Book Read Free

Chasing Circumstance

Page 13

by Redmon, Dina

  “You’re gonna take that from her?” I jokingly asked Chad as I left my room and walked down the stairs with him.

  “Yep, but only because of what she gives me as a tip.” He winked at me and laughed.

  “Where’s Blake?” Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I turned to look around.

  “He’s setting the boxes on the back of the truck for me to haul in. We’re almost done. Just have to bring in your kitchen stuff.” He stopped at the front door while he finished chatting with me.

  “Great! Would you please put those boxes in the kitchen?” I nodded toward it.

  “Sure, no problem, and that makes things easier.” He went outside to bring in more boxes.

  Jo and I went back up to my room to make my bed and start putting things away while the guys finished up. I had never seen a room with glass walls before. Curtains were a definite necessity, and we had just finished hanging the drapes she had bought me as a house warming gift when the guys yelled up that they were finished. At least now I had a bed to sleep in and privacy.

  The guys were standing in the living room waiting for us. They looked tired but sexy as fuck! Jo did a good thing by suggesting I hire them.

  “Ready to go?” Blake wiped the sweat from his brow.

  “Yep! Just let me get my purse.” I grabbed it off the couch, threw it over my shoulder and walked to the front door. “We’ll be gone for about an hour, make it worth it.” I winked at Jo before walking outside with Blake.

  “Your friend is something else.” Blake shook his head as he opened the passenger side door of the truck for me. “Watch your step.” He held my waist as I stepped up into the cab.

  “Yes she is, but I love her no matter.” I looked down at him and smiled before he closed the door, walked over to the driver side of the truck and got in. “You two seem so different. How did you become friends?” He put the key in the ignition, started the truck and pulled away from the curb.

  “I work for her at Millian’s. I have for years. She hired me right out of college.” I watched the traffic as we drove. It felt a little odd sitting that high up in the truck.

  “That’s cool. So, do you have a boyfriend? I thought maybe we could go get that beer you owe me after we drop off the couch.” He looked at me and smiled before turning his eyes back to the road.

  “No, no boyfriend… And, what do you mean the beer I owe you?” I laughed a little flirty giggle in answer to him.

  “Well, you offered me a beer earlier knowing I still had to drive, so I figure you owe me one now.” He didn’t take his eyes off the road as he spoke to me.

  “What’s the difference between then and now? You’re still driving.” Opening my purse, I took out my cell phone and pretended to be looking at it while I talked to Blake. It helped to keep me distracted so I didn’t make a complete fool of myself.

  “The difference is I’m done working for the day as soon as we drop off the couch. Um, speaking of the couch, where is it?” We had pulled up in front of my old place and the couch was nowhere to be seen.

  “I guess someone took it. Oh well, one less thing we have to do. So, how about that beer?” I turned and smiled at him while putting my phone back in my purse.

  “Sure, I thought you would never ask.” He laughed. “There’s a bar right up the street.”

  “No, let’s just pick up some beer and go sit somewhere quiet.” I didn’t want anyone to see me at Brady’s and report back to Chace that I had been in there with some other guy.

  “Okay, but it’s illegal to drink in public.” He pulled away from the curb and headed toward the liquor store up the block.

  “Why can’t we just sit in the back of the truck and drink? Let’s just find a parking lot and… Wait! I know the perfect spot! I’ll be right back. I’m going to run in and grab us something to drink, and we’ll head over there.” I jumped down from the truck, went into the liquor store and grabbed a six pack of beer and a bottle of tequila. When I walked back outside, Blake was waiting by the passenger side door and opened it as I approached. “Let’s head over to Millian’s parking lot. There’s no one there over the weekend, so it’s a safe place to just hang out.”

  “Great idea! I have a couple of blankets in the back, so it won’t be all that uncomfortable. Plus, I have music on my cell phone. It’ll be like a miniature party for two.” Blake shut the door and climbed into the driver side again before leaving to go to the parking lot.

  After he pulled up behind the fence, I grabbed the bag with the beer and tequila in it and waited while he opened the back of the truck. He jumped up inside, spread out the blankets and then came to the back and helped me step up to join him.

  “It’s going to get dark in here.” He turned to look at me before closing the door on the back.

  “Just leave it open a little. We’ll be fine, I promise. No one’s around.” I sat down on the blanket and opened the bottle of tequila and two beers. “I hope tequila is alright.”

  “It’s better than alright! I love tequila, but I can’t get too drunk, I still have to drive you home.” He sat down next to me, took the bottle and gulped down a huge drink.

  “Well, if we get too drunk, we can take cabs home.” I accepted the bottle from him and drank a big drink myself.

  “I live in New Jersey. That’s a long cab ride.” Opening his beer, he took another swig of tequila and chased it with his beer.

  “Well then, I guess you could crash at my place, and I’ll bring you back here to get your truck in the morning.” I played follow the leader and took another shot of tequila before drinking some of my beer.

  “Then why are we in this truck instead of at your place?” Blake put his hand on my knee and smiled a sexy smile.

  “Two reasons… First, do you really want to hear Chad and Jo fucking, and second, what’s wrong with a little adventure?” I scooted closer to Blake and handed him the bottle of tequila.

  “Did you have all of this planned or something?” He held the bottle for a minute while he waited for my answer.

  “Not all of it. I had planned to fuck you from the moment I saw you, but I wasn’t sure how it would play out.” I looked directly into his eyes so he knew I wasn’t playing.

  “Well, let’s make that happen then.” He wrapped his arm behind me and pulled me on top of him.

  I straddled his legs as our lips met in a feverish kiss. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth while his arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him.

  I pushed away and ripped open his button down shirt to reveal his muscular chest. “Yum!” I licked the sweat from his body and tasted the saltiness of it on my tongue. “Wait, do you have protection with you?”

  “Yes.” He pulled out the pick that was holding my hair in place and wrapping his hands into my hair, pulled me close to him and pressed his lips hard against mine, forcing them open with his tongue. Softly, I bit his tongue with my teeth, held it for a second and then released it. I pulled away from him and smiled.

  Yanking me by my hair, he pulled my head back and dug his teeth into my neck. “Be careful, you can’t leave any marks where they can be seen.” I leaned back in his arms a little and looked at him.

  “Alright, but you can’t blame me. You taste so good.” He lifted me higher so he was now able to taste the sweetness of my breasts. As his lips and tongue moved over my nipples, I rolled my head back and moaned loudly. “Ssh, someone will hear us.”

  “Who cares? Now shut up and fuck me!” I jumped up and got undressed as he did the same.

  “Maybe you’re more like your boss than I thought. You sure get bossy when you want to get laid.” He pulled his pants down to his ankles and stepped out of them. When he was fully naked, he put on a condom and looked at me.

  “I said shut up and fuck me.” I stepped closer to him and kissed him. He reached behind me and grasping my ass, he lifted me until I wrapped my thighs around his waist. As I slid slowly down his body, he slammed himself inside me full force. With my arms around his
neck, and his hands holding my thighs, he fucked me until I screamed out in blissful indulgence.

  Sitting me down, he stepped behind me and pressed me against the wall of the truck. His hands roamed up my back and with one hand in my hair and the other on my hip, he whispered into my ear, “Tell me to fuck you again.”

  “Fuck me, Blake, fuck me now!” I cried out as he repeatedly thrust himself in and out of me. “That’s right, just like that.” I pushed against him forcing him deeper inside.

  He moved his hands from my hair and hip to the front of my body and holding my tits in his hands, he slammed against me, burying his cock deep in my pussy. The sound of his hips beating against my ass joined our animalistic grunts and echoed through the emptiness of the truck. Just when I thought I would collapse from the quaking in my legs, he let out a deep, guttural moan and I knew he had cum.

  Blake stepped away from me and got dressed. “That was fucking amazing!” He tossed me my clothes so I could do the same.

  “That it was.” I pulled up my jeans and then put on my sweatshirt. “Are you okay to drive or should I call a cab?”

  “Oh, I’m fine. I only had a few shots and a beer.” He put his shirt on even though he wasn’t able to button it. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.”

  I picked up the leftover alcohol and put it back in the bag. “Here, you can keep this.” I handed Blake the bag.

  “Thanks.” He opened the back of the truck, jumped down and lifted me to the ground. He opened the passenger side door for me and once again helped me into the truck. After he got in, he started it up and we left.

  We listened to rock music on the way back to my place. I was sure he had turned it on so we didn’t have to talk. When we got there, he parked the truck and came in with me to see if Chad was ready to leave. We found him sitting on the couch with Jo.

  After saying goodnight, Blake and Chad left, and Jo and I compared notes. She was really tired, so she went to bed shortly thereafter, and I wrote in my blog.

  “Dear You,

  Is there anything better than an unexpected diversion to keep you on your toes? Sometimes we all need to take a break from reality and just allow ourselves to get lost in the moments of, “What if?” What if I said yes to the last guy I turned down? What if I bought the new dress I saw in the department store window? What if I had asked my boss for a raise?

  I apologize for the short entry, but a long day of moving, a few shots of tequila and a glorious evening of complete fulfillment has left my mind in a state of mush.

  So tonight, dear readers, I leave you with this question…

  What if?

  ~ Amia”


  “Hey, Isabella, come on in! Thanks so much for coming over to help me unpack!” I hugged her as she walked through the door.

  “You’re welcome! I think it’ll be fun!” She handed me a paper bag when I let go of her.

  “What’s this?” I accepted the bag and we walked toward the kitchen together where Jo was making some snacks for us.

  “It’s booze, of course! What good is a girl’s night without it?” She took the bag from my hands and started emptying its content onto the counter. “I wasn’t sure what to grab so I brought tequila, gin, rum and vodka.”

  “Sounds like one hell of a party!” Jo sat a bowl of popcorn on the counter next to the alcohol and said hello to Isabella before hugging her. “We really appreciate the help and the drinks! Welcome to our home!”

  “So where do we start?” I looked around at all of the boxes sitting around the house. Jo and I had separated the boxes and put them in the rooms to which the contents belonged, but hadn’t done any unpacking. We were completely exhausted from the previous day’s events so had decided to leave it for tonight instead.

  “We start with drinks!” Isabella poured herself a shot of tequila and drank it.

  “Sounds like a plan, but before we get too drunk, I think we need to hang the art.” Jo opened a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a hammer and a box of nails.

  “Yeah, we wouldn’t want to hang it crooked!” I laughed as I took the hammer from Jo and walked into the living room.

  It took us about an hour to hang all of my artwork and photographs. Jo had her own art collection hanging on the walls but the combination of mine and hers really pulled the place together. It looked fabulous!

  “Well, now that that’s done, let’s celebrate with a drink or three!” Jo went into the kitchen, grabbed all the bottles with a few glasses and came back to join Isabella and me in the living room.

  “What about the rest of the unpacking?” I didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but I really wanted to get unpacked and feel at home.

  “Don’t worry; we’ll unpack while we drink!” Isabella stood up, grabbed a couple of the bottles with her shot glass and yelled, “To the bedroom we go!” Jo and I picked up the other two bottles and our glasses and followed Isabella up the stairs.

  “Where do you want to start?” Jo sat down on my bed and poured herself a shot of rum.

  “I guess we should start with putting my clothes away and unpacking the bathroom things.” I set the bottle of vodka I was carrying on top of my dresser next to the one’s Isabella had set there and then poured myself a shot of tequila as well.

  “Wow, Amia! This is a really nice room! I love the glass walls!” Isabella walked around my room, carrying the bottle of gin and drinking one shot after the other. “And these curtains… These curtains are stunning!”

  “Thanks! Jo got them for me as a house warming gift.” I looked at her and smiled. “Hey, Isabella, be careful with that. You don’t want to get so drunk that you pass out before girl’s night is over.” I stood up and took the bottle from her. She pouted a little before sitting on the floor in front of some boxes and pulling clothes out of them.

  “Oh my god! I should tell you girls about my last sexcapade!” Isabella hiccupped, excused herself and then continued. “You know I told you about the play I’m in? Well, the understudy is sexy as fuck, and I just couldn’t help myself. He had to fill in for the other lead character the other night, and our scene was so hot that when we were done with rehearsal, I followed him backstage and invited him back to my place to go over lines.”

  “Hey, hand me those hangers.” Jo interrupted Isabella. She didn’t let it stop her though. She handed Jo the hangers and continued to fold the clothes she was taking out of the boxes as she went on with her story.

  “Anyway, we got to my place and he actually thought we were going to rehearse! I used that and made it into a game. After I got him settled in the living room with a drink, I went into my bedroom and changed into the costume I had brought home with me. When I walked into the living room, he stood up, and get this… He says, ‘Wow, you really get into your role!’ I laughed so hard I almost peed myself! I pushed him down on the couch and told him to be a good boy.” Isabella stood up, put some of the clothes in the dresser and poured herself another shot. She drank it before sitting on the floor to unpack more.

  “When did he get the clue that you weren’t really rehearsing?” I walked past her into the bathroom to start putting things away.

  “I’m pretty sure he figured it out when I stood over him on the couch, put my pussy over his face and told him to eat me until I squirted all over his face!” She spoke loudly to make sure I could hear her.

  “And?” I went back into the bedroom, got another box and headed back into the bathroom.

  “And he did what I told him to! His tongue was so deep in my slit that I thought he touched the back of my tonsils! After I came all over his face, I got down from the couch, turned around, bent over and stuck my ass in his face. He tossed my salad like a chef at an all you can eat buffet!” Isabella stood up and slapped her ass for emphasis before having another shot of rum. “Woo! I think this stuff is starting to go to my head!”

  “You were warned to be careful.” Jo carried a bunch of the clothes she had put on hangers into my walk-in closet
and hung them up.

  “Jo, I appreciate your concern, but really, I’m fine. I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I’m just feeling a bit fuzzy headed.” Isabella smiled at Jo when she came back into the room and sat on the bed.

  “Okay, Hun, I just want to make sure you’re alright.” Jo smiled back and sat on the bed to listen to the rest of Isabella’s story and hang up more of my clothes.

  “Eventually, my legs started shaking. I didn’t know how much longer I could stand there, even though I was bent over and holding the table, so I turned around, got on my knees and sucked his cock until I felt that he was ready to cum. I pulled away, looked up at him and told him, ‘easy boy, I’m not done with you yet.’ He just looked at me with this really confused look on his face and then smiled. Again, I told him not to move, and I excused myself to my room to get a condom. You see, I never fuck in my room. That’s my goddamned sanctuary and no one gets in there. Anyway, I came back out with the condom, and he was standing there completely naked! Needless to say, he had to be punished for not listening to me. After all, we were rehearsing!” Isabella and Jo burst out laughing.

  I had finished unpacking the bathroom stuff and went back to the bedroom to join in the party. I poured myself another shot of tequila and sat on the floor next to Isabella to help her finish folding the clothes that went in the dresser. “What did you do?” I drank down that shot and poured another. We were almost done unpacking except for the kitchen things and putting the storage stuff in the garage.

  “I picked up the fly swatter from the console table and whipped his ass until he begged me to stop! He was on all fours on the floor, so I made him lick the bottom of my shoes and beg for mercy. When I felt that he had begged enough, I placed the heel of my shoe on his chest, pushed him backwards onto the floor, used my mouth to put the condom on him, straddled him and fucked the shit out of him! GIRLS!!! I’ve never cum so hard in my life!” Isabella shivered as she reminisced. “I didn’t even let him pop off. After I came, I stood up and told him to get dressed and get the fuck out. He looked at me and said, ‘but… but… I didn’t…’ and I told him that it wasn’t about him and that he needed to leave. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of wine while he got dressed and left. I haven’t seen him since and that was last weekend! He hasn’t been to any rehearsals. Hope I didn’t hurt the poor boy!” Isabella couldn’t contain her laughter. “Hey, speaking of poor boy, whatever happened with that Sam dude?”


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