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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

Page 26

by Shaun Messick

  “You have an objection to that!” yelled Koroan as he switched moods and lifted Dorange off the floor again. “You will do as I command … or … you will die!"

  Dorange flailed his legs and seemed almost to cry. “Yes,” he whispered.

  “What? I can’t hear you!”

  “Yes, My Lord,” Dorange said with a quivering voice. “I will do as you command. For you are god!”

  That seemed to please Koroan as he let Dorange drop to the floor. Koroan was about to say something else when his office door slid open. “I told you I did not want to be disturbed!” he shrieked at the young Gnol guard who had just entered the room.

  The young Gnol officer bowed and said, “Please … forgive me, My Lord, but …” The guard stopped and looked at Celeste.

  “You can tell me in front of her. She will soon no longer be a problem.”

  Celeste gave her father a puzzled and fearful look. What did he mean by that? she wondered.

  The guard cleared his throat and continued. “Yes, My Lord. Captain Geraldus and his crew have just returned from the wormhole that they disappeared through four days ago.”


  “And … he has found the location of this Earth.”

  A smile seemed to grow slowly along Koroan’s face. “Good. Tell Captain Geraldus he shall be promoted.”

  “Yes, My Lord. But … I also have some other good news.”

  “What is it?”

  “Your lead scientists believe they have figured out a way to hold the wormhole open indefinitely. They wish to speak with you as soon as you are done here.”

  “Very well, Corporal. You can go now.”

  The corporal bowed and left the room.

  Koroan seemed happy, at least for the moment. “Yes,” he said and turned his attention back to Dorange. “Dorange, begin planning for an attack on Earth two months from today.”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Good. You may go now, Dorange. I now wish to speak with Celeste alone.”

  “Yes, Your Worship,” Dorange said as he began to leave the room.

  Just before he got to the door, however, Koroan stopped him. “Dorange, wait.”

  Dorange turned around. He seemed frustrated that he was not yet allowed to leave. “What may I do for you, My Lord?”

  Koroan walked closer to him. “Remember, Dorange. Do not fail on this mission. If you do, you will not be able to imagine the consequences you will suffer.”

  Dorange swallowed. “Ye … Yes, My Lord,” he said and he whirled around and left the room.

  After the door slid shut, Koroan stood in the middle of the room. He was silent and stared at Celeste for a long moment. Celeste could not look her father in the eye. She knew that she had disappointed him. Yet, she did not feel ashamed. She knew what she did was right.

  Her father took one step closer to her and raised his right arm. Celeste felt her body become lighter as it levitated off the chair on which she sat. Her father levitated her to him. She was now within inches of her father’s face.

  She looked into his eyes. They seemed to glow red from the blood within his capillaries.

  “Tell me one good reason why I should not kill you now?”

  Celeste felt her voice quiver. At times throughout her life, she had been afraid of her father, but never so much as now. “F … Fa … Father, I am your daughter.”

  Koroan’s bloodshot eyes seemed to boil with anger. With a flick of his wrist, he threw Celeste toward the wall. With her hands tied behind her back, there was no way she could brace herself for the impact. She hit the wall and felt the air rush out of her lungs. She fell to the floor and rolled around, trying to regain her breath. Koroan grabbed her and sat her in one of the chairs. “You are no longer my daughter!” he yelled.

  Celeste didn’t respond.

  “How long did you think you could get away with this?”

  Celeste looked at her father with the same anger in her eyes. “I was doing well for a while.”

  Koroan backhanded her. She felt her lip split and blood began to trickle down to her chin.

  Her father then began to pace again. “Nevertheless, you are my daughter. I should kill you for your treachery, but … I won’t. Instead, you will be under house arrest. You will stay with your mother, your hands will always be tied behind your back, and you shall have two guards at your side at all times. My high priest’s daughter, Nichelle, will be brought in to assist you in your bathing and feeding needs.”

  Celeste stood and walked toward her father. She stopped and said, “I would rather die than be reduced to an animal!”

  “I will not give you the satisfaction. I want you alive to see the sufferings and deaths of all those you truly serve.” Koroan looked at his office door and opened it telekinetically. “Guards!”

  The two guards, dressed in red battle fatigues, entered the room.

  “Take my daughter to her mother’s room. You are never to leave her side. Another shift of guards will replace you in twelve hours.”

  The guards nodded and grabbed Celeste by the arms. Celeste shook loose and turned back to her father. “Tell me something, Father. Why did you not read Dorange’s mind?”

  “I did not find it necessary.”

  Celeste shook her head. “Too bad … if you would have, you would have known who really killed Raqel.”

  Koroan walked closer to Celeste. “I already know who killed your sister, who was loyal to me. It was that pitiful creature, Adrian Palmer.”

  Celeste’s eyes narrowed as she spoke. “Are you sure? You never know who you can trust … right, Father?”

  Her comments infuriated Koroan. He whirled around and raised both of his arms. The two halves of his giant desk, he had split in two previously, arose from the floor. With a deafening yell and wave of his arms, he heaved the broken desk through the window. Glass shattered everywhere as the two guards holding Celeste’s arms backed away. However, Celeste did not move a muscle. Strangely, she was gaining more courage the angrier her father got.

  Koroan turned back to face his daughter. He was breathing heavily, his eyes wild with anger, and sweat dripping from his head. “How dare you question me that way? I am your father and, more importantly, your god!”

  Celeste opened her mouth and was about to speak when her father stepped forward and grabbed her face just under her chin with his left hand. He lifted her off of the ground. “What do you know about loyalty?” he said. “Even though Dorange is not of my bloodline, he has been more loyal to me than you have ever been.”

  Koroan dropped Celeste to the floor and looked at the guards. “Take her to her mother’s room. Her mother will soon be dead.”

  “What?” shrieked Celeste.

  “Quiet!” yelled Koroan as he hit Celeste again with the back of his left hand. She fell to the floor in pain. This time her father didn’t hold back. She felt the blood rush to her right eye, it swelled up and burst as bright red blood splattered on the floor.

  Koroan looked at the guards again. “As soon as her mother dies, inform me.”

  “Yes, My Lord,” said one of the guards.

  Koroan then turned and looked at his daughter with an evil smile spread across his face that sent chills down Celeste’s spine. “Good,” he said. “Because as soon as her mother dies, my daughter – the traitor – will suffer a public torture and execution.”


  City of Chast. Koroan’s Palace …

  Tears rolled down Celeste’s face as she sat on the edge of her mother’s bed. She felt awful. Her right eye was swollen shut and her lip was swollen as well from her father’s blows. Despite her injuries and how sad she felt for her mother – who was sleeping soundly just a few feet away – she felt a little better having just been fed and bathed by her dear friend Nichelle.

  Celeste looked to her left. Nichelle sat in a chair, reading a book, her dark brown eyes opening and closing as she fought sleep. She brought her left hand up to her long brown
hair and pushed it aside as she turned and smiled at Celeste.

  Celeste was so grateful Nichelle was there. She was the only one she could trust now, besides her mother. When Celeste had decided to help the rebels, Nichelle was the only one she had told. Nichelle promised Celeste that she would tell no one. She kept her promise because she had witnessed how her own father – Vlamer Kreuk, Koroan’s high priest and friend – had changed from a kind, gentle Gnol to a Gnol who now desired power and wealth above all else. Because of this, Nichelle vowed she would never tell, and that she would always help Celeste if she needed it.

  A few hours earlier, Nichelle had been brought to the palace. She had a private meeting with Koroan and she was ordered to stay with Celeste until Celeste’s mother died. Consequently, Nichelle also knew of Celeste’s impending execution.

  Even though Nichelle was there, Celeste still felt uncomfortable and embarrassed. Celeste had always been independent and didn’t like being treated like a baby. It wasn’t that Nichelle treated Celeste personally as if she was a baby, but because her hands were still tied behind her back, she had to feed and bathe her.

  Celeste returned her dear friend’s smile.

  “Are you okay?” Nichelle asked.

  Celeste nodded her head and took a deep breath. She then looked at the two guards dressed in their red battle fatigues at the doorway. These guards were different now from the guards who had taken her to her mother’s room earlier.

  The guard to her left was a big, muscular female with short red hair. Her fiery green eyes seemed to bore into Celeste as she stared, knowing full well the traitor Celeste had become. In fact, this new female guard was the one guard chosen to follow Celeste everywhere. She was in the bathing room when Nichelle bathed Celeste. Another female guard would replace her when her shift was over.

  Celeste looked at the guard to her right. This guard was shorter than the female guard. He had short, blond hair and a patch of a goatee beginning to form around his upper lip and chin. It was obvious that he was barely in his twenties.

  She made eye contact with him. He quickly turned his gaze away, seeming shy, if not embarrassed to look at the beautiful princess with her wet hair, and dressed only in her white robe.

  Celeste forced a smile in his direction. He looked up and smiled back. Celeste knew that if she had any hope of an escape, it would probably have to be through this young soldier.

  She heard her mother cough and turned back to her. Ciminae Chast looked old and frail, despite only being fifty-six years of age. At that age, most Gnols were still young and energetic. Thanks to all of the new medical knowledge her father had revealed, the average lifespan of a Gnol was roughly one hundred forty-three years of age.

  “Cel … Celeste. Where are you?” Ciminae asked as she tried to raise her head, but couldn’t.

  “I am here, Mother,” Celeste said, inching closer to her mother.

  “Give me your hand.”

  “I wish I could, Mother. Father has ordered that my hands stay tied behind my back until …”

  “What?” Ciminae said as she wheezed, trying to breathe. “Where are the guards?”

  The two guards at the door made their way to Ciminae’s bed. The male guard stood on the same side as Celeste sat. Celeste made sure to smile at him. He smiled back shyly and then looked at the female guard on the opposite side of the bed. The female gave him an angry look, and he ducked his head.

  Ciminae weakly turned her head to the left and looked up at the female guard. “I order you to unbind my daughter’s bonds. I wish to hold her hand.”

  The female guard first looked at Celeste and then back at Ciminae. She opened her mouth, paused, and then spoke. “I am sorry … but I have been given a direct order from our lord himself. The princess is not to have her bonds untied, even if you order me to do so.”

  Ciminae gave the guard a stern look and then said, “Fine … if you will not let a dying mother hold her daughter’s hand, then you will let her speak with her daughter alone.”

  The female guard looked uncomfortable. It was obvious that she wanted to obey the queen, but she couldn’t. “I … I am sorry, Your Highness. That is also another order directly from our lord. He ordered us not to let the princess out of our sight. Again, ev—”

  “Yes, yes, I know. Even if I order it,” said Ciminae as she waved the guards away.

  The guards returned to their posts, and Ciminae looked at her daughter. She coughed and spat out a small amount of blood.

  Celeste was alarmed. Even though her mother had had trouble breathing before, this was the first time she had ever seen her mother cough up blood throughout this strange illness. “Mother, are you okay? Shall I call for the doctor?”

  Her mother shook her head. “No …” She coughed again. “There’s nothing the doctor can do. I will not live mu—” Blood spattered from Ciminae’s mouth as she coughed.

  Nichelle noticed and brought Ciminae a towel. Nichelle lifted Ciminae, so she wouldn’t inhale the blood back into her lungs. Ciminae grabbed the towel and continued to cough into it. She coughed so much that Nichelle had to grab another towel because the first one had become soaked with blood.

  Celeste felt helpless. She wanted so badly to help her mother. “Mo … Mother, are you okay?” she asked, beginning to cry.

  Ciminae finally stopped coughing and nodded. “Ye … Yes. Sometimes I have these coughing fits, but … but this is the first time I have coughed up blood.”

  Ciminae tried to take a deep breath, but because of the blood and fluid within her lungs, she wasn’t able get the oxygen she needed. She tried again and gained some relief. She then looked at her daughter as Nichelle continued to hold her upright.

  Ciminae wiped Celeste’s tears away and smiled. Then she placed her own hands behind her ears and pulled out her inhibitors.

  As she pulled, Celeste said in a whisper, “Mother, what are you doing? The guards will be able to read your thoughts.” A flood of her mother’s thoughts rushed into Celeste’s mind.

  Ciminae shook her head and pulled the inhibitors entirely out as she winced in pain. After the inhibitors were out, she leaned forward and embraced Celeste. Celeste began to sob as she felt her mother slide her hands behind her ears. Ciminae then pulled Celeste’s inhibitors out. Celeste turned to look at the guards. They seemed not to have noticed what Ciminae did or had any indication that their inhibitors were out. She turned back to her mother and spoke to her telepathically. Mother, what about the guards?

  Ciminae raised her hand to stop Celeste. She then looked at Nichelle and motioned for her to lean down. Nichelle leaned down; Ciminae hugged her, and commenced to take out her inhibitors as well. Once Nichelle’s inhibitors were out, all three were able to communicate telepathically.

  Ciminae was the first to send her thoughts. To Celeste, her mother’s thoughts reminded her of when her mother was healthy. Do not worry, Celeste. These Gnols are not experienced enough in their abilities to read our minds. Ciminae paused and looked at the guards. She continued. We need to discuss how to get your cords untied, and how you are going to escape. I know that your father plans to have you executed as soon as I pass away.

  Celeste nodded. How did you know?

  I know more than you think, my dear, Ciminae thought as she looked at Nichelle. Nichelle?

  Nichelle moved to the other side of the bed and sat down, so she could better communicate with Ciminae and Celeste. Yes, Your Highness.

  Ciminae raised her right arm and stroked the side of Nichelle’s cheek with the back of her hand. Nichelle, you have been such a loyal and trustworthy friend to Celeste.

  Nichelle smiled back as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Nichelle had grown to love Ciminae like a mother. When she was just a child, her own mother had died, and Ciminae had taken her in and practically raised her when her father was away. Thank you, Your Highness.

  Ciminae continued. Now, more than ever, Celeste needs you.

  Nichelle nodded.

  Listen caref
ully, Nichelle. I do not believe I will last through the night.

  Celeste cut in. Do not think that way, Mother.

  Ciminae looked compassionately at her daughter. It is inevitable, Celeste. Please do not be sad for me. Soon, I will not suffer anymore and will join our ancestors in the afterlife.

  She paused and wiped more tears away from Celeste’s eyes. Now, both of you listen carefully. When I pass on, Nichelle will accompany the female guard to notify your father of my death. It will be the female guard because she will want to be the one rewarded for notifying him.

  Yes, Your Highness, thought Nichelle. What will you have me do when I meet your husband?

  You will not let the guard get to her destination.

  What do you mean? Nichelle thought.

  Ciminae pointed to the nightstand at the left of her bed. There, underneath the nightstand … feel.

  Nichelle glanced back at the guards. The guards were now sitting at the small table next to the door. The female guard was reading a small book, and the male guard was leaning back in his chair. He was dozing in and out of sleep.

  Nichelle looked back at the nightstand, slowly slid off the bed onto her hands and knees, and felt the underside of the nightstand. There, in a small compartment on the underside of the nightstand, was a small plasma blaster. It was about the size of her palm. As a result, she was able to conceal it as she pulled it out. Then, she slowly slid the gun into her right boot, just below her knee.

  Once the gun was secure, she sat back upon the bed and looked at Ciminae.

  Ciminae nodded. Good, you will know what to do … and do not feel guilty, Nichelle; for we are at war, and, unfortunately, being Gnols, we are on the wrong side of the battle.

  Ciminae then looked with intensity at Celeste. Celeste, you will know what to do after Nichelle and the guard leave.

  Celeste turned and looked at the young male guard, then turned and forced a smile back toward her mother. I do, she thought.

  Good, thought Ciminae. Once you have taken care of the male guard, dress in his uniform and put on his battle helmet, which is underneath the table. Then meet Nichelle and get out of the palace using the secret passageway in your room.


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