Chasing Circumstance

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Chasing Circumstance Page 11

by Redmon, Dina

  “You heard Boss Lady… Get to it and let me do what I do.” Chace playfully pushed me out of the kitchen. I had never had a man cook for me in my own kitchen before, and though it felt a bit awkward, it was fun at the same time. I felt myself really starting to fall for Chace.

  “Okay, okay!” I giggled as I picked up my glass of wine and headed into the living room. I spread everything out on the coffee table, and I sat on the floor across from where Jo sat on the couch.

  “Wow, Amia, you got a lot done today. At this rate, we should be able to finish this up tonight. I guess there was nothing for me to worry about.” Jo thumbed through the photos and copy I had laid out.

  “I worked most of the afternoon on it. Sam had a lot of it done already, so all I had to do was put it together.” I started changing around the order of some of the photos. “Hey, what do you think about this? I think it works better.” I turned the pictures around so Jo could see them.

  “Yeah! I like that! We got this campaign in the bag! They won’t know what hit them.” Jo picked up her glass of wine and held it out to me in a toast, “Here’s to another amazing success story!”

  “Like there was ever a doubt.” We lightly tapped our glasses together and finished our first glasses of wine. Jo got up and poured us each another glass while I pulled out the photos and copy for the next part of the campaign.

  We worked on our presentation for two hours while Chace made dinner for the three of us. We had just put it all away when he announced that it was time to eat.

  “Hope you gals are hungry!” Chace brought plates to us as we sat in the living room.

  “Wow! You didn’t have to do that. We could have made our own plates.” I looked up at him as he handed me my food. “Thank you, Chace.” I smiled and sat it in front of me on the table.

  “I guess I’m just used to it.” He went back to the kitchen and grabbed his own plate before returning to the living room and sitting on the floor next to me. “Oh shit, I forgot the wine.” He started to stand to get it.

  “I got it.” Jo stood up to get the wine from the refrigerator. She filled each of our glasses again before she sat down to eat.

  “This is incredible! Thanks again!” I was truly enjoying the food and hadn’t realized there was sauce on my face.

  “Here, let me get that for you.” Chace reached over to wipe the sauce from my chin with his napkin. “There, now I can see that pretty face of yours. By the way, I like the glasses. They suit you.” Every time Chace smiled, my heart fluttered.

  “Thank you.” I continued to eat and hoped that he hadn’t seen me blushing again.

  “You know, Chace, now that we have you here, you should tell us more about you other than what we know from the bar. Like, how did you learn how to cook such incredible food?” Jo was like the big sister I never had. I knew she was only asking Chace to tell us about himself because she knew I had a crush on him and wanted to make sure he was a good guy.

  “My aunt taught me. She was always in the kitchen, and when I wasn’t working at the bar with my uncle, she had me at her side teaching me how to take care of myself.” Chace took another bite of lasagna and washed it down with some wine.

  “Your aunt?” I picked at my salad as I listened to him.

  “Yeah, my aunt and uncle raised me after my mom passed away. They relocated here from Ireland to take care of me. That’s when they opened the pub.” Chace stopped eating and stared off into the distance for a minute.

  “How old were you when your mom passed?” I reached over and touched his hand.

  “I was seven. See, my dad died on his way home from Vietnam. His plane was shot down and his body was never found, so they still have him listed as MIA. Mom worked three jobs to take care of me. In the winter of 1977 she developed pneumonia. She was very frail from working so much that she just didn’t have it in her to recover.” He took another sip of his wine, and I noticed his hands were shaking. “I went into the system for a couple of months, and when my aunt and uncle found out about it, they sold everything, moved here from Ireland and took me in. They raised me as their own son. I honestly don’t know where I would be in life without them.” Chace’s smile was soft as he reminisced.

  “So, that’s how you got the pub? When your uncle died?” Jo poured herself more wine and overfilled her glass because she was listening so intently to Chace’s story.

  Chace jumped up to retrieve a towel and clean up the mess. “Here, let me get that for you.” He sopped up the wine and continued with his story. “No, he and my aunt are both still alive. They retired in the beginning of the year and moved back to Ireland. They gave me the bar before they left. I grew up in that place. As a matter of fact, it was my first and only job my entire life.” He stood up to get a second helping of lasagna.

  “Your aunt and uncle, do they have children of their own?” I poured myself another glass of wine and finished my salad.

  “No, it’s not that they didn’t want to, it just didn’t happen for them. I’m telling you, the love the two of them share is amazing and they were wonderful parents to me.” He returned to the living room and sat down next to me.

  “It sounds like you grew up in a very loving home. There aren’t a whole lot of people that can say that these days.” Jo walked into the kitchen to put her plate in the dishwasher and grab another bottle of wine.

  “You’re right, and I did. They helped create the man I am today. I’ve never been a skirt chaser. I believe in love, and I know that it takes work to keep it strong.” Chace glanced at me out of the side of his eyes and smiled.

  “So, you’ve never been married?” Jo sat down again and opened the bottle she was carrying.

  “Nope, I came close once, but found out, shall we say, she wasn’t what she appeared to be.” He chuckled a bit. “You just never know these days until you take the time to really get to know someone.”

  The three of us continued to talk throughout the night, and before we knew it, it was past midnight.

  “Amia, I’m going to crash here tonight if it’s okay.” Jo stood and took the empty wine bottles into the kitchen.

  “Of course, you know where everything is. Go ahead and lay down in my room. I’ll be in once I get everything cleaned up.” I stood up to take my dishes into the kitchen and hug Jo. “Goodnight, Sweetie.” I kissed her on the cheek and began to put the dishes in the dishwasher.

  “Goodnight. Oh, Chace, thanks for dinner. It was delicious, and you can cook for me anytime.” The wine had gone to her head and she swayed a bit on her way to my bedroom.

  “You’re welcome, Jo. Goodnight and sweet dreams.” He sat his dishes on the counter and started to put the food away.

  We worked in silence, side by side, as we cleaned up the kitchen together. Every once in a while we would bump into each other and just smiled. I finished loading the dishwasher while Chace wiped off the counters.

  “Amia, thank you for the wonderful night.” Chace turned to me and smiled as he hung the dishcloth over the side of the sink.

  “It is I that should thank you for the wonderful meal. So, thank you.” As we walked toward the front door, I handed him his jacket.

  “Goodnight, Amia.” Chace smiled softly at me before stepping into the hallway.

  “Goodnight, Chace.” Closing and locking the door behind him, I leaned against it, and swooned for just a moment. I then went into the living room and retrieving my laptop, I wrote my blog entry.

  “Dear You,

  Broken hearts tend to make us want to protect them. We fear the unknown and therefore build walls around them to keep them safe. How do we know when it is safe to allow our naked souls to be seen?

  We are taught as children that if we want strong walls, we should build them out of brick, not straw and sticks. Maybe that is why, when our hearts are broken, we talk about building brick walls around them to protect them. You know what the best part of a brick wall is? The fact that it can be torn down one brick at a time.

  So, tonig
ht, dear readers, I leave you with this question…

  How tall is your brick wall?

  ~ Amia”


  “Are you all packed and ready for the movers?” Jo sat at her desk going over the information for a new ad campaign.

  “Almost, I have a few last minute things to take care of tonight before the movers get there tomorrow. Oh and hey, thanks for the heads up about the moving company. I ended up hiring those two guys you told me about and they’re supposed to be there around noon tomorrow.” I paced back and forth across Jo’s office holding the copy and photos for our next campaign in my hands and going over them with a fine tooth comb. We had done exceedingly well with the energy drink ads and were now moving onto our next project. This one was for a new online vintage clothing store. Our job was to figure out how to promote their ever changing stock.

  “That’s awesome! I’m so excited! I hired a maid service to go in today and clean our place from top to bottom. There’s nothing we have to do except unpack you once the movers do their job! Eeek!” Jo spun around in her chair as if she were on a ride at a carnival and squealed like a little girl.

  “Is this what it’s going to be like to live with you? I don’t know if I can handle the energy.” I stopped pacing and sat in the chair across from Jo’s desk. “OH! What about a revolving catalogue? We could set it up to look like one of those huge revolving doors and each door could be a different category. Like, one door could be dresses, one could show blouses, etc, etc.” I tapped at the folders containing the information for the online store as I spoke. I was excited about this campaign because I loved vintage clothing, and this was the first time we got to work with something like this. I knew I would be one of their biggest customers, so I put myself in that mind set. What would make it most user friendly for the customer?

  Jo stood up from her chair and banged her fists on her desk in excitement. “That is an extraordinary idea! Let’s run with that! Get your idea down to our internet guys and make that happen!” She sat back down and started drafting an email to the company to tell them about our idea. “I’m going to shoot them a quick email to let them know what we’re doing. I’m sure they will be just as impressed with it as I am. Great job, Amia! Great job!”

  I did as I was asked to do and after retrieving another cup of coffee, I headed back to my office to write the copy for the ad campaign and email Griffin’s with the ideas. They were the only modeling agency we ever used.

  A few hours later, Jo walked into my office carrying a large box. “You didn’t even take a lunch break today. I think your boss is trying to work you to death, and you should take this box and go home.” Jo sat the box she was carrying on my desk with a loud thump.

  “What’s this? I stood up to be able to see Jo over the package.

  “It’s a box of clothing from that vintage store. They thought we might be able to use some of it in their ad. I know you’re moving tomorrow, but I want you to leave early, take this home and go through it. Anyway, the movers are going to be doing most of the work.” Jo patted the top of the box. “Can you manage this or do you want me to call someone up to carry it home for you?”

  “I can manage. Thanks, Jo.” I walked around my desk and hugged her. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Are you coming over in the morning or am I meeting you at your place with the movers?” I started gathering my things and placing them in my satchel.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t miss seeing these guys work for anything! I’ll be there around noon tomorrow and I’ll bring food… And wine.” Jo touched my shoulder before leaving my office.

  I threw my purse and satchel over my shoulder and picked up the box before walking out of my office. Balancing the box on my hip, I turned to lock the door and the box fell to the floor. After locking my office, I turned to pick up the box and was stopped by Rick, the owner and photographer from Griffin’s Modeling Agency.

  “Hey, Amia. I got the email you sent with the ideas for your new campaign, and since I was in the area, I thought I would stop by to talk to you about it.” Rick bent to pick up the box from the floor. “Heading out already?”

  “Yep, I got orders from the boss to go home early. I have to go through these clothes and decide if we want to use any of them with your models for the campaign.” I reached to take the box from him after adjusting my purse and satchel straps on my shoulders.

  “I’ll carry this to your car for you if you want.” Rick held tight to the box of clothes.

  “Thanks, but I didn’t drive. I only live a few blocks away, so I usually walk to work.” Again, I reached for the box.

  “Then I’ll walk you home. I would offer you a ride but I took a cab here myself.” Rick was not giving up on this, so I gave in.

  “Sure, that would be nice, thank you.” Turning, we walked down the hallway and out of the building together. It was a nice day out despite it being the beginning of autumn in New York City. I reached into my purse, took out my sunglasses and put them on.

  “It’s a shame you have to hide your pretty eyes.” Rick walked next to me down the sidewalk.

  “Ah, thanks, that’s very sweet of you.” I politely answered him back. Not because I didn’t appreciate the compliment, it’s just that my mind was racing with everything I still had to do before the move and returning to work on Monday.

  “You know, Amia, you’re beautiful. Have you ever thought about being the model for this campaign instead of hiring them? I would love to get you in front of my camera.” Rick adjusted his grip on the box as we walked. I was glad that he had volunteered to carry it for me because even though I had told Jo I could manage it, I knew it would have been a difficult task.

  “No, I couldn’t. Thanks for the compliment though. You’re being awfully nice today.” I turned my head and smiled at him. Every woman loved being told she was beautiful, and I was not an exception to the rule.

  “I’m just being me. When I see a beautiful woman, I can’t help myself. For me, it’s like looking at a piece of art.” He returned the smile.

  “Or just a piece. I’ve heard the rumors, Rick.” I winked and laughed at him. “Well, this is me. Thanks for the help.” I reached to take the box from him.

  “I could carry it in for you.” He started to hand it to me and then pulled back.

  “No, thanks. I got it from here. I’m moving tomorrow and have a lot to do.” I took the box from him. “Thanks anyway though. I’ll see you sometime next week to choose the models and go over everything with you.” I stepped close to him, kissed him on the cheek and walked up the stairs.

  “Alright, Amia. I’m looking forward to it. Have a nice weekend.” Rick watched to make sure I made it through the front door before he left and hailed a cab.

  Barely managing to make it into my apartment, I dropped the box on the floor and sat my purse and satchel on the couch. Looking around, I noticed how empty my place felt. There were boxes stacked everywhere and it just didn’t feel like home anymore. I knew there was still some packing for me to take care of in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, but the only thing I had on my mind at that moment was a long hot soak in the tub. I knew it would be my last chance to do it before the chaos of the move happened.

  Walking into my almost empty bedroom, I stripped out of my clothes, grabbed a clean towel from an open box and walked into the bathroom.

  I started running the hot water into the tub and realized that I had packed my bubble bath. “Goddamnit!” I went back into the bedroom to look for it but didn’t see it in any of the open boxes, so I went out to the living room to see if it were out there. Not being able to find it anywhere, I grabbed my shampoo, conditioner and body wash.

  Walking back into the bathroom, I placed the bottles on the side of the bathtub. I then poured some of the body wash under the running water to make myself the bubble bath I so desperately needed.

  After turning on some soft, relaxing music, I took my hair down from the bun I had it wrapped in and brushed my hair as I waited for t
he bath to fill. I noticed how long it had gotten over the last few months. I hadn’t had long hair since I was a child and was happy that I had decided to grow it out again.

  Stepping into the tub, I took a deep breath as the realization of how hot the water was hit me. Holding my breath, I sunk into the bubbles, leaned against the recline of the back of the tub, exhaled and let myself relax.

  One of my favorite songs started playing and I sang with it, “Touch me softly and taste my flavor, make it worth it and I’ll return the favor. Hold me close, don’t let me go. Tomorrow’s not here so tonight’s all we know. The moon lights our way as we lay here together. Please, don’t let the sun take away my forever. I know it’s not love but it feels so right. Just hold me close, if only for tonight.”

  My hands moved up my neck, and I ran my fingers across my lips as I thought about Chace, and what it would be like to make love with him. With my eyes closed, I moved my hands down my neck and over my breasts. As my fingers traced small circles around my erect nipples, I imagined what it would feel like to have him touch me intimately.

  Fantasies of Chace and me flooded my mind and before I knew it, I was moving my right hand past the supple skin of my stomach and settled on the softness between my thighs. Gasping, my heartbeat quickened and I moved my fingers rhythmically back and forth over the velvety smoothness. Plunging my fingers deep inside my body, I felt my muscles spasm around them and the contented rush of gratification wash over my entire body.

  I wasn’t ready to face the world and just wanted to lay there, savoring the euphoric sensation that was still resonating through my body. Opening my eyes, I saw a cockroach crawl up the wall. Ew! I knew it was time for me to wash up and get out of the bath. Standing up, I washed my hair in the shower and rinsed off my body. This was the last time I would be forced to bathe with an audience of bugs. I absolutely couldn’t wait to move.


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