“Do you know who our father is?” Marcus asks.
“No. She never told me who he was because she feared that I would try to kill him. I might have if she did.” He says and I know he’s telling the truth.
“What really happened to our mother?” I ask this time.
“I don’t know.” He answers, but this time when he speaks it’s not like before and I know that he is lying.
“I don’t see how that has us here now. You should have just been a man and told us so we could protect ourselves.” Marcus growls jumping out of his bed but not much farther than that. “Look at us. They all know now and we are tied up like fucking animals.”
“Calm down Marcus it’s just how it has to be right now until Riley comes into power. He has already won the second game and they say Ezra will drop after what Riley did. Plus the hunters here are going to help you get to your full potential.” Pack master says like this is all good things and all respect I have ever had for him is gone. The man I once saw as a father and role model is as dead as my own mother.
Marcus looks over to me rage clear in his face. “Get out!” Marcus barks sending him swiftly to his feet. “I don’t ever want to see your face again.” Marcus comes over to me hugging me to him.
“You are only saying this because you’re angry and I forgive you, but you will need me.” He says as he leaves the room.
“I can’t believe this.” I say holding Marcus closer to me. “This changes everything.”
“This doesn’t change us, just the situation around us.” He says pulling me back to look at me. “We will get out of here.” He promises.
“Beau too?” I ask knowing I won’t leave him here with these monsters.
Marcus sighs. “Beau too.”
We stay locked in this room and have our meals pushed through a small slot at the bottom. At first we didn’t eat any of what they had to give us. They were drugged with chemicals unknown to me, but after three days our animals within couldn’t pass up the opportunity of food. Even the water had a funny, unnatural taste to it.
Marcus felt the effects of the food first and I watched as he slowly fought it. I was already laying on my side when I heard the door to our room open. Four hunters came in with two gurneys. They looked us over before they went to Marcus first, who was out like a light.
Everything is moving slower than normal and their voices are all muffled. I move my hand up to my face which I barely have any control over and see it blurred in front of me. Looking back up to them I see them looking at me talking to each other then everything goes black.
Bright lights and yelling brings me out of my drug induced coma. I try moving my arms and quickly realize that I can’t. Looking down I notice that my body is restrained to the table that I’m on. Thick white straps go across my body in five different areas. Those don’t bother me as much as the one around my neck holding me down.
I move my body to squirm my way out of my restraints. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I hear a woman’s voice sound near me. I turn my head seeing the blond girl who we had chased down.
“Why is that?” I ask.
“I just wouldn’t,” she says and the cockiness I seen just a moment ago is replaced with worry. Searching around the room I don’t see Marcus anywhere and that I’m alone here with a handful of hunters.
“Where is Marcus?” I ask.
“In another room.” She says and I can tell her thought are elsewhere. My eyes roam back to the men talking amongst themselves, but I notice one man. He is not talking or even paying attention to the other’s but is staring at me. The look he is giving me isn’t like one from the others. It’s strange like he is seeing someone he knew and cared for. I’ve never seen him before in my life but his feature are so similar to my own. For a moment I wonder if he is my father but the idea doesn’t stick for long. I’ve seen a few men with features similar to us, dirty blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, but none of those men looked at me in this way. His lips twitch and for a moment I think he is going to say something to me, but then nothing happens.
I wonder what I would say if I ever really did meet my father. Growing up I secretly had it all planed out. What he was going to say and do, and what I was going to say and do. That our life for after would be full of love and we would have a family. That dream died long ago, but inside I still have a little of that girl still within me. She’s not the same and just wants to see him.
Something the men are discussing catches his attention and he begins arguing with them. All my senses haven’t returned, because I can’t smell anything and I can barely hear.
After a moment he storms out of the room slamming the door and the decision has been made. I guess that by the look they all give me as they turn from each other and now are looking at me. “Bring her to holding room three” One of the men in a white robe says to another.
I keep my eyes to the ceiling watching the lights flash by as my wheeled to the holding room. They open a door and the lights are already dimmer then the lights in the hall. Sounds of keys and the sound of beeping from codes pushed in is all I hear. For a moment they pause and I turn my head to see a large H3. “Are they sure about this?” One of them whispers.
“Yes,” is all he says as he punches in the numbers and the door slides open into a dark room.
I don’t mind the dark, I never had a problem with it and really if I think about it I really like the dark. It’s usually peaceful. They roll me in by the door then quickly shut the door. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness and faintly I can see the bare walls. A small blinking light followed by movement in the corner has my attention and I want to ask who is there, but I’m helpless. If it was something that could harm me it was best not to add attention to myself, though I’m sure that whatever it is knows I’m here.
My eyes are locked on the movement as it comes closer to me like a predator to its prey. As it gets closer I can see the almost black eyes and I know who it is. “Beau,” I say wiggling to get off of this table.
He still stalks me like I’m his next meal and I stop moving. “Beau,” I say again. “It’s Gemma.” He’s so close to me now. “I’m Gemma,” I say a little louder watching his eyes the whole time. His hands feel the length of my body once before he rips the straps that are holding me down.
I throw my arms around his neck holding him to me. His whole body is tense as he tries not to touch me, but fails. Nudging my neck around the collar device, I can feel his tongue gently trace patterns on my skin. Strangely even when he is in this state I don’t fear him. “Beau,” I say again letting my hands softly pull him away from my neck and for a moment his eyes are lock to my neck. “How long has it been?” I ask knowing by the look in his eyes that he has not fed in a while.
Blinking a few times he looks away from my neck. “About two weeks,” he says moving away from me like he just realized what he was doing.
“You’ve been here for two weeks.” I say closing the distance between us and a pained look comes across his face.
“Please stop,” he says looking away from me, but I don’t.
“Here,” I say offering my wrist to him and his eyes turn completely black.
“I can’t, it’s been too long,” he says, but his eyes don’t agree with that.
Elongating my nails I cut open into my forearm taking the choice away from him. The device around my neck shocks me and it surprises me. The smell of blood fills the room with its metal like scent. Looking up I watch him have an internal battle with himself. Then he is on me in the next second sucking and biting at a rapid speed. My body feels the lack of blood immediately and he has to hold me up from falling to the ground. For only a second I wonder if he will stop, but that thought quickly vanishes. When he comes up for air he grabs ahold of my face in both of his hands pressing me up against a wall. “That was so stupid,” he says then presses his forehead against mine. “So stupid,” he says again pulling back to kiss me and
I can taste my blood on his lips. “I love you, you,” he’s kissing me harder. “Reckless,” kiss, “foolish,” kiss, “fearless woman.”
My smile stretches across my face with each passing word. Unable to stand any longer he pulls me onto the small bed wrapping me in his arms as he hums his mother song. It has such a euphoric melody that I can’t help but fall asleep feeling safe in his arms.
The graceful rise and fall of her chest proves that she is alive. Her steady beating heart concurs, fueling life back into me. I shouldn’t have fed from her. She was already weakened by this place and needed every ounce of strength. For the coming days will be hell on all of us and she needs to be strong.
I think that is why they put her in this room with me, to disparage us. To make me feel this new disgust I feel. I have always fed off of humans and other supernatural’s never caring how it affected them or the people around them. Yes, sometimes I got carried away taking a sip more than they could give and practically handing them to their death. Some gave to me freely while most of the others didn’t. Never in those times did I feel the way I do now. I was so close from taking the extra sip of life she didn’t have to give.
She is strong and already I can sense her body repairing itself rapidly. The steady beating of her heart is getting stronger and stronger with every beat. But that does not take this pain away from me. At the same time I’m overjoyed having her in the same room with me and elated to have her warm body in my arms. I won’t waste this moment with sleep and will instead use every second rememorizing her face.
Her skin is such a lovely shade and is tented with a slight blush upon her cheeks. My fingers run through her golden hair entranced by the texture of it. The soft strands dance between my fingers as they move down her back.
The sound of the small latch at the bottom of the door opening grabs my attention as a warm tray of food is pushed through. The smell of it fills the room and soon after I can hear the growl of Gemma stomach even in sleep. I debate for a moment in my head if I should wake her or not. Another growl makes my decision as I gently shake her whispering her name in her ear.
Her eyes a normally light blue are now darker in color, but when she smiles at me the painful thoughts dashing through my head disappear. “Are you hungry?” I ask already knowing the answer and she nods.
She sits up while I go to the tray that is still very warm and quickly examine it. I noticed when she came in she faintly smelled of some sort of drug, but it was fading. When I drank from her I could taste the remaining drug that had little effect on me.
Noting that it was safe I brought the tray to her lap and watched as she ate. Every once in a while she would look up to me with a funny look on her face that makes me smile and fall in love with her just that much more.
She eats more than I would have thought she could eat, almost clearing her tray that had enough food for two. I watch her knowing she is thinking of something when a sexy grin comes across her lips. Placing the tray by the door she walks towards me swinging her hips as the blush returns to her cheeks. I smile at her innocents as she looks down for just a second before she comes back onto the small bed and straddles me. Leaning down she lays worshiping kisses over each of my eyes, then my cheeks, and down to the corner of my lips. By then I can’t handle it anymore and take control kissing her eager lips. She moans against my lips sending a mix of hopeful sensations to course through me.
I pull back from her. “We will get out of here,” I say with a promising kiss. “We will be together,” I add knowing that there is nothing holding us back anymore. They all know, which is my fault. I just couldn’t stand the sight of anyone harming her. Now everyone here knows that I care for her and when she freely gave me her blood they know she cares for me as well.
With so many things changing a war is imminent and the only thing I’m unsure about is how soon. In all of my life, which has been a very long time, I’ve never seen supernatural beings work together. We have always fought alone in our own groups even when we fought for the same thing. For example, shifters and vampires have always fought hunters but we never worked together in doing so.
She leans down nipping at my neck receiving the attention from both me and my cock immediately. I can feel her lips curl up into a smile at her small victory and I think I might want to take back that innocent comment.
My heart feels like it has been ripped in two. They came and took her from me hours ago to a room not far from here. Her screams can be heard from even down the hall and I know she has to be in a great amount of pain. My hands fist in my hair for about the millionth time as I pace. There is nothing I can do to help her and it’s literally killing me.
A hunter has been pacing the hall and always pauses by my room, but keeps pacing. Looking out the small unbreakable window on my door, I watch as he pauses again the moment he steps in front of my door. His features are so similar to Gemma’s and her brothers’ that if I had to guess, this is her father. Their dirty blonde hair is the same color, their eyes the same, and even their ears are the same shape.
I chance it hoping that he can hear me. “Help her.”
His eyes widen for just a moment and then grief fills them. “I can’t,” he says so low that I can’t hear it but see his lips say it.
“You’re just going to let them continue torturing her?” I ask my voice filled with disgust for this weak man in front of me. He might look like her, but he is nothing like her. “You’re pathetic,” I hiss out and the grief that filled his eyes turn to anger.
He punches in the code to my door and the collar around my neck beeps as I’m pulled back into the wall. I can feel the wall behind me as he enters the room pulling at a small device that he points at the camera in the room. The small light that is always red shuts off and we are alone.
“You think you know everything, but you don’t.” He says coming as close as he can to me without me being able to touch him. His anger is clear to see but just as quickly as it came it’s gone. “I’m doing everything I can to help them, but there is only so much I can do.”
“You’re their father,” I hiss out.
He moves over to the small bed collapsing onto it like all the energy in him is gone. “I can’t give myself away, not yet anyways. It wouldn’t do either of them much good and Tristan is testing every male looking for their father. I don’t really know what he will do when he knows that I’m their father.” He says and I just have to shake my head at his cowardice.
“You don’t think it hurts me to hear there screams. To know that I’m letting both of them down and their mother. They are the only thing I have left of her,” he places his hands over his face.
“I don’t know much about their mother,” I say asking without having to really ask for information about her.
“There mother, Seraphina, meant everything to me and when the news of her death came to me I lost all hope. I just assumed the child we conceived was dead as well. Never did I once think that there were twins and that they still lived. Hybrid children always die.”
“The last time I saw Seraphina she told me that she was pregnant. She was so worried and scared. It took a lot of promises to get her to calm down and at the time I really hoped that I could fulfill them. I promised her that everything would be alright and that as soon as I could I would get everything together for us to leave. My plan was to get as far away from everything that I could get us. I knew all about Thomas, their pack master, feelings for her and their relationship before. She told me everything from the beginning.” He says rubbing the back of his head.
“Go on.” I encourage wanting to know as much as I could.
He takes a deep breath. “We had orders to completely destroy this pack that had finally gotten down in numbers. Only about thirty of them were left and there was almost a hundred of us, so it was supposed to be easy. I guess it was for the main part, but my group was ambushed and soon I was the only one left. This
reddish brown wolf jumped me tossing me to the ground and in the process bit a good chuck of my leg. I was able to retrieve my knife, but as I pointed it at the beast I found I couldn’t harm the shifter. Never had that happened to me, never had I second guessed myself, and by the time I put the knives down she took off. She could have killed me ten times before I moved another inch, but she didn’t. After when I asked her about it she said it was because she tasted my blood and knew for a fact that I was her mate.”
“Anyway, it was a few days before I saw her again and this time she wasn’t a wolf. She stood in the center of my room with nothing but a lab coat covering her. In that moment before she even told me anything I knew I was in love. Her eyes were so beautiful the way they would change from this chocolate brown to glowing amber. That night they were dancing in between those two colors like a kaleidoscope,” he pauses thinking back. “It was indescribable the amount of pain I felt when she left the following morning promising to return as soon as she could.”
“We spent the next six months in our little cloud not doing a very good job at keeping our relationship a secret. It really shouldn’t have surprised me the way it did when she didn’t come back. I didn’t know what to do and hope that Thomas would keep her safe somehow. It was a lot to hope for but she couldn’t die. She was everything to me.” I can see the pain in his eyes and wondered what I would do if the situation was reversed.
“About a year later I heard of her death and just assumed that the child had died long before that.” He says looking down and I wish I could see the expression on his face. It would give me another clue.
Undeniable (Undeniable series) Page 11