Chasing Circumstance

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Chasing Circumstance Page 12

by Redmon, Dina

  After drying off and wrapping my hair in a towel, I walked naked into the living room. This was the only thing I was going to miss about living alone, but at least I would still have my own bathroom and bedroom, so I could always be naked in there. I smiled at the thought as I sat down on the couch.

  I looked around the room at all of the boxes… All of the boxes. “Fuck! I still have to go through those clothes.” I stood up to pull the box closer to me and open it.

  As I sat there going through the clothes, there was a loud knock on my door. “Miss Durant, it’s the NYPD. We need to talk to you about Jo Millian.” Frantically, I raced to my door and opened it.

  “Well, if this is my tip for bringing you food, I’m one lucky fellow.” Chace stood at my door and handed me a bag.

  “What? What are you talking about?” I looked at him with a puzzled look on my face.

  Chace looked me up and down, “Um, you’re naked.”

  “Fuck!” I slammed the door in his face, turned around and ran into my bedroom. After throwing on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, I went back out to the living room and let him in. “What are you doing here?” My cheeks grew hot as the blush raised to them.

  “I knew it was your last night here and figured you wouldn’t be cooking, so I brought you food.” He stepped past me into the front entry. “Plus, I’m going out of town for a week to Canada to go fishing with some buddies from college, and I wanted to see you before I left.”

  “Well, that was mean! I thought Jo was in trouble!” I playfully slapped his shoulder. “I shouldn’t let you in here, but since you brought food, I’ll make an exception.” I took the bag from Chace and set it on the kitchen counter. “Want a drink?”

  “Sure, whatcha got?” Chace stood directly behind me in the kitchen.

  “Not much except beer and vodka.” I opened the refrigerator and looked inside.

  “I’ll take both then.” Chace moved closer to me. I could feel his hips against my lower back as he reached around me to get a beer out of the fridge. My body tingled as I reminisced about my time in the bathtub just a few minutes earlier.

  “Um, let’s go sit down. I have to go through this box of clothes tonight and pick out what I think we can use in a photo shoot for a new campaign.” I turned and stepped around him. It was just too close for comfort for me because I wasn’t ready to go there with him. I didn’t want him as one of my conquests, and I wasn’t ready to give him what I was sure he was looking for… A relationship.

  “Sure, I’ll grab the vodka and a couple of glasses and be right there.” Chace sensed the uneasiness I was feeling and laughed a bit as I walked into the living room. “So, tell me, why were you naked?”

  “Really? You couldn’t just let that go?” I sat down on the couch and turned to look at him as he walked into the living room from the kitchen.

  “How could I? It’s not often that I knock on a door and a naked woman answers. Especially one as beautiful as you.” He handed me a glass as he sat down on the couch next to me.

  “I bet you say that to all the naked women that answer the door when you knock.” I accepted the shot of vodka from him and smiled.

  “As a matter of fact, yes, yes I do.” He raised his glass to me. “Here’s to more chances of that happening in the future.”

  I touched his glass with mine. “I don’t see that happening; at least not with me, because I doubt that I will be walking around Jo’s place naked.” I swallowed the shot and poured myself another one.

  “Damn! Well, you could always come over to my place and walk around naked all you want. I wouldn’t mind.” He drank his shot and sat his glass on the table. He then reached over and opened both of our beers. “Clothing is always optional at my place.” He winked at me.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Teasingly, I smiled at him. “Now, help me go through these clothes.” I pulled the box over in front of us and started piling more clothes on the coffee table.

  “Yes, Boss Lady, what in particular are we looking for?” He picked up one of the dresses I had dropped on the table.

  “Well, sex sells, so we need sexy clothes. This is for an online vintage clothing store called Vintage A La Vogue. We’re just starting this project, so everything is in the concept stage at this point.” I picked through some of the clothes as I spoke.

  “I think the best way to know what is sexy and what isn’t is for you to put on a fashion show for me. Come on, walk the cat walk.” Chace tossed the dress he was holding at me.

  “Don’t be silly.” I threw the dress back at him. “We don’t have time for games.”

  “It’s not a game. I’m being real. What better way to know than to see them on someone? Is your camera packed? You try on the clothes, I’ll snap a few pictures and then we can look at them and decide what you should use.” Chace really did have a good idea. I gave in, grabbed the dress and went into my room to change.

  “Here ya go.” I handed him the camera as I came out of my room. I had to get it out of one of the boxes.

  “Okay, so turn around, do something.” He laughed as he held the camera up to his eye and started taking pictures. “That’s right, make love to the camera.” He laughed even harder.

  It didn’t take me long to get into what we were doing. I couldn’t believe how natural I felt in front of the camera… Or maybe it was because I was with Chace, either way, we had fun. I tried on almost everything that was sent to us, and he took photos of every outfit. When we were finished, I changed back into my jeans and sweatshirt and joined him back on the couch.

  “Here, let me upload these to my laptop so we can look at them on full screen.” I took the camera from him, removed the SD card and put it into the slot on my laptop. Within seconds, we were looking at the photos.

  “You really are a natural beauty.” Chace sat by my side looking at the pictures with me. “Are you sure you’re not just saying that so you can see me naked again?” We chose a few of the outfits and my work was completed. I sent the photos to Jo via email, told her what we had just done and that these were the outfits I had chosen. Picking up the bottle of vodka, I poured us each another shot.

  “I could say the same about you trying to get me drunk and taking advantage of me.” He drank his shot and smiled a sweet, sexy smile.

  “I don’t have to get you drunk to do that.” I giggled, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

  “No, no you don’t.” Chace’s face took on a serious expression. “But I’m not in the habit of taking advantage of anyone. I don’t have sex just to have sex. I think it’s something special that only two people in a committed relationship should share.” He sat his glass on the table. “I know it’s old fashioned but it is how I feel.”

  “Wow, there aren’t many men like you out there. Hell, there aren’t many people like you around anymore.” I sat my glass next to his and took his hand in mine. “Thanks, Chace, thanks for being you and for the fun night. We should heat up our food and eat before it gets too late.” I stood up to put our food in the microwave.

  “Sounds good. Got any movies out?” He stood up and walked over to my television.

  “Just one.” I pulled paper plates out from the bag he had brought and started putting our food on it. He had brought over burgers, fries and a salad. “This looks great. Thanks for dinner.”

  “The Notebook? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.” He picked up the movie and stuck it in the DVD player.

  I brought our plates out to the living room and sat on the couch next to him. We ate in total silence as we watched the movie. When we were done eating, Chace put his arm around me and pulled me over until I was lying on a pillow on his lap.

  I woke to the fuzzy sound of the television. The movie had finished and we had fallen asleep on the couch. Chace looked so peaceful that I just couldn’t wake him. Instead, I decided that I would write in my blog and then lie down on his lap again and sleep until morning.

  “Dear You,

  A peaceful heart dw
ells not in the shadows of past pains, but instead, rejoices in the sunshine of the present moment. Though we cannot forget the lessons of where we were, we must not allow them to detour us from our present path.

  Sometimes, when we find ourselves at a crossroad, the best thing we can do for ourselves is study the map before forging ahead. The unknown can be a scary place, but if we prepare ourselves and know the road we want to take before setting out, we at least travel in a charted direction.

  So tonight, dear readers, I leave you with this question…

  Where is your map taking you?

  ~ Amia”


  “Who’s ready to move?” Jo used her key and let herself into my apartment. “What the fuck? Amia, wake up!”

  “Oh, hi, Jo.” Stretching and yawning, I sat up on the couch. “What time is it?”

  “It’s time for you to explain what he’s doing here.” She nodded toward Chace.

  “He brought food over last night and helped me with the project you sent home with me. Then we watched a movie and fell asleep. It was all purely innocent.” I shook Chace’s shoulder. “Time to wake up sleepy head.”

  “I am awake. I was just listening to see what you two were talking about.” Chace still laid there on the couch with his eyes closed and smiling. “I figured if I pretended I was asleep, I would hear the two of you gossiping about me.” He laughed a little.

  “Well, sorry to disappoint you, but it’s time to get up. The movers will be here soon.” Jo walked into the kitchen and sat down the donuts and coffee she brought with her. “I only brought two cups of coffee, so one of us is assed out.”

  “I can make some. I didn’t pack my coffee pot yet.” I stood up and joined Jo in the kitchen.

  “It’s alright. I have to get going so I can finish packing for my trip.” Chace stood up, adjusted his clothing and then joined us in the kitchen. “Walk me to the door? It was nice seeing you again, Jo. We’ll all have to hang out at the bar when I get back. I’m sure Amia will fill you in on the details.” He winked at Jo.

  “Nice seeing you again too, Chace. Have fun on your trip, wherever that may be.” She waved at him as he took me by the hand and half pulled me toward the door.

  “I had a nice time last night.” Bending down a little, he kissed me sweetly on the lips. “I’ll call you when I get back. There won’t be any phone reception where we’ll be fishing.”

  “I had a nice time too. Thanks for all your help last night and for feeding me.” I kissed him back. “Have fun and I’ll see you when you get back.” I watched him walk out the door and down the hallway until I couldn’t see him any longer. Closing the door, I went back to the kitchen to get my coffee and donut.

  We were chatting about the new campaign when the buzz of the intercom interrupted us. “I’ll bet that’s the movers.”

  “Oh goody! Let them in, NOW!” Jo clapped her hands together and jumped up like a horny housewife at a strip show. “By the way, both guys are sexy but Chad is mine.” She winked at me as I answered the intercom and buzzed them in.

  “I hadn’t even thought about that. I just want to get everything moved and done.” Rolling my eyes at her, I went to the kitchen to finish packing.

  “Make sure you forget something here and have Blake bring you back, so that Chad and I have time alone.” Jo came into the kitchen and whispered in my ear.

  There was a knock at my door. “Sure, now let them in so they can do their job before you break one of them.” I laughed again.

  Jo went to the door to open it for the movers. “Well, hello again gentleman. Please, come in.” Jo opened the door wide and waved her arm toward me.

  “Hello again, Miss Millian.” One of the movers spoke to her.

  “Hi, Chad, it’s so nice to see you again.” She stepped close to him and ran her hand across his chest. “All of you.”

  “Now, now, don’t the two of you get started again. We’re here to do a job.” The other mover spoke up.

  “I got a job for you.” Jo laughed as she walked toward the kitchen.

  “Blake, Chad? This is Amia. You’ll be following her orders today.” They walked into the kitchen and Blake shook my hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Amia. Where would you like us to start?” Blake smiled at me and then looked around.

  “Just about everything is packed up. I’ll leave it up to you. Everything is going to Jo’s except the couch. I was hoping that after we were done moving my things, I could talk you into coming back here and taking the couch to the charity shop down the street.” I smiled back at Blake. He was really tall and muscular. Jo could have Chad if she wanted him. My loins were screaming for Blake’s attention.

  “Sure thing, Pretty Lady.” Blake’s smile was perfect. He was at least six and a half feet tall with ice blue eyes and was muscular, bald, and covered in tattoos. Yeah, he was sexy.

  While Chad and Blake started loading my things into their truck, Jo and I finished packing my things and then sat on the couch talking about the new campaign. Okay, we only pretended to talk about it. Really, we were watching the guys work.

  When they finished loading the truck, Jo gave them the spare keys to her place and told them we would meet them there in a little bit. She helped me throw the remainder of my personal things into my car and clean up the apartment. It wasn’t spotless, but it looked better then when I moved in. I’m sure the superintendent would be pleased. I closed and locked the door behind me before dropping off the keys with the manager.

  Jo was waiting for me when I got downstairs. She was in her car and I was going to follow her over to our place. As I got in my car, I thought to myself, ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this. Do people really have roommates at the age of forty? Well, it’ll be fun nonetheless.’ I started my car, pulled out of my parking spot and followed Jo home.

  Blake and Chad were already hauling in my things when we arrived. We had stopped to pick up a pizza and some beer so we could feed them lunch. They were working hard and deserved a break.

  “Here ya go guys, lunch time!” Jo raised the food and drink over her head as she walked up to the house. “Hope you like pepperoni.”

  “Sure do! Thanks!” Chad grabbed the pizza out of Jo’s hands and followed her into the living room.

  “Hungry?” I walked over to Blake who was standing at the back of the moving truck.

  “Yeah, a little, but I don’t want to drink if we have to go over and get your couch off the side walk and drop it at the second hand store.” Blake was all sweaty and had taken his shirt off. He truly was a magnificent specimen of a man.

  “No one is forcing you to have a drink. Come on, let’s go get some pizza.” I grasped his arm and tugged him toward the front door.

  We walked in and joined Chad and Jo in the living room. Sitting on the floor around the coffee table, we passed around the pizza and joked with each other.

  “When were the two of you going to get the couch?” Jo asked after putting her pizza on a napkin to dab some of the grease off it and open her beer.

  “When the truck is empty. Um, I thought you didn’t drink beer.” I nodded toward the bottle and raised an eyebrow.

  “I do, just not all the time.” She took a drink. “Chad, how long do you think it’ll take you guys to finish unloading the truck?”

  “Maybe another hour. Why?” He looked at Jo and opened his own beer.

  “Well, I was hoping I could bribe you into helping me move my bed while they were gone.” Jo traced the top of the beer bottle with her tongue and looked suggestively at Chad.

  “No bribe necessary.” Chad winked at her and continued to eat his pizza and drink his beer.

  “You two don’t really think we’re oblivious to what you’re talking about, do you?” I chuckled and then looked at Blake. “I think I know where we’re not wanted.”

  “Yeah, I kind of picked up on that hint as well. Come on, Chad. If you want to help move her bed, we need to get the rest of the truck unloaded.�
� Blake shoved the last bite of his pizza into his mouth, stood up and went outside to finish unloading the truck.

  “You’re so bold, Jo!” I stood up to put the leftover pizza in the fridge with the rest of the beer.

  “It’s the only way I know how to be. When I want something, I get it. It’s just that simple.” Jo followed me into the kitchen. “I’m so happy you’re here, Amia!” She threw away the used paper plates and hugged me.

  “I am too. Let’s go upstairs and see what the damage is. It’s going to take me forever to unpack! I was thinking, if it was okay with you, I would invite Isabella over to help and we could make a girl’s night out of it.” I pulled Jo up the stairs by her hand.

  “Of course it’s alright! You don’t have to ask my permission to invite anyone over! This is your home now too!” We stepped through the door of the master suite in the loft and surveyed the chaos in front of us.

  “Wow, we have our work cut out for us. I think I’ll put some of this into storage.” Everything I owned was being put in this room as the guys unpacked the truck.

  “There’s no need for that. I have plenty of room. We’ll just combine everything as we go, and whatever you want to put in storage can go in the garage.” Jo’s smile was so big that it covered half her face. “It’s nice to know I won’t be coming home to an empty house anymore.”

  “Thanks, Jo. You know, I won’t be living here forever.” I felt the need to remind her that this was only a temporary thing. I didn’t want her to get used to it because that would make it harder for me to move on whenever that time came.

  “I know, but I can enjoy it for now. So, where shall we start?” She walked over to my bed and began to pull the plastic the guys had wrapped around the mattress off of it.

  “You can start by staying out of our way.” Chad came into the room carrying a couple of boxes.

  “Tsk, tsk... Don’t talk to me like that, Chad, I’m your boss. You know how these things go. It’s not the first time you’ve worked for me.” Jo slapped Chad on the ass as she walked past him. “Now hurry up so we can move my bed.” She laughed loudly as she walked down the stairs.


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