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Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2)

Page 14

by K. Renee

  “You were lucky Ro was still following you.” He wouldn’t have let anything happen to her, and I believe that. He loves her, just like I do.

  She turns back to watch the scene in front of us. “I don’t give a shit what happens to that bitch,” Mica spits before looking back over at us. She has a snarl on her face, and I can see the anger radiating off of her. “I wish he would have gotten a hold of her. She stole him from me.” When Tarak turn towards me, I can see the defeat written all over him. He releases her and walks towards me.

  He goes to say something, but shakes his head instead. He walks out the door and, when I look back at Mica, she doesn’t even look upset. I nod my head to Prez and lead Trix out the door. Closing the door behind us, I walk her a few steps into the hall before she turns and wraps her arms around my neck. I feel her shuddered breath against my neck, and I just hold onto her. Her nails dig into my skin with how hard she’s holding on to me.

  “Trix, she won’t hurt you,” I whisper in her ear. Her body shakes and she doesn’t say anything. “I won’t let whoever is working with her hurt you or the kids. It’s us against the world, baby.” She nods her head into my neck and I just hold her. I hear footsteps coming closer and, when I look up, I see Tarak standing off to the side. I acknowledge him, but don’t release my hold on my girl.

  He doesn’t say anything, or look annoyed, as he watches us. If anything, he almost looks envious. “I need to talk to Tarak. Stay in sight of the brothers. I’ll be out to get you guys soon.” I start to pull away from her, but she grips me tighter. Freeing an arm, I grab her chin and force her to look at me. “I love you. I won’t let anything happen to the three of you. I swear on my life.” I kiss her cheek where another tear is starting to fall and she finally nods her head.

  Watching my Trixibella walk away, I don’t focus on anything but her. I hear Tarak’s footsteps getting closer, but I don’t take my eyes off of her until she’s out of sight. “You really do love her,” he says. When I look over at him, I can see understanding. He was a lovesick bastard once upon a time.

  “I do. I should have cut ties with Tina years ago. Fuck, I should have wifed up Trix the day we started fuckin’ on the regular. I’ve done some shitty things to her, but I won’t let this shit go. Your sister knew what she was doing.” He sighs and runs his hands over his face.

  “I know. I can’t fucking believe that she would even do that shit, especially after she watched what Mary and I went through.” He leans back against the wall and I remain silent. I don’t even know what to say to him right now. He reaches out and grabs my chin, moving my head to the side to see where he left his mark on my jaw. “Sorry about that,” he says, pointing to it, before letting my face go.

  “Naw, I get it man. She’s your sister. Fuck. She’s like my sister. Knowing the shit that’s going to have to go down because of it isn’t something I even want to think about. She’s a threat to my family and I can’t let that go.” I look at him, and I can see the uncertainty written on his face. He still doesn’t like the idea of what I’m going to do to her, but my hands are tied.

  “I know, in the club’s eyes, that she’s as good as dead, but isn’t there anything you can do?” I don’t say anything and, after a few minutes, he just nods. “I get it, man. I really do, but she’s still my little sister. The girl I’m supposed to protect.”

  “She knew what she was doing when she got someone to attack Trix. She admitted to wanting her out of the picture. I’m sorry, Tarak, but there is nothing I can do or will do to help her.” He doesn’t say anything else; I can see how much this is affecting him. When the door opens, I see Stavros come out of the room and put the lock in place from the outside. I don’t even remember the last time we locked someone in that room.

  “What do you want to do, Easy E?” He comes to a stop in front of Tarak and me.

  I look over at Tar and then back at Prez. “I want her to confess to the murder of Tina. Let her go through the system. I don’t want her blood on my hands.” He nods and I continue. “But the fucker that helped her, I want him. I want to make sure he never goes near another woman again.” Tarak’s hand lands on my shoulder and, when I look over at him, I see the thankful expression on his face.

  “That doesn’t mean someone on the inside won’t take her out, man. That bitch deserves a whole lot more than what she’s getting because of what she did to E and his ol’ lady.” Tarak looks over at me and nods his head. He knows that I’m taking a risk by letting her live.

  “If she comes anywhere near me or my family again, I won’t hesitate next time. She was family at one time, and I respect the hell out of that and you. That’s the only reason I’m doing this. Don’t make me regret it.”

  “I won’t, E. Thank you.” His voice is choked up and he no longer looks like the guy I’ve fought beside in the streets. He looks like the brother who would do anything, like selling his soul to the devil, to protect the sister he loves.

  “If she doesn’t give me the name, I’ll have no other choice.” He nods his head, and I watch him walk to the door and slowly open it.

  “Tarak,” she whimpers when she sees him.

  “Give him the name. If you so much as lie to me or him, I’ll let him kill you.” Her eyes swing over to me and I stare at her. She goes to say something smart-assed, I’m sure of it, before she stops herself and walks away from her brother.

  “I hope he finds her.” Her words are bitter, and I can’t hold myself back anymore. I charge at her and push her back against the wall.

  Putting my hand on her collarbone, I hold her body against the wall. She kicks at me and screams, but it doesn’t do shit. She’s skating on thin fuckin’ ice with me already, and I won’t be afraid to kill her if it means protecting Trix. “If you know what’s fuckin’ good for you, you will give me the damn name. If anything happens to her, I slit your throat myself.” I press down on her arm, and I hear a crack before she starts to scream bloody murder.

  Tarak pulls me back and I release her. I watch as she cradles her arm to her body and looks up at me with hate. Good. I hope this bitch hates me by the end of it. She fucked with the wrong person. “Mica,” Tarak grits out. “Give us a fucking name.”

  She shuts her mouth and glares at the both of us. “So help me God bitch, if he touches her…” I trail off when I see her expression. She’s got a grin on her face, and I know that this is part of her plan. She wants our attention—shit.

  I hear a scream coming from somewhere in the clubhouse. Running out of the room, I make my way towards the bar and then I see Trix come out of the hallway. People are rushing around and they are all going the same way I am. She has blood trailing down her face, and she’s feeling for the walls. Running over to her, I grab ahold of her and look around the room. I see Blade sitting on the couch with Dex and, when I look for Bexley, I don’t see her anywhere.

  I run down the hallway towards the bathroom and see blood on the ground and it leads out to where I left Trix standing. Going towards the back door, with my gun drawn, I check outside and see nothing. There isn’t a soul outside and I stand quietly to see if I hear anything, but I don’t. Making my way back to Trix, I wrap my arms around her.

  “What happened?” I ask Trix. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “Trix, I need you to tell me what the fuck happened.” She tries to get the words out, but nothing comes out. Instead, she just cries. Pulling her to me, I hold her tightly.

  “He took her.” Her broken, muffled cries make it hard to understand her.

  “Who did? Who took our daughter?” I demand. When I pull away from her to look into her eyes, I can see the devastation written all over her face.

  “I don’t know. I was taking her to the bathroom to clean up her face when I got hit in the side of the head.” My eyes scan over her face, and I run my fingers through the blood to find the wound. She pulls away when my fingers make contact with it. “Ow,” she whimpers. “We have to find her. Elec, I… I…” I pull her back into my arms
and she starts to cry.

  “Shh. I’m going to find her.” She nods her head against my chest, and I see Stavros come out of the room and right towards me. He gets a look at Trix’s bloody head and then looks at me.

  “What happened?” His voice is irritated and I don’t blame him. I'm just as fuckin' mad, if not more.

  “Someone hit her from behind and kidnapped our daughter.” He curses before grabs his phone out of his pocket and starts dialing someone’s number.

  “I need you on the lookout for a missing kid. She’s six months old. One of the brothers’ kids. Someone just took her from the clubhouse.” He listens for a second before he looks over at me. “Dark curly hair, wearing a pink onesie. I can text you a picture, but I want this shit on the down low. No one needs to know this shit. I pay you fuckers enough money to ensure the privacy this matter needs. If you find the fucker before we do, I want him alive.” He doesn’t say any more because we all know what he means by his words.

  He dials another number and, when the person on the other end answers, I can tell it’s his brother. “I need your help again.” Before he can start talking again, he makes his way out of the bar and into the hallway. I lead Trix over to where Dex and Blade are sitting. Forcing her to take a seat, I kiss her forehead before making my way to the bathroom to get some wet paper towels to clean the side of her face off.

  “Momma, what happened?” Blade points to her face and then crawls into her lap. She hugs him tightly to her body and starts to cry. Blade looks like he’s about to cry, too, when I finally reach them. I take the seat the Dex just vacated and Blade looks over at me. “Daddy, momma sad.” I nod my head, unable to get any words out. He won’t understand what’s going on right now, but it doesn’t matter. He’s sad when his momma is sad and it breaks my fuckin’ heart.

  Trix turns her head when I ask her to, and I start to wipe the blood from her skin. She looks almost like she’s in a state of shock. She doesn’t say anything. She just holds onto Blade and cries silently. Blade’s eyes watch me the whole time I’m cleaning the blood off of her face. He doesn’t ask questions, almost like he knows I won’t be able to get the words out. I’ve had Trix taken once before, and now my six-month-old daughter is missing.

  Maybe she was right when she told me that I was slowly ruining her. No, I take that back. I know I’m ruining her. I’ve been doing since the first day I met her.

  Walking through the clubhouse, I don’t expect to see my Trixibella. She’s pissed at me for God knows what reason. It’s pretty standard for me to piss her off enough for her to leave me with blue balls that fuckin’ kill. If I weren’t so fuckin’ hooked on her pussy, I’d be buried deep inside another bitch’s cunt. But fuck, I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m drawn to Trix even when she pulls fuckin’ stunts like she did last night.

  When I come up behind her at the bar, my eyes scan over her body and down to her long as fuck legs. She’s a fuckin’ wet dream if I ever saw one. Her body isn’t tiny like most bitches around here; she’s got enough curves to keep me begging for more. No other woman holds a candle to my girl.

  Reaching out to slide a hand up the back of her skirt, she turns around quickly, hand raised like she’s going to slap me. She’s fuckin’ lucky she doesn’t actually slap me because I would have her ass bent over my legs as I spanked her later if she did. “What?” she bites out. My eyes scan over her face, and I can see the anger still radiating from her. She’s still pissed from last night, yet she came back for more.

  “You know what. You have something to finish.” I raise an eyebrow at her and she crosses her arms over her chest, pushing those amazing tits up and together. Fuck.

  “I told you last night I was done—” I stop her from saying anything more because she doesn’t make the rules, I do.

  “No, I make the fuckin’ rules here. You are fuckin’ mine. You want to pitch a fit, go for it, but know that I won’t let you go until I say you can.” Her face pinches into a frown, and I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her body to mine.

  “You’re slowly ruining me.” Her voice is a soft caress over my ears, and I’m sure she’s right about that, but I can’t help the way I feel about her. I don’t know if its love or not, but it’s definitely an addiction that I can’t shake even if I wanted to.

  When she told me she loved me, I could have said it back, but I didn’t. I let her think that she meant nothing more than a fuck to me because I can’t handle my feelings for her. She means more to me than my wife or any other woman in my life. She’s the excitement in my life, and the vision I see when I lose my eyes.

  “Why can’t you just let me go?” Her whispered voice is barely audible and, as much as I want to give her the answer she wants, I don’t. Instead, I pull her body closer to mine and nip at her earlobe.

  “I’ll never give you up. You’re my drug of choice. I’d rather bring you down into hell with me than let you go. You’re the angel that lifts me up when I need to break free from the demons that drag me down.” Her forehead presses down on mine, and our noses touch.

  “I’m no angel.” Her eyes darken as she wraps her arms around my neck. Her fuck-me heels put her almost at eye level with me. She’s standing on her tiptoes, and leaning her amazing fuckin’ body against mine.

  “Then show me how naughty you can be.” She gives me a sexy grin that nearly brings me to my knees. Even when she thinks she better off without me, I show her just how much we need each other.

  By the time Stavros comes back into the room, I can’t sit still anymore. The only thing on my mind is my baby girl and the fucker who took her. Closing my eyes, I pray that nothing happens to her. Don’t think I’d ever forgive myself if something happened to her.

  “We need to get information from Mica,” he states before making his way towards the room she’s being held in.

  Walking over to Trix, I kiss the side of her head and lean down to whisper in her ear, “I’ll be right back babe.” She doesn’t even acknowledge me, and I know that she’s having a hard time with this. She’s probably blaming herself, or me. I’m the reason Mica is in our lives, and the reason she even came up with this plan to get Trix out of my life.

  Standing to my full height, I run my hand over Blade’s hair before making my way towards the room. When I walk through the door, I see the anger written all over Tarak’s face. “How the fuck could you even do that Mica? She’s six months old, and you let some bastard fucking take her all because you hate her mother?!” He gets into his sister's face before he says anything else. “You make me fucking sick. You better hope like fucking hell that nothing happens to that little girl.”

  Walking over to them, I grab the back of her hair, and pull her head back, so she has to look up at me. “I never expected you to be that fuckin’ desperate. You fuckin’ crossed the line, and there is no way in hell I’ll let you get off easy. When I find your little friend, I’ll make sure he regrets ever touching a hair on my daughter’s head. I’ll kill him slowly for even touching Trix and Bexley.” I push her head away from me before I continue. “If you give me his name, I’ll go easy on you. I’ll just put a bullet in you.”

  Tarak flinches at my words, but I don’t pay him any attention. I let him try to get the information I wanted before I took this shit back into my own hands. Now, I’m showing her no mercy. “I’ll never tell you shit. I hope he kills her.” The crack of a hand hitting skin echoes in the room, and I see her eyes widen when she realizes that it was Tarak who hit her.

  Her hand goes to her cheek, and she stares at her brother. “I can’t believe—” He cuts her off before she can say the rest of her sentence.

  “Don’t you dare say you can’t believe it. You let a man kidnap a six-month-old child. You have no fuckin’ remorse for what you’ve done. I can’t fucking believe we are related. You are sick, and I’m done protecting you.” Tarak turns and walks to the door. When he grabs the handle, he turns to look at Stavros and me. “Do what you need to. If you need help getting
her back, I’m here.” I nod my head and watch him walk out of the room, defeat written all over him.

  Standing in front of her, I wait for her to look up at me. Her eyes are no longer angry; they are more hurt than anything. Tarak has always been behind her one hundred percent, no matter what shit she got into. “No one can save you now,” I state. Her eyes cut to Stavros and she just shrugs. She’s been sitting in here for hours with no other contact other than when we come in and out of the room.

  “I don’t need saving. You’re the one who’s going to need it,” she spits. Before she can even take another breath, I have her by her throat.

  Tightening my fist around her throat, I feel her hands grip my forearm, trying to get me to let her go. “I’m the one who needs it? You should fuckin’ think again, bitch. You messed with my family and my little girl. I’ll make the rest of your life fuckin’ hell. I trusted you.” When I loosen my grip a bit, she grins up at me.

  “You never gave me a chance. I’ve been the one you’ve turned to time after time when those stupid bitches pissed you off.” She points to her chest and I just watch her. “When that bitch told you she was pregnant, you ran to me. I’ve been here for you every time you needed me and, like always, I was cast aside. She forgave you after you told her it wasn’t yours, and she still let you fuck her. She’s a whore. She’s doesn’t fucking deserve you! Neither of them did.”

  I can’t fuckin’ believe what I’m hearing. Did I call Mica when I had problems in my relationships? Yeah, probably more than I should have, but that doesn’t mean anything. It sure as fuck doesn’t mean that her and I were together. “You think that just because I called you, we were meant to be together? You’re more delusional than I thought. You never even made my radar as more than my best friend’s little sister.” She scoffs at me, and I can’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. “If I ever fucked you, it would have been to try to get Trix out of my head, but she is so far buried in me that you wouldn’t have done shit.”


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