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Chasing Circumstance

Page 2

by Redmon, Dina

  So tonight, dear readers, I leave you with this question…

  Is love real if it is not returned in the same fashion?

  ~ Amia”


  I was blessed to work for my dearest friend, Jocelyn Millian. She owned the third highest ranked advertising agency in the world and I was her right hand woman. Working with my best friend on a daily basis often made it feel less like work and more like girl’s night out.

  My office sat across the hall from the water cooler. I couldn't help but overhear every conversation that took place there. It's not that I was eavesdropping, it just kind of happened.

  Usually I ignored the majority of it, but this morning, the conversation truly caught my attention.

  A few of the ladies in the office were talking about one of the men that worked there and how he was a player. Sam had approached each of them, and each of them had fallen prey to his bait… Hook, line and sinker. He had asked me out a couple of times, but I knew his type and had turned him down.

  Sitting at my desk, I began to think about the new me. I was tired of feeling frumpy and wanted to find my sexy again. I had put the business before the woman and I needed to turn that around. It was time for me to not only feel like but look like the sexy, powerful woman I was.

  Finishing my work day, I headed to the mall in search of the perfect outfit. It had to be businesslike but also hold a hint of sexy. I asked a sales clerk for help and together we were able to come up with the right look. I was so impressed with her abilities that I purchased five new ensembles to aid in achieving my goal.

  The following morning, I chose to wear my new dark purple dress with the keyhole cutout over the breast and soft flowing skirt. I loved the way the satin material felt against my bare legs as I moved. After pulling my hair atop my head, leaving a few loose tendrils, and applying my make-up to near perfection, I strapped on my matching purple heels, grabbed my bags and headed out the door.

  “Amia, would you come in here please?” Jo asked as I walked past her office.

  “Good morning, Jo. How was your night? Work late?” I stood in front of her desk.

  “Yes, as usual. You look different today. New dress?” She winked at me as she sipped her latte.

  “Oh, this old thing?” I quipped as answer to her question while I spun around to show her my newest acquisition.

  “So, tell me... Why the new clothes? I'm not complaining, just wondering. You look amazing! It's about time you show off those sexy legs of yours.” Jo always spoke her mind, there was no stopping it. Over the years, I had come to expect it from her and always appreciated her honesty.

  “Let's just say I'm on a mission. I'll fill you in on the details over lunch if you're free.” I said as I sat down across from her.

  “I'm busy at lunch. How about drinks after work? By the way, I read your blog last night, ‘Original minute man’? You poor thing!” Jo laughed as she spoke.

  “Sure, drinks would be great. Yeah, I'll tell you all about it later. I'm not the one you should be calling ‘poor thing’, he is.” Laughing, I stood up to leave.

  “Sam won't know what hit him.” Jo stood up and walked me to the door of her office.

  “What? I’m not after Sam. I just thought I would use him as a test subject to see how my new look is accepted and maybe get a bit of flirting practice in as well.” I whispered back to her.

  “I didn't get where I am without being observant.” She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and gave me a quick hug. “He has whatever you are about to give him coming. He's such a cad. I would have fired him a long time ago, but he's good at what he does around here... And other places.” Again, Jo winked at me.

  “You mean... You've... You two...” She had never told me about this.

  “Yeah, back when I first hired him. He's a charmer to say the least. We'll talk later.” Jo smiled at me before closing her office door.

  Wow! So, was I the only one here he hadn't slept with? It was definitely starting to look that way.

  I went into the break room to grab a cup of coffee before heading back to my office. Sam was sitting at a table, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. He glanced up at me and smiled when I walked in.

  “You're looking luscious this morning, Amia. Dress up for anyone special?” Sam put down the paper.

  “Mr. Owens, it would be in your best interest to remember that I am your superior, and comments like that are dangerously close to being considered harassment.” Keeping my back turned to him, I poured myself a cup of coffee.

  “I like to live dangerously.” A typical response from a typical man.

  “Don't get too close to the edge or you may fall off.” I deliberately dropped the spoon I was using to stir my coffee and bent at the waist to retrieve it. I could almost feel him undressing me with his eyes.

  “I never fall.” The tone of Sam's voice changed as he answered. I knew he was enjoying the view. “Why do you always shoot me down when I ask you out?” He asked as I put the spoon in the sink.

  “Target practice.” Smiling, I touched his shoulder as I walked past him and left him there to think about my answer... And me.

  Sam found excuses to periodically show up in my office throughout the remainder of the day. He knew his job well and normally performed it without instruction, but somehow, today he needed me. Maybe he was just having an off day? Or maybe it was the new dress I was wearing, either way; I knew I had caught his attention.

  I met Jo at the bar across from Millian's after work. Brady’s was an Irish themed pub, and a few of us from the office would meet there occasionally after work to blow off steam. Tonight was no different. Of course, Sam was there with a couple of the women that had just been hired.

  “Want to sit at the bar or grab a table?” Jo looped her arm through mine as we walked through the door.

  “I think we would get a better view at the bar.” I nodded toward Sam and his gaggle of gals.

  “Oh, this will be fun.” She grabbed my hand as we walked over and sat in our usual seats at the end of the bar.

  “What can I get you ladies?” The bartender approached us.

  “One Bellini and one French 75, thanks, Doll.” Jo and I always ordered the same drinks. There had even been times when peaches were out of season and Jo had brought in her own peach puree for her drinks.

  I sighed and sat with my chin on my hands.

  “What's wrong? It's not Sam, is it?” Jo put her hand over mine.

  “No, I was just thinking about Stuart.” I shifted in my seat so I had room to cross my legs under the bar.

  “I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I know you're heartbroken. He was an idiot to let you go, but I'm happy you're staying. I would have missed you.” She squeezed my hand.

  “Here ya go, ladies. Missed you? Were you leaving?” The bartender set our drinks on napkins in front of us.

  “She was supposed to move to Scotland to marry her now ex-boyfriend.” Jo spoke before I could.

  “Thanks, Jo. That was my plans for tonight. To come in here and spill my problems to a total stranger.” I laughed as I picked up my drink.

  “Well, he was a fool to let you go!” The bartender smiled at me.

  “I’ve noticed you in here before but we’ve never talked. What's your name?” Jo was always such a flirt.

  “The name is Chace. Chace Cavanah, at your service.” He tipped his non-existent hat to us.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you. What kind of services do you provide?” Jo winked at Chace; she just couldn't help herself.

  “Pouring drinks and the mending of broken hearts.” Chace said as he smiled at me.

  “Sounds delightful! We’ll take a round of both!” Jo flirted as she dropped a hundred dollar bill on the bar. “Keep ‘em coming. Oh, and I would like to buy a round for the table over there.” She nodded toward the booth Sam and his lady friends were sitting at.

  “And whom shall I say is buying?” Chace's smile was swoon inducing.

��His boss.” Jo slid a twenty dollar bill toward Chace. “And this should cover the relay of anything you hear as well.” She said with a smirk.

  “Understood, Boss lady.” Chace accepted the money, poured the drinks and delivered them to Sam's table himself. Sam turned and nodded at Jo as a thank you.

  Chace came back to the bar and relayed a message. “He said thanks and not to worry, he won't be late.”

  “Good to know. Now, we need round two over here.” Jo had already finished her drink while I was only halfway through mine.

  “For both of you?” Chace smiled at me.

  “Yep, I need to keep up with the boss.” I quickly finished the remainder of mine, sat the glass down and returned the smile.

  “Alrighty then, coming right up.” He tapped his hand on the bar and turned to make our drinks.

  “Amia, you need to add Chace to your list of conquests. He's completely sexy!” Jo whispered to me.

  “I may do just that.” It was time to take another test drive and see just how much power I could hold over someone and Sam was that someone. “I'll be right back.” I stepped down from the bar stool and walked over to where he was sitting.

  “Hey, Sam.” I walked up behind him and slid my hands over his shoulders.

  “Oh hi, Amia.” He turned in his seat to face me. “Can I help you?”

  “Just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is casual Friday.” Winking at him, I walked toward the bathroom. When I came out of the stall, Sam was standing there. “What are you doing in here?” I was shocked to see him.

  “Am I mistaken or was that an invitation to join you?” He smiled with confidence.

  “Oh trust me, Sam; you'll know it when and IF you get the invite.” I washed my hands, stepped around him and rejoined Jo at the bar.

  “You will never guess what just happened.” I told Jo about the little incident in the restroom. We laughed, finished round two of our drinks and ordered round three.

  “You ladies driving tonight?” Chace asked as he set our drinks down once again.

  “No, I'll be taking a cab home tonight.” Why did Jo always feel the need to speak first? It had been like this since I had known her. I had a voice and knew how to use it, except when it came to her. I guess she just felt the need to be in the spotlight, and though it bothered me at times, I allowed her to shine.

  “If you need a ride home, just let me know. I'd be happy to be of assistance.” Chace touched my hand slightly as he set my drink down.

  “Thanks, but I'm good. I don't live far from here and usually walk home.” Smiling, I pulled my hand away from him and picked up my drink.

  “Alright, just thought I would offer.” Chace threw a towel over his shoulder and strolled away.

  “I think he's got a crush on you.” Jo drank half her drink in one swallow. “I also think it may be time for a few shots.”

  “I think you think too much.” Laughing, I followed suit and drank half my drink as well.

  We finished our night with three shots each of tequila and somehow found our way to my place. Jo stayed the night on my couch, and we rushed around like idiots the following morning getting ready for work. Jo borrowed one of my dresses and we barely managed to make it to work on time. It’s not like anyone would have said anything though if the boss had been late.

  Sam drifted into the office fifteen minutes late as he usually did on Friday mornings. I noticed he was wearing the same clothes as the day before and thought it would be fun to call him out on it.

  “Sam, I know today is casual Friday, but you may be pushing it a bit.” I shouted at him from my desk as he walked by.

  “Please, don’t start with me. I have a hangover from hell.” Sam stopped for a moment at my office door.

  “That’s what happens when you take on more than you can handle.” I laughed at him.

  “Who said it was more than I could handle?” Sam tried to smile through his hangover.

  “The fact that you have a hangover and are wearing the same clothes as yesterday. You should really start carrying a spare change of clothing in your trunk.” I busied myself with paperwork.

  “Since when are you so concerned with my extracurricular activities?” He really did think highly of himself.

  “Did I say I was concerned with them? I’m simply concerned with how it affects your work day. You shouldn’t assume things; it doesn’t look good on you. Now, if you will excuse me, I have work I need to get done as I am sure you do as well.” I stood up, walked around my desk and closed my office door in his face. My research was done and I no longer needed him as a lab rat.

  After meeting with a client and finishing some major paperwork, I called it a day. Jo wanted to go out, but I bowed out of it because I really wanted to spend some quiet time at home. I agreed to meet her the next night for drinks and that seemed to be acceptable to her.

  Grabbing my purse and laptop bag, I headed out the door to go home. As I turned the corner out the front door of the office building, Sam was standing there waiting for me.

  “Have any plans for this weekend?” He tried to act like he wasn’t waiting, but I knew better.

  “Yep, I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing.” I walked past him as I answered him.

  “Need any help with that?” He really was trying to force his way into my life.

  “No, and if I ever do, you would be the last to know. Now, if you would excuse me, I have more pressing business to attend to. Have a nice weekend.” I continued on with my walk, leaving him standing there dumbfounded.

  My week had been so busy that I had fallen behind in my household duties. Laundry overflowed from the hamper into the bathroom, dirty dishes were stacked next to the sink waiting for their journey through the dishwasher and the hardwood floors in my apartment looked almost as if they were carpeted. Yep, it was time to clean… Just not tonight. Tonight called for a bottle of good wine, a box of my favorite chocolates, a sappy movie and some time in front of my computer working on my blog.

  The sad thing was that my undiagnosed OCD would not allow for any of this until I cleaned. Dammit! Why couldn’t I just put on blinders and look past the clutter and dust for one more night?

  I changed my work clothes and put on an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Tying my hair up in a ponytail, I set about to clean up the mess I had let go for too long. Okay, maybe I didn’t have OCD because if that were the case, I wouldn’t have let it get this bad to begin with. There was just no stopping me at this point.

  I loaded 5 jazz CDs into my stereo and cranked up the music. I then started a load of laundry, took care of the dishes and vacuumed, swept and mopped my floors. After putting the last load of laundry into the dryer, I showered and wrapped up in a towel. I loved living alone… Clothing was optional.

  Pulling the final load of laundry out of the dryer, I folded them and put them away. There, all caught up for another week or two. Now, where was that bottle of wine and box of chocolates?

  Finding my way to the couch, I wrapped up in my favorite blanket and started the DVD player. The Notebook always brought me to such a deep, emotional place. It represented the love I had been searching for my entire adult life.

  Damn, forgetting to grab a box of tissues, I wiped my tears and snot on my sleeve. After finishing the second bottle of wine, I made my way to my computer. The urge to write would not allow me to rest until I put this sentiment into words.

  I signed into my blog and noticed I now had over three hundred followers… Nice! I answered the comments left by my readers and went on to compose a new blog entry.

  “Dear You,

  Why do you do this to yourself? You know those types of relationships only happen in romance novels and movies, and yet you subjugate yourself to these fantasies of non-existent love.

  When do we as women learn to look past the fairytales we are told as young girls and into the realness of what love truly is? There is no knight in shining armor, no true love’s kiss to wake us from slumber and no seven little
men to protect us from life’s woes.

  Love is a fallacy shoved down our throats by greeting card companies and jewelry stores. The only true, unconditional love in this world is that which is shared between a parent and their child.

  I don’t remember experiencing that love. Maybe that is why I find myself on this unending quest of finding the good in people. Do I blind myself to the realness of who they are?

  I no longer believe in “one day”, “someday” or “when the time is right”. Those words have no place and no value in my world. They are but pretty pictures painted with the imagination of a child’s whimsy.

  So tonight, dear readers, I leave you with this question…

  What is your definition of love?



  “What? Scotland? Why me?” I sat across the desk from Jo.

  “You’re my number one gal. I need you on this one. You don’t have to see Stuart, just go and make the presentation to Noraprise.” Jo tapped her pen against her cheek.

  “But… But he works for them. How am I going to avoid him? He’s their campaign manager for crying out loud!” I knew Jo was up to something. There were plenty of other people that could have handled this.

  “Then show him what the fuck he’s missing.” Yep, there it was. Jo knew I needed closure and she was making sure I had it. Feeling a bit frustrated because, as usual, Jo sprung this on me without discussion, I stood up and began to pace.

  “When do I leave?” I knew there was no getting out of this.

  “Tomorrow morning, you’re on the 10:30 flight out of LaGuardia. Now, go home, pack your sexiest lingerie, rest up and be ready to knock his dick in the dirt.” I laughed to myself as I thought, ‘Jo always has such a way with words’. As she turned away from me and busied herself with something on her computer, I stopped in front of her desk.

  “I suppose there is no arguing this with you, is there?” I had to at least try.

  “Nope, as I said before; you’re my number one gal, and I need you on this. Plus, YOU need this, so be a good girl and do as you’re told.” Jo winked at me, stood up and hugged me. “Here, take this. It’s a little something for the trip.”


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