Reckless Little Affair

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Reckless Little Affair Page 3

by Gabrielle Snow

  I was sitting in the booth with two Heinekens on the table, waiting for his arrival. Not long after, I spotted his short, strong figure emerging from outside with a huge grin stretching across his face. He hurried to the table and sat down, taking a huge swig from his bottle.

  “Sorry I’m a little late. Lily wanted to run the flower arrangements by me. Even though I’ve told her countless times that I trust her taste,” Xavier grimaced playfully. “Just wait when you’re having to deal with all this wedding stuff. It’s like having another company—or fiancée!”

  I let out a laugh. “I believe you.” After taking a sip of my drink, I began. “So, I just wanted to deliver the good news to you personally. Amelia decided to give me another chance despite your ill-timed joke.”

  His eyes brightened up. “Aw man, that’s awesome! I’m happy I didn’t manage to screw it up for you,” he chuckled. “But in that case, you gotta bring her to the wedding! Lily’s gonna be so excited that you’re bringing someone. She’s already joked about us adopting you to the family.”

  I let out a hearty laugh. “Hopefully, it won’t go to that. For her sake. She’s already having to put up with your crazy antics.”

  Xavier was beaming. “I know right, I’m so blessed she puts up with me!”

  A FEW DAYS AFTER OUR first date, Amelia and I went bowling and grabbed a few slices of pizza to go. We ate at my place, enjoying each other’s company and sharing new things about ourselves. The situation ended up getting a bit hot and heavy, so I sat us both down and we agreed on waiting three weeks before getting more physical. I felt like I owed it to her and I wanted to make her feel completely secure with me before moving forward. I’d hurt her the first time around—and I refused to do it again. Even accidentally. Together we decided that kissing was okay, but anything further from that was a no-go.

  Just under two weeks after our three week plan, I invited Amelia over for a movie night. I knew we both had been stressed with work or her trying to find one, so I planned a nice evening for us. I rushed back home from work after leaving a little earlier than usual and got started with cooking. Chili cheese nachos, popcorn, M&M’s and brownies—all homemade, except for the M&M’s of course. I was determined to wow her.

  The doorbell rang just as I was putting the nachos in the oven. I took a few brisk steps to it and found a very happy Amelia standing outside. She was dressed in a casual summer dress that hugged her curves perfectly. My mouth almost watered at the sight. The week and a half that we still had left would be harder than I’d thought.

  “Hey,” she smiled and stepped in, placing a soft kiss on my lips. Her plump, rosy lips tasted sweet, like vanilla chapstick. She glanced down at my body and giggled. “Nice apron!”

  I looked down, having completely forgotten that I was wearing a light blue apron with tiny little hearts. Xavier had bought it for me as a joke when I had bought this house. He’d said a house wouldn’t be home without an apron and that it had been time for me to learn the domestic ways.

  “Yeah, another display of Xavier’s humour,” I grinned and shook my head playfully.

  Amelia eyed me up and down and then cocked her head to the side. “I think I’m starting to warm up to him, despite our rocky start.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. He really means well, even if he’s a bit of an asshole at times,” I chuckled. “The food is almost ready. Once the nachos are done I’m gonna throw the brownies in the oven.”

  Her eyes widened. “Brownies? Nachos? What’s all this?”

  I winked. “I told you I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. I’m not just a pretty face you know. I’m domesticated!” I gestured at the apron.

  Amelia threw her head back and roared into laughter before wrapping her arms around me. She delivered a firm kiss to my lips. “I see that. Now, is there anything I can help you with?”

  “You can help me by getting yourself a beer and getting comfortable on the couch. Oh, and you can choose a movie for us to watch!”

  “Aye aye captain,” she grinned and hurried to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of beer for each of us and then seated herself in front of the TV.

  Soon after, I brought the nachos to the living room, placing them in front of us on the coffee table. With plates and napkins on our laps, we started eating and watching the movie of her choice. Spending time with her felt so right and after a long day, it was exactly what I needed.

  As the timer went off again, I hurried back into the kitchen and carried our freshly baked brownies back with me before heading back there to get the popcorn and M&M’s.

  “I hope you like them,” I grinned as I watched Amelia cut into the brownies.

  “These look amazing,” she said with her eyes wide. I grabbed one on my plate and we shifted our attention back to the movie.

  Once we’d eaten to our hearts content, we snuggled up next to each other on the couch. Somehow, the movie seemed to be getting less and less interesting with her body pressed against mine. After an internal fight, I couldn’t distract myself from her anymore. I pressed my lips against hers, and she lowered down on the couch, pulling me on top of her. Her hands were running along my skin as I slipped my tongue into her mouth, my desire for her growing within.

  I was hungry for her and her touch. Amelia started grinding her hips against mine, clearly feeling the exact same way. I lowered my mouth down to her neck, kissing and sucking on it as her moans encouraged me on. She slipped my t-shirt off and reached up to kiss my skin as I yanked her dress down, exposing her white bra. I pulled down the cups, my mouth finding her nipple and circled it with my tongue as she breathed heavily into my hair.

  Amelia immediately started whimpering and her cheeks turned pink and flustered when I slipped my hand between her legs, massaging her through her panties. She looked so irresistible that I wanted to ravage her completely. My erection was growing in my shorts, hard and needy, waiting to break free. I almost entirely lost myself in the moment when a loud noise booming from the TV pulled me back to my senses.

  I released my mouth from her skin and got up, scratching my head in confusion. “Shit. I’m sorry,” I grinned apologetically. I pulled her bra back up and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I really want us to wait until three weeks have passed. It’s been so great.”

  I looked at her, the blush beginning to dissipate from her cheeks. She had an odd expression on her face. “I mean, of course I’d want to continue this right now,” I gestured at us. “You’re absolutely irresistible. But I wanna do this the right way with you.” I sat up next to her and pulled her to me, embracing her.

  Amelia’s head was pressed against my chest and she nodded. “I get what you mean. And I do agree. That was a close call,” she giggled. “I guess I find you irresistible as well.”

  I let go of her, studying her face. Her grey eyes were staring directly at me, straight to my soul. That’s exactly how it felt.

  “How about we agree to see each other only in public places for the remaining time? I don’t trust myself around you, with each passing day I find myself wanting you even more,” I suggested softly and she nodded, biting her lip.

  “I agree.”

  FOR THE FOLLOWING DAYS, we managed to stick to our pact. Instead of spending time at mine, we resorted to going on walks, the movies and out to dinner. Every single time I spent time with her, the air felt more electric than before—I was fighting hard to resist the temptation. I wanted to sneak a touch, a kiss, an embrace every possible chance I could get. It didn’t matter, my body was willing to take anything it could get from her. And she obviously felt the same way. Even a tender kiss caused her to moan and whimper and I could feel her body trembling from the most innocent of touches.

  When we weren’t seeing each other, we were texting. My life became consumed by our relationship, but in a good way. I wasn’t sure if this was a proper relationship yet—but it damn sure felt like one, just without the sex.

  Our texts revolved around how much we liked and desired each oth
er. Every night we repeated the same routine after saying goodbye in person. How much I had wanted to touch her, how much she had wanted me to.

  I’d never been so head over heels for someone and waiting seemed to only intensify the feelings.

  ON WEDNESDAY, XAVIER invited us to dinner at his and Lily’s. It was last minute but we were both free, which wasn’t a surprise since neither of us really had busy social lives. We were just a couple of lone wolves who happened to find each other.

  I got ready after work, dressing in a pair of black tailored pants and a black button-up. I tried to tame my slightly too long blond hair and after futile efforts, stepped outside and picked up Amelia. Luckily for us, her mother had been MIA for the past few weeks, this time apparently in a resort in the Caribbean.

  Amelia stepped outside, looking as beautiful as ever in a black wrap dress. Everything she wore seemed to compliment her curves perfectly. I took her hand and we hopped into a cab and arrived at Xavier’s some time later.

  “Welcome Amelia! Nice to finally meet you,” Xavier grinned as the elevator doors slid open to their penthouse apartment. “I’ve heard a lot about you! I mean, good stuff,” he quickly added when Amelia blushed.

  “Nice to meet you too,” she said shyly, still a bit flushed from Xavier’s poor choice of words.

  We made our way to the living room where Lily greeted us, holding two glasses of wine. Like Xavier, Lily was shorter but with a petite build. She had green eyes which stood out strikingly, paired with her curly auburn hair and caramel skin. Like Xavier, she was from a mixed background: her father was Brazilian and her mother Canadian.

  “Here you go!” She smiled and handed them to us. “I’m so glad to finally meet you Amelia. It’s about time Lucas got back in the game!”

  We sat in the living room for a bit while Lily finished cooking in the kitchen. Amelia’s eyes were scanning their penthouse apartment in awe.

  “What did you say you guys are in business for? This place is insane,” she gasped quietly to me.

  For some reason I didn't feel comfortable revealing the true success of our business—whenever I had in the past, shit would hit the fan. And I didn’t want to go through a Daria debacle 2.0—not that I thought Amelia was anything like her. It was generally just better for me to keep that stuff hidden for the time being, especially since it didn’t even matter. My money meant nothing to me.

  “We have that little business but Xavier’s family is rich,” I explained, immediately feeling a tinge of guilt. Xavier’s family was not rich, at all. “That’s where most of the money comes from.”

  Amelia nodded and continued to admire the apartment. Finally, Lily called us out to the dining room to eat. We all sat down at the table, carrying a light conversation as we ate. Both Lily and Xavier were asking Amelia lots of questions, interested in learning about her more. Time seemed to run fast as we moved onto dessert.

  “The food was absolutely delicious, Lily. You’ve outdone yourself yet again,” I said and patted my stomach playfully as I ate the last spoonful of cheesecake.

  “Yes it was, thank you so much!” Amelia chimed in.

  Lily grinned at us, appearing satisfied with the welcomed reception. “Well, I’m glad you both enjoyed it.” Her face turned more serious and she shot Xavier a distasteful look. “It was the least we could do, especially after his blunder.”

  Xavier raised his hands up in defeat. “I know, I know!”

  His eyes shifted to Amelia. “Really, I want to apologize for making such a bad joke. You’re obviously a great person and I’m happy you two have gotten together,” he grinned. “Plus I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lu head over heels like this!”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw a pink hue appear on Amelia’s cheeks.

  I cleared my throat. “Well, this has been amazing but we better get going.”

  After accepting to take two slices of Lily’s homemade cheesecake with us, and saying goodbye to both of them, we headed back home.

  “It’s definitely convenient that we’re neighbors,” I grinned as I walked her up the steps.

  Amelia nodded and smiled. “Most definitely.”

  I leaned in and kissed her softly, tasting that sweet vanilla taste on her lips. I could’ve spent the rest of my night kissing her but forced myself to pull away. I had something important to ask her.

  “This is long overdue, but would you like to be my date to Xavier’s and Lily’s wedding?”

  Amelia’s grey eyes looked at me intently and then the corners of her mouth twitched and she smiled. “I would love to.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” I whispered to her, kissing her cheek while my hand ran through her hair.

  “Two more days,” Amelia winked and then disappeared inside.

  Xavier was right. I was head over heels.

  Chapter 5


  I stirred awake from a happy dream, my mouth stretched wide in a joyous smile. Yawning, I glanced at my phone, only to be brought back to reality faster than a fat kid chasing an ice cream truck. No! It was already 9 a.m. and I had to be in town for my first ever interview at 9:30. I’d overslept.

  “Why?!” I croaked loudly in my morning voice as I hopped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to shove my toothbrush into my mouth. While I was brushing, I managed to multitask by rummaging through my closet and find at least a somewhat professional outfit to wear.

  I spat and rinsed my mouth, then threw on a black pencil skirt and a light green blouse. Exasperatedly, I checked out my hair in the mirror and admitted defeat. Brushing it would have to do. I finalized my futile attempts at taming it with a clip and secured it.

  By some unknown force, eight minutes after getting out of bed, I climbed into a cab and was on my way. Not to mention I was looking a lot more put together than I thought possible. As the cab zoomed through the streets, I reached inside my purse and pulled out my mascara, before proceeding to shakily apply it. With a final touch of lipstick, I was as ready as I could get. I just hoped it was enough.

  With five minutes to spare, I paid the driver and entered the tall building. My insides were twisting and turning and I was feeling jittery and nervous. As many companies as I had contacted, this was the only one that had gotten back to me so far. I needed to make a great impression. With this job I could soon afford to move out on my own and bid my dear mother goodbye.

  I walked through the marbled front lobby to the elevators and upon inspecting the placard, stepped inside and pressed the button to take me to the 30th floor.

  “You got this,” I whispered to myself right before the doors slid open. I needed that mental pep talk. Stepping out, I made my way to the receptionist who kindly told me to sit down and wait. My eyes skimmed the place and by each passing moment, my insides filled with need: the need to be part of it. Even the office space was everything I had hoped and dreamed of since high school. And I hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet. Today I would either make it—or break it.

  “Ms. Foster,” a tall, lanky man in his forties walked towards me, holding his hand out.

  I got up from my seat and nervously straightened my skirt.

  “Yes, hello,” I greeted him and gave his hand a firm squeeze back.

  First impressions.

  A smile spread across his face. “Mr. James. Nice to meet you. Now, please follow suit and let’s get this interview started. My partner and I have been looking forward to meeting you.”

  AN HOUR LATER I WAS standing outside the building, beaming. The interview had gone better than I could’ve hoped and dreamed. All there was for me to do was wait. Apparently, they were very impressed with my portfolio, as well as my ‘impeccable’ grades.

  I started down the street, feeling like I should reward myself with something nice. You have to celebrate your successes. And although I didn’t exactly have the position yet, I was feeling on top of the world.

  My stride turned to an exhilarated skip, prompting puzzled looks from the passers by as I
squealed internally. I quickly resumed walking normally, the elated feeling in the pit of my stomach still brightening up every last cell in my body. It truly looked like I would be able to start my journey of becoming an architect—sooner than later. And getting to move out on my own would be the cherry on top of the cake. I grinned at the thought and enjoyed the warm August sun on my skin as I browsed the storefront windows for something to buy.

  “Amelia?” a voice boomed from a few feet away and pulled me back from my thoughts. I glanced at the person who it belonged to and my mouth fell open.


  Harvey Pickett, my mom’s ex-husband was standing before me with his arms stretched out. I took a few steps and gave him a warm hug.

  “Funny bumping into you here. Although I say it has been way too long,” he smiled. “How’s my favorite step daughter?”

  “It’s nice seeing you too. And actually, I’m just on my way back from an interview. My first one. Luckily, it went really well!”

  Harvey nodded along to my words. “Well, I think this calls for a little celebration, then. Could I interest you in a cup of coffee and a slice of cake? There’s a nice spot just down the road.”

  I nodded. “That sounds great. We definitely need to catch up.”

  Harvey led us towards our destination as we filled in the recent details of our lives before reaching the coffee shop a few minutes later. He got us both a slice of their famous carrot cake with two coffees, and then we sat down to a free table.

  “So Amelia, tell me about college, how was your graduation and how’s life after it?”

  I took a sip of my coffee. “Yale was everything I had hoped for. All those years of working hard and to finally be rewarded by getting to choose out of six Ivy was a dream come true,” I said and tried the cake before I continued. “And honestly, college was about the same as high school had been for me. Meaning that I was focused on getting good grades. I’m not sure if you know but I graduated with honors and now I’ve been trying to secure an internship here in the city.”


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