Giving up on the thought of sleep I grab the file on my desk that has all the information on our next mission. I’ve read it countless of times just like I do with all the others. Reading and studying all to be a step ahead. Marcus does scan over it and I make sure to highlight key points on his file so he know at least the most important parts.
We are going after a lead at where the main headquarter are at. Never have we found it and if this really is where it is located it will be the hunters Achilles heel. This new tip is located in Croydon, England. It’s not the first time we have gone anywhere on a tip, but I’m really hoping it’s the last. Each lead is carefully investigated or we would be running all over the place. The London pack is sending their own shifters to join us. It doesn’t really thrill me to have extras like that, especially those I’ve never worked with before. They always get in my way or want to change my very well thought out plans. I growl at just the thought.
“Hey now,” pack master says making me jump. What has been up with me today!
“Sorry pack master,” I say turning to him and removing the hair from the side of my neck.
He smiles as he comes over to me. “No need, I know how you get before a mission,” he grins. “You never change and I really do love that about you,” he muses and I know he has more on his mind. He always starts off on a positive note before he lays whatever shit he has to lay on me. I give him the look showing him I know what’s coming and he laughs. “You know me too well Gemma,” he smiles but just as quickly his face becomes neutral.
He waves us over to a set of chairs and I wait for it to come. Usually it’s about how I should look at the experience of working with others as an opportunity to expand my mind, but this doesn’t look like one of those. Maybe it’s about training I think.
“Everyone knows that soon there will be a new pack master and it will change a lot of things.” He starts and I inwardly cringe. “I have had many conversations with each of the men competing for the pack master spot. I told them how important it will be for them to have their personal lives in order so they have a clear mind.”
“What does this have to do with me,” I say a little annoyed.
“I was getting to that,” he says a little louder. “Riley is the only one without a mate and I know that he has been pursuing you for quite some time now.” He raises his hands. “Hear me out first. I see you as not only a student, but also as the daughter I never had. The only thing I want for you is for you to be happy and to be taken care of. Riley could and would do all of that for you. I’ve talked to him recently about you and he cares for you very much. So much so that I wouldn’t doubt if you two were true mates,” he smiles and I know that can’t be. I would feel it or something if Riley was my true mate. “We are taught never to show weakness, but yet I can see that you are Riley’s. If anything was to happen to you it would damage him,” he says and I huff.
“I appreciate you talking to me about this, but I really think you have it all wrong. Riley only wants what he can’t easily attain. If I was to just return half of the attention he gives me he would be over me before the day even ended,” I say feeling as if I’m winning this. Even sitting up a little straighter and crossing my legs.
“You really think that low of him, don’t you?” He says not amused with me at all.
“I do.”
“Well then I’m calling your bluff,” he says sitting straighter and sticking his chest out even.
“I wasn’t bluffing, I was being honest,” and I hope he doesn’t make me go through with what I think he’s thinking.
“I know you think your right, but I’m about to prove you wrong. Give Riley half the attention he gives you just for today and if you’re right and he just ends up ignoring you later then I will never bring up this conversation again,” he says, but I want more.
“Okay, but just because I know I’m right when he ignores me later Marcus and I will be the exception to the new breeding law,” I add and I know I’m asking a lot. He looks at me for a moment.
“Fine, but if you lose then I get to add that you will treat Riley right and not fight with him so much. He will need you when the games begin and you will be there to support him with whatever he needs,” he says and we shake on it. Today is going to be a long and hard day.
I’m the first one for breakfast in the morning, which is a very rare thing for me to do, but I still haven’t been able to go to sleep. Also I know that Riley comes when I normally come so we will either miss each other or others will already be sitting next to me.
Stacking my tray with the freshly made food I start wondering if I should start coming early because the good food is served first. The saying ‘the early bird gets the worm’ comes to mind.
As I sit in my designated area I watch as other people slowly trickle in. Looking around I feel comforted with the knowledge that my pack mates are so near. I see Lily come and for the first time I’m excited to see her. “Hey Lily,” I say and her eyes widen.
“Morning Gemma.”
“Come sit by me,” I say patting the seat next to me. Lily starts breathing hard like a deer cornered. “It will be fun, we can talk,” I say baiting her.
“Okay,” she timidly replies as she sits next to me. “I thought you didn’t like me?” She says looking down at her tray and I instantly feel bad for ever making her fear me like this.
“No Lily I like you, I would even consider us friends,” I say smiling over to her and her face lights up.
“Really?” She says turning to look at me. “We should hang out then,” she adds and I inwardly groan at the thought.
I look around for the next person to sit by me when I see our pack master enter. He looks around quickly letting his gaze land on me. Once he knows he has my attention he looks over to the clock on the wall then over to the other side of the room where Riley is making his way over. Shit, he’s early and I really want to take back the deal I made with the pack master. Closing my eyes for a brief moment I take a deep breath and look back over to Riley. When he’s close I pat the seat next to me and watch his forehead wrinkle in confusion.
“Am I dying?” He jokes and I shake my head.
“Nope, just your lucky day.” I say and don’t even slap his hand away when he places it on my thigh. I mean I want to because it’s what I naturally do but the longer it’s there the less tense I feel. Maybe even a little relaxed.
“I’m dying.” He smiles taking a big bite of eggs with only one hand. Now that some of the others are at the table I can feel them looking at us. Riley has this glowing smile to him while he constantly touches me and I’m not pushing him off. It must be as strange for them as it is for me.
I’m done eating when Marcus comes in all smiles and waves to everyone like he’s running for homecoming king. He takes the seat across from me dropping his tray and letting the cold oatmeal bounce. “Done eating already? Did you come early or something?”
“Yes and just so you know the food is way better,” I say and he looks at my almost empty tray.
“No way, fucking bacon!” He says taking the piece I was saving for him.
“Anyway see you in class,” I say standing but I’m stopped as Riley’s hand roughly comes down on my thigh and holds me there. Biting my bottom lip to stop myself for doing anything to break the deal I look at him. “Yes,” and it comes out more of a minor hiss.
“I’ll walk you,” he says and his hand moves to the inside of my thigh and up. He keeps his eyes on me the whole time even as I gasp. Never has anyone touched me in this manner and it thrills me. My body’s natural instincts kick in. Everyone is looking at us now and I’m trying to hide it, but I can feel my cheeks burn. “Let’s go,” he swallows hard standing and I follow. I can’t even look at anyone, especially Marcus who says ‘what the hell’ as we leave.
Looking straight ahead I drop my tray and speed walk out of there and into the hallway. Leaning back against the cool wall I t
ry controlling myself. “Gemma.” Riley’s voice is so close and so gentle. Opening my eyes I see him in front of me with an uneasiness written across his features. He steps closer to me, too close, and I can feel his breath on me. His hands cup my face as he examines me closer.
“I’m fine Riley.”
“Your just acting different today, is it because of last night?” He ask dropping his hands from my face and I see what might be my moment.
“No, do you not like me like this?” I say, but I don’t truly want the answer. I want him to still want me, but yet so much is riding on this.
“I wouldn’t say that,” he says pressing his lower half onto me showing me how big his need for me is.
“Not as big as I had imagined, not really even average,” I grin and his face completely falls.
“Woman, I have you know that I’m above average in all things, but practically excel in…” He says pressing himself into me proving his point that I will never give him. Pushing him off me I head to my only class for the day. “Wait,” he says jogging to catch up with me. “Are you just going to ignore what happened last night and what’s going on now?”
“I was planning on that.”
“Just stop for a moment,” he pauses. “Please.”
“Fine.” I say stopping in my tracks and moving to the side so people can still pass.
“Run with me tonight. I want to show you there’s more to us then what you see. I’ll even make dinner, the whole shebang,” he pleads and he has me on the shebang part. Plus, I said I would make an effort.
“Okay,” I say and that glowing smile is back.
“That’s what I said. What time?” I ask.
“I will get you at six,” he grins walking backwards. “You won’t regret it.”
“Don’t make me regret it,” I warn only making his smile grow, if that was even possible.
All day I was given looks both positive and surprised. I hate gossip. Okay that’s a lie I love gossip, just not when it’s about me. “Then Zack was saying how you’re pregnant with Riley’s love child and you two were only putting on an appearance before, but now you decided to display your love because you’re going to show soon.” Marcus says almost out of breath as he helps me fold up the mats.
“Why didn’t you stick up for me?” I say hitting him hard on the arm.
He curses under his breath. “I can’t beat up everyone,” he says. “Plus I feel really in the dark about all this. What’s going on Gemma?” He says and the playful Marcus is gone replaced with a very serious one.
“Pack master thinks I should at least give Riley a chance, so I am. Riley wants to eat dinner then go for a run,” I say shrugging.
“Gemma, it’s me your brother, best and only friend sadly,” he says trying light the mood. I laugh at that last part because it’s kind of true. He was gifted with the socializing gene and I was not.
“He just brought up some good points, but so did I. I’m giving Riley just a smidgen of an opportunity, so we will see what happens tonight. Sink or swim really.” I say and Marcus laughs so hard that he is holding his sides. “What is so funny?” I say not understanding him at all.
“You! Gemma relationships are not something you plan and work out on your chalk board. You need to get that shit out of your head already and just freaking live in the moment.” He says making his hand move in a waving motion. I know that, but I feel unprepared when I don’t have at least one plan or think things through all the way. “You better get ready its thirty minutes till six.” Marcus says looking over at his watch and I really lost track of time. He must see the look on my face. “Go, I’ll finished this,” he says and I really don’t feel that bad cause we had already put most of the equipment up already.
With no one around I run down the hallway and walk when I see someone down the hall. Entering my room I look at the clock on my desk. Shit it’s already 5:38 and I still have to take a shower. I’m nervous and my mind goes completely blank. This is really my first date. It’s not unheard of for my age but still I’m a little behind the others. I put everything behind my career because my job means everything to me. My job makes me who I am and I would be lost without it.
Jumping into the shower I scrub away all the grime and sweat from the workout from only moments ago. Rushing I nick my knee while shaving and it only bleeds for a moment, washing down the drain. There goes my idea of a skirt or shorts. I don’t really want to think about it, but I kind of want my first date to go well. Perfect even, maybe. Lily has even been on a date and it was over the top. He was trying way too hard with a girl who loves another. I think he got the hint when she repeatedly used him to get Marcus’s attention.
Grabbing jeans and one of my dressier shirts I barely have it on when there is a knock on the door. I glance at the clock again, 5:50. Normally I would like that he was early, even respect it but today is not one of those days because my nerves are shot and I’m not ready. My hair is still wet and up in a messy bun and I haven’t even decided what shoes to wear. It comes to me that women do this all the time and I realize that I don’t want to try this hard all the time.
Opening my door I see Riley and immediately wished I had spent more time on my appearance. His normally messy black hair is comb back and he’s dressed up nice. I can see he put some effort in this and I didn’t. “You look like you might still need a moment,” he says looking me up and down. If I hadn’t made the deal with the pack master I would have totally slammed the door in his face. This is not how I wanted to start this date and those are not the words I wanted to hear.
“Just take a seat and give me a few minutes,” I say pointing to my desk and turn. His arm stops me.
“I’m sorry Gemma that was rude of me. What I meant to say it that you look beautiful but you’re not wearing shoes,” he muses but what was said was said. Locking myself into the bathroom I take my time drying my wet hair and changing my pants into a knee length skirt. I also put on some gladiator shoes I never get to wear, even though I love them. They are brown and wrap all the way up to my calves. There is always that one pair of shoes or outfit that makes you feel better, well these shoes do it for me.
Exiting the bathroom Riley’s eyes lustfully scan me, but I stop him. “Let’s go already.” I say noticing we are already forty five minutes late for this date.
“Gemma wait, please just stop,” he says clearly catching my mood. “I’m ruining this aren’t I?” he says and I don’t answer. “I’m sorry I just have been working so hard on this and my words just spill out of my mouth with no thought. I really want to prove to you that this could really work with us and that my feelings for you are pure.” I don’t know what to say back to that so I just nod and we keep walking. Also I know with just that statement I have just lost my deal with the pack master.
He takes my hand and I can feel that his hand is damp, making me smile. We walk towards where we ran last night and he quickly goes around me covering my eyes. “I want it to be a surprise,” he breathes softly next to my ear and I’m a little excited. Our first steps are awkward until we walk as one. He presses me flat against him before taking his hand away and I can’t believe my eyes. Stepping out of his hold I take it all in. The trees that circle us are lite up with tiny white lights that remind me of happy times as a child. In the center is a picnic set out on a white blanket. Candles of different heights are set up by the meal. The whole thing has this warm and touching vibe to it.
Turning back to him, he smiles at my reaction. “You did all this?” I ask walking back over to him pleasantly surprised.
“Just for you,” he says hugging me to him and I feel comfortable with him like I did last night. He’s being himself and not the mask of a man he flashes around all the time. “Let’s eat,” he says taking my hand and leading me to the center of the snow white blanket. I let my fingers graze the soft fabric and let this rare moment get the better of me. “I know you don’t care for the food ma
de here so I made a home cooked meal. Chicken, potatoes, the whole nine yards,” he smiles and it’s contagious.
The meal is so good I almost inhale it and I can tell Riley is happy with this. “I didn’t know you could cook,” I say wiping my hands clean of the meal and laying back. My hands go down to my very full stomach and Riley’s hand covers mine.
“A man is known to have secrets.” He grins and I wonder if he even made this, but right now I really don’t care.
We lay there letting the meal settle for a while, talking about things we never talked about before. It makes me feel my age when we laugh a few times so hard that I cry. Sitting up on my elbows I watch as Riley walks over to the base of one of the trees and soft music begins to play. C’est La Mort by The Civil Wars plays.
“They are my favorite,” I say as he pulls me closer. Letting the words of the song stir emotion within me as I lay my head on his shoulder. My eyes are wide open looking at the fresh stubble along his jaw. His smell is a mixture of him and his wolf drawing me to be near my own kind. I can feel his hand moving up and down my lower back as his face softly nuzzles part of my face.
When the song ends I can feel him pull away from me only a little and the tension between us is too much. His eyes express too much emotion. “Let’s run!” I say quickly pushing away from him and start running, taking off my clothes before I shift. I don’t wait for him, I just take off running as fast as I can to see if he will follow or catch me. Sounds of snapping leafs and twigs give him away but I don’t think he cares because he is catching up to me quickly. Pushing myself as hard as I can go I take longer strides, but it doesn’t matter as he soon tackles me to the ground. His wolf is only a little larger than my own, as his snout rubs against my face and neck and I know what he’s doing. He’s seeing if I trust him which I do in that sense. Getting up I return the same gesture as he allows me showing that he trusts me.
Undeniable (Undeniable series) Page 3