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When a Cowboy Loves a Woman

Page 18

by Maggie Carpenter

  “This is for you,” he said holding up a white leather collar. “This is the first collar, and as you progress you’ll receive collars of a different color. Pink comes next, then red, and so on. Every time I give you a new collar, you’ll also get a special gift.”

  “Sir,” she breathed. “I didn’t expect anything like this.”

  “There’s no reason you should,” he said as he placed it around her neck and buckled it closed. “There. Beautiful. How does it make you feel?”

  “Wonderful,” she sighed, “and I want the other collars. May I ask, what color is the last one?”

  “The last one you’ll see in a few minutes.”

  “Is this a common thing?”

  “I’ll explain more about the collars as time goes by. Enough talking. It’s time to take you to my special place. A place where you will learn. Up on your feet and follow me, two steps back, hands locked behind you, eyes down.”

  Taking his hand, she slowly stood up. Her heart was pounding and her butterflies were quivering as he led her through the dining room and down the back hall. Stopping at a door, he pushed down the handle, opened it up and flicked on a switch. She saw a red glow, and her mind immediately took her back to her dream.

  Oh, my gosh, the red room. It can’t be, can it?

  “Be careful, watch where you’re walkin’.”

  A white line showed the edge of each step, and as the door swung shut behind her, she heard the click of a lock.

  “You don’t have to worry,” he continued. “This room is soundproof, and no-one can get in.”

  Her eyes adjusted to the dim light, and as she descended, and the room and its contents came into view, she let out a small cry.

  “Sir, what is this?”

  “Exactly what you think it is,” he replied, “and I believe it’s the room you saw in your dream.”


  Following him across the thick, soft carpet, she gazed at the strange but fascinating furniture. Chairs with padded seats and odd arms, a low table with wide leather straps, a high, narrow bench hanging from the ceiling resembling a bizarre swing. Across the walls were closed cabinets, the contents of which she was almost afraid to imagine.

  “Bridget,” he said turning to face her, “is this the room you saw in your dream?”

  “I only saw it for a minute, but it was all red, just like this. How did I know?” she breathed.

  “I guess you glimpsed your future, darlin’. When you told me I could hardly believe it, but then I saw it as a validation of everythin’ that’s happened between us.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I don’t think you you need to say anything, and now I’m gonna move on, in the room of your dreams.”

  “Oh, my goodness,” she whispered.

  “The outfit you’re wearin’ is just one of many I’ll give you. As your play wardrobe grows, I’ll tell you which I want you to wear, but they are for my eyes only unless I tell you otherwise. You must keep them separate from your other clothes. This is beautiful on you,” he said softly, reaching out his hand and squeezing her breast. “It makes you feel beautiful, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, “and very sexy.”

  “Clothes can be foreplay, for me they are foreplay, and I want you to see them that way too.”

  “Oh, Sir, I do.”

  “Sometimes I’ll keep you in the same clothes for a couple of days. This is in the evenin’s, of course, when it’s just the two of us.”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand.”

  “When we come down here, though, the clothes come off,” he said sternly. “Stay there.”

  Walking across to a counter he picked up a remote control, and a sensuous melody began echoing through the room.

  “Strip. Make me want you.”

  Lifting her arms above her head she began to move to the music, swaying her hips and losing herself in the erotic display. Slowly unfastening the buttons, she let the shirt fall apart but didn’t take it off, then languidly turning her back to him, continuing to move her hips, she gradually lowered her skirt over her backside and let it drop to the floor.

  As the dance continued, and she started to turn back around, Caden swallowed a wave of heavy emotion. For years he had dreamed of bringing a special woman into his den of decadence, but every time he’d come close, something had gone awry. When he’d met Bridget, he’d sensed very early that she was the one. Now that his long-held desire was being realized, he could hardly grasp that it was truly happening.

  He watched her last sensuous move as the shirt slipped away, and reaching down she picked the skirt off the floor, draped it over her arm with the blouse, and waited.

  Pushing away the surge of heat that had exploded in the back of his throat, Caden ambled over to her, and reaching his hand behind her head, clutching her hair, he kissed her ardently, crushing her lips as his hunger surfaced.

  “You are perfection,” he muttered. “There’s a chair at the base of the steps. Place the clothes there, then come back and stand where you are now, with your eyes closed and your hands behind your back.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied breathlessly.

  Her pulse was racing, and she could feel the hot, slick wetness between her legs. As she moved away she could feel his gaze following her, but when she deposited the clothes on the chair and turned back around, he was retrieving something from one of the cabinets. Returning quickly to the assigned spot in the middle of the room, she stared at the red carpet beneath her feet before closing her eyes. It looked just like the carpet in her dream.

  He was right. I glimpsed my future.

  “Feet apart,” Caden directed as he approached.

  Shuffling her feet, she held her breath as he walked behind her, but when the blindfold slipped over her eyes, she let out a long, soft breath.

  “That’s my girl,” he purred as he began planting soft kisses on her neck. “Surrender to the pleasure.”

  His words floated around her like a warm breeze on a spring day, and when he took her elbow and led her forward, she had no trepidation, just an ache for whatever might come next.

  “You’re facing a bench. It has padded extensions for your knees and elbows. Feel your way forward and take up the position you had in front of my chair in the living room. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you.”

  Reaching out in the dark, her sense of helplessness seemed to add to her carnal heat, and as he took hold of her limbs, helping her find her place, his sure, confident hands sparked through her skin.

  “Sir,” she whispered as she felt cuffs being placed around her thighs.

  “Yes, darlin’?”

  “I feel so…”


  “So much. There are no words,” she murmured.

  “I understand, darlin’. Sink into it. Take some deep breaths while I finish.”

  The leather around her legs was buckled, then around her ankles and wrists, and she did as he said, taking long deep breaths as he went about his task. When he finished, she found the position, but she could also feel her complete exposure.

  “No talkin’ now, but if things get too much, you yell out the word orange, like a traffic light. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “If somethin’ happens suddenly, like a cramp or you need me to stop right away, you yell out red.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Leaning down he kissed her cheek and stroked her hair, then moved around her body, relishing the sight of her bound and vulnerable. The position had her seat cheeks wide open, and her glistening, swollen pussy looked even more luscious in the hedonistic red light. To the sound of her soft moans he stroked her back and whispered his fingers across her inner thighs, finally touching between her needy sex. She wriggled as much as her shackles would allow, bleating for more, and he obliged her for a few minutes, circling her clit and thrusting his finger back and forth in her hungry channel until she was panting, but his attention was not because
of her pleading, it was to heighten her arousal.

  Reaching into his pocket, Caden withdrew a small, plastic bottle of lube, and squeezing a dollop on the tip of his finger, he smeared it across her dark hole. She let out a wail of protest, but he had expected nothing less, and standing beside her, placing one hand on the small of her back, he began to spank.

  “You’ve haven’t felt the heat of my hand since we left Dudley’s” he declared as he continued to swat. “That’s gonna change. I promised you I’d keep this bottom hot and tender, and I keep my promises. You’re gonna be over my knee while I’m watchin’ a football game, or I’ll bend you over the kitchen island while you’re cookin’, and sometimes I’ll spank you real good before you go to sleep. You got a problem with that, little girl?”

  “No, Sir,” she gasped.

  “It won’t always be hard, but it will be when necessary,” he said without pausing his smacking palm. “Most of the time I’ll just bring a nice sting to your ass, remind you to behave, or just ‘cos I wanna see it turn a pretty shade of pink. That’s how it’s gonna be.”

  The more he talked, the more the sparks surged through her sex. His threats weren’t frightening her, but fueling her hunger, until finally the need became so great she had to call out.


  “You need to say somethin’?” he asked dispatching his slaps to her sit spot.

  “I, uh, just want you so much,” she managed.

  “You wouldn’t be sayin’ that just to get me to stop whalin’ on your ass, would you?”

  “No, Sir, no.”

  “Let’s see,” he muttered dropping his fingers into her sex. “Damn. I’ve never felt you so drenched.”

  “Sir, I want you so much,” she repeated as he swirled his finger in her slick wetness.

  “Uh-huh. If you’re real obedient, and do as I ask, you’ll get my cock and you’ll get your release, but you know what I’m gonna do.”

  “Ooh, yes, Sir.”

  “If you resist, if you don’t surrender like a good girl, I’ll just have to spank you some more, and tease you for a while longer. The choice is yours. I’ll let you think about it for a minute.”

  She heard him move away, then the sliding of a drawer, and his returning footfalls, soft on the thick carpet.

  “Have you made up your mind?” he asked as he moved his hands over her hot, red seat.

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll behave.”

  “Good girl,” he purred sliding his fingers into her crack.

  She winced, but she didn’t wriggle, and he let them rest there until he heard her let out a breath. Pulling the lube from his pocket, he picked up the small, hard rubber phallus he’d retrieved from his dildo drawer, and smeared it with several generous dollops.

  “This is small, this is just to start your trainin’,” he declared as he placed the tip against her. “Be a good girl now. Long deep breaths. Accept it, just let it slide in.”

  Bridget could feel it pressing, and though everything in her wanted to refuse, his coaxing, reassuring words enveloped her, and with a long deep breath, she surrendered.

  “There you go, good girl, that’s it. I’m real proud of you darlin’. I’m gonna press it just a bit further now.”

  As the dildo disappeared between her cheeks, his cock demanded to be released from the confines of his trousers, and stepping back, gazing at his success, he stripped off, rubbing himself for a brief moment before returning to her side.

  “Just gonna move it a bit,” he warned taking hold of the flange. “You’re doin’ real well.”

  During the few minutes he’d left her, Bridget had resigned herself to the unwelcome intruder, almost relaxing, and when he started to move it in and out, she let out a gasp, feeling the first glimpse of pleasure.

  “There now,” he purred withdrawing it completely, “that’s a real good start. You still want my cock in your pussy?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir, please, desperately,” she wailed.

  “You ever been fucked while restrained?”

  “No, Sir, just the little bit that you did once or twice.”

  “It’s a different feelin’, darlin’, and it’s gonna make you come hard, real hard. You just release when you feel it,” he said sliding into her slick, swollen pussy. “Next time, I’m gonna make you wait, so enjoy this.”

  Clutching her crimson cheeks he started to stroke, delighting in her immobility, moving with slow, forceful thrusts, then reaching underneath her, he tickled her clit, eliciting high pitched squeals between her heavy panting. As he accelerated, pumping with abandon, her moans and gasps told him her moment was almost upon her, and a second later she exploded.

  Her shrieks didn’t surprise him, but they sent him into his own release, and closing his eyes he groaned loudly, plunging his cock with renewed vigor. He didn’t know for how long his climax lasted, but her cries ended with his, and he slipped from her depths, shriveled and spent.

  Almost dizzy, he moved to a nearby shelf and picked up a small towel, and wiping himself, he carried it back to tend to her. She was softly whimpering, and as he unfastened the buckles, releasing her from the cuffs, she leaned into his arms as he helped her off the bench.

  “This way,” he purred leading her to a dark corner.

  She’d not seen it, but nestled against the wall was a full-sized bed. Collapsing on top of it he pulled her into his arms, and in seconds they were both drifting into never-never land.

  It was Bridget who was the first to move, and raising her head she stared up at his handsome face.

  “That was shocking,” she murmured.

  “Which part,” he asked sleepily.

  “All of it. May I ask you something I probably shouldn’t?”

  “Sure,” he said giving her a reassuring squeeze.

  “Have you brought many women to this room?”

  “Bridget,” he said with a heavy sigh, “you’re the first.”

  “You put together this amazing place and never brought anyone down here?”

  “Nope. I’ve come close a few times, but it never seemed to work out. I’ve been waitin’ my whole life for this, for what just happened.”

  “I’m speechless,” she muttered.

  “Me too. I think I just said all there is to say.”

  “I feel so…”

  “I thought you said you were speechless.”

  “I am, but I feel so…”

  “Special?” he asked, finally moving and propping himself up on an elbow.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Haven’t you figured that out yet, darlin’? You are special. You’ll always be special.”

  “To think I almost blew this because I jumped to some stupid conclusion,” she said, shaking her head.

  “I wasn’t gonna let that happen,” he said firmly. “Remember what I told you?”

  “You mean, when a cowboy loves a woman…?”


  “I think know what it is now. When a cowboy loves a woman, she knows it!”

  “That’s close.”

  “It’s close?”

  “Yep. Real close.”

  “Caden, you have to tell me.”

  “Nope, but there is a small piece of unfinished business.”

  “There is?”

  “Remember when I wouldn’t let you touch yourself?”

  “Yes, you were at the ranch and we were talking on the phone. Oh! I never did find out why you said no.”

  “Can you figure it out now?”

  “Let me think,” she said softly. “Oh, my, gosh, was it because I didn’t say, please, Sir?”

  “Yep, that was one of the reasons, the one you needed to get to,” he replied. “You also needed to feel what it was like to obey me.”

  “Please, Sir,” she sighed. “So simple, but so important.”

  “Yep. It means a lot, darlin’,” he said softly. “Now I think It’s time to get your beautiful red backside upstairs, but before we go, I’m gonna show you somethin’. Stay

  She watched him slip from the bed and move across to the cabinets, returning with a black velvet box.

  “This is the last collar,” he said soberly, sitting on the side of the bed. “Are you ready to see it?”

  “Yes, Sir, please, I would love to.”

  Bridget stared, mesmerized as he lifted the lid, and as its contents came into view she caught her breath.

  “Caden, it’s exquisite.”

  A gold band with rolled edges stared up at her, and in the center, hanging from a sliver ring, in a silver setting, was a large, pear-shaped diamond surrounded by sapphires. Pulling her eyes from the jewels, she looked at the back, and saw a series of tiny plates.

  “What’s that?” she asked pointing at it.

  “The lock. Once it’s in place, it can only come off if I unlock it,” he explained. “It’s a combination of sorts. The teardrop in the center, that unclasps and a leash can snapped on the ring.”

  “Thank you, for showing me, Sir,” she breathed. “It’s, uh, very motivating.”

  Closing the lid, he returned it to the cabinet, then moving to the chair at the bottom of the stairs, he picked up her clothes and carried them back to her.

  “Time to dress, darlin’. We’re gonna go back upstairs, shower, cuddle for a bit, then you’re gonna make me dinner.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she sighed. “May I wear an apron when I cook?”

  “I’d sure advise it,” he nodded.

  A while later, after their shower and a short nap, Caden was about to move from the bed to get dressed, when Bridget took hold of his arm.


  “Yes, darlin’?”

  “When Heather decided to talk to Jeff, and the storm was coming in, she remembered something an old friend once said. A storm blows in change. There’s the drama of the thunder and lightening, the rain to wash everything clean, and then the dawn of a new day.”

  “I like that,” he murmured.

  “I want to call the foal, Dawn.”

  “Bridget, that’s perfect,” he smiled.

  “It’s her, it’s us, it’s what has happened. Her birth signified the dawn of our life together, the dawn after all the drama, everything you did to…” then abruptly pausing, she crinkled her forehead. “Oh, my, gosh!” she exclaimed.


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