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Temple of Indra's Lies (Time-Traveling Bibliophile Book 3)

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by Rachael Stapleton

  Lasaya had ignored the visions until it was too late; at least she had stolen the sapphire and the book. There was no way she could make the journey now—not in this condition—it would have to be Rochus. She only hoped he was up to the task. He was still so young and not finished his training.

  She pushed thoughts of her friend Elena away and how she’d failed to protect Elena’s daughter, Sive, from Alexandra’s curse. She’d accidently set fire to the castlegrounds while battling Alexandra, and the chaos had backfired. The only thing she could do now was hide the sapphire and try again the next time around. As Rochus sat down beside her, Lasaya allowed her thoughts to drift to the burden she knew she must place upon his shoulders.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long. The fighting has finally stopped. The men of Dunlace Castle are putting out the fire now. I suspect the rain will help with that.”

  “Rochus,” Lasaya’s chest began to weigh down on itself, begging her not to say anymore, but she refused to let her body fail before she said her peace. “There is so much I need to tell you, but I am not long for this world.” She took the bag she’d protected with her life and pushed it into her grandson’s lap. “Take this book and guard it. Never let Alexandra near it. Right now the magic is too strong for her but in time her powers will strengthen and who knows what her evil mind will do with it. When I die, you will receive several of my gifts.”

  “No, Bunica. I won’t hear another word about that. Just get some rest, and you’ll feel much better come morning. I’ll mix a potion to temporarily heal you, and we’ll get you home to Romania. The family will heal you completely.”

  “I’m three-hundred-and-fifty years old, boy, and my body may be weak, but my mind is sharp. You know as well as I do that I am dying. I need you to make peace with that as well, for I expect you to journey to India as if nothing has happened. You will take my place as the guardian of the book. It falls to you to watch over not only my grimoire, but the cursed sapphire as well. By placing it in Indra’s protection, you will save Sophia in the next life—as I’ve failed to do in this one. You will live to protect Sophia. She will be born again in 100 years.”

  “But the girl, Sive, is not yet dead. It’s not too late. We can still rescue her.”

  “No, my boy, she’s touched the sapphire. It is too late. Her death is now inevitable. I can foresee it. So heed my words: I do not know where, but in the ten years before she is re-born you will have dreams. This is one of the gifts you will gain upon my death. The only downside is that my niece is a clairvoyant like me as we discovered here. She will have the same dreams. You must protect the girl from her. Do not make the same mistake I did. Do not wait until the last moment to go to her. If you can keep Sophia from the cursed sapphire her whole life then the curse will be broken. Time will revert and we will return to the moment before Alexandra wrote the curse. If you fail, then there is nothing I can do unless and until you die and I am reborn. Once I am reborn my powers will grow as I age and I will hopefully find a way to stop her. Until that time, you mustn’t tell Sophia the truth. It would only fracture her spirit to know how controlled her fate is. The human spirit needs hope. Tell her whatever she needs to hear—lie if you must. There is one other thing: In addition to the dreams Alexandra may be able to use her powers to glimpse the future. The thing you must know is that the future is never certain. There are always several possibilities. So the future we sometimes see is naught but a lie.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Southern India, Blood Moon, September 27, 2015

  “Your husband said you have something you must leave here.” Mani said, walking back into the room.


  “Your husband, mam, he said you needed to leave something here.”

  I looked around the dusty chamber. I was once again in India—back in my present life. I remembered the jewels inside the bag and let go of the dagger.

  “Sophia, love, are ye feelin’ alright?”

  I looked to my side; Cullen had bent down beside me. It was all I could do not to leap into his arms.

  “I’m fine.” I got to my feet and leaned into Cullen. “I hate small spaces. It’s getting to me but I’m okay now.”

  Cullen gave me a funny look and I knew he didn’t buy it but he was willing to play along.

  I turned to face Mani, keeping my hand out of sight in case it was bleeding. “I do have something to leave, but if there is an excavation crew working here than perhaps it’s not a good idea.”

  “They ran out of money. No more people come here. Only I know of the statue.”

  It seemed most convenient that we’d met the one man in all of India who knew where to find this sacred statue. I swallowed, feeling a sense of dread. Saraswati hadn’t trusted this man and neither did I.

  “What about your cousin?”

  “Dead. He died a month ago. Most unsafe, working conditions in India.”

  That was a lie about his cousin. I pretended to check my bag. “I just realized I left it back at the hotel. Perhaps we could come back Monday.”

  Cullen turned to me and motioned to my bag. In an almost inaudible voice he whispered. “What are ye up to, Aeval?”

  I gave him a ‘trust me’ look and we turned back around to face Mani.

  “I think...” The man’s large, dark brown eyes were now studying my face with open hostility, and I felt my scalp tightening with an unaccountable dread. “I think you don’t trust me. You thought I would murder you, and you would now be dead.”

  “No.” The sense of dread I’d felt a moment before was suddenly a full-blown alarm.

  “Yes,” he said, not smiling. “Yes, I think you are right to be cautious. If what you have is valuable, then many would steal and murder for it. And this is the perfect place to get away with it. You were right to be wary but today is a most fortunate day for you—that I am your guide and I would never hurt you, myself.”

  “I honestly don’t have it.”

  Cullen stepped in between us. “I don’t think she meant any disrespect, lad,” he said and leaned into the man’s face. “All the same, ye got paid and we’ll be after headin’ back up to the surface now.”

  “Fine. We can come back tomorrow.”

  “We have plans tomorrow. Perhaps Monday,” I said.

  Cullen backed away and motioned for the guide to go first, I imagined so he could see what he was up to. Cullen was no dummy.

  Our tuk-tuks were waiting just as promised when we emerged from the temple walls. Sam and Leslie took off first and we followed, leaving a disgruntled Mani behind.

  “This is for you,” the driver said, handing me a piece of paper as I climbed into the back of the tin can.

  “What is this?” Cullen asked, clearly confused by the situation. An address.

  The driver gave me a smile, and with one arm raised, he waved at someone and said, ”She is my aunt you know and she thinks you are in danger. You should listen to her; she is a very wise woman.”

  I looked up and glimpsed Saraswati as she disappeared inside the gates.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Paradise Broken

  Cullen’s face rotated between anger and concern as he paced the floor of our resort bunkie. He knew what I said was true and he also knew logically that it wasn’t my choice or doing. This wasn’t the first time I’d fallen through time and I didn’t exactly control it. In the past I’d kept it from him and that had only caused problems. This time I’d thought it best to get it out and over with, like ripping off a bandaid.

  Finding myself in another body and century was overwhelming but right now I wondered who it was more traumatic for. Whether it was the fact that I’d been intimate with a man—even if that man had been him—or that I’d been mistreated by another, Cullen was furious.

  I wanted to reach for him, to have him pull me against him and into an embrace so that his fingers could stroke my hair as they sometimes did but I knew his feelings couldn’t be rushed. He needed tim
e to process everything I was telling him.

  He walked to the sliding glass door of the porch and yanked it open, but instead of leaving the room, he closed it again just as suddenly and turned back to me.

  “I apologize, Aeval, I don’t mean to treat ye poorly. I’m behavin’ like a brute.” He extended his hand to me, and pulled me upright on the bed.

  I looked up at him and said his name so that he’d look into my eyes.

  “Cullen, I don’t blame you, not at all. I’d feel the same way if you kissed another, but if it’s any consolation, it was you. There was never any doubt in my mind.” I reached a hand up to gently brush my thumb across his cheek. “Anyway, I’m glad to be back in the present. I like the modern-day you best of all. “

  That was all it took for his mouth to sink down, consuming my neck and lips as he cupped my breast and moved his other hand to my backside. I relaxed against him, allowing him to feel and touch me over the fabric of my dress, and I moaned as his teeth grazed against my earlobe.

  He shook with need, and I wrapped my legs around him as he lifted me and carried me over to the bed. He lay me down and followed me, rolling onto his side next to me as he kissed me once more, slipping his hand underneath the flimsy fabric to feel my bare skin. I shrugged out of the loose neck of the gown, pushing my breasts out the top, exposing them to the air for a brief moment as he bent down.

  Everything was an exquisite sensation. Then he stopped and rested his forehead against my own, kissing me gently as he struggled to catch his breath. Slowly, he rolled to his side and pulled me against his chest.

  “I’m sorry, lass, but I can’t do this yet, not when your story is so fresh in my head. I don’t want to do this out of anger but part of me wants to claim ye like a dog with a bone—it isn’t right.”

  I understood and respected him for it, no matter how desperately I wanted to be claimed.

  “Okay.” I nodded against him, and we lay together, both catching our breath as we tried to subdue our need for each other.

  After a time, I turned and smiled up at him.

  “Do you want to talk instead?”

  He grinned and bent his head to kiss me. My whole body tingled once more.

  “I’m not upset with ye but I don’t think I can talk tonight.”

  He reached to brush the hair from my face.

  “Could I simply hold ye instead, Aeval? Would it bother ye for me to fall asleep?”

  “No. I’m pretty tired myself. Sleeping on your chest sounds like heaven right now.”

  Morning came much too quickly. When I woke, still in Cullen’s arms, I found him wide awake, looking down at me with a happy smile that warmed me all over.

  “Tell me you’ve processed everything and moved on.” I said.

  He nodded and squeezed me in close with the arm he had wrapped around me.

  “Aye, I have. I had a lot of time to think of it since yer sleep talkin’ kept me awake.”

  I sat up defensively, and mock-punched his arm.

  “I did not.” Although, in truth, I had no way to really know.

  “Ye did too, Aeval.” He laughed and, now that he was no longer pinned to the bed by my body, he stood and stretched.

  “That’s a terrible thing to tell a lady.”

  “Ach, don’t worry yerself over it. Ye’ve always talked in yer sleep and it’s no bothered me before. It’s only there was so much on my mind that kept me awake. Besides, if it eases yer mind, Leslie snores much louder than ye jibber jabber.”

  He made his way over to the door, and I stood to follow him.

  “Well, that’s true enough. She does snore like a Mack truck.”

  He bent to kiss me as I reached for my robe.

  “Shall we make our way to breakfast so we can go into town and meet the seer.”

  “Saraswatti, you mean?”

  “Aye. We’re to meet her this afternoon, aren’t we? That’s what ye said.”

  “Yes. But I’d like to take a shower first. “

  Cullen’s face twisted in annoyance. I could tell right away that he was hungry.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be quick or you can feel free to go ahead without me. I can catch up.”

  “Oh I think I’ll keep ye in my sight today, there, Aeval. Best ye don’t go slippin’ off to some other century.”

  “Like you’d know,” I said with a wink and shut the door.

  We stopped by Leslie’s room on our way to the main dining hall but she was already gone. Luckily we ran into her there. She’d met up with Sam . We sat visiting over food and laughter and for once Leslie was able to eat and keep it all down. With Sam there, I couldn’t tell her anything about my time travel but there’d be plenty of time later.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today? An excursion, or are we all exhausted from yesterday?” Sam raised his brow teasingly.

  I nodded my head. “A little of both,” I said. “I could use a beach and sugary drink but Cullen and I have plans to visit a friend today in town.”

  Sam’s eyes widened. “Really? I was thinkin’ of headin’ into town myself. Take some photos of the locals and perhaps do a little shoppin’. What part of town?”

  I swallowed. “I’m not sure. The address is in my room.” I bit the corner of my lip and then reached for another piece of fruit to nibble.

  “Perhaps we can share a taxi,” he said, not taking a hint.

  Not that I cared if Sam went into town but I’d promised Saraswati I’d come alone. I was already breaking the rules by bringing Cullen.

  Leslie, bless her heart, seemed to pick up on my discomfort. “Oh Sam, I was hoping to curl up on the porch with a book this afternoon but maybe you could take me to a local beach or something instead, since you seem to know the area so well.”

  He nodded at her and I relaxed.


  “Wait here,” I said, placing my hand firmly on Cullen’s chest as he turned to follow. “Go grab a drink at the café over there. The woman was timid and I don’t want to scare her.”

  “Fine but if you’re not back in five minutes, I’m coming in.”

  “Just don’t be early.”

  I squared my shoulders and tried not to look anxious as I walked in the direction of the woman’s house, if you could call this run down shack built into the side of the alley a house. The ability to move my legs freely after being trapped under heavy layers of fabric was so refreshing that I almost wanted to run and jump as I moved down the alley. I balled my hand into a fist and knocked.

  At first there was no answer and then a woman in her twenties with a beaky nose and smooth black hair opened the door.

  “Namaste,” she said, and bowed her head.

  “Namaste,” I replied placing my hands together and reciprocating her movement. “Umm…I’m looking for Saraswati. Is she home?”

  The woman looked at me blankly. I tried to think of how to say the word home but my mind failed me. “Mera naam Sophia.”

  The woman blinked but still said nothing.

  I bit my lip, wishing I’d had more time to learn the language.

  “I’m sorry. Do you speak English?” I asked.

  The young woman’s sharp nod didn’t bode well. I held out the piece of paper with the woman’s name and address written on it.

  “Is she here? Does she live here?”

  “You’re wasting your time,” a man said from behind me, just as the girl shut the door practically in my face. Well, I guess he was right. He was squatting in the alley half covered by a box. I’d thought he was garbage when I walked by.

  “The old woman’s gone and her niece isn’t right in the head.”

  Huh. She’d seemed right enough to me, perhaps just a little unfriendly. “Do you know where she went or when she’ll be back?” I asked.

  The old man stared at me for a long moment, his lips clamped together. I had to find out what he knew, I thought, quickly searching for coins in my purse.

  I handed him five rupees and he motioned for more

  “Tell me first.”

  The greedy old man clasped the coins in his hands and was now jiggling them around.

  “I’m sorry to take up your time, but if you could help me out, I’d really appreciate it.”

  Still no change in his facial expression. I was seriously beginning to wonder if he knew where she was at all.

  “She left twenty minutes ago, but I can’t remember where she said she was going.”

  I glared and handed him one last rupee.

  “That’s all I have and if you don’t tell me where she went I’m going to bring my husband over here to claw that money back out of your hand.”

  As if on cue, my big burly fiancé appeared at the end of the alley. He leaned against the wall and his arms were crossed. The effect was perfect. He was probably ticked that my five minutes were up and I hadn’t returned.

  I leaned forward. “I’d get to talking if I were you, he hates when people try to strong arm me,” I whispered.

  Cullen was still leaning against the wall when I reached the opening of the alley. I quickly paced over to him and threaded my arm through his. “She’s gone to our resort,” I said, my voice excited. “We must have just missed her.”

  He flagged down an auto rickshaw and we hopped in.

  “Why come to our resort when she told us to come to her house?” He shook his head.

  “I don’t know but I guess we’ll find out.”

  Twenty minutes later, he unlocked the door to our bungalow and stepped back. I entered, glanced around the main room and then moved into the bedroom. Part of me expected to see her waiting for us. The room had dark, exposed beams on the ceiling, a carved armoire, and a canopy bed, all beautifully kept and perfectly clean. There wasn’t even a tissue in the trashcan in the white-tiled bath.

  “She’s not here,” I said as I moved to the balcony. I unlocked the sliding glass door only to realize it was already unlocked. Had we left it this way? I stepped away from the door and walked over to my suitcase. “Did you check the sliding glass doors before we left?”


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