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Puck Performance: BTU Alumni Series Book #4

Page 19

by Ciz, Alley

  “This is a cute look on you, Sweet Potato.” He taps the brim and angles his face under it to place a searing kiss on my lips.

  “Hope you don’t mind I borrowed it.” I wipe a streak of lip gloss from the corner of his mouth.

  “Not even a little bit. You look good in black and gray.” He winks and I melt, like always. “I like seeing you in my things, letting the whole world know you’re mine with my name on your back.”

  “Does that mean the other thousand or so people rocking Donnelly Storm jerseys are yours too, Hemmy?” Jase drops his head with a groan at Becky’s taunt.

  “Beck, why do you always start trouble?”

  “It is my middle name,” she states proudly, and Zoey says, “Me too.” Now I’m the one groaning.

  “It’s not, but it should be. It suits you better than Danielle, that’s for sure.”

  “Look at you, remembering middle names.” Becky reaches out to pat his cheek patronizingly. “But to answer your question, Gem and I are here on a recruiting mission.”

  “Balboa!” I jump at Jase’s sudden shout.

  “What’s up, bestie?” Rocky asks after she and Gage make it to our table.

  “Can you please remove your other best friend from the vicinity?” A muscular arm wraps around my back, but I feel him wince as I snuggle into his side. He took a nasty hit in the second period, and it must have left a bruise.

  “Is she picking on you for the loss? You can’t win them all, Jase. Plus, it’s not our fault you play for the wrong team.”

  “Funny, Rock, but no. She’s over here trying to add to your ranks. I’m pretty sure Becky approving membership to The Coven is one of the signs of the apocalypse.”

  “I swear your picture should be next to the word exaggerator in the dictionary,” Rocky says but motions for Becky to get up.

  “We could always ask Maddey to check to see if it is.” The unexpected comment from Gage has everyone laughing.

  “My man.” Jase holds out a fist for him to bump. “We’re finally starting to rub off on you.”

  “Oooh, now that’s a visual,” Zoey says, and I shoo her out of the booth as well.

  “I sure hope you let your trainers check out those ribs earlier. You know I’m not afraid to make a call if I have to,” Rocky calls over her shoulder as she takes the troublemakers away.

  It might not be the best decision to let Zoey and Becky go off together, but I prefer to enjoy the night with my boyfriend without having to fend off innuendos the whole time.

  “Damn Coven,” Jase curses. If he was trying to hide the fact that he’s injured, he isn’t doing a good job of it. Plus, he’s told me multiple entertaining stories of how Rocky has caught all of them attempting to play off being hurt and failing at one point or another.

  When he pulls me in again, I’m more conscious of hurting him and place a hand on his chest. He’s solid muscle, and I absentmindedly run a finger along the buttons of his pinstriped shirt.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask.” Jase snakes a hand under the wide sleeve of my jersey, tracing patterns down to my elbow and back.

  “Afraid to ask what?” It takes a moment to focus on his words and not the tingles his touch makes me feel.

  “If you still want to be my girlfriend after tonight.”

  Used to his exaggerating nature, I can’t help but tease him a little. “You mean because you lost to your brother?” I feign a disappointed pout.

  A veil falls over his hazel eyes, but it disappears so quickly I can’t tell if it was real or a trick of the light. Teasing him over a loss is a staple of our banter—hello, proud Boston fan, remember?—so I don’t know why this would be any different.

  I think maybe my guilty conscience is starting to play tricks on me.

  “No.” His lips quirk, and there’s my cocky boyfriend. “I just want to make sure you weren’t scared away by my crazy family.”

  I cast a quick glance at Gemma across the table, but she and Ella are lost in their own conversation.

  “No way. I love them.” His eyes flash at the words, and it takes considerable effort not to tell him they aren’t the only ones I love. It’s not fair to say it before revealing my secret.

  I tell him all about my time in the suite, from Sean and Carlee’s antics to how absolutely adorable his nieces are. He playfully shudders when Gemma chimes in to say they officially made me a member of The Coven, but the look of pride reflected on his face is unmistakable.

  This weekend has been a fairytale. Too bad my secret feels like the Evil Queen’s poison apple.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  BROADWAY BABY: Question.

  THE BIG HAMMER: You forgot your question mark.

  BROADWAY BABY: Funny. But for reals. I need to know…how committed are you to me?

  THE BIG HAMMER: I feel like this is a trick question, Sweet Potato.

  BROADWAY BABY: I promise it’s not.

  THE BIG HAMMER: If you’re asking if I’m seeing anyone else, the answer is a big HELL NO.

  THE BIG HAMMER: And if this your roundabout way of asking me if I’m okay with you seeing other people, the answer would be an even bigger HELL FUCKING NO.

  BROADWAY BABY: Relax there, All-Star. You’re the only guy for me.


  BROADWAY BABY: At least…


  THE BIG HAMMER: I knew you getting added to the Coven Conversations wasn’t going to be good for me. You’re over here texting me like Becky about a topic that is ruining my Tim Hortons experience, baby.

  BROADWAY BABY: Sorry, babe. Ooo, now I want a donut *donut emoji*


  BROADWAY BABY: Sorry. Okay, so I’m not trying to jump the gun at all and assume things.

  BROADWAY BABY: And I don’t want you to feel pressured at all or think I’ve turned into some stage-5 clinger or anything.

  BROADWAY BABY: I’m just curious, and…

  THE BIG HAMMER: Wow. I didn’t think it was possible to ramble in text form, but look at you totally pulling it off.

  BROADWAY BABY: Sorry again. Okay, so say we are together for a while, like for years…

  THE BIG HAMMER: Okay, this is more along the lines of what I like to hear. Keep going.

  BROADWAY BABY: Well, okay good. So say we are together for years—would it make you mad if I left you in, say, about 9 years?

  THE BIG HAMMER: Excuse me? **rubs eyes** Hold on. I HAD to have heard that wrong.

  BROADWAY BABY: Read, All-Star. Remember you can’t hear a text.


  BROADWAY BABY: Oh wow, this is so much more fun than I thought.

  THE BIG HAMMER: You are in so much trouble when we get back from this road trip. I’m going to spank your ass for torturing me.

  BROADWAY BABY: Ooo, Loverboy, that’s hot.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Hey, Zoey.

  BROADWAY BABY: Hey there, hot stuff.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Normally I wouldn’t like you cutting in on my time talking to my girl, but since she’s not really telling me anything, do you think you could tell me why Mels would say she wants to commit to being with me for years only to break up?

  BROADWAY BABY: Oh. That’s easy. She wants your brother.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Come again?

  BROADWAY BABY: Now, now. Save the dirty talk for when I haven’t stolen your girlfriend’s phone. I’m just saying your bro has hella game.

  THE BIG HAMMER: If that’s really the case, why wait 9 years? Ryan is single and clearly the better of the two of us.


  THE BIG HAMMER: Yeah, Ryan. You know, my older brother, plays for the Blizzards? Mr. Captain America himself.

  THE BIG HAMMER: *GIF of Marvel’s Captain America pulling apart firewood with his hands*

  BROADWAY BABY: *GIF of woman spitting out water*

  BROADWAY BABY: She doesn’t want Ryan.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Okay, now I’m really confused. And I r
oom with Cali, so that’s saying something.

  BROADWAY BABY: She has to wait 9 years until it’s legal. Then she and Sean are going to ride off into the sunset together.

  THE BIG HAMMER: I’m officially done with this conversation.

  * * *

  THE BIG HAMMER: How’s the forbidden romance going?



  BROADWAY BABY: Oh! There’s nothing forbidden about our relationship. I’m not pursuing him for another 9 years.

  THE BIG HAMMER: So what do you call all the screenshots he’s been sending me of your conversations?


  THE BIG HAMMER: Yeah. That.

  BROADWAY BABY: We call that laying the foundation.

  THE BIG HAMMER: No wonder Maddey has us reading an age-gap romance for book club, even though I guess technically yours is a reverse age gap.

  BROADWAY BABY: LJ Shen’s Scandalous is one of my favorite books. I love the Hotholes. They are amazing. Why else do you think Madz was okay with doing a reread for book club?

  THE BIG HAMMER: I knew you were the influence in this week’s pick.

  THE BIG HAMMER: I’m starting to think Sammy has the right idea.


  THE BIG HAMMER: Marrying a dude. Chicks are crazy.

  BROADWAY BABY: Whatever. You love me anyway.

  THE BIG HAMMER: That’s a bold claim coming from someone telling me they want my brother, who is still in elementary school.

  BROADWAY BABY: *GIF of Elmo shrugging*

  THE BIG HAMMER: You talk this big game about leaving me for my younger brother, but I don’t have to worry.

  BROADWAY BABY: Oh yeah? And why’s that?

  THE BIG HAMMER: One word.


  * * *

  BROADWAY BABY: You in a better mood now?

  THE BIG HAMMER: When was I in a bad mood?

  BROADWAY BABY: When you were texting me during my lunch. You were a little off. Did Cali do something?

  THE BIG HAMMER: I can’t tell you how much I adore how you jump right to that conclusion.

  BROADWAY BABY: *shrugging emoji* I do live with the female equivalent of him.

  THE BIG HAMMER: This is true.

  BROADWAY BABY: So…you wanna tell me what had you in a bad mood?

  THE BIG HAMMER: *GIF of dancing potatoes saying, “Taters gonna tate.”*

  BROADWAY BABY: I was wondering when you were gonna hit me with a potato reference. It’s been a minute.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Can’t go too long without it. It’s our thing, Sweet Potato.

  BROADWAY BABY: It really makes me question what type of people it makes us that potatoes are our thing.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Awesome. It makes us awesome.

  BROADWAY BABY: I’m more than okay with this. Now tell me who the hater is?

  THE BIG HAMMER: It’s stupid.

  BROADWAY BABY: If it’s bugging you, it’s not stupid. Spill.

  THE BIG HAMMER: It’s nothing I haven’t experienced before. I’ll get over it and it’ll blow over.

  BROADWAY BABY: Don’t make me call in reinforcements.

  BROADWAY BABY: *GIF of Coven members walking*

  THE BIG HAMMER: **groans** You are an evil woman, baby.

  BROADWAY BABY: It’s a gift. Now tell me.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Fine, but only to get it out of the way so we can get to the good stuff.

  BROADWAY BABY: The good stuff?

  THE BIG HAMMER: Sexting of course. What are you wearing?

  BROADWAY BABY: No, no. There will be none of that until you tell me what I want to know first.

  THE BIG HAMMER: Fine, but only because it means I get to see your pretty face after.


  THE BIG HAMMER: And your boobs.

  BROADWAY BABY: Yeah that sounds more like you.

  THE BIG HAMMER: JD officially put me on social media timeout.

  BROADWAY BABY: That’s why you’re in a bad mood? Because you can’t Snap or Tweet?

  THE BIG HAMMER: No. I couldn’t care less about that.


  THE BIG HAMMER: Nate Bishop is trying to start a Twitter war posting memes of me skating on Ryan’s coattails and stuff.

  BROADWAY BABY: *picture of Melody in only a hot pink bra*

  THE BIG HAMMER: Bad mood gone.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight



  I finish buttoning the last button on my white Oxford shirt before reaching into my locker for my phone. I’m dog-ass tired, but the high from today’s win will be enough to get me through the rest of the day.

  BROADWAY BABY: Guess where I am?

  BROADWAY BABY: *picture of Melody in front of the Storm mural in the tunnels of the Garden*

  “Oh, man. I know that look.” Cali chuckles, clapping me on the back.

  “What look?” I shrug him off to slip into my suit jacket.

  “You get this lovey-dovey look on your face any time you text with your girl.”

  I want to say I’m a man and we don’t do the whole lovey-dovey thing he’s accusing me of, but deep down I know he’s right. I’m ass over head in love with Melody—if only I could find my balls and actually say the words.

  For weeks Mels and I have been dancing around our feelings. Any time one of us has made an offhand comment about love, it’s either been ignored or the subject is changed.

  Who knows though? Maybe today everything will change.

  “Guess that means you’re not coming out for beers?” Cali prods.

  I give him a what do you think? look.

  Spending time with a bunch of hockey players or taking advantage of the rare opportunity to spend time with my girl? Yeah, no contest.

  Mels and I have been squeezing in time together whenever we can. It’s not easy, but we do our best to make it work. As we enter our final full month before the playoffs and she inches closer to opening night, free time is hard to come by.

  Taking advantage of a rare afternoon game for me and her being out of rehearsals early? Sign me the fuck up.

  “I wouldn’t think a guy with a harem would know how to do lovey-dovey.” I grit my teeth at the dig from the new winger the Storm acquired from Boston before the trade deadline.

  After losing one of our own top wingers to a season-ending injury, the trade for Fallon was a crucial move if we wanted to continue our push for the Cup, but of all the players the front office could have selected, he’s one of the worst.

  It isn’t that he came from Boston—players get traded or move to rival teams on their own; it’s the nature of the business. No, he sucks as the pick because he’s best friends with Nate Bishop, and if his comment wasn’t proof enough for you, I’ll tell you he is just as much of a twat waffle.

  “I see you get your information from the same fake news sources as your boy Bishop.” It takes everything inside me not to get in his face. “But for the sake of the team and all, how about you just keep my name out of your mouth and we’ll be okay.”

  “Aww, Donnelly, don’t like hearing about your man-whore ways?” I want nothing more than to knock the smarmy smile off his face. “From what I hear, being easy runs in your family. Must be a twin thing.”


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