Book Read Free

All I Need

Page 20

by Jennifer Van Wyk

  A growl rips through my throat, my mouth descends on hers with a hunger that makes her stumble back into the seat. Her fingers wrap around my shirt, pulling me in closer and I instantly feel regret not telling Grayson to spend the evening at his own house. The desire to have her to myself is so intense. My kiss isn’t gentle. It’s punishing and bruising and I hope like hell that her lips will be swollen from my kiss for the rest of the night. Scratch that. For the rest of our lives. I want everyone who she comes into contact with to see that she’s taken.

  “Fuck, Ellie.”

  “I know,” she says, turning her head to the side to let me devour her neck. I’ve never wanted to give someone a hickey before but damn if that doesn’t sound like one of the sexiest things ever. I suck lightly on her neck but not hard enough to leave a mark. I’m not a teenager and I’ll never hear the end of it if there’s a giant red mark from my mouth on her neck.

  I inhale deeply, my tongue snaking out to taste the little indentation in the center of her throat. Goosebumps pebble her skin and I smile, loving the way she reacts to my touch.

  Lightning flashes through the sky and I can’t help but think that it’s the most appropriate timing. There’s a storm brewing… has been since the day I saw her on the side of the road. Thunder rumbles in the distance. As much as I don’t want to, I pull my mouth away from her skin.

  Looking down at her, cheeks flushed and chest rising and falling, I will my body to slow down.

  “Well that escalated quickly,” she quips and my lips stretch into a grin when she tugs at the hem of her dress before gripping the handle above the door and hopping into her seat. Everything she does is so sexy in a simple way, if that’s even a term. It’s the way she glances at me out of the corner of her eye when she’s teasing or chews on the inside of her cheek when she’s turned on.

  “I’m not complaining.”

  “Me either,” she admits. “Is this what you had planned for our date? Ravishing me in front of Miss Polly’s house?”

  “No, but I rather enjoyed that little detour we took.”

  “If that’s what happens when we get sidetracked, I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like when we plan for it.”

  “So you’re planning for it?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Noooo.”

  “It’s okay, Ellie. I think I’ve been planning for it since I saw you raise a golf club to that douchebag’s car.”

  “Potential destruction of property is what turns you on, huh?” She tickles my side and I jerk away. “Ohhhh! Ticklish?” Her eyes light up as she slides back out of the pickup seat, advancing toward me.


  “Liar.” She lunges for me again and I dart away.

  “Am not.”

  Her eyes shine with happiness. “Then why are you running?”

  I shrug. “I’m not. Just excited to get this date going.”

  “Mm hmm.”

  I shrug and act nonchalant. “Besides, we know what happens when we start touching. I’m only thinking of you, Ellie,” I say, taking a few more steps away when she advances my way.

  “Only thinking of me, huh?”

  “Exactly. You wouldn’t want Miss Polly to look out the window and see us still sitting here. She’d know you were attacking my mouth.”

  She stops in her tracks. “Me?” she points to herself, mouth hanging open. “I wasn’t the one practically mauling you! I was completely innocent in it.”

  “Right, like you hated any part of that.” Instead of moving away from her again, because, let’s face it, her hands on me in any way, including tickling, isn’t a hardship, I take a few menacing steps back in her direction. This time it’s her who’s retreating.

  She giggles, shaking her head back and forth. She puts on a serious face like she’s threatening me but I don’t care. She’s too damn sexy to me and I crave the feeling of her hands on me. Ellie’s back hits the side of my pickup. I rush to her, caging her in with my arms on either side of her but she has other ideas. Her small hands dart out and I flinch when she gets me in the side again, but I’m quicker. I reach for her, raise our joined hands against the door. She bites the inside of her cheek and I smile, knowing that she loves our foreplay as much as I do.

  “You’re a little shit, you know that?” I lean close, her breath hot against my cheek. “Don’t worry, it’s a fucking turn on for me, too. Know what else?”

  “What?” she asks, her voice coming out breathless.

  “Payback is going to be fun.”

  She moans, her body sagging against the door and I can’t stop myself from kissing her. Her mouth opens immediately and our groans match.

  “Can’t wait.”

  “Me either. But first, I’m planning on wooing you. You ready?”

  “Woo away.”

  I WASN’T SURE WHAT TO expect for our first date but an outdoor movie in the town square was definitely not it. I’m not complaining by any means, though. My entire relationship with Gary was fluff. Our dates wouldn’t have ever included sitting on a blanket in the grass surrounded by families as a decade old movie plays on the screen in front of us. And they definitely wouldn’t have included eating a six pack of drive-thru tacos and fountain sodas.

  It’s the most perfect date I’ve ever been on. The rain from this morning let up early enough that the ground is no longer wet. There’s still a heaviness in the air, the threat of more storms to come looms over us, but right now it’s just right. The thunder and lightning let up and it’s the ideal summer evening temperature.

  Walker’s legs are stretched out in front of us, mine tucked beside me so I don’t have a wardrobe malfunction that makes this evening far from family-friendly. His left hand is resting on the blanket behind me, his thumb grazing my butt which sends a shiver of excitement through my body. I’m hyper-aware of his movements. Of the way he brushes against me every chance he gets. The entire night has been foreplay, a preview of what’s to come.

  The movie plays out before us but I’m not paying attention to any of it. The only thing I know is that it’s set in a museum but other than that, I’m not following. He shifts, bringing me to sit in front of him. His strong arms wrap around me, the sleeves of his black polo shirt tight around his biceps. My fingernails trace the intricate tattoo on his right arm and the firm muscles in his forearms contract when he moves, holding me tighter and I suddenly understand exactly what the term arm porn means. I feel safe in his embrace, despite the alarm blaring in my head, reminding me of truths I need to share with Walker before we’re in too deep.

  Though, I fear that we’re already in deep.

  Maybe I’m jumping ahead but I’ve learned a lot about myself—and others—from my failed relationships. Looking back, there were signs that I was ignoring. Like sacrificing my own happiness to be who I thought they wanted me to be. Growing up in a home without love ingrained in me a desire to fit in. But with Walker, it’s different. And tonight is proof of that. I spent years not being comfortable in my own skin. What I wouldn’t have given to have a night wrapped in a man’s arms while we sit under the stars feasting on take out or cuddled in front of the fire watching a movie at home.

  It probably sounds boring, but that’s what my soul desires. And Walker nailed it without even trying.

  “You’re thinking awful hard,” Walker whispers into my ear. “Should I be worried?”

  Worried? Only if he’s worried that I’ll fall in love with him.

  I tilt my head so I can look him in his dark eyes. The scruff on his jaw has grown out a little over the past few days. It’s soft beneath my fingertips and I wonder what it would feel like scraping against other parts of my body.

  “I like where your thoughts are heading,” he says, voice gruff. When he notices the look of horror on my face he chuckles, bringing his face closer when he says, “I can read you so well, babe.”

  I can’t tear my eyes away from him, our gazes saying everything our bodies are screaming.


/>   Lust.


  Suddenly my ass is buzzing and I startle.

  It only takes a second for us to realize it’s Walker’s phone in his pocket.

  “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t care but Grayson’s…”

  “Stop. I hate that you feel the need to apologize for that.”

  He kisses me firmly on the lips then pulls his phone out. A smile stretches across his face as he reads whatever is on the screen and he shoves it back in.

  “Let’s get outta here.”

  “What? But the movie…”

  “I don’t give a fuck about the movie, do you?”

  I’m shaking my head back and forth so quickly I’m afraid I might sprain something in my neck. “Nuh uh.”


  Working together we pile all our stuff into our arms, stopping along the way to throw out our trash and rush to his pickup. He’s gripping my hand tightly, tugging me along but my legs are shorter than his and I can barely keep up.

  A giggle bursts out of me from his hurry.

  “What’s so funny?” he asks, not even a bit breathless from our unexpected jog. Meanwhile, I’m afraid I’ll either fart from eating tacos then running (which would be mortifying, to say the least) or have to stop to stretch. I never thought I was out of shape but clearly Walker is in damn good shape. He probably has amazing stamina.

  That single thought makes me pick up my pace and soon I’m passing him up, tugging him behind me as a burst of energy pumps my legs faster.

  “I don’t know what just got into you but I like it,” he laughs.

  He presses the button on his key fob to unlock the pickup and as sexy as it is for him to open my door for me, I don’t give him the opportunity. I throw open the door, hop inside and impatiently wait as he climbs in behind the wheel. As soon as he does, he twists around, throws the blanket we were sitting on in the back seat and then takes my face in his hands, kissing me with so much fervor and passion, I have to clench my thighs together to curb the building ache.

  His tongue plunges into my mouth, his fingers thread through my hair, pulling me close.

  “I want you,” I pant.

  “God, Ellie, you have no idea.”


  He shows me his phone, a smirk on his face.

  Willow: Change of plans. I’ll explain later. Grayson and I are at home the rest of the weekend.

  “Should we be worried about why? Is Grayson okay?”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Willow’s his mom. If she says he’s at home, he’s at home. If I needed to be worried, she would tell me what’s going on. But what this means is, we’re going to my house and I’m not letting you leave until we have to go to work Monday morning so you’d better do what you gotta do to let Miss Polly know you won’t be back because I’m finally gonna have you alone and I don’t plan on sharing.”

  “You’re kidnapping me?”



  “You won’t need them. I have an extra tooth brush you can use. Any other excuses?”


  “Good.” He sits back in his seat and the pickup starts up with a roar. He slams it into drive and damn near squeals out of the parking lot. I’m sure we just made an enormous scene not only leaving the movie in the middle but also with the ruckus we caused. I also don’t care.

  The ride to his house is quiet but the air in the cab of his pickup is thick. The promise of what’s to come weighs heavy on both of us. He reaches over the console and places a hand gently on my leg. Every neuron is firing and the simple touch sets me on edge.

  My legs part of their own accord and I slink down deeper into the leather seat. Out of the corner of my eye I see his jaw clench as his fingers flex. I blow out a breath through pursed lips and drag the hem of my dress higher up my leg with my fingertips.

  “Ellie,” Walker says, my name a warning.


  “You like teasing me?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Right,” he grunts but doesn’t remove his hand. He takes the hint, slides his hand up my thigh until his pinky grazes over my center. My breath hitches. With purpose, he slides it up and down. I know he can feel how ready I am for him. It would be impossible to miss.

  Feeling bold, I slip my fingers under the band of my underwear.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Walker rasps, his voice rising at the end.

  I don’t answer him. Instead, I lift up and tug the thin nude cotton panties, something that felt boring when I put them on earlier tonight, down my legs. The material slides beneath his fingertips but I notice that he doesn’t remove his hand entirely.

  He gulps, his hand shifting to where it was earlier. The first touch against my sensitive skin nearly makes me go through the windshield.

  “Lean your seat back.” His voice is gravelly and a direct hit to my core.

  I do as I’m told and am rewarded when his hand cups me, his thumb playing with the tiny bundle of nerves as he without preempt plunges his middle and ring finger deep inside. I gasp and grip the console and arm rest.

  “Holy shit,” I pant.

  “Is this what you did to yourself the other night on the phone? When you were imagining it was me touching you? Or did you use that sexy pink toy?”

  My nod is jerky and I can’t speak.

  “My imagination didn’t do this justice, Ellie,” he says, struggling to keep an eye on the road. I should feel guilty for distracting him the way I am. I don’t.

  He keeps up his rhythm, sliding his fingers in and out of me as his thumb continues to work the sensitive nub. All thoughts leave, I’m not even paying attention to where we’re going, grateful that he seems more than capable to drive and well, finger me on the way to his place. My surroundings are just the white stars I see from the delicious intrusion of Walker’s fingers inside me. The past two weeks have been one giant act of foreplay and it takes me no time to shoot off like a rocket.

  The sounds of my orgasm echo in the small space. Sweat is beading on my forehead, down my chest and I have to suck in air to get a deep breath.


  Walker removes his fingers and with a wicked gleam in his eye, lifts them to his mouth and sucks my wetness from them. The sound combined with the image that will be burned in my head for eternity is the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced in my lifetime.

  I’m still panting, he’s smiling and adjusts himself. I glance down and see that he’s hard, there’s no denying it or hiding it.

  The pickup slows and I look out the window, recognizing it as being the same place we first met. With a quick glance left and right, Walker punches the gas, my body flying back into the seat with a force I wasn’t expecting.

  “In a hurry?”

  “Around you? Always.”

  He turns down a long lane and I lean forward in my seat, getting a look at Walker’s home for the first time. And what I see takes my breath away.


  A tingle goes up my spine, the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

  This can’t be his home.

  There’s simply no way.

  He parks right in front of the garage rather than inside, which I’m grateful for. It gives me more time to look around, my eyes taking an inventory of everything I’m taking in.

  “Hey,” Walker jostles my arm to get my attention. “You okay?”

  I don’t know how to answer that.

  Because what I see before me is something I’ve dreamt for the past twenty years. Right down to the simple landscaping and the tire swing hanging from what looks like an old oak tree next to the house. I envisioned nights cuddled on a porch swing with a faceless husband as the evening settled around us. My dream could have been transplanted into the middle of the woods, a cabin-like feel to the house I would call a home.

  The visual has always been so vivid in my mind but until this second, I’d never seen
it in person. And now that I have, knowing it’s Walker’s home, I don’t know how to react.

  “Ellie,” the sound of his voice jolts me out of my staring. “Talk to me, sweetheart. If we’re moving too fast, we can slow down. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. We’re kind of bowling through all the normal steps in a relationship. I know this was just our first date and I typically don’t jump so quickly but…”

  I interrupt him with a hand on his arm. “This is your home?”

  He looks at his house and back to me, his eyebrows bunching together in confusion.

  “Yes. I built it several years ago. Is it not… okay? Do we need to leave? I meant what I said, we can slow it down. Nothing needs to happen here tonight.”

  “I would like you to show me your home, Walker.”

  He watches me for a few seconds, probably trying to understand where my odd behavior is stemming from.

  “I would love to,” he says instead.

  Without waiting for him to come around, I open the door and hop down, anxious to see inside. Curiosity, about whether or not the inside is as much of my dream home match as the outside is, pulses through my veins. Propels me forward with quick steps.

  Inside I hear Brutus lazily bark, clearly not worried about a stranger coming to his home, and likely knowing the sound of Walker’s pickup.

  I turn around to see Walker press the garage door button on the roof of his pickup. The clunky sound of the door going up sounds like an invasion to the quiet that is surrounding us. Brutus charges—well, sort of, anyway—out through a doggy door, greeting Walker as if he’s been gone away to war for months. He notices me and lumbers over, begging for attention.

  “Hey sweet boy,” I coo. “You miss me?” His butt wiggles back and forth and he makes a snorting sound. I assume that means he missed me. I pet him, kiss him on the head and he’s out the door to do his little doggy business.

  Walker’s garage is clean, a bit cluttered with all the usual suspects of what I would expect to be inside a man’s garage. Tools and lawn equipment sit in one corner. Two 4-wheelers covered in mud make me smile, just picturing Walker acting like a kid again on them as he and Grayson fool around, getting dirty. An image flashes through my mind of Walker covered in mud.


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