Undeniable (Undeniable series)
Page 10
“How much longer do we have to wait here?” Marcus groans as we wait for our new mission project to get out of class. That’s right she’s a high school student and we are stalking her, from a respectable distance.
“If you ask that again I’m going to hurt you.” I growl out for the tenth time this hour. “Maybe if you stopped staring at all the underage girls we would be getting somewhere,” I add.
“Hey, not all of them are underage and I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m doing my job,” he defense himself.
I roll my eyes knowing I’m going to go nowhere in this argument. I never really noticed before how many blondes there could be in one high school. Obviously ninety percent of them dye their hair making our job just that much harder. The bell rings again and the students disappear into their assigned classrooms. “We are never going to find her this way.” I rumble tossing the binoculars into the dash board.
“I do have an idea if you want to hear it.” Marcus teases and I know it will be something that we are not supposed to do.
“What do you have in mind,” I give up.
“One of us takes a tour of the school.”
“How would we get away with something like that?” I ask interested.
“Say we are applying for a position as a teacher. In their newspaper they are hiring for a math teacher,” he says grabbing the newspaper from behind his seat and my jaw drops.
“Who are you and where is my brother.” I ask joking, but I’m beyond impressed.
He smiles as if I have given a great gift and it kind of saddens me. Have I never made him feel that way before?
“Marcus I know I don’t say this often enough but I’m so proud of you. Like really proud and I know that our parents would have been so proud of the man you have become.” I say meaning every word.
He looks at me for a moment letting my words fully sink in. “Thanks,” he says wanting to say more, but a sudden movement at the school has caught both of our attention.
“There she is,” I say noticing that her senses are up. As it is all of our windows are up keeping our scent in the vehicle we are in now. I don’t really understand why a hunter would allow their child to go to a public school. I mean I know that they can blend in better with the humans. Hunters have the same scent as humans, but they have tale tale signs that give them away if you are looking for them.
We watch her as she exits the building labeled E and crosses the street to the parking lot. With a supernatural grace she enters a neon pink Lexus and I hear Marcus curse. “I told them we needed a fast car,” he says wrapping his hands tighter around the steering wheel. I don’t really know or care about cars, hell I don’t even know how to drive. Not that they didn’t want me to learn. They were actually surprised when I declined to take more training classes. Marcus rubs it in my face a few times that he knows how to drive and it makes me kind of want to learn.
Gripping the ‘oh shit’ handles for my life as I force my eyes to stay in contact with the neon pink eye sore. “Way to keep a low profile.” I mock not even looking over to see the sour look I know he’s giving me.
“I wouldn’t have to drive like this if that little shit didn’t take off like a bat out of hell. Do you think she knows she was being watched?” Marcus ask taking a hard turn. His question has me watching the driver more closely. Her unnaturally striking green eyes are everywhere but on the road. Our eyes meet telling me everything I need to know.
“She knows.” I say watching her again. “Stop,” I say low at first then panic sets in sending chills. “Stop! We need to get out of here.” I look over to Marcus to get his attention.
“We can’t stop,” he says keeping on her tail. “There no way she could-” A black suburban hits us on my side of the car, tossing our car effortlessly into the ditch. The door crushes my right leg keeping me from moving. Quickly Marcus kicks open his door then reaches over to me.
“Go Marcus,” I order and his eyes comes down to my leg but it’s too late.
“Get on the ground.” A hunter yells at Marcus, who drops to the ground. There’s no way to fight our way out of this situation. I can’t count them all but I can easily see twenty armed hunters. My car door is ripped off the hinges and I’m pulled to the ground.
“Get her up,” another man orders pointing at me. Chancing a glance at my leg all I can really see is my jeans ripped and covered in blood on my upper thigh. It doesn’t really hurt right now because of all the commotion around me, but it’s going to hurt like a bitch here in a moment.
A hunter comes over to me lifting me off the ground and flinging me over to my brother. Marcus allows me to lean onto him as we are rushed into an awaiting van.
Inside the van is nothing but a caged off area for the drivers. I was hoping I could find something in the van, even a nail could have maybe helped me.
Marcus sits next to me examining my now throbbing leg. I whence when he tears my jeans open even farther to inspect the damage. ‘What do you think?’ I connect with Marcus because I don’t want the others to hear us speaking to each other.
‘It’s going to take a few hours, but it will be good.’ He says bringing his blood covered hands back into his lap. I look out the windshield for any clues to where we might be headed, but soon give up. Everything looks the same and I’m a little stressed at the moment.
What I think at the moment is that we were set up. How I don’t know. Why I don’t know, but it was a trap. I know that because we are still alive and that only happens when it’s a trap. We have been trapped once before but we usually have backup just in case. I’ve never been brought to a hunter leader before or maybe I have, I only know what a few of them look like. Tristan Salvador is the one I know by heart. He is the leader and one of the most violent ones I’ve ever heard of. Every once in a while we receive a new photo of him to update the ones we have. His eyes remind me so much of the girl we were following. A vivid green that goes well with his dark brown hair. We know all of his basic information like that he is forty-five years old and his tactics are more than barbaric, but we can never capture him.
The sky has been dark for hours before we are forced out of the van. Deep down I was really hoping that someone would come for us, but nothing has happened. My leg is mostly healed and I only have a slight limp as we are taken to a large business office. The doors open showing an elegant and modern entryway, but that soon passes as we are led down a set of stairs. I can feel my leg starting to bleed again.
Two large doors are opened on both sides allowing thirty plus hunters and ourselves easy access to walk through. The decor of this area is completely different from what we just walked through. It has a dark throne room look going for it and I automatically notice the malicious man sitting on a chair made for the gods.
Tristan Salvador, the man we have been after is sitting right in front of us. His eyes stay on us as we make our way over to him and are pushed down onto our knees. Those unnaturally green eyes are full of hate, but also seem very pleased at the moment.
I never break eye contact with him, showing him that I don’t fear him. It only makes a cruel smile snake it way upon his lips. “At last we meet,” he says and his voice demands attention. I don’t know if he does that on purpose or if he just naturally sounds that way. “I have heard some very interesting things about you two.” He says as if we should be pleased to have gotten his attention. “The wonder twins, the thorn in my side, and now my kindred.” He muses and I don’t understand. “Oh!” He laughs a bizarre laugh. “They don’t know that there father is a hunter. How delightful,” he pauses. “I wonder what it must feel like to be you right now. To know you killed your own people, maybe even your family, even your father perhaps.”
“You’re a liar!” Marcus spits out and I really wish he wouldn’t have said anything.
Tristan makes a tisking noise with his mouth as he moves closer to us. “Then we will have to find out for a fact wont we?” He says thinking for a moment
and then he smiles devilishly. “Gifts, I have brought you each a gift.” He says waving his arm. The blonde vampire from our first mission comes over to Tristan. For the first time I notice that I’m in a room filled with every type of supernatural.
‘Marcus have you noticed our company?’ I ask him.
I feel him tense next to me as soon as he notices my same conclusion. ‘Shit Gemma! Why are they all here? It doesn’t make sense.’ I don’t know what to say back to that and my attention is brought back to the vampire in front of us.
He smiles down at me as he talks to Tristan, who nods for him to do what he needs to do. I’m lifted to my feet as the vampire comes to me first. “It’s been awhile. You have grown up to be a beauty.” He says lowering himself to his knees before me, then ever so slowly runs his tongue over the fresh blood on my leg. Bile hits the back of my throat at the groans he make as his hands wrap around my thigh bringing me closer to him. A thunderous yell vibrates off the walls and every one freezes in place. Turning to the sound I see Beau collared and shackled to the wall in plain view. Our eyes meet and I can see all the pain within those eyes.
His mouth moves up my body bring my attention back to the blonde in front of me. I pull against the arms holding me firmly in place and it only seems to encourage him on. Pulling back he looks me in the eyes before he whispers in my ear, “I can see why there is such a fuss about you and I intend to explore it.” With a small kiss to the spot beneath my ear he bring his lips farther down my neck. His lips are warm with my blood as he pauses a moment before he sinks his teeth into my neck.
“I didn’t forget about you either Marcus,” Tristan says waving Shiloh over. The look he gives is one of pure disgust as he brings out his blade trying to obtain a reaction from either of us. More than anything I want to yell and fight when Shiloh brings his blade straight to Marcus neck, but I keep still. Seeing how that doesn’t make either of us react he shoves the blade straight into Marcus left thigh. The blonde vampire smells Marcus’s blood then moves to him removing the blade as he drinks the blood that spills out of Marcus. Bending Shiloh grabs the bloody blade from the ground and moves over to me. Bringing the blade to my neck the only reaction he gets is from Beau.
I’m lifted from the ground by my shoulders and placed in front of Beau. He is angrier then I have ever seen him. “Don’t fucking touch her!” He yells pulling on his chains that don’t even bend at his strength.
“Oh, do you mean like this.” Shiloh says innocently bringing the blade up to my neck again but this time cuts small superficial wounds along my neck. I keep as still as I can not wanting to lose more blood then I already have. My body is already fighting to keep me up let alone trying to stop all the bleeding.
“I will kill you!” Beau screams. I look up at him when the blade is removed from my neck begging him with my eyes to remain silent.
“Is that so?” Shiloh says with a little huff. “I really do find it hilarious when the captive tells the free such unreachable goals. You see, you have no authority here. I’m allowed to do anything I want to do to her…with her,” he grins when Beau growls. “It’s such a waste that you didn’t even get to be intimate with her.” Shiloh brings Beau to his breaking point when he has my hands tied and suspended in the air as his own hands roam from my hips to my breast. Standing behind me he cups each of my breast as he licks at the dry blood at my neck.
“That is enough.” Tristan orders and Shiloh automatically drops his hands backing away. I sigh in relief as Beau stops pulling so hard against his restraints. Looking back up to him he is already scanning me over. Blood is sluggishly seeping from beneath both his wrist and neck. His overall apparent health is very poor. The color of his skin was already light, but now is taking on a more grey tone and his normally tranquil eyes are so dark they could pass for black. I want to make all of this go away and for him to be well again.
“Get them out of here.” Tristan orders as if he is already bored with us. Again I’m lifted onto my feet and removed out of the room with Marcus. I can’t help it and look back at Beau even though I hate seeing him this way. The weeks we have been apart have been difficult and every night he was in my dreams, with me.
Lucky for us we don’t have to drag ourselves far and are soon pushed into a room. The white walls are so bright they almost hurt my eyes. There are two small cots that are attached to the door and a small toilet near the other end. The door slams behind us and I make it over to the bed dropping myself lethargically onto it. Marcus does the same to the bed on the other side. “Do you think it’s true?” He ask and I know he’s talking about our father.
I think about it for a moment before replying. “I don’t know. Do you?”
His sigh is audible and as he turns the idea over in his own head. “No.”
It doesn’t sound like he is totally convinced of it, but I really hope he is right. Children couldn’t be born from that type of relationship. I had to keep reminding myself that as my eyes finally close of exhaustion.
Waking up I feel worse than I did before. Rolling over I see that Marcus is still asleep, but has a collar on him like I saw before on Beau. My hands automatically go up to my own neck as metal rattles. A cold metal device is also on my neck and though I can’t see it probably resembles Marcus’s. My hand reaches farther behind me and I turn to see that I’m chained to the wall with only a few feet of chain. I could probably make it half the length of the room.
Taking deep breaths I try very hard not to panic at how our situation has turned out. The sound of keys at the door draws my attention away from my thoughts. Marcus jumps at the sound looking over to me than his own hands go to his neck and I nod to him, answering his unspoken question.
I’m shocked at who comes through the door and I wonder if I’m really awake or if I’m still asleep. Our pack master comes in alone closing the door silently as he glances at both of us. I don’t understand why or how he is here. “Pack master you shouldn’t be here, Tristan Salvador is here.” I say trusting that he is here to save us.
He shakes his head sadly and my heart breaks into a million pieces. “I had a good reason.” He says, but I don’t care what he has to say. We are here because of him. He did this to us and is working with the enemy.
“Why would you do this to us?” Marcus says and by the tone of his voice he is just as dejected as myself.
“I couldn’t keep your secret any longer and I needed to light a fire in Riley. He would have died if you where to stay there Gemma and if he would have found out about your father he would have had to kill you.” He says like he was doing us a favor.
“So instead you just want us to die in here!” Marcus yells.
“No that’s not it at all. You will just have to believe me that this is what is best and as soon as I can I will come back for you.” He pleads with us.
“What makes you think we could ever trust you after this?” Marcus reply’s and I feel the same way.
“I want to tell you about your mother.” We wait for him to continue as he moves towards the wall near the door and sits. “Your mother was the light of my life. She had this charm to her that just made me feel like there was good in the world and that there was good within me. I was about fifty years older than her but I watched her as she grew into a very strong woman. All the other males wanted her for their own, but for some reason we were just drawn to each other. It was if she could see the darkness in me and was enthralled by it.”
“We always danced around the idea of mating, though I would have jumped on it if she had any interest. So we just lived in that comfortable space of just courting.” He smiles at that thought. “I do have to say that she was more like you Marcus then your sister. Everyone loved her and she was so outgoing and witty.” I look over to Marcus who is absorbing every detail. This was really the first time anyone has ever even brought her up in front of us.
“Time went by quickly and we were even discussing the thought of having our own children wh
en she returned from her mission. We had been having trouble with hunters coming onto our pack land in the next state and she went in as back up. When she came back she was a different person. She wanted nothing to do with me anymore and would disappear at any given moment. Pack members began to talk so I had her followed.” He pauses collecting himself. “When my beta came back with the news I panicked for her safety and for the pack, so I killed him. I couldn’t let word of what your mother was doing be heard, I loved her. I guess I still do,” He confesses. “As soon as I saw her I told her I knew everything and she broke down crying like I’ve never seen before. She told me she was pregnant and she didn’t know what to do.”
“At first I didn’t believe that she was actually pregnant. That kind of thing just didn’t happen no matter how anyone tried to do it. Immediately I took her to a doctor outside the pack, to first of all prove that she was telling the truth, then secondly to make sure the baby was developing correctly. It was early, but when I saw those two little dots on the screen I fell in love for the second time. In my heart I was looking at what were to be my children, so I had to make sure no one knew of your origin.”
“I must admit that I saw this as an opportunity to get her to be with me. I told her that we would tell everyone that I was the father, but she had to stop seeing your real father. Of course she was outraged by the idea of being apart from her true mate, but I told her it was what would be best for you two. I had to pretty much black mail her into leaving him and I could see that on the inside she was dead. The glow of life that was always present within her was gone leaving only the shell of the woman I loved. She was always present with me, but she really wasn’t there. I thought for sure that I would never see that light again until you two were born.” He looks away from us to wipe away unshed tears. “It was like she received her second wind. She always called you two her miracle babies and was always at your side. I think she was like that because it was like having a piece of your father back into her life.”