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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

Page 28

by Shaun Messick

  As the elevator ascended to the thirty-fourth floor, the smaller officer spoke. He was about the same size as Nichelle. “So, what kind of spectacle do you think Lord Chast will make of his daughter’s execution?”

  “I don’t know,” said the larger officer. “But, I will tell you this much. She deserves everything that is coming to her. She is an embarrassment to our way of life; the way she befriended those animals. I mean, come on … those humans don’t even possess the slightest power we do. I am glad that Lord Chast is setting an example by executing her. It will just prove even more how he is the chosen one.”

  Nichelle rolled her eyes.

  She, personally, had never had contact with a human. But from what Celeste had told her, she knew that the majority of them were genuine and true. They may not have had the power, strength, or intelligence of Gnols, but Celeste seemed to trust them. And Nichelle trusted Celeste more than she trusted anyone.

  “What do you think, Madam Kreuk?” the smaller guard asked.

  Nichelle turned around and looked at him. “What do I think about what?”

  The smaller guard laughed and looked at his friend. “Oh, c’mon. It’s common knowledge that you and the princess are best friends. You can’t stand there and tell me that you agree with her execution.”

  Nichelle swallowed. The officer was right. She didn’t agree with it. She would rather see Koroan and her own father die for their sins than her dearest friend. “You are right in one aspect.”

  “In one aspect?” the guard questioned.

  “Yes. In one aspect, I do agree with her execution because she has betrayed the Gnols but, on the other hand, I do not want to see my best friend die. After all she has done to dishonor us, she is still my friend.”

  The smaller officer nodded and said, “That’s an interesting way of looking at it.”

  Nichelle turned back around and saw that the elevator was about to stop. When it stopped, and the doors opened, she was astonished to see that the entire floor that housed Koroan’s secretarial staff was packed full of various Gnol military personnel. This attack is certainly a big deal, she thought as she stepped out of the elevator.

  The two officers followed Nichelle and the female guard out of the elevator, and then made their way to another group of officers. Nichelle followed the female guard to the entrance to Koroan’s office. The two guards standing at the door stopped them.

  “Lord Chast says he is not to be disturbed,” said the guard on the right. “What do you need, Private?”

  “Sir, Lord Chast requested that I inform him personally when his wife had passed away.”

  “Well, that may be so … but Lord Chast gave us specific orders not to let anyone enter. He is in a private meeting with his generals and high priest, Vlamer Kreuk,” the guard said as he looked at Nichelle.

  The private looked at Nichelle as well, and then turned back to the guard. “Very well; we will wait.”

  The guard nodded, so Nichelle and the private walked to the chairs that lined the outside wall of Koroan’s office, and sat. Nichelle was sweating and her stomach was in knots. Surely, Celeste had to be looking for her by now. She took a deep breath and tried to think of what to say when she encountered her father and Koroan. They obviously weren’t expecting her, and what would she do if Koroan sent more guards back to the room with her and the private?

  The door to Koroan’s office slid open, and Dorange walked out first. He looked at the private and Nichelle and gave them a puzzled look. Koroan’s two other generals, General Thourad and General Ochalt, came out of the office as well.

  The private stood up quickly and saluted all three generals. They saluted back. “What do you need, Private?” Dorange asked as he continued to look at Nichelle with suspicion.

  “Sir, I am here to notify Lord Chast of his wife’s death.”

  Nichelle studied Dorange’s face closely. She was curious to see his reaction to the queen’s death. Rather than seeming grief stricken over the death of a noble queen, his face seemed to glow with anticipation. Nichelle noticed and allowed a glaring stare to land upon his eyes. Dorange noticed and glared back. He then turned back to the private. “Very well, Private. You may enter.”

  The private walked toward the entrance, and Dorange began to follow. Nichelle, however, hesitated. She did not want to see her father, especially with what was going on. The private noticed her hesitation, as did Dorange. Nichelle met their gazes and grew extremely nervous. They both had a look of distrust. She stood quickly and followed.

  All three entered the room as the door slid shut behind them. Koroan was sitting behind his new desk with his back to them. He faced his newly repaired window as he stared out at the lights of Chast. He looked as if he was deep in thought. Nichelle’s father, dressed in his usual religious garb, sat in another chair beside Koroan. His back was also to them, and he seemed to be lost in his thoughts as well.

  Dorange spoke first. “My Lord?”

  Koroan and Vlamer both seemed to be startled out of their trances and quickly turned around. All three dropped to one knee, bowed in their lord’s honor, and then stood again. Nichelle looked up and made eye contact with her father. He gave her a questioning look.

  “What is it, General?” Koroan questioned.

  “The private has a message for you.”

  Koroan looked at the female guard. The private seemed extremely nervous in Koroan’s presence. “Y … yes, My Lord … You wanted me to inform you of your wife’s death.”


  “She has passed on to meet the great goddess, My Lord.”

  Nichelle watched Koroan’s reaction. She wasn’t surprised. He showed no emotion whatsoever; no grief, sadness, or even happiness for that matter.

  “Yes, thank you, Private,” said Koroan. He then shot a look to Nichelle. “Nichelle, why have you come? I specifically told you to stay with Celeste at all times.”

  The private looked at Nichelle and stared. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something and then shut it again.

  “Well?” demanded Koroan.

  Nichelle looked at Koroan as she tried to hide her anxiety. “My apologies, My Lord. I must have misunderstood you. I th … I thought that you wanted me to inform you of your wife’s death as well. Please forgive me.”

  Koroan’s eyes seemed to glaze over and boil with anger. He took a deep breath and was about to let out a bellowing yell when Vlamer cut him off. “Yes, my dear. You must have heard our lord wrong. For you know, he does not make mistakes.” Vlamer then turned to Koroan, who was still seething with anger. “Please, My Lord, forgive her.”

  Vlamer’s comments seemed to satisfy Koroan’s ego. He changed moods again and walked to Nichelle. He gently placed his hands on Nichelle’s upper arms. “Yes, you are forgiven. You must be distraught because of Celeste’s pending execution?”

  Nichelle nodded. “Yes, My Lord. I am. But I do agree with your execution order; for she has betrayed us and you most of all.”

  A smile grew along Koroan’s face. He turned back to Vlamer. “Vlamer, my dear friend, you have raised a trustworthy and patriotic daughter.”

  Vlamer bowed his head and said, “Thank you, My Lord.”

  Koroan then turned his attention back to the female guard. “Private, inform the medical staff to take my wife’s body to the morgue and prepare her for a proper burial. She shall have a funeral honorable of a queen the day after tomorrow.”

  The private bowed and said, “Yes, My Lord,” and left the office.

  Koroan looked at Dorange. “General, escort Madam Kreuk back to my wife’s room. Take Celeste and prepare her for execution at dawn.”

  A smile, as large as Nichelle had ever seen, graced across Dorange’s face. “Yes, My Lord,” he said as he bowed. He looked at Nichelle and turned to leave the room. Nichelle began to follow as the fear within her began to spread throughout her body, causing her to tremble.

  Just as they were about to exit Koroan’s office, Nichelle heard he
r father. “Wait!” Dorange and Nichelle both turned around. Vlamer looked at Koroan. “My Lord, please may I go as well? I would like to pay my last respects to your wife.”

  Koroan smiled, walked toward Vlamer, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Yes, my dear friend, you may go.”

  Vlamer bowed his head. “Thank you, My Lord.” He then followed Dorange and Nichelle out of the office. As they approached the elevator, Nichelle began to panic again. There was no way now she was going to escape. Her father and Dorange were probably the two most powerful Gnols after Koroan.

  Thoughts raced through Nichelle’s mind. They were about to walk into Ciminae’s room, with Celeste missing.


  Celeste finished dressing, placed Gyrale’s battle helmet on, and lowered the tinted visor. She punched the security code to unlock the door. The door slid open, and there stood Nichelle with a panicked look on her face, accompanied by Dorange and her father’s high priest.

  “Oh, Private … we were just about to enter,” Dorange said.

  Celeste didn’t say a word. She stood motionless, trying to think of what to do.

  Dorange gave her a strange look and stepped forward. “I know you do not want me to report you as insubordinate,” he said.

  Celeste’s eyes darted back and forth between Dorange and Vlamer. She didn’t know what to do. She knew that she could possibly take Dorange. However, Vlamer was a different matter. Even though she had grown extremely powerful in her abilities, she wasn’t confident enough to challenge him.

  “Well … Private!” Dorange yelled. “When a superior officer and our lord’s high priest are in your presence, what should you do?”

  Celeste suddenly realized what Dorange was saying. She immediately stood at attention and saluted. Dorange saluted back as Vlamer stepped forward and moved Dorange out of the way. Vlamer stood within inches of Celeste’s face as he eyed her up and down. “Take off your helmet, Private,” he ordered.

  Celeste thought about throwing Vlamer to the side, grabbing Nichelle, and escaping to her room across the hall, but she knew with Vlamer’s strength and power that wasn’t possible.

  “Now, Private!” Vlamer demanded.

  Celeste jumped back into her mother’s room from the sheer volume of Vlamer’s voice. As she did so, Vlamer followed. He noticed Gyrale’s body on the floor and immediately raised his arms. Celeste tried to run around him, but couldn’t. He had succeeded in holding her in place. Celeste felt paralyzed.

  Vlamer continued to hold Celeste in place as he stepped forward. He grabbed her with his right hand and, with his left, pulled off the battle helmet. “I have to say, Celeste, I am impressed. It seems that you are gaining more strength in your abilities.”

  Celeste didn’t say a word. She met Vlamer’s gaze and just stared. Vlamer called out, “Dorange!”

  “Yes, Your Eminence,” Dorange said, stepping forward.

  “Inform Lord Chast that his daughter has attempted an escape, but we now have her in custody.”

  “As you wish,” said Dorange, backing away. Celeste watched Dorange back out of the open doorway. He stood next to Nichelle as he flipped open his communicator. As soon as he did, Nichelle frantically grabbed the gun hidden in her boot. She pulled the gun out and hit Dorange’s hand that held his communicator. The communicator fell to the floor.

  Vlamer turned around and saw what had happened. His daughter held the gun between Dorange’s eyes. Dorange looked like a frightened animal. “Nichelle, what are you doing?”

  “Let Celeste go, Father.”

  Vlamer looked shocked, which was just the distraction Celeste needed. Celeste grabbed Vlamer’s arm and twisted. Because Nichelle took Vlamer off guard, he wasn’t prepared. He tried to resist.

  Celeste twisted and jerked Vlamer’s arm, causing him to flip and land on his back. Celeste darted for Dorange and the door. Just as she was about to reach Dorange, she felt her legs give out. She fell, hitting her head on the hard, marble floor. She looked up and saw Dorange snatch the gun from Nichelle. He then grabbed her and held the gun to her head. “Surrender, Celeste, or Nichelle will die.”

  “No!” yelled Vlamer as he grabbed Celeste by the left leg. Celeste turned her head and saw Vlamer raise his right arm. The gun flew from Dorange’s grip to the back of the room. Vlamer looked at Celeste with fire in his eyes. He placed his other hand on the same leg and flung Celeste into the wall. Pictures fell, and pieces of the wall splintered all around her.

  As Celeste fell to the floor, she felt a painful gash open down her left arm. She resisted the temptation to grab it and focused her attention back to Vlamer. He approached her, seething in anger. “You will die now, Celeste,” he said as he clenched his fist and threw a massive punch toward her face.

  As Vlamer’s fist approached, Celeste closed her eyes and focused. She quickly raised her right hand and pushed. She opened her eyes and saw Vlamer’s body fly to the back of the room. His body smashed into the same brick wall into which she had thrown Gyrale.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Celeste saw Dorange grab his weapon from his belt. She raised her other hand. She mentally grabbed Dorange and flung him across the hall. He crashed through the door to her room.

  Nichelle rushed for Celeste and tried to help her up.

  “Look out!” Celeste shrieked.

  Nichelle turned around. Her father grabbed her under the chin and lifted her up. “How dare you, Nichelle,” he said. “You have brought shame to me. For that … you will die along with your friend.”

  Without hesitation or guilt, Vlamer hurled his daughter into the wall that separated Ciminae’s room from the corridor. Nichelle hit the marble and wooden wall headfirst. The force of Vlamer’s throw caused her body to crash through the wall and hit the wall on the other side of the corridor. Celeste shuddered with dread as she watched in horror. She saw Nichelle’s body go limp and knew there was no way she could have survived.

  Before Celeste could focus her attention back to Vlamer, he clutched her by the throat and lifted. She tried to kick at him, but he was far enough away that her kicks were futile. She gasped for breath as Vlamer squeezed. He took her to Ciminae’s bed and slammed her down beside her mother’s body.

  As Celeste struggled, Vlamer let a sinister smile spread across his face. “Now, it is here, beside your mother, where you shall die.”

  Celeste saw the anger in Vlamer’s eyes, and as he squeezed the life out of her, she wondered what had changed him and her father from loving, caring fathers to power-hungry, evil monsters. Vlamer squeezed tighter, and Celeste felt her strength begin to fail.

  Celeste’s vision went blurry, and her head began to feel light. She tried to struggle but couldn’t. She closed her eyes and felt the tears stream out. This was it. In a matter of seconds, she would be with her mother in the afterlife. She opened her eyes again and looked at the ceiling. She could see her mother.

  Ciminae was there, floating near the ceiling and smiling at her. She opened her mouth and said, “Remember … the source of your father’s power.” And then, she disappeared.

  Celeste closed her eyes and let her body relax. She resigned herself to being reunited with her mother. Just as she was about to pass into unconsciousness, she heard what sounded like a blast from a plasma gun. She quickly opened her eyes and saw Vlamer, wide eyed. His grip relaxed, and he let go of her throat. Celeste felt the oxygen rush into her lungs as she coughed and took in deep breaths.

  Vlamer stumbled away from Celeste, grabbing at his back. He fell back into a chair and looked toward his assassin. Celeste looked as well. There stood Nichelle with Dorange’s weapon raised. Her head was split open, bleeding profusely. Her nose was smashed as well, and tears rolled from her eyes. She fell to the floor in a bloodied and sobbing heap.

  Celeste rushed to her. She embraced Nichelle and gently lifted her from the floor. “Come. We don’t have much time.”

  Nichelle glanced at her father as Celeste ran to the door. Celeste made it to the doo
r and turned around. Nichelle slowly walked toward her father. Vlamer was still breathing and he looked at his daughter. Nichelle stopped just out of his reach, stared at him for a few seconds, then quickly turned around and ran toward Celeste.

  The two friends rushed across the corridor to Celeste’s room where they could escape through a secret passageway Koroan had built within the palace that would take them outside of the city walls. As they approached Celeste’s broken door, Dorange groggily began to move his head back and forth. Celeste knelt down on one knee and grabbed him by the throat. She reached behind each one of his ears and pulled out his inhibitors. His eyes widened as soon as he realized what she was doing.

  He tried to struggle, but Celeste was too strong for him, as a result of his head injury. A flood of thoughts rushed into her head; thoughts that she particularly didn’t want to know, others that revealed his true identity, and others that suddenly were of vital importance to the rebel cause.

  She broke her link with Dorange’s mind and looked at Nichelle. “We have to get to the second rebel base now!”


  The little boy looked up at his mother and father. They were both smiling at him. The boy looked to be almost eight years of age. Skip saw a very clear image of the boy, but not of his mother and father.

  The boy had black hair and insightful, beaming blue eyes. His smile was nearly as bright as the sun, as his body seemed to glow from the light that was coming from the top of the temple pyramid.

  The boy hugged his mother and father and waved good-bye as he entered the temple.

  Suddenly, Skip flinched. His body had finally awakened from the deep sleep he had been in for days. He rubbed his head and realized that his head had been shaven, and he had stitches that extended from the top of his neck to the middle of his scalp.

  He shook his head, trying to regain his blurred vision. He didn’t know exactly how long he had been out of it, but he had had the same dream over and over again. The dream seemed almost real, and he had actually thought he was living it. He had no idea what the dream meant, or why it seemed to replay in his mind. He wondered if it had something to do with what he saw at the temple after he had been blown through the door and lost consciousness.


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