Undeniable (Undeniable series)

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Undeniable (Undeniable series) Page 2

by Kimberly Claire

  Like all shifters when we are losing ourselves our eyes change from whatever color they normally are to where it looks as if a light glows beneath them. So both Marcus and I have the same eye color, dark blue, and when we are losing it they go to this bright blue color which is unique. Most shifters have eye colors that are different shades of brown or green but we are the only two with the blue trait. We must have gotten it from our father.

  “Why do you give him such a hard time sis?” Marcus ask once Riley has really left.

  “I don’t want to be with him. Why is that so hard to understand?” I say folding my arms against my chest preparing myself for a fight.

  “Is it because of the man in your dreams?” He says with all seriousness and I swallow. Sometimes I wish I had never told him about that, but sometimes we can see each other’s dreams and Beau is always in my dreams. Just the thought of him makes me ache.

  “I don’t know?” I reply dropping my arms to my sides. “Can we not do this now?” I ask just wanting to get back to doing anything. I would even welcome Riley back if it meant that I didn’t have to talk about this anymore.

  “No, we can’t. I always let this kind of stuff slide, but you’ve been off lately and when you’re off we’re off. We have an important mission to do in a few days. Whatever it is just get it off your chest it always makes you feel better.” He says taking my hand and making me sit with him.

  “This just isn’t how I wanted things to end up with my life and at the same time just how I wanted them to be, do you get it?” I ask not really knowing how to say what I meant.

  “No, not at all,” he laughs and I know I must be sounding crazy.

  “I wanted to be in a position of power and I know that in reality that would never happen, but if I do mate with Riley it would be the next best thing. I would be able to really find out what happened to our mother and make them suffer as she had. Get revenge for the pack and all other shifters. Riley says he will end the hunters, but being with him the rest of my life is just not what I really saw for myself,” I huff. “I wonder sometimes if our mother really loved our father or if she was just with him to have a mate.” I toss my hands into the air and add, “I don’t know, it’s just all stressful and unplanned.” I say placing my face in my hands.

  “Life is never how we planned and who knows it might still be changing so just go with it.” He says and of course he would say that.

  I smile up at him. “I love you, but you give the worst advice,” I say hugging him to me. I’m in luck that he doesn’t bring up Beau again because I can’t lie and I don’t want to tell the truth about it either.



  So far everything in my life is going great, better then I planned for myself, but one thing. A dirty blonde shifter with eye’s that reflect the sky is the one kink in my otherwise perfect chain.

  Every day is a constant battle to get her attention for more than a fleeting second. At first I really truly believed that it was just a game she played, but over the years that can’t be farther from the truth. She isn’t like any other female shifter I have ever encountered in my life time. Everything about her draws me in like a Venus flytrap, but unlike the trap she kills with a glance.

  I don’t really understand why she is the way she is. Maybe it’s because Gemma and Marcus grew up without parents, maybe it’s her job, I don’t know. Her standoff ways makes most men give up as soon as they start to pursue her, but not me. Maybe it’s because I’m a masochist and she’s a sadist, but that isn’t really true. The reason I keep at her is because in some rare brief moments I can see her drop her walls. Those moments are what I live for, hell even thrive for. In that glimpse of a moment I can see the real Gemma and what I see is breathtaking.

  “Have you even been listening to anything I have been saying?” Pack masters voice is raised an octave grabbing my attention and I try to shake all thoughts of blonde hair from my mind.

  “Sorry,” is the only answer I can give.

  “How many times have I caught you day dreaming like a child when I’m speaking to you. You need to grow up already. Don’t you know that the games are life and death?” He scolds me. “I could have given anyone else your slot but I gave it to you. Sometimes I wonder if I made the wrong decision.”

  “No!” I say jumping to my feet quickly. “I mean no sir,” I say again, sitting back down and composing myself. My hands go across my chest to straighten my shirt. Part of the reason why I jumped at the opportunity of participating in the games was in the hopes to get Gemma. Of course I want to be pack master for my own personal reasons, but she was a great influence.

  The idea came to me when our pack master recommended I think about joining the games. At first I turned him down respectfully, referring to how my age was a reason I should wait. I could always wait until the opportunity came around again. It wasn’t brought up again until I overheard a conversation Gemma and the pack master were having.

  Even through the door I could feel her disappointment seep into me taking over every emotion I had.

  “So I can die for you but I don’t get a say.” Unfortunately I have seen her have this argument with him many times, but nothing comes from it. “It’s not fair,” she finally said sounding like a child.

  “Gemma I don’t want to hear any more of this. You are at a very respectable rank, but because you are female this is as high of a position as you can get,” he apologizes.

  The door to his office slams open bouncing off the wall as she storms out. Her eyes are glowing a fierce blue.

  “Gemma,” I say standing trying to block her escape. Those eyes that kill look right at me almost as if seeing straight through me. “Are you alright?” I ask and immediately I want to smack myself in the head for asking.

  “Does it look like I’m alright?” She demands and I’m cursing myself a million times over.

  “No,” I pause. “You know I’m here for you right? I will always be here for you.”

  Her shoulders visibly relax as I watch her wall crash to the cold floor beneath our feet. The arctic glare that was in her eye is gone and I see for the first time tears form in her eyes. I do have to give her credit that I never saw one fall, just create a glass film that covers those beautiful eyes.

  Taking advantage of this rare moment, I quickly envelop her into my arms. Not once does she pull away or fight me even as I run my hands across her back. I lay the side of my face against her soft hair and inhale her natural aroma. Her arms that were laying limply to her sides come around me and I’m in heaven.

  A very loud throat clearing is the only thing that pulls us away from each other. And just as her walls came down they are built right back up just as rapidly. I let the vise grip hold I have on her go and she gives me a halfhearted smile before leaving.

  “This way,” I hear the pack master order. I know he wants me to come into his office, so I do it backwards keeping my eyes on her very toned backside. She is almost out of sight when a slap on the side of my head receives my complete attention.

  “Do I have your attention now?” He hisses, his voice thick with sarcasm. Pointing at one of the very plush chairs across from his desk he wordlessly orders me to comply.

  Sitting down I lean onto the side of the chair getting as comfortable as I can while not displaying the bulge in my pants. My thoughts on that matter are not as mature as I would like. All I can think of is that when the situation is reverse, I’m going to make her pay for all the boners she has given me. She is going to beg me, plead with me, and scream for me when she becomes mine.

  “I wanted to ask if you had changed your mind about the games. It would be rude of me to give it to someone else without giving you time to think about it. And it is a lot to think about,” he says rounding his desk. “Status, women, the power. Every female shifter will want you as their mate just for being nominated. Your status in rank will improve and if you win,” he pauses watching as every word sinks in. “If you win the female you
choose will have more power than any other female shifter. Hell she will have more power then she’ll know what to do with. That is if you wanted a strong mate.” He says knowing full well that I have been chasing Gemma for four years now. Everything he is saying revolves around Gemma. She is my greatest strength, but also my greatest weakness.

  He circles to the other side of my chair making me have to shift in my seat again to adjust myself. Damn her. “Our pack is the second largest in the world and with that a great amount of power. Think of all the honorable things you could accomplish,” and for a second it feels as if he wants me to sell my soul.

  “So, what do you think?” He adds.

  “I’ll do it,” I reply without a moment’s hesitation.

  That was the moment I sealed my fate to the games.



  Never before in my life have I seen or been a part of the hunt, which is only done a month before the first game. It was over two hundred years ago when the last hunt was and now it was time again. Our pack master and my personal surrogate father is going to be stepping down and that gives rise to the highest position available. Three male shifters who had proven themselves worthy by the pack master are selected to enter the games. The games for pack master are anything but games. Never in the history of the games had not at least one of the participants died. Even at the risk it is a great privilege to be selected and is not seen as anything to feel sad about, but to see the dead as honored.

  Everything is pulled out of the woodworks to make every game something to never be forgotten. From all the older shifters who were around for the last one was one to be topped. Being that it was in the early nineteen hundreds I really doubt that. We have computers and way cooler stuff now a days.

  “Aren’t you excited?” Marcus says nearly shifting with anticipation.

  “Yes, but unlike you I can control my shit,” I say and we both laugh.

  Looking over to where our pack master is stationed at I see Riley watching me from the corner of his eye as he is talked to. I hate to admit this, but Riley is the youngest ever to be put into the games and I’m somewhat proud of him. At eighty eight he has accomplished more in his life than most.

  The other two shifters are eating up every word that comes out of the pack masters mouth. Ezra is the oldest and smartest. I heard rumors he paid for his way into the games which seems like it may have happened. He is three hundred and fifty two years old and the limit for the games is three hundred. Thaddeus was one of my personal teachers as a child who taught me strategy. He’s at the more appropriate age for the pack master at two hundred and seven years old. I can see him being the biggest competition for Riley.

  I can see a smile form on Riley’s lips and I know I’ve been staring for far too long in their direction. Turning I do anything but look in that direction again and I can feel Riley’s eyes on me almost at all times. The real fact is that I know that there is a very good chance that he will win and become pack master, but I’m torn about it. “Did you have a good look, my Gemma?” Riley’s voice sends chills running down my spine and my stomach tightens as the butterflies within spread their wings. I don’t reply and just try to pretend that he’s not even there, though I can feel his breath against the back of my neck.

  Not being one who can be ignored he turns me to face him placing a hand to one side of my neck to better expose the other side. He’s always touching. I can’t really even think of a time when he doesn’t touch me. He brings his face closer to mine and he briefly closes his eyes. “I like it when you look at me,” he sighs making me swallow. So softly, he nuzzles my bare neck with his nose making goose bumps cascade across my skin and my breathing increase. The gentleness of this act is so intimate and raw I have to close my eyes.

  As wolf shifters we crave closeness to our own kind and being together with our pack. It’s strange how hard it is to fight the animal inside sometimes. It reminds me why when shifters are banished from the pack that most of them die off. We are social creatures.

  Placing my hands on his arms I can feel is lips turn into a smile against my neck. He breathes in my scent that has changed slightly with my mood. “Excuse me,” I say escaping from his grasp and out of the room. In the hall I run to get out of this building and out of this form. I need to run in order to get control of myself. My wolf sees Riley as an excellent mate, second best to a true mate, but I don’t really want to see it that way. The human in me wants to choose to live my life how I please, organized and planned out. My wolf on the other hand craves the opposite. Marcus’s words come back to me about how life just isn’t always planned and that I just have to go with it.

  Once out of the building I run into the trees taking my dress off and tearing other parts of the deep blue material. I’m not too worried about it at the moment because I always hide extra clothes in a few places out here.

  I let the shift over take me. Bones crack and brake with no pain until I land onto my four paws seconds later. Everything is better when I’m like this. My vision is clearer, my hearing sharper, and I can just let my wolf take over. Her thoughts are only of running and hunting.

  It’s not long though until I hear another near me. Creeping down into some bushes I sniff the air noting that Riley has followed me out here. He’s not far and has just shifted. Knowing there is nowhere for me to hide I come out and face the direction he will be coming at.

  His wolf runs in my direction, snapping branches and bursting through the bushes. I watch as he comes to a stop in front of me. Everyone’s wolf is a little different from the next, but most of us look alike. Riley’s coat is similar to my own. Its dark brown with different shades of red, but Riley has one white spot on his front left paw. His eyes are glowing amber as he lifts his head higher than my own. I stand still as he comes over sniffing my coat and I sniff his. He moves back to my face licking my snout.

  Dropping to a play position I watch as his eyes dance with excitement as he too goes into the position. I take off running as fast as I can with him only a few steps behind me. He gets close nipping at my heels as I try to pick up my speed.

  We run all night until we are physically exhausted and lay on a soft patch of grass to catch our breath. In this moment everything is peaceful and all the stress has been worked out of my body. I’m not sure how much time we lay there like that, but I’ve stopped breathing so hard and my body becomes super aware of Riley’s presents behind me.

  He moves behind me shifting back into his human form and stands offering his hand down to my wolf form. The offering is different for him and I take it shifting back into my human form. His eyes roam my naked body unabashed as he takes my hand. “You are so beautiful,” he says as if I have taken his breath away. We all have seen each other naked it’s just part of our life, but never has he said that to me. The way he looks at me fills me with a since of empowerment. It makes my wolf excited as I feel my eyes heat, glowing faintly.

  Turning away from him I grab my clothes that I had hidden and put them back on. “That was… interesting,” I say still putting my clothes on with my back to him.

  “Very, I know at least your wolf enjoys my company. Now I just need to get the woman on board,” he says and I can hear him zipping his pants back on. “I have to admit that you two have worked me out.” He says and I smile in pride.

  Fully clothed I turn to him catching him placing his shirt on. All the muscles in his upper body move so fluidly that it momentarily distracts me.

  “Is that so,” I grin.

  “Oh yeah,” he says coming closer to me. His white teeth almost glow under the half moon. “We should do that again some time.” He bends down picking up the tattered blue dress and hands it over to me. “Shame about the dress. It looked very lovely on you,” he says handing me the dress.

  When I took it off I didn’t noticed that I completely ruined one of my only dresses. Looking down at it now I remember why I got this dress and it saddens me.

  In the only pictu
re of my mother she was wearing a dress almost identical to the torn one in my hands. Riley watches me, “I could get you another.” The look of concern crosses his features and it’s cute.

  “No, its fine but thank you. That was very sweet of you,” I say patting his face.

  He pulls my hand to his lips and compassionately places a kiss that starts at the tip of one finger and ends at my wrist. “Don’t tell anyone they might think I’m a push over,” he says keeping his lips near my skin. “Only for you.”

  “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you” Marcus says running over to us and it surprises me how I didn’t even hear him coming. “Pack Master wants you in his office Riley.” Marcus places his hands on his side breathing in deeply.

  Riley pushes my hair aside from my neck and lays a soft kiss that sends chills again. “Until next time,” he whispers in my ear then leaves Marcus and I.

  “Don’t say anything,” I say as soon as Riley isn’t in ear shot anymore.

  “Do I look like a guy who was about to say something and by the way you missed the hunt,” he shrugs playing it off.

  “Of course you do and it’s not what it looks like. We just went for a run, I didn’t think I would be gone that long,” I say moving my hair back over my neck.

  “Who are you trying to convince?” He smiles that knowing smile and I know he’s right. He always seems to come at times like these. I feel as if he catches me with my pants down every time, but the way he acts about it makes me feel as if he approves of it in a strange way.

  “What do you think of Riley?” I ask as we walk back to housing.

  “He seems alright, can be kind of a dick sometimes, but alright.” He says and I’m glad he doesn’t ask a million question to my one. I nod and head for my room.

  After cleaning myself up I lay in bed for hours tossing and turning all night. Both grey eyes and brown eyes haunt my dreams to the point of exhaustion. I don’t know why I dream of a man I meant once ten years ago. Sometimes I wonder if it was because he mixed his blood with mine, the same thing I never told anyone not even Marcus. I really shouldn’t feel anything for Beau, the very first rule we learn is that we are never to mix with other species and my wolf fully agrees with that. They would rather us mix with humans than anything else, though it is still against our laws. Only if it’s your true mate, but that has never happened proving beyond the point of how unnatural it is.


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