Plagued: Book 1
Page 20
Now, the evening was promising to be just one stomach-wrenching exercise in terror. She'd spent the afternoon in the bathroom and swallowed at least a handful of pink stomach tablets over the course of the day. She still felt nauseous.
Sky hadn't spoken to her mother except for a moment over the phone in the morning. Eloise said there was a plan to free Helena, but the less Sky knew, the better. Sky took a deep breath. She wasn't sure what the evening held. Once it started, she would be better. Anticipation was always the worst thing. It was the same when going out on night patrol.
The four wide doors to the ballroom were propped open and warm light spilled out onto the sidewalk and the shining, happy faces of the party goers. Everyone was talking excitedly and voices ebbed and flowed as people went inside and others joined the queue behind.
This year's theme was A Haunted Forest. The unofficial ban on ghosts, zombies, and etc., was in effect, so it was more 'enchanted' than ghostly. Their entire Home Guard District including Tactical Juniors and Seniors put in a number of weekends on the decorations. Tonight was the first time Sky would see everything in place with the ballroom lights dimmed low and fairy lights sparkling.
“You were supposed to help us over the weekend!” Andrea planted herself squarely in front of Sky as she walked towards the reception desk.
Andrea, predictably, was head of the Tactical trainees contributions to the decoration committee. She was dressed in an Elizabethan court gown, sparkling jewels, and a crown. Her natural red hair in a high up-do. Knowing Andrea, she would come as a queen.
“I was at the hospital. Rickey got shot along with several other people. Remember?”
The tall girl gave an impatient roll of her head. “Your whole squad used that excuse. I expect you to stay and help with clean up.” And off she went in a swirl of crimson and gold brocade.
It must be kind of nice, Sky thought, watching Andrea sashay up to a group of young men in devil's masks, to be so self-absorbed. No wasted time or energy worrying about other people's feelings. No need to constantly self-edit so you wouldn't say the wrong thing.
She handed over her ticket and realized she had forgotten to give Hugo his.
“My date will be here in a few minutes, could I leave his ticket with you?”
Sky wrote the name Hugo St. James on the ticket and handed it to the young soldier who put it in the 'Will Call” box under 'S'. He then attached her wristband so she could join the party. Everyone had bar-coded wristbands to show who could drink and who could not. The bands also would mark how many alcoholic drinks they'd had. Soldiers were limited to two. Though of course, people found all sorts of ingenious ways to smuggle in their own supply.
Someone managed to borrow the feed store's life-size horse model – hopefully with the owner's permission, more likely without. The Seniors painted it white, covered it with silver glitter and stuck a sparkly horn on its forehead to transform the horse into a unicorn. The decorations committee spray painted some tall bushes white and draped them with silver icicle tinsel and clear lights. Lots of white sheets pulled into little heaps, lots of glitter, and more tinsel gave the look of snow on the ground. Together it created a beautiful diorama that was centered right at the entrance to the ballroom. A photographer had set up there to take photos of all the guests as they entered.
The squad arranged to meet at the same time so they could have their picture taken together – a tradition with both Juniors and Seniors – before individual portraits with their dates. They'd all arrived a little before her.
Seeing them gathered together, Sky burst into spontaneous applause. “You guys look awesome!”
They crowded around as Sky admired their costumes. Each of them then took turns showing off their finery. Requirements for the party were no bare midriffs on men or women, and everyone must wear a costume even if only a mask with their evening clothes. The masquerade had been a fixture for a decade and there was a costume bank on base of recycled clothing that everyone could sign-out if they didn't have something from home.
Raj's outfit was hands down the most outstanding. He was dressed as a Pirate Captain from the East China Seas. He was a handsome – if skinny – guy even in regular clothes. Now he looked like Indian royalty. Sky went up and hugged him.
“Do you like it?” he asked.
He wanted her approval, she could tell. They had played pirates so often in the playground growing up. It was their favorite game. He was always Captain Rajipur of the Black Sea Dragon; she was Captain Trueblood of the Scarlet Witch; Rickey was Captain Masters of the Golden Hart, and Sara Anne, Captain Esmeralda of the Sea Horse.
“You look fantastic. Like a character out of a movie.”
Raj's mom was handy with a needle and thread and had done her son proud. He was dressed in glorious scarlet, blue, and copper silk trousers, shirt and vest with two gold sashes and a blue and gold turban. He had tassels and beads on his boots
Chase, luckily off crutches for the party but still in an arm cast, was fascinated by the ornately wound turban.
“It's great, right?” Raj enthused. “My dad got on the local Indian grapevine and found a practicing Sikh family. We took the material to him and he made the turban for us.”
“Are those you mom's earrings hooked into it?” Sky flicked a row of gold bangles dangling on the side.
“Yeah. And look,” he held out his arms. “We took grandfather's old morning coat and Mom stitched this sari material on.”
His date Michelle, pretty and dark with shiny black hair hanging all the way to her waist, was a swashbuckling girl pirate. She twirled to show off her layered skirts, pantaloons, puffy shirt and vest mixed in the same colors as Raj's outfit. Her tricorn, decorated with beads and feathers, made the perfect finishing touch.
The squad all agreed they would win the top prize in one of the costume categories for sure.
Sara Anne and her girlfriend Chloe were both fairies in full iridescent ball gowns. They'd found the dresses at the costume bank and the slip-on wings at the Farmer's Market and even made a couple of wands.
Inseparable as always, Mary and Melissa were their own dates, dressed as the Phantom of the Opera and his captive muse, Christine. Mary had the mask, tuxedo, and cape. Melissa ripped apart several of her grandmother's dresses from their attic and made a Regency-style gown with a fitted bodice and empire waist. A red rose in Mary's lapel and a long-stemmed bloom in Melissa's hand completed the outfits.
Daphne and Chase came together. He was hooking up with a bunch of his soccer teammates and Daphne would just be hooking up – inevitably stealing someone else's date. Probably several. The way she looked tonight, that shouldn't be too difficult. Neither was much for costumes. Chase had a standard tux paired with a gold Venetian-style lion's mask. Daphne wore an emerald green, floor-length sleeveless dress that showed off her cleavage to eye-popping advantage, plus a feathery mask of silver and white. Sky felt none of the boys' eyes would make it as far as the mask.
Sky wanted to wear cat ears, and built her costume accordingly. She loved cat ears. She wished she had cat ears. So, she decided to be a cat witch. She paired a simple long-sleeved black leotard with yards of black and white chiffon that swept all the way to the floor. An inexpensive cat ear headband, clip-on tail and eye mask completed the costume.
Everyone said she looked cute.
When it was their turn, they all posed in front of the unicorn for the group picture. Chase brought out an oversized picture of Rickey he'd printed out and pasted on poster board attached to a wooden handle. “So he can be in the photo with us, right guys!”
They gave three somewhat tearful cheers for Rickey. Sara Anne made a video call to Rickey's parents so they could see everyone. Kyle, Rickey's boyfriend, was at the hospital tonight looking very gray and shaky. Sara Anne handed the phone to the photographer so he could take a video and some pictures for when Rickey woke up.
If he woke up.
The squad took their places. Arms around each other's
waists, smiling. Bright eyed and happy.
After everything that had happened, Sky couldn't help holding everyone a little tighter.
Individual photos followed the group shot and they lined up again.
'Where's your date, Sky?” Mary and Melissa stepped off the little platform by the centerpiece, still holding hands, and stood by her.
Someone stepped in from behind Sky.
'Finally,' she thought. Hugo at last.
“I'm sorry if I kept you waiting.”
Quill took her arm.
The scene was a mentos-meets-cola moment, as Rickey would say. Her brain fizzed in panic and Sky's stomach slid straight into her little heels. Fight or flight? She couldn't decide and just sort of vibrated for a panicked few seconds.
“Everything all right, darling?” Quill straightened the cat ears and brushed at her bangs in true boyfriend fashion. Temporarily blocking her from the squad's view, he mouthed, “Behave.” His hand flicked into his jacket pocket and he pulled out his cell phone. On the screen was a picture of her mother, bound and gagged.
He smiled more broadly, slipping the phone back. “Everything is fine, you look lovely.”
The girls all stared at this resplendent stranger.
He was dressed in a black and red harlequin-style coat cut long in black and shorter in front over a black vest and black trousers tucked into high leather riding boots. Slim fitting, the costume skimmed over his lean muscles and long legs. His black hair was slicked back and shining. The mask, a black and red diamond pattern tied on with a scarlet ribbon. His green eyes sparkled through the openings.
“Introduce me to your friends, Skylar.” Linking arms, his grip tightened ever so slightly.
Her voice came out as little more than a hoarse squeak.“Qu...Qu...Quill.”
“Quentin St. James, actually. Hugo's elder brother. Rightful heir to the title of Viscount and, I hope, a place at Sky's side.”
“No effing way,” Sara Anne exclaimed. “The prince has a brother?”
“A better looking brother.” Mary eyed Quill approvingly.
“Sky, you are a sly kitty cat. Dating both brothers. Hit me.” Melissa held up a hand to high-five.
Sky hesitated for a fraction of a second.
Giving everyone a ravishing smile, Quill returned it instead. “You and indeed everyone are quite magnificent. Sky told me the Guard took the Ball very seriously. I never expected to such grand effect.”
Chase waved at her. “Come on, it's your guy's turn. Get the photo so we can go in and eat!”
“And dance,” chorused Sara Anne and Chloe, executing little pirouettes beneath their fairy wands.
“And swashbuckle!” Raj and Michelle waved their curved stage cutlasses in the air.
Quill kept his hold on her, one arm around her waist, as they positioned themselves for the camera.
“Smile, Sky,” Quill whispered, his lips brushing her ear and making her shiver. “This evening is going to be delightful.”
“Relax,” said the photographer. “You're here to have fun.”
'No,' Sky thought frantically. I'm here to spring my date's mom from the jail in order to contact a group of traitors and convince them to hand over a supply of monster-making vaccine. I'm with the boy who kidnaped my sister, shot my aunt's dog and now has my mother captive. So pretty much the opposite of fun.
Chapter 21
Blood Sport
The whole squad stopped to take in the scene as they entered the main ballroom. Even Sky let herself forget, for a moment, who she was holding hands with. Life was not a fairy tale. No one was going to rescue her. She'd been a soldier long enough to know she might not survive tonight. This would be a beautiful image to hold onto, she thought, as her world fell apart.
Circling the dance floor was a forest of tall green wooden cut-out trees from a previous ball. They'd interspersed them with a dozen fir trees the Christmas Tree farm donated. The donation was all thanks to some smooth talking by Rickey, who was not above playing the disabled card and even cried a little, he said, to get them. The forest was draped with pretend spider web and covered in fairy lights. White cloth stapled around the bases looked like snow drifts.
Sorting through the boxes in storage from previous Balls, someone discovered several dozen black and green striped, bendable spiders about two-feet across. They hung them from the trees or entwined them in the branches. Daphne thought they looked too scary and personally cut out lacy black and white paper butterfly wings. She attached the wings to each one saying they were fairy spiders and draped lights all around them. Though it sounded stupid, the effect was so adorable, even Andrea had to agree they looked great.
Sky's team made six white wolves out of chicken wire and papier mache with red lights set in them for glowing eyes. Standing, sitting, and crouching. In the daylight, they'd looked pretty lame. Here, beneath the spider web and sparkling strands of lights, they seemed almost ominously real. Someone else had dug up a bear skin rug. They flocked it white and set it on a wire stand so it looked like a polar bear crouched in the forest. Andrea pointed out polar bears don't live in forests but she'd been voted down. Everyone loved the bear and it, too, was draped with white lights.
Directly opposite the doors on the other side of the dance floor was the buffet and carving station – soldiers travel on their stomach even if it's only to a dance. Here the Decoration Committee placed cut and painted houses and backdrops from over-sized wooden boxes and cardboard to look like an old European village.
Squealing with delight, Mary and Melissa, Sara Anne, and Chloe ran onto the dance floor. Chase and Daphne headed for the buffet and Raj and Michelle walked towards the forest. Quill and Sky were alone.
“What have you done to my mother,” her voice was anguished and she realized she was near tears. “Please Quill. Where's Hugo.”
“My brother has other business to attend to for the exchange of blood money. I'm taking his place. We will meet him inside the old cineplex.”
“That's not the deal,” she hissed.
“The deal, like viruses, is constantly mutating. It is what I say it is at the moment. This is not my father's game, it is mine. Should you want to see your family alive and well, you'll do exactly what I say when I say.”
Maddeningly, Quill insisted on acting as though they actually were on a date. Boyfriend, girlfriend, kisses on the cheek, holding hands and sharing secrets, sort of date. Chatting amiably and eloquently with her friends, pulling her onto the dance floor.
He was an energetic and accomplished dancer. Old Korean Boy Band sort of accomplished. He drew admiring stares from everyone at his grace and rhythm.
Sky spent the evening in a state of silent hysteria. She had to run to the bathroom three times as her stomach dissolved from tension. Not that there was much left inside. Still, good thing she was wearing such a fluffy costume that was easy to pull up and down. Honestly, she didn't know what she was doing or how to cope. Several times she asked, pleaded, with Quill to stop, just stop all of it.
Laughing easily, he refused. He did, however, promise her Kara and her mother were safe and well.
“How can I believe you? You're crazy.”
They were standing under the fairy lit trees, watching the dancers. “Why do people keep saying that to me?” he sounded genuinely confused. “I'm not a psychopath. I just understand what needs to be done and I do it.”
“You killed Tricia, my aunt's poodle. She was a good dog,” Sky choked up as she said the words. An image of the apricot poodle lying silent and still on the floor.
She was surprised to see his face change. He looked almost troubled.
“Yes, I needed to make a point. You did not know me nor my intent. Now you do.”
“What I know is that you're a psychotic bastard.” Sky felt her eyes tearing up and rubbed them away roughly with the back of her hand. “She was a sweet little dog and I loved her.”
“Did you? I love so little. Such has been my fate.”
She looked to see if he was laughing at her. His face remained serious.
“ Kara still alive?”
He raised his eyes, meeting her look. “Yes, of course. We are negotiating tonight for her, I beg your pardon, their release. Kara and the glorious Emily Murphy, love of my father's life.”
“How can I believe you?”
He leaned close, holding her shoulders tightly so Sky could not pull away. “I speak bitter truths, Skylar. My brother is full of nothing except sweet lies. You would do well to consider the difference. You think I'm the only one who planned exactly how this night would proceed?”
Sky didn't know what to say. She couldn't, she wouldn't believe that Hugo was part of her mother's kidnapping.
He raised one eyebrow. “I see you shaking your lovely head ever so slightly. You don't believe me. You should. I almost inevitably tell the truth to my family and friends. They just don't like what I say. That's very different from lying.”
After that, he would speak no more on the matter of Sky's mother and sister.
Her squad embraced him enthusiastically. Quill danced with the twins and Daphne. Talked soccer with Chase and held Sara Ann and Chloe's fairy wands as they filled their plates at the buffet. While Sky couldn't' take a bite, Quill fully enjoyed turkey and roast beef from the carving station, also fetching them both sodas from the bar.
A slow song came on and Quill laid his plate aside to pull her to the dance floor. He held two lives in his hands, she could not refuse.
Wrapping his arms around her, he held her tightly. Quill was much taller than she. Her face was pressed into his chest and she could feel his heart beating steadily next to her cheek. He moved her slowly and gracefully among the other dancers. Everyone intent on their partner, no one paid attention to the haunted look in her eyes, the strained smile she knew even her poker face could not hide. Gradually as the dancers pressed closer, Sky became aware of a scent both sweet and spicy, like cloves and...she considered. Bergamot. Yes, bergamot and a dash of black pepper. Breathing it in, she felt her face flush and her heart beat slightly faster. It was a very masculine scent and unlike anything she had encountered. There were hints of Hugo's individual scent. Since they were brothers, maybe that was to be expected. Yet, Quill smelled very different. Dancing so closely, breathing him in, she could feel some of the tension draining from her with every breath. What was happening was beyond her control, as though she was drugged.