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The Vampire's Heart

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by Breaker, Cochin

  The Vampire’s Heart


  Cochin Breaker

  Published by Cochin Breaker for Amazon Kindle

  Copyright 2010 Cochin Breaker

  ISBN: 978-1-4523-2172-1 (EPUB)

  Kindle Edition, License Notes

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  - The Legion Legacy -

  Part One: The Vampire’s Heart

  Part Two: Darkness Rising

  Part Three: Godblood

  Part Four: The Dead Wolf

  other works by Cochin Breaker

  Kingdom of Heresy

  Find out what the future holds on the Facebook!





  - Angel-Mexis -

  1,573 days until the birth of a god

  14th day of Spring-Rise, 1533

  I am Angel-Mexis, and they will not break me with their vicious games.

  It is past midnight and the birth is at last done. I know this because Emmerall in the next cell has finally quietened her screaming. All I can hear now is the muffled sound of the babe’s squeal and the faintest whisper of voices. The walls here are too thick to be able to hear anything specific, but I heard ‘her’ voice earlier. I hate Sister Marn-Theun. She is by far the worst of the women here. She’ll do things to us that even the Fathers would not–

  The baby’s squall is suddenly cut off, only to be replaced by the hysterical screaming of Emmerall. I think this is the worst bit for me. Poor Emmerall, to have pregnancy forced on her, and then to have the babe taken immediately after the ordeal of the birth. This is the third time the Sister has done this; she must think that I’ll give up my heathen ways once I can’t bear the tragedy any more. She is wrong. She is making my hatred for the Calcian faith ever stronger.

  I wonder how long she has been doing this. Is it just for me or has she done this for years?

  She is a killer of the innocent because of their heritage. Many a new-born babe has died by her hand, as have their mothers. The worst thing about Marn-Theun is that she is so righteous. She never has a single doubt about what she is doing.

  After a few sobbed screams of pain Emmerall joins her babe in eternal silence. She, like the babe, was innocent. She shouldn’t have been here. From what I understand, she was raped, and she has now been murdered because of it. How can the goddess Calcia allow Marn-Theun to get away with this? There are so many reasons I will never become a Calcian. The silence from the adjacent cell is cold and lifeless now.

  All the captives at the Lighthouse are given lessons in ‘Calcian Lore’ wherein the Calcians attempt to convert us to their ways and beliefs. Most of the prisoners are sent by parents or village leaders or the city Macers, although some do come under their own volition. All of us that do not take to Calcia’s following regret having to come here.

  Of the girls that are pregnant by nefarious means, once they have given birth they are rarely seen again unless they have accepted sisterhood. That is something that I personally believe is a fate far worse than death. The gift of death is a blessing compared to being forced to follow a religion you have no faith in.

  I am not here because I am carrying child though. I did not have the interest of a man that my parents disagreed with. It was my parents that sent me here, however.

  I am a Pagan, and apparently my beliefs aren’t normal. The problem my parents have is that I can use magic so easily. My mother is adamant that I should follow Calcia.

  That is something that will never happen.

  1,549 days until the birth of a god

  38th day of Spring-Rise, 1533

  I’m in my dormitory-come-cell at the moment, waiting for my chance to escape. Tonight I make my breakout from the Lighthouse; tonight I suffer no longer. I have been here for three long seasons at the mercy of Sister Marn-Theun, and I will avenge all who have been murdered by her evil hands. I will then slip away into the night. It won’t be easy though.

  Since arriving here I have been working on my escape. Usually the Fathers come and drain away most of a prisoner’s magical power, so that they cannot defend themselves. I’ve been storing up magical energy in one of the bars of my window, hiding it amongst the enchantments they have upon them. Tonight I shall draw upon that stored magic and make my escape.

  I have been naked for the past three seasons, only taking to wrapping myself in blankets during the wintertime. The Calcians burned all of my possessions and tried to make me wear their Calcian robes. Like their faith, I have always rejected their robes, which is why I’ve been at the disposal of the Fathers. They often use me to satisfy their urges. My refusal also made me the subject of Sister Marn-Theun’s severity.

  Tonight I will at last be able to overpower her. My magic will be whole again, and she will see the strength in me for the first time. It is she who will scream for a change.

  Despite my intense hatred for the woman, I can’t help but worry that by ridding the world of her I’ll sully myself beyond recognition. It is true to say that I’ve never been to either of the poles of good and bad; I weave between them, near the centre line. I recall once, four or five years ago, I stole a piece of fruit from a stall in Rudra. I wasn’t hungry, and I had no actual need for it. I kept stealing for seasons after. Not just fruit though, anything, even things I didn’t even have use for. I don’t know when I stopped, but eventually I did.

  Marn-Theun is evil and she has committed crimes against life itself. It may not be the wishes of my gods, but it needs to be done. I am resolved to do what I feel I must. I am resolved.

  I will have to wait until she is inside my cell and the door is locked before I can exact my revenge though, and that could be either extremely difficult or extremely easy to accomplish. She should be here within a mid-hour if my judging of the moon is correct. I can see it, and the surrounding blue sparks, out of the barred window in a small portion of the semi-lit sky. If I look down I can see the hard and cobbled courtyard some fifty feet below.

  I place my hands on the bars, grasping them tightly. Immediately I can feel the enchantments lurking within, and below those, my own store of magical power. The bars had been spelled centuries ago so that they could not be removed, as had the walls and door. It made the Lighthouse a very sturdy, un-perished structure. It also makes my escape possible.

  I drain the stored power from the bars, imbuing myself with magical ability far beyond that of any Calcian.


  I listen intently, hearing footsteps coming down the hallway towards me. If it’s Marn-Theun, she’ll stop off in Jacinth’s cell to do her brief checks. Jacinth had come in two days ago, pregnant from the attentions of her lecherous uncle. I have listened a lot during the last three seasons, as there was little else to do once I’d been imprisoned. The wall, though spelled against destruction, did nothing to hinder my magically augmented hearing.

  The footsteps, as I expect, come to a stop a little up the hallway, but only for a few moments. Soon Marn-Theun had come to a stop outside my cell. As the key enters the lock I hear the dreaded Sister begin reciting a prayer in the name of Calcia, the goddess I shun.

  I let the magic enhancing my hearing go. The small amount of wasted power returns to the world after an instant lingering in the air around me.

  The door opens swiftly and Siste
r Marn-Theun rustles in while the door is pulled hastily closed by unseen hands. She stands in front of the curved wall as the door is locked at her back. The righteous fire in her eyes burns brightly, lending passion to her dour face.

  “Good evening young lady, I trust you are well?”

  “You having nothing of my trust, and even less interest in my well being,” I reply curtly. It’s so hard keeping my emotions in check.

  “Well, if only you weren’t so stubborn, then maybe your stay here could be made more comfortable. We’d all like that now, wouldn’t we?” This was Marn-Theun’s way; to patronize and goad. It is just one of many things that I hate her for. The Sister never reveals any emotion beyond love for her goddess, and she never allows her prisoners any idea regarding what is going on inside her twisted head. She is even sparing with her blinking, keeping those fire bright blue eyes on me for as long as possible.

  “I’m sure we would, but I can’t see it happening too soon, can you?” I say in a jovial and light tone, despite what I’m feeling inside. Provoking Marn-Theun is the only pleasure I get at the Lighthouse, even though the chastisement is terrible. However, tonight I will go unpunished.

  “Please do not take that tone with me. I only want to help you. Please, let me call for some robes for you. You must surely be cold like that,” the Sister said. I imagine she’d smile now, if she were capable.

  The idea of dressing as one of them makes me shudder, and shake my head. Those robes and everything they signify disgust me. To wear them you’re supposed to be a virgin, but so few of the Sisters are. They prefer to say that their souls are untouched by man. The robes are long, black and enveloping, made of starched crushed silk. Even the slightest movement would produce a hefty rustle. Their hair is supposed to be scraped back over the scalp, but at night they settle for a loose ponytail. It seems that Calcians do not care much for their own dogma.

  I can feel the bile welling up inside me. I try to remain calm but the rage inside is beginning to take over.

  “Keep your foul robes! I would rather freeze to death than look like one of you and yours.”

  “Well now, that is a pity, isn’t it? You know the punishment for disrespecting your superiors. Come to me child.” She beckons to me while she speaks.

  “Disrespecting my superiors?” I scream, “I am far advanced compared to the likes of you and your pathetic kind!”

  Marn-Theun’s eyes narrow viciously.

  “Now child, please do not speak in such tones. I would hate to have to bring the guards in here to restrain you whilst you receive your punishment.”

  “If you do, you’ll wish to the gods–”

  “Calcia is the one true Goddess,” the sister cuts over me in a neutral tone, as though she’s just repeating a standard line.

  “Very well, you will wish to your Calcia that you hadn’t called them. I will make you suffer so much more if you do.”

  “The language of threats is a poor one spoken by those of a lower calling than ours. You will never become a good Calcian with that mouth,” Theun retorts, oblivious to the threat I pose.

  She is a hypocrite. Moments ago she threatened me. That is another reason I hate her and her kind, they are hypocrites through and through.

  “Good, I will never worship the betrayer Calcia!” I shout, completely losing control.

  The fire in the Sister’s eyes roars. Her jaw sets and she reaches for the sword at her heavily robed hip, half drawing it before I’m upon her. I’ve already cast and the spell is beginning to take effect as I bear her to the ground.

  Marn-Theun just looks at me with those fiery blue eyes, her face the picture of calm. Her eyes close for a moment as she cast a swift spell; presumably a call for help.

  When she opens her eyes again she sees what I am changing into, and though it does not show on her face, I know Marn-Theun must be scared. I can’t attack because of the physical change, but Marn-Theun is too busy with prayers to Calcia to take the advantage. I’m at the crux point of the casting, where my bones and joints are reshaping to accommodate my new figure.

  With a painful crack as my spine shifts again, the transformation is completed, and now Sister Marn-Theun isn’t looking at a naked fourteen year old girl anymore, she’s looking at a three foot tall at the shoulder black panther, poised to attack its prey, hungry for far too long to resist.

  I pounce and slam into her chest. My front paws drive the air from her lungs and bludgeon her against the wall once again. With her pinned I look into those blue eyes and lash down with my jaws, biting into the soft flesh of her arm. Again and again I bite, but she makes no noise. She just accepts what I’m doing to her. The taste of blood in my mouth is disgusting and I want to be sick, but the venom inside keeps me attacking. The bone splinters with an audible crack, and her arm comes free in my maw. I toss it aside and start on the next limb.

  She is still alive and conscious as I gnaw off her other arm and start on her leg. Never once does she cry out. Never once do I get that satisfaction.

  The door opens, surprising me. I was too engrossed in my revenge to have foreseen it. The door knocks the body of Theun sideways as a couple of guards storm in. I turn my head to look at them, and they physically wilt when they see my sleek black muscled body covered in blood.

  I pad out of the door as the guards are no threat to me. Both rush to help the doomed Sister. I’d wager that none here even recognise what I’ve turned into; the panther was hunted to extinction about three hundred years ago. Its natural home, in the Draeg Woods, was the prime hunting grounds for the sport hunters of Tarse.

  I head off down the hallways, passing by countless doors to girls that shouldn’t be here.


  I’m hurrying along the circular halls, desperately looking for the stairs leading down. The Lighthouse, the place of my imprisonment, is set out with far more complexity than I had originally imagined. I had expected a single ring-shaped corridor with rooms on either side, but what I find is far more difficult to navigate while running. I’ve never had free rein to walk the halls and, as a result, their white washed curved corridors all look the same to me.

  I smell close human scents, unhindered by walls and know there are people ahead, guards probably. I slow down and slink closer, sticking close to the wall.

  A call echoes out from down the corridor, informing all that one of the girls has escaped her chambers. Suddenly the guards are heading toward me with their swords drawn. Following a few paces behind them is a Father. His name is Holste if I remember correctly, and he is strong with his magic. A deep growl escapes my throat, which brings the trio to a halt. Maybe they’ll just let me pass like the other guards did, not wishing to engage such a beast as I.

  I pad forward and their swords are raised to their defence. Looks like I’m going to have to fight. I hear hasty footfalls approaching from the rear; three sets. I have to fight now, and fight fast, or I won’t stand a chance.

  I leap forward and high. The guards do not expect my sudden and vicious attack, and my powerful jaws sink into the throat of the first of them, cutting flesh and filling my mouth with blood. His sword flails uselessly at his side. I jerk my neck and rip his throat out. As the dead guard drops to the stone floor, fire erupts down the corridor, emanating from the Father’s hands; the second guard is pressed flat against the wall to avoid the searing heat.

  I leap back from the flames, but not quickly enough. They catch my face and body, causing my ear, eye and entire right flank to burn. I roar in pain and feel the muscles shriek in agony as I once more surge forward, my sight partially ruined. I have no choice but to continue now, through necessity of life. If I don’t make it out I will die tonight. I knock the Father from his feet and race off around the corridor, hurtling as fast as my damaged side can carry me. While I run I stretch out with my magic, easing the damage caused by the flames.

  As I follow a wide arcing corridor my trophy slowly slides into view before my working eye. I run for the steps with extra vi
gour and immediately head down the switchback, crashing into the walls at each turn, moving too fast to be safe and needing to go faster because my life depends on it.

  As I reach the bottom of the stairwell I begin looking around madly for the open world and the night air. I can smell it now. I follow the scent out of the ‘well, ignoring the offset stairs that lead further down, and move into another arced corridor. I’m halfway to the end of the corridor when I see it. The main doors are made of great dark oak and wreathed in costly iron for added strength.

  The doors are closing ponderously as a couple of guards slowly heave them shut. My legs are working madly to get me there. There isn’t going to be enough time so I tense for impact and turn my head aside.

  I thud into the doors at tremendous speed, opening them and sending the guards sprawling. I feel my bones fracture where the iron studs connect with my feline skeletal structure. Limping forward, I move out into the night. The courtyard gate is closed, but that should not pose much of a problem. I run to the back of the Lighthouse where the rocky ocean cliffs offer greater protection than the wall. The sea glistens in the spark-light. With every step pain flares throughout my body. I’m in no state to escape yet.

  I pull my magic within me and concentrate it to the areas of my body that need healing, repairing it as quickly as I can. Bones de-fracture, muscles loosen and my eye shifts in its socket. The burns ease tremendously to allow a clouded vision. The hair re-grows on my flank and I’m once again capable of escape.

  I run directly at the wall, hearing the stomp of guards’ feet as I do. I leap as high as I can; latching my claws into the mortar holding the vast lumps of stone together. I immediately begin my ascent. The climb is forty feet of terror. I know that guards are waiting to slaughter me if I fall, but I must make it before the Calcians can cast their offensive magics against me. I scramble onto the top of the wall as the first of the prepared spells is unleashed in my direction. With no time to think, I leap from the wall.


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