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Undeniable (Undeniable series)

Page 4

by Kimberly Claire

  We hunt and play in the woods long after the sun goes down. Shifting I lay back down on the white blanket catching my breath as Riley shifts and lays next to me. Gently he picks up one of my hands kissing the top as his hot breathes warms my hand. “I’ll get our clothes,” he says kissing my hand once more before sitting up. With my one arm over my chest I cross my legs and chance a peak at Riley’s naked backside. We all have seen a lot of naked people, it’s just how it is for us. But this is different and I quickly look away embarrassed by my ogling of him.

  Coming back to me he already has his pants on and is shamelessly letting his eyes roam my naked body. “Pervert,” I say reaching over for my clothes.

  “I can’t help it, you are truly breathtaking,” he smiles. I turn away again not letting him see how I really like it when he looks at me that way. It’s different, it’s more of a loving look then a lustful look. I have had many lustful looks, but not of love. My mind fleetingly reminds me of the look Beau gave me before he left me there. It wasn’t really love but a look of someone who cared. That one look got me through a lot of hard times growing up.

  “Gemma,” he says when I turn back around. His arms come around my waist pulling me to him as he kisses the back of my neck. It seems strange that he has kissed me so much but never on the lips. Turning in his hold his eyes scan my face and then they rest on my lips. Gracefully he lowers his face to mine and stops just as our lips lightly brush.

  “Have you ever been kissed?” He ask still so close.

  “No,” I reply quietly.

  At my statement his hold becomes tighter and his eyes light up with his new discovery. “Then I will be your first and your last,” he says and presses his lips hard against my own. I let his lips take over as I gradually get the hang of moving my lips. My hands run up his back and into his hair urging him even closer to me. I’m vaguely aware of his hands until one cups my breast stroking the fabric of my bra. He breaks the kiss trailing his lips down my neck when I can’t breathe anymore. I can feel my eyes and my body heat up and change with all the excitement. My wolf is nearly impossible to control as Riley nips and sucks my neck. Backing his face away he watches me as I try to control my emotions. I notice his eyes are the same brown color with only flakes of amber, while my eyes are glowing a light blue. It makes me wonder if I’m just really that bad of a kisser and I try to hide my embarrassment. Everyone knows that shifters are very prideful people and I’m no different. I might even take it too far at times, so moments like these I tend to over react. He notices my withdrawal from him.

  “Gemma what’s wrong?” He asks. “Did I hurt you?” He says taking my face in his hands.

  “No, I’m fine,” I say trying to shrug out of his hold.

  “Every time you say your fine you’re not. I can’t read your mind so just tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.” He says with a little smile.

  Immediately I battle it out in my mind. Half of me just wants to tell him while the other prideful side wants him to guess what’s wrong. If I say what’s upsetting me would it make me look weak. “You can talk to me about anything Gemma, I would never judge you,” he says trying to give me encouragement.

  “Well I would judge you!” I bark.

  “I know you would, but I wouldn’t,” he says and I wish I never said that. I sound like a child. He nods for me to start.

  “I just feel like I was just so out of control by that kiss and I don’t know, because you weren’t.” I say looking down so that I won’t have to see his face.

  “Is that it?” He asks and he sounds surprised when I nod. “Not to make this an age thing, but I’m older then you and have a better grip on my wolf. It’s not that I don’t feel him, it just that I can control him so much better now. One day you will be in complete control and I will have to do some very interesting things to get that glow.” Leaning over he takes my face in his hands and gently strokes my cheek bones. It makes sense what he is saying so we stay quiet while he holds me.


  I wake to the sounds of my own screams and a sweat drenched bed. My eyes automatically scan the room for anything, but nothing is there. Calm down, it wasn’t real. I repeat this over and over in my head, but images of the dream still haunt me.

  Darkness, so much darkness and pain. I can still hear the echo of the evil laugh reverberate over and over in my mind. My hands shake at my sides and I breathe deep to control myself. Beau was also in this dream and is already fading just as fast.

  Heading into my bathroom I splash cold water onto my face and when that doesn’t work I take a shower. Trying to wash off the remains of that dream. This is going to be another long day.


  “So how was the date?” Marcus says when I set my tray next to his. It was bad enough all the others are looking at me, but now their eyes are glued to me. Shit.

  “It was good, how was your night?” I say trying to quickly change the subject.

  “So are you two a thing now or am I going to have to find out through the grape vine?” He presses and I can tell he feels left out more than the others can see. Placing a hand over his I give a gentle squeeze. ‘I don’t know what’s going on with us, but you’ll be the first to know.’ I tell him though our connections, but he doesn’t respond. I hate it when we aren’t getting along. It messes with how we fight together and with our mission coming up now was not a good time for this.

  I unintentionally keep my eyes open for Riley, but he never shows up. Last night when we ended our date he had walked me back to my room kissing me until my wolf couldn’t take it any longer. It made him laugh and I liked it when Riley was carefree with me. Trying not to overthink the multiple reasons why he might not be here I turn my attention back to Marcus. We had the rest of the day today to fix this before we have to leave.


  I wait until Marcus gets up from the table to follow him. “I know what you’re doing,” he says not looking over to me as he dumps his tray in the trash.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about?” I say in a playful way which makes him grin a little.

  We head over to our gym but he stops me as I go to get my weapons I wanted to practice with. “What’s going on with you Gemma? I can feel something,” He says placing a hand over his chest where is heart is. “I know it’s not coming from me and it’s almost painful.” He ask turning me towards him.

  Growing up it has always been us. We take care of each other because really that’s all we have. Yes we might have the pack and the pack means a lot but Marcus means everything to me. Our bond is beyond what I have with the pack.

  “I don’t know what’s going on with Riley and me, but it just seems to be throwing everything off. It’s new and different from anything I have ever done or felt. I sorry I’ve been kind of distanced. I just want us to be okay,” I say and he smiles at the end.

  “Of course we are okay, I’m just worried about you that’s all,” he says hugging me to him.

  “What do you think I should do?” I say knowing he will like that I’m asking him for help.

  “Just forget about Riley for now and when we get back do what you normally do, organize it.” He laughs and I smile, we are back on track.


  Riley is a no show all day and it’s getting hard to take Marcus’s advice when all I want to do now is hunt him down. After dinner I have had about enough knowing there will be no way I could sleep if I don’t. I went everywhere, to his room, his office, the gyms I thought he would be at, and I even asked a few people if they have seen him. Giving up I walk back to my room where I see him standing pacing by my door.

  “Where have you been?” He yells as soon as he spots me.

  “Me!” I say pointing at myself. “Where have you been all day, I looked everywhere for you,” I say feeling my temper starting to peak. He looks me over and the worried expression on his face fades.

  “You’ve been looking for me?” He says like he can’t believe it.

>   “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry,” he says walking towards me. “I had to go to these meetings and it took all day. I came over here as soon as I got out to see you and when I got here you were gone,” he says hugging me to him. Taking his hand I lead him back toward my door and into my room. “Did you miss me?” He says all smug and I want to smile while hitting him. I know weird, but I can blame it on the mix emotions he brings out of me.

  “A little,” I say shrugging making him smile even bigger. “You have a really big smile,” I say walking around him in a circle.

  “I do,” he states letting me continue.

  “Brings out those big brown eyes,” I say lightly touching him as I go around.

  “Better to see you with,” he muses.

  “And what big hands you have,” I say having to bite my lower lip to keep from smiling.

  “Better to please you with,” he says letting one of his own hands graze my skin.

  “So many teeth in that big smile,” I add running a hand across his back.

  “Better to eat you with my dear,” he says using this high pitched voice playing along for only a moment as he grabs me before I can make another round. The look in his eyes says the game is over as he slowly presses his lips to mine. It’s so different from lasts night, but I still react just the same. His hands release my face as they move down towards my hips pulling me as close as our clothes will allow. “I’m glad you missed me.” he says and I can feel his lips grow into a larger smile against my lips.

  “I never said that.” I argue but he breaks away from the kiss moving to a spot on my neck that makes my legs shake and my heart beat harder.

  He laughs at my quick change. “I should add this spot to my notes,” he says then moves back sucking that same spot until I feel my knees go weak. Walking me gently backwards I sink onto my bed breathing hard as I try to control myself again. Riley moves to his knees in front of me taking my face into his hands. I can see him clearer with my wolf so close to the surface. “Breathe Gemma,” he instructs brushing the hair away from my face with one hand. I do as he says breathing in deep until I feel more in control. “Better?” He asks after a moment and I nod. “I want to see you before you leave tomorrow, is that okay?”

  “Yes, I would like that,” I reply.

  “Good, I’ll see you in the morning then.” He says getting back onto his feet and walks out before I can think or say anything. Like I would say anything against that. I want to see him before I leave because I will miss this new side of him I get to see.


  My alarm screeches making me want to throw it across the room and sink down farther into my beds warmth. Normally I would question it but I know that today I have to get up. I laid out everything last night knowing that I would need this extra time to get all my things ready to go. Tiredly I reach for my stuff and head into the shower to wake me up quickly and in a way wash Beau away.

  He was in my dream last night again and it felt like he was there with me. I know it sounds strange, but if I had reached out I could have touched him. Nothing happened like always, but he was so close to me that I could have reached out and touched him. His eyes were a darker shade of grey and the tension between us was too much. It was like he was about to say something to me, but was fighting with himself in weather to say it or not. I wanted so badly for him to speak, to say anything. It was almost as if I ached for it. I can’t even remember what he sounded like anymore, almost like he was a dream to begin with, but I know that’s wrong. That night really happened, he is real.

  A loud knock on my door dissolves my thoughts bringing me back to reality. “Gemma,” Riley’s voice sounds a little louder than a whisper trying not to wake the others.

  “It’s open,” I say grabbing my notes and placing them in my side bag.

  Riley’s arms come around my waist as I zip my bag lifting me up into the air. “Riley,” I giggle. He places me down and I turn to face him. His eyes are alight with brown and amber.

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave,” he says and I’m strangely sadden by it. One of his hands comes up to cup the side of my face and I softly press my face against it.

  “You will be too busy to notice I’m gone.” I say trying to lighten the mood, but he has that determined face on.

  “Why do you always do that?” He pulls away from me and sits on my bed head down. I know what he’s talking about. Whenever he says anything intimate or personal like that I change it so that I won’t get hurt or too attached. I will do anything not to feel exposed like that.

  “I’m sorry,” I say and that’s all I can say about it. He stares at me for a moment then sighs.

  “No I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be pushing you,” he says looking back to me. “We’re almost out of time,” he says more to himself then to me. Looking over to the clock we only have a moment longer before I have to leave and he knows that too. “Be safe,” he says then roughly grabs the back of my neck pressing our lips together hard. “Come back home to me,” he says breaking the kiss and pressing his forehead gently against mine.

  We stay like that for as long as we can before I lean back kissing him quickly on his lips. Grabbing my bag I put my game face back on thinking of only the mission and what I need to do.

  Marcus is already there when I get to the car. I smile at his appearance. “Did you even take a bath?” I say in mock disgust.

  “For you, no,” he says and we both laugh.

  The drive to the airport isn’t that long, but Marcus falls asleep. Shaking him gently I get him up and onto the plane where he immediately falls back to sleep. Unlike him I take my time looking over my notes. Memorizing maps and insider information that could come in handy. That is the one thing that has saved me more than anything else. Knowledge is power in my line of work.

  “Ms. Parker we are about to land.” The flight stewardess says breaking me away from my readings. Looking out the window all I can see are the clouds and how beautiful they are at this distance. If I could I would reach out and run my fingers through them making them something different.

  Peering into the seat behind me I can see Marcus is still out like a light. His golden blond hair is tussled across his forehead and over one eye. I’ve been telling him for weeks to get that hair cut while it only gets longer. Reaching over him I open the shade that was over his window making him jump. “Gah, Gemma,” he says promptly shutting it.

  “We’re about to land,” I say putting the last of my notes up as I feel the plane begin to descend. Reaching into the bottom of my bag I grab the energy drink I had brought with me for him. He can be a real ass if he doesn’t get that or coffee. Energy drinks are easier to carry. “Here.” I say handing him the drink when he can keep his eyes open for longer than a few seconds.

  “Thanks,” he mumbles using one hand to get the hair out of his eyes. He notices the look of disproval I send his way. “I know, I know you hate the hair,” he says after a large chug.

  “Did I say anything?” I say.

  “You’re thinking it way to loud.” He smiles shaking his hair a little on purpose. It’s true I can see myself holding scissors in one hand and his hair in another.

  When our plane lands we are met by two of the London’s pack. “Mr. Parker, Ms. Parker what an honor.” One of the men says dropping to a knee in front of us showing his neck towards us.

  “Get up Miles.” The other says quickly pulling the man on his knees up. “Sorry about that,” he says giving Miles a questioning look then leads the way for us to follow.

  “Dude,” Marcus says to me with a huge smile enjoying the little show. I knew he would, but people were watching.

  We have been to the London pack a few times, but it has been a few years since the last time. We travel mainly in the U.S., but this was important. I don’t really like being separated from the pack that long and neither does Marcus, but having each other near helps.

  I notice Marcus answering our work phone rolling his eyes. “Pack ma
ster wants to speak with you,” he says sighing and handing me the phone.

  “Pack master,” I say awaiting orders.

  “Too soon for that,” Riley laughs and now I’m sighing. On missions I have a certain routine and having Riley on my mind is not going to help me. “I did this wrong,” he says and I can imagine his face is all scrunched up.

  “No, it was just unexpected,” I say not wanting to worry about this later. “We just landed,” I add.

  “That’s why I called, I’ve been tracking your plane.” He says completely serious and I have to bite my lip from laughing at him. Tracking my plane sounds a lot like a Riley thing and I’m not upset about it. We don’t say anything as Marcus and I follow the other two to a car.

  “I miss you already,” he says so quietly. I like hearing him show more of himself with me like this, but I can feel my chest tighten at those words.

  “I will see you soon.” I say looking out the car window as the landscape passes at increasing speed. “Now go focus on your training. The games are quickly approaching.”

  He laughs a little at my reply. “When you come back home I’m going to crack open that shell of yours. Don’t worry though you’re going to like being open with me while I devour your insides,” he says the last part with such lust that I cross my legs and my face starts to heat. When I don’t say anything back I know he knows what he’s doing to me. “You liked that didn’t you,” he says and I can hear his breathing increase.


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