Undeniable (Undeniable series)

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Undeniable (Undeniable series) Page 12

by Kimberly Claire

  “What happened to her?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. After the last time I spoke to her it was like she dropped off the face of the earth. I used all my resources to find anything on her and I came up empty handed,” he says exhausted. “If I knew that she had given birth to our children I would have come for them, the three of them.”

  Shouts from the hall end our conversation as he silently leaves before anymore can be said. The wall releases the invisible hold it has over me and I make my way to the door.

  “These results mean nothing!” Tristan yells.

  “We are sorry sir, we just need more time with both of them,” a man with a shaky voice answers.

  “I know they have more to offer then just the ability to shift and if you don’t figure it out,” he pauses making a creepy sound. “Then I’ll end you, you got me.”

  A mixture of yes sir’s followed by Tristan’s shoes hitting the now silent hall and Gemma never returns.



  “What do you mean they won’t trade?” I demand slamming my fist across the desk and in the process spilling coffee everywhere.

  “This is a hard time to make deals Riley. You know that better than anybody else.” Pack master says calmingly wiping off the ice coffee that split onto his lap.

  It has been twenty two days since both Gemma and Marcus were taken by hunters and with each passing day my rage escalates. Another game has already gone by while the next is right around the corner. Ezra has already dropped out of the games, saying that I’m going feral. That is one possibility and would help ease my mind if I could answer at least one thing going on in my life.

  I find myself spending a lot of time in between our rooms and our spot out in the woods. It’s the only place I feel connected with her and that she will be back. That I will get her back. All I have to do is either kill Thaddeus or just win a few more games. Killing him will save time.

  Pack master, Thomas, is always telling me how that if I win then I will have the power to get her back. His word fuels me when I’m feeling down, inspire me to do whatever I need to do to win this. For her. When I get her back we will be mated like she said she would if I won. Yes, see everything will be fine. My inner voice gives me pep talks several times a day when I’m nearing a breaking point.


  The days go by fast as I use every bit of strength I have to better myself, but the nights are what haunt me. My mind runs wild with ideas of her and what they may be doing to her and her brother. I know they are still alive, Thomas has promised me that, but more than that is unknown.

  Tonight has been a tough one for me so I’m lying on her bed in her room. Nothing has been touched and left just the way she had it before she was taken from me. I breathe in her scent in this room, but it’s already fading with time making it seem as if she was never here. My nose runs along the side of her pillow as I take in as much of the calming aroma as I can.

  I need as much sleep as I can get tonight for tomorrow is the third game and I need to end this. I need to accept my place as pack master and I need to get my girl. I need this intolerable ache in my chest to be gone so that I can breathe again. I need to go back to the way it was when she was in my arms. I just need a lot.

  In the morning I feel slightly rested, but more than that I feel ready. Just feeling near her has prepared me for what is going to happen today. The walls are lined with shifters as I make my way to the car that will take me to the last game. It’s very early and I know that they have gotten up early to see us off for maybe the last time. Not one of them looks saddened and just shouts out encouraging words making me feel like a boxer about to enter the ring.

  I see Thaddeus at the end of the hall and nod to him in a very sportsmanly like way. Though the thoughts in my head are far from the idea of him making it back to this pack today. He tilts his head back to me then reaches for his mate hand pulling her close as he kisses her like a starving man. Turning my sights away from the ache of seeing that I find Thomas. He smiles a knowing smile over to me as he gestures for me to following him outside.

  I give one last wave to what will soon be my pack and head out. The door close behind me cutting out the noise from inside the building. “You know what you have to do today?” He asks and I give a nod. “Gemma needs you. You’re the only one who can help her,” he pause for a moment. “It might be too late”

  All the rage mixes with my fears and I want to take my hand to his throat and crush it. I can feel my body trying to shift and I breathe hard trying to rein myself back in. My vision is so clear as I stare at him. For a moment I can see he is frighten by me and it makes me feel better. Closing my eyes I get complete control back over my body, even though my fury is just below the surface.

  Getting into the car that will take me to our third game I try and let my inner voice sooth my throbbing head. I will have her in my arms soon and everything will be okay. This storm within me will be appeased by her presence.

  I don’t know where this car is taking me or what the game will be, but I know that I have the mind set to win. Relaxing into my seat I just let time escape me and quickly the car is at its destination. “Good luck sir,” the driver says as I exit to see what looks like a waste land. We are very close to our pack lands, but not in the area with the beautiful trees. Half destroyed buildings make the area look like the leftover of a battle.

  I take in everything mentally making a map as I wait for instructions. Thaddeus’s car soon pulls up and his game face is on. We wait only for a moment before Thomas comes to stand in the middle of us with the human man. He is apparently part of a team that creates each game and they are the only ones who know what it will be. The human hands over the folder then quickly enters a waiting car that takes off. Dust surrounds us momentarily as Thomas opens the folder.

  His eyes read over it once before he speaks. “You have ten minutes to find a position inside these walls. Once the ten minutes are up you will be searching for two objects. One of each belong to both of you and is very valuable to each. Thaddeus your object taken was your wife’s ring. Riley yours was something that belonged to Gemma,” and at the sound of her name I growl. How dare he touch anything that belongs to her. “It’s the only photo left of her mother. You must find both objects by this time tomorrow. These objects are hidden within these walls, but they are not the only things. With the help of witches, mystical creatures have been formed to attack and kill. You have twenty four hours before either can come outside these walls. The first ring of the bell will signal the starting time followed in ten minutes with the second ring. The last bell will ring tomorrow letting you know that you may exit but if you leave before you will be killed. Are we clear?” He ask looking at neither of us.

  “Yes,” Thaddeus replies.

  I take a moment waiting until he looks at me. “Crystal,” I say and the first ring sounds.

  We watch each other for a moment before running off into different directions. As I run through the old damaged streets and mostly demolished buildings I try to see as much as I can. Making mental notes of both good places to defend and other places that might contain the objects we are looking for. Thaddeus is nowhere in sight and I assume he is doing the same as me. There is a reason he was chosen for these games and I know he is skilled in both combat and strategy. He was one of my teachers like he was for many.

  Before I know it the second bell rings when I’m in the middle of the street. The ground beneath me shakes as a dark magical fog engulfs everything in sight. I back up against the nearest crumbling wall holding my breath as it passes. Monstrous snarls erupt across the land shaking buildings and making others fall all together.

  Staying near the wall I look for anything that can be used as a weapon, but only find pieces of broken building. An alarming chill runs through me as my wolf has come aware of something approaching us. Making sure my back is covered I let my wolf enhance my senses.

  In the distance I see a demon like creat
ure emerge from an alley and onto the street. It skin looks burnt with patches of what looks like scales that you would find on a crocodile. Looking over it I notice it doesn’t seem to have any physical weapons on it, but that doesn’t mean much. It could probably do anything.

  Standing on two legs its cat like eyes scan the streets looking for me. Sniffing the air it lets out a small screech then looks right into my direction. Clutching the steel pipe in my hands I make myself known to the demon who eyes light up at the sight of me. It mouth even makes a slight smile showing its grotesque teeth that each have pointed tips.

  With each step I take closer to it, it also take a step towards me. When we are merely a few feet from each other then I notice how much taller it is compared to me. It’s at least eight feet high, but it just shows me a weakness it will have.

  I make the first move striking it in the knees with all my might bring the demon onto its damage knees. Its face is now at my eye level and I take the opportunity to hit it across the face. Taking the broken jagged end of pipe I stab it into its chest making thick reddish/brownish fluid that must be it blood come oozing out.

  Taking back my only weapon I leave the demon there to die as I search for the objects. The ring could be anywhere and will be the hardest to find. It might even be buried by now and all I can hope is that Thaddeus scent is still on it.


  By night fall I have found the photo of Gemma’s mother in the second story of a very unstable building. Also by this point I have killed many unknown creatures. They are all different with all sorts of abilities. My arms will probably never grow hair back on them again when I shielded my face from a fire attack. That has been the worst of my injuries so I’m still surviving. As far as Thaddeus, I haven’t even scented him let alone seen him thus far. It makes me wonder if he has already found the ring, which would make since it does belong to him.

  With more than half the time off the clock I take a chance, planning to hunt Thaddeus down. I know what I have to do if he has it and I know what I need to do if he doesn’t.

  Taking a moment for my body to heal itself I stay in my wolf form and go to a good spot I had found earlier. It is easy to defend but also keeps me very well hidden from anything that might come by.

  My eyes go to the photo of Gemma’s mother and for the first time I notice the dress. It looks so much like the dress Gemma wore at the hunt and now I know why she was upset about ruining it. That will be one of the first things I will buy for her.

  Thinking about the future reenergizes me, giving me my second wind. Looking down at my arms I can see the sensitive skin completely healed and hair trying to grow back. My eyes go up to the sky next noting the time and then I’m off again.

  All my senses are on high alert as I wait for anything to assist me in locating Thaddeus. I move quietly through the debris when I hear a fight going on near me. Hoping it is not another fight between those monstrous creatures I chance a look.

  There, fighting for his life, is Thaddeus with a creature I had yet to encounter. Its fur seems to be cover in waxy material that is damaging when it comes into contact with Thaddeus’s skin.

  Quickly I let my eyes roam over the wounds that cover Thaddeus. A chain around his neck has the ring I need and I know what I must do. Not wanting to fight two battles I sit back hidden from them as they continue.

  It takes longer than I thought it would, but soon Thaddeus ends the cries of the creature with a swift crack of its neck. His hands smoke at the contact with the creature’s fur. I watch him as he looks up and takes a big breath in. Deciding to take advantage of this moment I step out into the open where he can see me. “Took you long enough,” I mock and his green eyes glow brightly.

  “I should have known you were hiding,” he says like he is talking to a boy. I smile even though on the inside I can barely control myself. “I assume you have the picture and now you want this,” he says lifting the chain off his chest allowing me to see it. “Well you know what you have to do to have it.” And just like that we are at each other.

  It’s all happening so fast that it opens itself to opportunities on both sides. Are moves are flawed as we just shamelessly go for anything that might be a kill shot. Parts of his skin are sloughing off and new skin is already trying to grow back from the previous attack. A painful blow to the side of my head has me backing away for a moment, but he keeps at me. Hitting me over and over again wherever he can hit me. My vision becomes obscure and there is a painful ringing in my ears as I try my best to escape.

  “Running away already?” He taunts me. “I just need you to tell me where you put the picture. I want to hear it as your last words.”

  Taking off I try to get a moment were my body can try and heal itself again. I just need to be able to see and I can fight again. Closing my eyes I can hear him continue to talk. “You know what I’m going to do with that picture once this is over?” He says and I can tell he is close again. “I’m going to burn it and send its remains to Gemma as a token of your failure.”

  My rage that is always so close to the surface is pushed too far as I jump out to finish him. It takes a few attempts, but soon I have him pinned beneath me. I pull the chain around his neck breaking it in the process. A million things pass through my mind at that moment as to what to say but I’m still too angry. I couldn’t form a word to speak even if I wanted to. Taking his head into my hands I promptly snap his neck watching as his body jerks in its aftershocks.

  Gripping the ring I look down at my hands as if they had done this act of killing a man alone. Giving myself a moment I go back to the spot I rested before to retrieve the photo. I look up to the sky again noting the time. In a few hours I will be released from these walls. Things have changed, I have changed, and now everything is about to change.


  When I was younger every time my parents would take me to see a movie I would come home and write. For some reason each particular movie would draw out a story from me. Even today after I see or hear something that inspires me I write creating a story or adding to others. It’s in those moments when I can see something in the music I’m listening to that creates moments like this book. These are some of the songs that inspired me with this book.

  The National- Fireproof

  Miley Cyrus- Wrecking Ball

  Steven Wilson-The Raven That Refused to Sing

  John Legend- All Of Me

  Tallhart- We Are the Same

  OneRepublic- Counting Stars

  Bastille- Laughter Lines

  All Mankind- Simple Desire

  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Wings

  A Fine Frenzy- Almost Lover

  Said the Whale- I Love You

  Audiomachine- Akkadian Empire

  Jack White- Love Interruption

  Half Moon Run- No More Losing The War

  Tom Odell- Can’t Pretend

  The Civil Wars- C’est La Mort

  Lana Del Rey- Bel Air

  In This Moment- Blood

  Shearwater- Breaking The Yearlings

  To the reader’s, thank you so much for taking the time to read undeniable and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

  And yes Jessie I’m working on my novel, love you.

  [email protected]

  Coming soon, summer 2014


  Book 2



  I see Beau about every other day and when I leave his side there is a constant ache that overwhelms me. We have bonded even more during this time in a way that is different than before. It was mostly visual before, but now that I’m getting to know the real Beau I’m just taken away.

  I was right about his eyes holding thousands of untold stories because his life has been eventful in the least. His stories are so lively the way he describes them makes me feel as if I was there in that very moment. Their always of happy times and I know that there are more to some of them. That even in the light there is som
ething dark, almost insidious in the way it hides. I know he is only doing this because of our situation. He wants his stories to lift my spirits and get my mind away from all of this insanity that has become our constant.

  I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. A grin spreads as he lays his forehead against mine while we just look into each other’s eyes. Those wonderfully grey eyes that unknowingly show me the future, our future. “What are you thinking about gorgeous,” he says and I blush at his words. I love it when he says that to me and the way he looks at me.

  “About us,” I say leaning in to kiss the tip of his nose. His face scrunches at my kiss making me laugh.

  “Us?” He says back and I see his face change to concern. I didn’t mean for that and quickly I stroke his face with both of my hands.

  “I was just looking into those magical eyes of yours and thinking how I will get to see them the rest of my life,” I say.

  “Oh these eyes,” he chuckles erasing any sign of worry as he bats his eye lashes at me. “I can see the same thing in yours.” He takes my hands away from his face placing a kiss in the center of each of my palms. I love it when he does that. To me this simple act makes me feel as if he is submitting his entire soul to me in one of the most intimate ways. “I’ve heard that the eyes are the window to the soul and yours my dear,” he says brushing the hair away from my face. “Are exquisite.”

  More than anything I want that to be true. That my soul is beautiful and pure, but growing up I saw so much sadness and unfortunately that can change a person’s outlook on life. There were many good times, but sometimes we can’t see past the darkness to see the light.

  I can feel my eyes glow as I begin to lose control with all the emotions building in me. Looking away I try to better control myself before he sees them. I don’t know why I feel like I have to hide this animal part of myself from him. He knows who I’am, what I’am, and has never once said anything negative about it.


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