where’s it, the ring I mean?”

  “Over there,” he replied pointing to a building that appeared to be an oversized barn.

  “But, that’s huge.”

  “We need huge. Remember, this is a trainin’ and sales barn, and in the winter we can’t stop ‘cos there’s snow on the ground.”

  “I can’t wait to see it,” she said excitedly.

  “You look like your feelin’ better,” he remarked.

  “Change of scenery maybe. I’m still hurting, but I’m so happy it’s probably overriding not feeling good.”

  “Let’s get your boy outta the van and into his paddock, then I have someone who’s been waitin’ to meet you.”

  It only took a few minutes to unload Valentino, and as he descended the ramp he whinnied loudly, his nose in the air and his ears pricked.

  “They remember him,” Bridget declared as the horses in the nearby paddocks whinnied their response.

  “He was here for several weeks, and horses don’t forget,” Caden said as they began walking him towards a group of fenced paddocks.

  “How many horses do you have?”

  “We’ve got almost forty right now, all levels of trainin’, many here to sell. There are five full-time handlers, and the maintenance workers. It’s not a small operation, but it’s at the point where it kinda runs itself. I mean, everyone knows their job and they do it.”

  “What do you do?”

  “Me? I sell. Correction, I ride and sell,” he said stopping at one of the smaller paddocks. “He’s gotta be in a pasture by himself for a few days, until I decide who to put him with him. The horses he was with before have been moved.”

  “Of course, I understand,” Bridget replied as she removed his halter and watched her stunning chestnut dance and prance and become reacquainted with his friends. “This feels really good, being here with you.”

  “Yeah, it does. I knew it would,” he smiled. “Come with me. Like I said, I have someone I want you to meet.”

  They walked across a wide driveway to the first of the two large barns, and entering the wide aisle, Bridget saw several horses poke their heads out over their stalls doors.

  “These guys are in here ‘cos they’re bein’ worked, or have just been worked, or they’re still bein’ evaluated,” Caden explained.

  “I’ve never seen a barn this big,” Bridget declared.

  “I don’t leave my horses out in storms, they come in, and I have to have enough room. Here we are,” he announced pulling open a stall door.

  Moving beside him, Bridget peered inside and let out a low, soft whimper. A foal was moving around the oversized stall on spindly legs, his mother paying close attention.

  “Ooh, Caden, she’s absolutely adorable.”

  “Remember, you have to name her.”

  “I feel so honored.”.

  “We’ll start imprintin’ soon. You know about that, of course.”

  “Yes, of course, you touch her and handle her and let her know we humans are good people.”

  “Yeah, basically,” he chuckled.

  “Wow. I’m totally blown away.”

  She stood staring, falling in love with the sweet, baby foal in front of her.

  “Caden, if I name her, you know what that means, don’t you?”

  “Uh, maybe not. Tell me.”

  “You can never sell her. In fact, don’t show me any foal you’re going to raise and train and sell.”

  “Oh, Lord,” he laughed. “We’re gonna have a problem with that one. I’m real careful about who buys my horses, I promise.”

  “I believe you, but you can’t sell this baby. Not if I name her.”

  “Then I guess you own two horses now,” he grinned.

  “No, I own Valentino, this girl belongs to us both,” she decreed.

  “Come here you gorgeous thing,” he muttered pulling her into his arms, but as he did, he felt her wince and relaxed his hold.

  “For the next few days the only thing you’re gonna be doin’ is gettin’ healed up,” he said firmly. “You need to be takin’ it easy and lettin’ your body mend itself, you hear me?”

  “Yes, Caden, and you won’t get any argument from me. Yesterday was a month rolled into a few hours, and all of a sudden I don’t feel right.”

  “Let’s get you up to the house and settle you in.”

  “That sounds good. I suppose it was because this morning was kind of hectic, but I’m feeling super tired. Strange, it’s just come over me out of nowhere.”

  “There’s a gator here. I’ll zip us up in that and stop at the van to grab our bags on the way.”

  “Yes, please,” she sighed. “I was feeling so good until few minutes ago.”
br />   “That’ll probably happen, a burst of energy then you’ll flag,” he said closing the stall door. “The gator’s right through here.”

  The trip up the drive was a short one, but as they stopped in front of the house, Caden could see Bridget was grateful for the lift. Picking up the bags he walked slowly up the steps beside her, and unlocking the front door he ushered her in.

  “You’re pale,” he said looking down at her.

  “Yeah, I’m feeling pale,” she said quietly.

  “You feel like you’re gonna pass out, don’t you?”


  Putting down the bags, and effortlessly lifting her into his arms, he carried her up the stairs, down a short hallway and into his bedroom, laying her on his king-sized bed.

  “Sorry,” she muttered.

  “We should have waited a couple of days before doin’ this,” he grumbled. “My fault, I’m sorry, darlin’.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad I’m here. It’s so peaceful, and I’m not surrounded by drama and a ton of people.”

  “I’m gonna go make you some tea and get you somethin’ to eat. Don’t you move,” he said shaking his finger at her.

  “I couldn’t even if I wanted to,” she sighed, “which I don’t.”

  “I’ll be right back,” he said softly.

  He made his way down the stairs to the kitchen, and as he set the kettle to boil and popped some bread in the toaster, he thought about how happy he was to have her in his home.

  I’m gonna nurse you back to health, and I’m gonna take things real easy with you, but then, Bridget, I’m gonna open that special door, you’re gonna walk down those stairs, and you’re not gonna believe your eyes.


  The only evidence of Bridget’s accident were faint lines that were already fading, her aches and pains were gone, and her energy had returned. Caden had been fanatical about her recovery, but his obsessive attention had restored her to full health.

  It was mid afternoon. Caden had left the house after an early lunch, and Bridget had spent the afternoon hours arranging the storage of some of her larger belongings, and chatting to her friends, catching them up on all her exciting news. She was in the bedroom when she heard his footsteps climbing the stairs, and quickly ending her call, she darted into the bathroom to quickly run a brush through her hair and apply some lipstick.

  “Hey, girl’,” he called.

  “Caden, you’re back,” she said happily, stepping back into the bedroom.

  “This is for you.”

  “Oh, how fun,” she exclaimed looking at the large package he was carrying.

  “Bridget,” he said soberly, placing it on the bed. “Come here, darlin’.”

  “Caden, you look so serious. Should I be worried?”

  “Not at all,” he said taking her hands, “not unless you’ve been naughty.”

  “No,” she said feeling a stirring of butterflies.

  “Do you remember what I said about your trainin’?”

  She felt a shiver spark through body, and stared into his intense blue eyes.

  “Uh, yes.”

  “It starts right now. You call me, Sir, until I tell you otherwise.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed

  “You change into what’s in this box, and only what’s in this box, then come on down to the livin’ room. Kneel in front of the oversized easy chair by the fireplace, and you wait. Any questions?”

  “No, Sir.”

  Leaning forward he pressed his lips on hers, his kiss fervent, his fingers around her hands tightening their grip.

  “How do you feel?” he breathed.

  “Nervous, excited, turned on,” she whispered.

  “Good. Remember, you kneel facin’ the chair, and you wait,” he repeated, then releasing her hands he strode from the room.

  For a moment she stared at the package, then lifted the lid and pushed aside the tissue. Looking up at her was a paper thin, transparent white silk shirt, and lifting it out she marveled at its lightness. Pulling off her T-shirt and bra, she slid her arms down the sleeves and fastened the buttons. It was cool against her skin, immediately stiffening her nipples.

  “Oh, man, this thing makes me feel so sexy,” she mumbled.

  Returning to the box she moved away the next layer of paper and found a pale pink, pleated skirt. As she lifted it up she saw it was as thin as the blouse, and short, very short, with an elastic waist. Peeling off her jeans and panties, she stepped into the skirt and pulled it up, then sitting on the bed she removed her socks.

  “I feel naked,” she muttered as she walked into the closet to look at herself in the full-length mirror. Staring at her reflection she could understand why Caden had chosen the scandalous attire.

  It whispered across her skin as she moved, leaving goose bumps in its wake, and while her charms could be seen, they were more of a suggestion than blatant nudity. The outfit was salacious, but sensuous. Filled with anticipation, she headed down the stairs and into the living room.

  The oversized picture windows that overlooked the driveway and hills beyond, had been treated with a reflective film. It not only conserved energy by keeping the house cool in the summer, it provided privacy. Those inside could look out, but those outside only saw a mirror reflection. Moving across the room to the large, natural rock fireplace, she noticed he had moved the thick, sheepskin rug in front of the chair, and as she kneeled she could imagine how romantic the room would be in the winter. A blazing fire, snow outside, curled up with Caden and enjoying the comfortable intimacy.

  She’d been waiting a few minutes when she sensed him behind her. There had been no sound of his footfalls, but she could feel his presence. Something touched the hem of her skirt, lifting it up to expose her bare bottom. She felt strangely self-conscious as the air touched her skin, and her fingers curled into her palms.

  “Close your eyes. Hands behind your back.”

  His voice was deep and quiet, and feeling her butterflies spring into a frenzy, she did as he said, then held her breath. The skirt dropped, he was moving around her, then something tickled across her breasts, coming to rest on her nipples.

  “If you get any spots or marks on those lovely new clothes, you’ll receive a swat with a paddle. That’s a swat for each. I’m very particular about certain things, Bridget, and I don’t like stains on clothes, especially not those I’ve selected for you.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “I’m not sure you do. It’s fine when you’re ridin’, it’s expected, you can’t be around horses and not get dirty, but in this house I expect you to behave like a lady, and dress like a lady.”

  Bridget had an unexpected flashback. He’d arrived in town unexpectedly and called her. It was late, but excited to see him she’d invited him to stop by her apartment. She’d been wearing an old kimono bathrobe when he’d knocked on her door, and she’d seen a disapproving frown as he’d walked in. She’d excused herself and hurriedly changed.

  “You’ve not always been so careful about your habits, but that won’t be acceptable here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  A sudden, hot sting sliced through her nipples.


  “No bra in the evening when we’re in the house alone.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said breathlessly.

  “Poor nipples,” he purred moving his fingers over them to help ease the pain. “Your bottom isn’t the only area of your body that can be disciplined. Is my severity frightenin’ you?”

  “A little bit, Sir.”

  “Trainin’ must be clear. If I’m not clear, I can’t expect you to get things right. I’ll be strict, but I’ll also be kind and lovin’. It goes together. Tomorrow you’re gonna throw away any of your clothes that have stains. Not your ridin’ gear, that’s different.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “After you’ve done that, you’re gonna take a pen and paper and walk through the house. If you see somethin’ you�
��d like to change, or have any suggestions for redecoratin’, you make a note. I want you to feel like this is your home, darlin’,”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Shuffle around on your knees and drop on your elbows.”

  As she began to turn, she felt her face flame red, and she couldn’t understand why she was feeling so self-conscious.

  Maybe because it’s the middle of the day and it’s so light in here. Maybe it’s because this skirt is so short, and in that position I’ll be totally exposed. God, I hate this and love this.

  Taking a breath she slowly lowered herself on to her elbows, and immediately felt her skirt being flicked over her waist.

  “Knees apart and arch your back.”

  Sliding her knees across the fur, she grit her teeth as his hands clasped her cheeks. She knew what was coming before it happened, but it didn’t help her deep embarrassment when he separated them.

  “I’m gonna start your trainin’ back here,” he said firmly, lightly touching her anus. “Don’t worry, I’ll take it slow, but it is gonna happen, and the sooner you accept it and surrender, the easier it’ll be, and the faster you’ll enjoy the pleasure it offers. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Stay there, just like that. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Kneeling as she was, her bottom exposed in the bright light of the living room, she felt a strange sensation, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Quite the opposite. She hadn’t fantasized about such an event, but it was unfolding like an erotic mystery, and as much as dreaded the promised back door training, she couldn’t deny there was a part of her that was tantalized by his lascivious promise. A few minutes later, as she heard him striding towards her, convinced he was going to start probing and touching her, she readied herself.

  “Kneel up and shuffle back to face the chair. You may open your eyes when you’re in position.”

  Surprised, she did as he directed, and when she was settled with her hands behind her back, she lifted her eyes and gazed up at him. His handsome face was softly smiling, and she saw nothing but love in his soft, blue-eyed gaze.


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