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Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2)

Page 14

by T Christensen

  Jordan’s silence said it all. He agreed. Tessa got up from the table and huskily said, “I’ll get myself and Jordis ready. We’ll be ready to leave at nine-thirty.”


  Tessa loved the modern four-bedroom farmhouse they stood in, but she schooled her expression. It was up to Jordan, not her.

  “What do you think, Jordis? Do you like this one?”

  Jordan held a squirming Jordis who wanted nothing more than to get down and explore the staged house.

  “Down, Daddy.”

  Jordan grinned down at her as he did every time she said daddy, but he didn’t relent. “When we get outside, Jordis.”

  Her little face scrunched up, and she crossed her arms. “Outside.”

  Tessa saw the incoming tantrum. “I’ll take her outside while you finish talking to the realtor, Jordan.”

  He ignored her outstretched arms and Jordis’s increasing distressed noises. “What do you think, Tessa?”

  “Whatever you decide is fine, Jordan.”

  His mouth tightened and he looked at the real estate agent. “Davis, will you excuse us for a few minutes? We’re going to step outside.”

  Tessa threw a weak grin at Davis and then followed Jordan out the front door. He was clearly mad, but she didn’t know why.

  By the time she caught up with his long strides, he was putting Jordis down with a warning. “Do not leave the grass, Jordis.” The mutinous expression on her face didn’t bode well, and Jordan must have realized it as well.

  “If you leave the grass, no balls for two sleeps,” he added.

  With that final warning, he let go of Jordis. She immediately left the covered porch and wandered toward a group of bushes that had a bird in them. Jordan turned to her with the same stern expression he’d just used on Jordis.

  “Tessa, do you like this house?”

  She was confused. Hadn’t she already said she did? “Yes, it’s fine.”

  Jordan growled, and she looked from Jordis to him in order to figure out why.

  “Tessa, we’ve seen five houses, and they’ve all been fine.”

  “That’s because they have, Jordan. I don’t know what you want from me.” She threw her hands up in the air.

  “I want you to have a goddamn opinion!”

  Tessa’s stomach knotted. She didn’t want to fight. Choosing her words carefully, she said, “Okay, I thought the first one was a little far from the arena. It would be a long way for you to commute. The third one didn’t have much of a yard for Jordis to play in, but we don’t have one at all now, so if that’s the one you like, it would be . . .” Tessa had been about to say fine, but she quickly changed her words. “If that’s the one you like, we would make it work.”

  Jordan’s body was coiled tight, and his nostrils flared. “Which house do you like the best, Tessa?”

  This one, she wanted to scream. It was also the most expensive house, and she had learned her lesson about taking or spending Jordan’s money.

  “I think Jordis would be happy in any of them.”

  “I didn’t ask about Jordis. I asked which one you liked. Why are you so hesitant to tell me? It’s going to be your home.”

  Jordan had softened his tone, but it still had an edge, and his eyes bored into hers. Tessa looked away and focused on Jordis.

  He gripped her chin and turned it back to his brooding intensity. “She’s fine.”

  Tessa knew he wouldn’t let her escape without answering.

  “I’ve lived in that three-bedroom apartment my entire life, Jordan. So when I say any of them would be fine, I mean it.”

  And she did mean it, but this house called to her, and she silently willed him to pick it.

  The grip on her chin tightened, and Jordan raised his head as if seeking divine intervention. “Which one, Tessa?” he growled.

  She was tired of him pushing her and swiped his hand off her chin. Putting her hands on her hips, she took a step back.

  “Look Jordan, it’s your money and your decision. It doesn’t matter what I think.”

  He appeared stunned as he raked a hand through his hair.

  “Tessa, it’s obvious you don’t like the penthouse. I don’t want you to hate where you live. We wouldn’t have gone to any houses that we couldn’t afford, and it does matter what you think.”

  Jordan seemed earnest, but Tessa was still hesitant. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to one of the benches sitting on a cement slab. This time both hands came up and cupped her cheeks. His thumbs stroked her lips. “Come on, Tessa. I really want to know what you think.”

  “This one,” she breathed out.

  Jordan grinned. “Me too. Let’s go put together an offer.” He got up and dragged her toward where Jordis played.

  Spending two million dollars on a house gave Tessa heart palpitations. “Don’t you think we should think about this some more?”

  Jordan paused and looked over his shoulder at her. “Why?”

  Seriously? Tessa flailed around her arms. “Um, because you can’t impulse buy a two-million-dollar house!”

  Jordan snorted as he picked up Jordis and then brought them all back into the house, where they promptly bought the two-million-dollar home.


  Chapter 28


  Tessa took a deep breath to rid herself of the ever-present ball of tightness in her chest. The changes had been coming fast and furious, and the latest declaration from Jordan was one she couldn’t have heard correctly.

  “Did you just say you were leaving and your mom is going to go furniture shopping with me?”

  Jordan’s pre-season practices were starting, which meant he wouldn’t be there during the day anymore. She’d actually come to depend on his take-charge, confident personality to help her through all the transitions.

  But Christina coming shopping with her and the interior designer he’d hired was not happening.


  She shook her head. “No.”

  Jordan stopped making his smoothie and stared across the counter at her. “She wants to do this, Tessa.”

  Tessa snorted and looked back at him, just as serious. “No.”

  Jordan clenched his jaw, something she hadn’t seen in a while. The pressure in her chest increased.

  Over the last couple of weeks, they’d reached a state of easy peace. They both went out of their way not to upset one another. Once the lights were off and they were in bed, it was like they were totally different people. They always reached for each other, and there was no holding back.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She froze at his question. Christina was a subject they never discussed for obvious reasons. Jordan’s question seemed like a minefield, but she answered honestly, albeit with caution.

  “Yes, but I don’t trust your mom.”

  Tessa was aware of how close she was to crossing the line of not talking about the past, but she didn’t want to do this. Jordan had to know she wouldn’t want to be with his mom.

  His eyes narrowed, and his voice deepened. “My mom won’t do anything to jeopardize her relationship with her granddaughter.”

  Tessa looked away and stared into the lush green backyard. Biting her lip, she forced herself to stop talking and think about what she should say.

  They could bury the past all they wanted, but it was still there, especially when Christina’s name was mentioned. Could she be with her for an entire day? Did she want Jordis to have a close relationship with the woman who hadn’t even wanted her to exist? Tessa wasn’t sure she did, but she couldn’t tell Jordan she didn’t want Jordis around his mom. She tried another tactic to get out of spending the day with her.

  “You do remember that Jordis isn’t coming? She’s going to be at my mom’s.”

  “I know. This is a good time for you to learn to get along with my mom.”

  Sharp, hot anger cut through her anxiety, and for once, she didn’t think about h
er words before speaking. “No, Jordan. It’s time for her to learn to get along with me.”

  She slammed her cup onto the counter and strode from the kitchen before either one of them could say anything else.


  It was worse than she’d imagined, and Tessa was about ready to lose it. The interior designer, Tina Fowler, was condescending. It had started as soon as she’d met the six-foot Polynesian beauty at the upscale furniture store. Her office was there, and she had greeted Tessa when she arrived. She’d said all the right words, but her haughty tone had set her on edge.

  Tessa had dressed in what she’d thought of as fancy jeans, a lightweight sweater, and white Converse shoes. Tina was dressed like she was an executive in a multimillion-dollar corporation. Her form-fitting black cashmere sweater was neatly tucked into her wide-leg tailored black dress pants that were the exact length for her black heels. Her layered gold necklaces and diamond hoop earrings were the only color on the sophisticated designer.

  Tina looked her up and down as she extended her hand. “Tessa? It’s good you dressed comfortably. We’re going to be very busy.”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond. The words sounded okay even if they were unnecessary, but the tone conveyed the message that she couldn’t believe she’d stepped out of the house dressed like that.

  When Christina walked in, Tina greeted her like she was the queen of England.

  “Mrs. Davis. I’m happy to see you.” She bent down to give her an air kiss.

  It was apparent that they knew each other. Her decision to give Christina a chance was already blowing up in her face. Her protective shields rose around her, and she refused to let either of them know how uncomfortable she felt.

  Tessa plastered a smile on her face. “Do you two know each other?”

  Christina chuckled. “Oh dear, you don’t think Jordan knows designers, do you? I introduced Tina and Jordan when she did his penthouse. Of course, he was too busy to work day-to-day with Tina, so we worked closely together.”

  With a self-satisfied smirk, Tina spoke up. “Jordan and I did get to know each other. I know his tastes,” she said, looking down her nose at Tessa.

  Anger exploded in her. She was working with her mother-in-law who obviously wasn’t ready to bury the hatchet and a designer who’d slept with her husband? Her immediate reaction was to tell them both to fuck off, but she knew Christina. Somehow this would come back on her. She pretended Tina’s insinuation flew over her head.

  With as much enthusiasm as she could muster, Tessa said, “So, what do we do first?”

  Tina became brisk. “First, we walk through the showroom, so I get to know your taste and color preferences. Then I’ll start to point out some things that will work in your home.”

  “If you haven’t been there, how would you know what will work?”

  Christina’s brittle, condescending laugh grated on her nerves. “Oh dear, I forget how new you are to this world. Tina already has a floor plan that she has studied. She could do this without your opinions, but Jordan wanted you involved.”

  The entire day went like that. Tessa would point something out, Christina would make a passive-aggressive comment, and Tina would nod her head in agreement as she made notes.

  “Isn’t that a little 80s?”

  “Jordan likes more modern pieces, dear.”

  “Gray is the color now, Tessa, not brown.”

  When they were looking at furniture for Jordis’s room, Tessa reached her limit. “I like this bunk bed. Jordis would love to have a basketball hoop underneath it.”

  A long sigh came from Christina, and Tina tried to talk her out of it. “Tessa, are you sure she wouldn’t like something more girly? There’s plenty of space in the house for a playroom, and you could make a basketball court in the backyard.”

  “I think I know what my daughter would like.” Tessa made it a point to stare directly at Christina. “I’ve known her for three years, while you barely know her.”

  She turned her attention to Tina. “Thank you for your time today. I have the project from here.”

  For the first time that day, Tessa saw a real reaction from her—worry. Tina cemented Tessa’s decision when she looked over at Christina.

  “Can she do that?”

  Christina responded like she wasn’t there. “Don’t worry, Tina. She’ll come back when she understands how in over her head she is.”

  Tessa drew herself up and spoke as haughtily as the two women had all morning. “It is my and Jordan’s house. I can do whatever the hell I want.”

  She turned and walked out. Her relief as soon as she stepped into the hot California sun made her body shaky as she released all the morning's stress and anxiety.


  Chapter 29


  Tessa went to get Jordis from her mom’s in Jordan’s black Audi A6. It was a quiet and smooth ride. The best thing about the Audi was that it still had that new car smell. She loved it, but she had to remember that it wasn’t hers.

  Tessa had reminded herself of that a lot lately. The house was new, and everything in it was new. It was unnerving how quickly her life had changed and how readily she had adapted to all the luxuries. If she and Jordan got divorced, none of these things would be hers. There was no use becoming attached to them.

  It was good to visit the apartment and surround herself with the feeling of home. There was comfort in knowing if something happened with her and Jordan, the apartment would always be there.

  After collecting Jordis, they were on their way to the house. She needed to get home and fix supper. Jordan had said he could hire a cook, but to her surprise, she enjoyed the kitchen. Cooking was a different experience with room to spread out, and she had carte blanche at the grocery store.

  It was also something fun for her and Jordis to do together. They were cooking lasagna for the first time tonight and had just started the layers when Jordan walked in. Jordis immediately climbed down off her stool and ran over to him.


  Jordan swept her up. “Did you have a good day, sweetie?”

  “I bake cookies!”

  Jordis’s face was lit up, and Jordan chuckled as he carried her back over to the counter. “Do I get to have any?”

  “Yes!” Then her face scrunched up in a scowl. “Mommy said I can’t have.”

  Jordan looked at her inquiringly, and Tessa clarified, “Mommy said you can’t have any until after dinner.”

  “I want now!”

  “Jordis, your mom said after dinner.” Tessa kept her head down, working on the lasagna. It was still a relief whenever Jordan backed her up. It was so refreshing not to always have to be the bad guy.

  Jordan set Jordis back up on the stool. “Don’t you have to finish making me dinner? What are you making?”

  The diversion worked. Jordis forgot about her desire for a cookie and worked happily with Tessa. When the lasagna was in the oven, she declared she was going to play basketball.

  “Daddy, play?”

  Jordan’s face still softened every time she called him daddy. Wistfully, she remembered the days when he looked at her with that expression. Burying the pang of sadness, Tessa reminded herself she should be happy Jordan was no longer out for blood.

  “You practice dribbling, Jordis. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

  She sped out of the kitchen. Tessa cleaned up while fortifying her defenses. It was still strained when she and Jordan were alone. Since he’d sent Jordis away, it probably meant she wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

  Tessa could feel his eyes on her as she put things away. The tension ratcheted up with every noise that highlighted the silence between them. It was a relief when Jordan finally spoke until she heard what he had to say.

  “Help me understand why you fired the designer. Was it pettiness? A way to piss off my mom?”

  Anger battled with sharp jabs of hurt. Once again she wa
s determined to be guilty without a trial. It would never change. It wouldn’t matter what she said. She would always be in the wrong, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t defend herself.

  “Don’t you find it odd that your mom called you about this, Jordan?”

  He tensed his jaw and locked eyes with her. “She just wants me to know that you’re still petty and manipulative.”

  Tessa reared back with how easily he’d hurled the insult at her. Dropping the dish towel onto the counter, she pushed the words out around the emotions piling up in her throat.

  “Mission accomplished.”

  And then she walked out just in time. Silent tears were already escaping down her face.

  Jordan barked to her retreating back, “Get back here and discuss this like an adult, Tessa.”

  Like the petty child she was, Tessa kept walking while she replied, “No. Jordis is waiting for you. Go play with her.”


  Dinner was strained, to say the least. Tessa had taken the time while the lasagna cooked to stop her tears and let an emotional numbness overtake her. She’d shut down any thoughts about her conversation with Jordan.

  Tessa pretended he wasn’t at the table. All of her focus was on her daughter, who was currently telling her about dunking the ball. Not looking at Jordan, she put as much enthusiasm into her voice as she could muster.

  “That’s great, Jordis. Why don’t you tell Daddy about what you did with the nanas today?”

  As soon as Jordis started talking, Tessa got up and began gathering plates to take to the sink. By the time Jordis had detailed every part of her day, Tessa was blissfully doing the dishes with her back to the table. The kitchen was big enough that the breakfast nook where they ate most of their meals was like another room. She could hear what they were saying, but the air was less constricting.


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