Book Read Free

Chasing Circumstance

Page 19

by Redmon, Dina

  “Of course. Goodnight.” I blew him a kiss and turned to meet Jo at the car.

  There was very little traffic so it took less than a half an hour to get to our place. I helped Jo inside and tucked her into bed. Grabbing a glass of water, I went up to my room to write in my blog.

  “Dear You,

  The evolution of the human species will never cease to amaze me. Every day we learn something new, become stronger within ourselves and grow to become the person we are meant to be.

  It is never too late to start your personal evolution. Set a goal, make a plan and follow it. You never know where it may take you.

  So tonight, dear readers, I leave you with this question…

  How are you evolving?

  ~ Amia”


  “Ugh… Last night was so much fun, but I’m too damned old to drink that much.” Jo walked out of her room with an icepack on her head.

  “You’re never too old to do anything you want to do.” I was sitting quietly on the sofa writing some notes. I had been up for a couple of hours and was already on my second pot of coffee.

  “Is this fresh?” Jo was in the kitchen asking about the coffee.

  “Yep, I just made it about a half hour ago. Want to bring me a refill while you’re at it, please?” I continued to write my notes.

  “Sure, whatcha doin’?” She filled my cup and returned the pot to the kitchen before sitting next to me.

  “Well, I noticed when I was at the bar last night that it needs some updating. I was thinking about doing it as a surprise for Chace.” I handed the notebook I was writing in to Jo.

  “This is a lot of work. It’s going to cost a few pretty pennies.” She looked over the list before handing it back to me.

  “I was thinking about that. What if I traded my part of future campaigns with some of the companies we work with, and in return, they will provide either free merchandise or labor? You company still makes money, but it would be cheaper for them because they wouldn’t have to pay me for my part of it. Plus, it helps get their name out their even more.” Picking up my cup, I looked at Jo and waited for her response.

  “Amia, that is a great idea! How do you plan to pull it off?” Jo took the notebook off my lap and looked at the list again as she sipped her coffee. “Ya know, we could do more than this. The other half of that building is for sale. What if we bought it and expanded the pub?” She was really getting into my idea.

  “Oh, Jo, that would be amazing, but I barely have enough to pay for what I can’t barter for.” It made me happy that she was supporting my idea.

  “What if I paid for it? We’ve spent years in that place and it would be nice to give something back for all of those amazing memories we’ve made in there.” She picked up a pen and started writing. “Anyway, I know the realtor that’s in charge of that property. She was just telling me earlier this week she was having a difficult time dumping that place. I bet I could get it for a steal!”

  “I fucking love you, Jo!” I bounced up out of my seat and tackled her on the couch with a hug.

  “Hey, be careful, don’t break this old lady, and I love you too.” She laughed as she hugged me back. “I’ll make the call on Monday and see what we can do to make this happen. Plus, I really like Chace and I have a feeling he’ll be sticking around.” She looked at me and smiled as I sat back against the end of the couch.

  “Ya know what? I really like him too. As a matter of fact, I think I’m falling in love with him. I know it seems crazy fast because we’ve only been dating around a month, but he’s just everything I’ve ever looked for in a partner.” I took list back from her and looked at what she had been writing. “Jo!” I laughed. “You’re too funny!” On the paper, Jo had written, ‘Amia and Chace, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.’

  “I knew it from the first time I saw the two of you interact in the bar. This old lady knows what she’s doing.” She stood up to get more coffee. “Where’s the pain reliever?”

  “It’s in the cupboard above the coffee pot, and quit calling yourself an old lady, would ya? You’re only as old as the man you’re feeling.” I turned and winked at her.

  “Well, that would make me thirty-nine after tonight then.” She winked back and then popped two pills into her mouth before washing them down with her coffee.

  “So, tell me, how are you feeling about this whole Sam thing?” I sat up and tucked my feet under me.

  “I’m feeling like I may want to see where things go.” She walked around the back of the sofa and sat down again.

  “Really? Jo, that’s fucking fantastic! Why the change of heart?” I was so surprised; a light breeze could have blown me away.

  “The truth is, I’ve always had a thing for him and when he wouldn’t come home with me last night, I knew he had changed. You know the saying… ‘No one’s gonna buy the cow when they can get the milk for free.’ Well, I think I might want to become a hobby farmer.” She laughed so loudly that it echoed through our home.

  “Just make sure he’s changed before you fall too far. I would hate to have to really hurt him.” I winked at her before standing up to go upstairs.

  “Where are you going? I thought we would have lunch together.” She looked up at me and sat her coffee on the table.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. Chace is expecting me at the bar to clean up and then he’s taking me on another surprise date. Rain check?” I stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Absolutely, far be it for me to stand in the way of new love. You guys need any help?” She picked up the remote and turned on the television.

  “Nope, Isabella is coming to help. Anyway, he called me this morning to tell me he had done most of it last night. He just needs help to sweep up and move the tables back into place. I figured it would give me a chance to look around and make sure there’s nothing else to add to the list too. Just enjoy your day, and incase I don’t see you before you leave on your date tonight, have lots of fun and behave yourself for fuck’s sake!” I laughed before heading up the stairs.

  “I make no promises.” She turned to watch the morning news and enjoy her coffee.

  I went upstairs, took a shower, got dressed and did my hair and make-up. I threw an extra change of clothes in a backpack so I could change when we were done cleaning before we left on our date. Grabbing my purse and jacket, I headed back downstairs.

  Isabella was already at the bar when I arrived. She was sitting in her car, talking on the phone. I tapped on the window and waved at her. She held up a finger to let me know she would just be a minute.

  “Chace? Where are you?” I walked into an empty, clean bar.

  “I’m in the back. I’ll be out in a minute.” His voice came through the pass through window between the kitchen and the bar area.

  “Okay.” I started looking around and making mental notes of the things I saw. I had to remember to add a full bathroom remodel to include fixtures to the list, along with a new television, and a refurbish job on the jukebox. The wainscoting on the lower half of the walls and the floors both needed to be stripped and re-varnished. I didn’t want to change the feel of the pub; I just wanted to bring it back to its original glory, the way it had been when Chace’s aunt and uncle first purchased it. It had been in this location for nearly thirty-five years and had become a staple in the community. Every time there was a street dance, a fair or a charity that needed help, they were the first ones to volunteer, be it a place to hold an event, food, time or money.

  “Ready to go?” Chace walked out of the back.

  “Um, I thought we were supposed to finish the cleaning together. What happened?” I walked up to him and hugged him.

  “Oh, Isabella showed up early, so we just finished up while we waited for you.” He kissed me.

  “Why didn’t you call me and let me know to come in earlier then? Jo and I were just sitting at home talking.” I playfully punched him in the shoulder.

  “There was no need. We had it cov
ered.” He held his shoulder and pretended to be hurt.

  “Yeah, we had it covered.” Isabella walked in the front door. “Is there anything else, or can I get out of here and get to rehearsal? Our opening show is in a week.”

  “We’re done. Thanks for all of your help. The next time you’re in here, drinks are on me for you and your friends.” Chace took my hand and we walked Isabella back out to her car.

  “Be careful what you promise. I have a lot of friends from the theater.” She laughed as she unlocked her car door.

  “Like I said, one night, free drinks for you and your friends. Why don’t you bring them here after opening night? We’ll make a party of it.” He held her door open as she sat down.

  “I’ll talk to them and see if they’re interested. I’ll let you know. See you both later. Call me when you have a few minutes, Amia. Kisses!” She blew us both kisses before closing her door and leaving.

  “That woman is something else.” Chace laughed as we turned to go back into the bar.

  “Yes, she is, but why do you say that?” I walked in front of him as we entered.

  “Because the whole time she was here helping me, all she did was tell me about her sexual exploits.” He shook his head. “Honestly, I was a little uncomfortable and just kind of tuned it out.”

  “Yeah, that’s what she does. It’s who she is, and I love her no matter. One of these days, I’ll tell you her back story and then you’ll understand.” I picked up my backpack. “I’m going to run into the bathroom and change real quick before we leave.”

  “Why? You look incredible already.” He stepped behind the bar to put the clean glasses away.

  “Well, tell me where we’re going on our date then?” I stopped at the end of the bar nearest the bathroom.

  “We’re going to go take a glimpse into our future.” He kept his back to me, but I could see his smile in the mirror behind the shelves of glasses.

  “Then I would like my future self to see its past self in nicer clothes.” I laughed and continued down the hall to the bathroom to change. I pulled my sweatshirt and jeans off and changed into a long denim skirt and oversized white knit sweater. Taking the braids out of my hair, I quickly ran a brush through it and left it lying in soft waves over my shoulders. Putting my dirty clothes into my backpack, I headed back out to the front of the bar.

  “Damn woman! Your future self is going to be jealous of your current beauty.” Chace was sitting on a barstool at the front side of the bar waiting for me.

  “I will always look like this. I plan to fight the aging process kicking and screaming.” I laughed and threw my backpack over my shoulder. “Ready?” I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Yep, let’s go.” He stood up, took me by the hand and walked out with me. Turning to lock the door, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. “I’m such a lucky man to have such a beautiful and intelligent woman in my life. Thank you so much for being who you are.”

  “Where is all this coming from? And, you’re welcome.” My forehead wrinkled as I made a quizzical face.

  “Let’s just say with all the stories I heard today, I just feel extra lucky to have found you.” He put his hand on the side of my face and kissed me again.

  “Who says you found me?” I winked at him and touched my tongue to the front of my teeth.

  “We both know that I found you, don’t even try to play.” He touched my nose before kissing me a third time.

  “I’ll let you tell it cuz I don’t lie.” I laughed as we walked over to the cars. “Are we taking your car or mine?”

  “I thought I would follow you to your house, I would park my car there, and you could drive from there. The place we’re going is only a couple of miles from where you live. Is that okay?” He walked me to my car, and when I hit the button on the remote to unlock it, he opened the door for me.

  “Sure, but a man that doesn’t mind a woman driving? Are you sure you’re real?” I smiled as I sat into my car.

  “I told you before, what you see is what you get.” He closed my door and went to his car. I waited for him to get in and pull around before I pulled in behind him to follow him to my place.

  For an early Saturday afternoon, there was a lot of traffic and it took us nearly an hour to get to my house. I was a bit frustrated when we pulled into the driveway. When we were both parked, I got out of my car and walked over to Chace who was pulling his things out of the trunk. “Hey, I was just about to come over to your car so we could leave. I just needed to grab a few of these bags.”

  “Um, I was wondering if you would mind driving instead? I hate driving through that much traffic and I’m feeling a little shaky.” I stood on the sidewalk flipping my keys around my finger.

  “Oh, Baby, I’m sorry.” He put the bags back in the trunk, walked up to me and hugged me. “Here, let me hug all that shaky out of you.” He held me tight, and I laid my head on his chest just breathing him in. He always smelled so good.

  “Thank you, Chace. I feel much better, but I would still appreciate it if you would drive.” I didn’t want to let go, but I knew I had to so we could get going.

  “No problem, Gorgeous.” He walked over to the passenger side door and opened it for me. After I sat down, he closed the door, walked around the back of the car to close the trunk and got in the driver’s side.

  He pulled away from the curb and turned on the radio. We listened to it for a little while and suddenly, he turned it down and looked at me. “Why do you always call me Chace?”

  “Um, because that’s your name.” I raised an eyebrow.

  “I mean, I call you Gorgeous and Baby and you only call me by my name. Why?” He stopped at a stop sign before turning right.

  “I don’t know, I guess I’ve just never been one much for pet names. Does it bother you?” I reached over to hold his hand.

  “No, not really. I just wanted to ask instead of assuming anything.” He squeezed my hand before letting go and putting both hands on the steering wheel. He made another right hand turn into a driveway and stopped.

  “A nursing home? What are we doing here?” I looked out at the building we had just pulled up in front of.

  “Well, I volunteer here at least one night a week, and I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance yet. Come on, there are some people I’d like to introduce you to.” He got out, came around to the passenger side and opened my door.

  “This is fantastic! I didn’t know you did this. Why didn’t you tell me before?” I helped him carry the bags in from the trunk.

  “It’s no fun to tell you everything right away. Some things are better to be shared personally, in the flesh.” He winked at me as we walked through the front door.

  “Hey, Anne, we’re here for game night. I brought some homemade sugar-free cookies for everyone if that’s alright.” He stopped and talked to the woman at the reception desk.

  “Of course, Chace, and this must be Amia. Hello, Hun, it’s nice to finally meet you. Chace has said so many good things about you.” She smiled a warm smile at me.

  “Hello, Anne, I wish I could say the same thing, but all of this is a surprise to me.” I sat down a bag and reached to shake her hand.

  “You’ll get to know all of us. Chace is our favorite visitor. You’re a lucky woman.” She picked up some papers and stood up. “If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

  “It was nice to meet you, Anne. I hope to see you again soon.” I waved as she walked away.

  “Come on, Gorgeous; let’s go meet my extended family.” With his hands full, he nodded toward the door just past the reception area.

  “Oh, by the way, nice job with the whole ‘glimpse at our future thing’. You’re so funny.” I laughed as I followed him into the next room.

  “Hey everyone! Look who I brought with me?” His voice boomed across the room as he announced our arrival.

  “Uncle Chace, Uncle Chace! I miss you! I no know if you was coming.” A little boy ran up to him a
nd hugged his leg.

  “Hi, Connor! I would never miss seeing you!” He sat the bags he was carrying on a table and hugged Connor. “Hey, Buddy, there’s someone I want you to meet. This is my girlfriend, Amia. Say hi.”

  “Hi, Miss Amia.” He reached to shake my hand.

  “Well, hello Connor. It’s such a pleasure to meet you. I see you take after your uncle.” I leaned down and shook his hand. “What a very polite young man you are.”

  “Uncle Chace tole me dat manners is impoetant and I always ‘ad to do my bestest to bemember dem.” He smiled the biggest, sweetest smile at me.

  “Well, that’s a good thing to remember. Your uncle Chace is a smart man and you’d be wise to listen to him.” I put my hand on Connor’s shoulder, looked up at Chace and winked at him. “So, what do we do now?”

  “Here, Connor, would you pass these cookies out to everyone, please? I think there will even be enough left over for you to have a couple of them.” Chace handed a plastic container of cookies to Conner.

  “Sure will, Uncle Chace. I be wight back.” He ran off to do as he was asked to do.

  “I thought you were an only child. Whose son is he?” I stepped closer to Chace and whispered in his ear.

  “Oh, he’s not biologically my nephew. He is the grandson of one of the residents here. He comes to visit Margaret a couple days a week. His mother died, and no one knows who his father is. His grandmother raised him until she had to come live here. Now, the poor kid is in foster care waiting for a permanent home. I know his foster parents really well. I do respite care for them once in a while, and when they have things to do, he comes to stay with me.” He watched Conner pass out the cookies. I noticed the smile on his face. It was soft and gentle.

  “You just keep getting better and better, Love.” I nestled against his chest and put my hand over his heart.

  Wait, did you just call me ‘Love’?” He looked down at me with the same smile he wore when he was watching Conner.

  “I guess I did. Is that okay?” I smiled back.

  “Of course it is. I kinda like it.” He leaned down and kissed me.


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