Fierce Daddy

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Fierce Daddy Page 12

by Laylah Roberts

  The detective waited until Razor shut the door to lean over her, resting his hands on the desk. She knew what he was doing. He thought this gave him a position of power.

  She barely held in a smirk at the move. She wasn’t concerned. She didn’t know why she felt so safe. It may be because she’d been around much scarier people than the detective. Or maybe it had to do with the man on the other side of the door.

  Let him play his petty games.

  “I can get you out.”

  “Out of where, detective?”

  “Here. Away from them. I’ll put you into protection. All you have to do is tell me what’s going on here.” He leaned in further.

  “You mean, that we’re creating amazing, custom motorbikes,” she whispered.

  “I’m talking about the drugs.”

  “What drugs?” she asked.

  He sat in his seat, shaking his head. “I can’t tell whether you really don’t know what’s going on or you’re trying to lie for him. But either way, you’re being foolish. There’s got to be drugs here or some other contraband substance.”

  “Why does there have to be?”

  “Because there’s a bunch of criminals working here.”

  The way he spoke, he made it sound like she was dumb for not working that out for herself.

  “Ex-criminals,” she said stiffly.

  A cagey look crossed his face. “Right. Ex-criminals.”

  “Nothing illegal is going on here, detective.”

  “Sure, there’s not. If you’re not willing to talk to me, I think we’re done here.”

  “Aren’t you going to ask me questions about the intruders this morning?” she asked.

  Did he seriously think that the shop was a front for drugs? Simply because many of the men that Razor employed had been in jail at one time?

  “Right. Sure. Tell me what happened this morning.”

  She went through everything, even though she could clearly see it was pointless. He wasn’t interested in what had actually happened here. He was just looking for something else to pin on Razor and the guys. Basically a fishing trip.

  She wasn’t giving him any bait.

  Not that there was any.

  “So did they say anything?” he asked.


  “Were they carrying anything?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  He gave her a disgruntled look. “So basically, you didn’t see their faces. Didn’t hear anything. And there wasn’t anything distinctive about them.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, detective.”

  He sighed. “Can’t be helped. If you think of anything else or you change your mind, and you’re finally ready to talk about what is really going on here, here’s my card.” He slid it across the desk at her. She took it, nodding.

  Of course, there was nothing to call him about. But she thought it might be a good idea to keep his number anyway.

  Getting up, he held out his hand. “You seem like a smart, nice girl. You shouldn’t be hanging out with people like them.”

  “People like them.”

  “Yeah, you know exactly what I mean. Think about what I said. You’ve got to have other options. You don’t need to work here. All they’ll do is drag you down.”

  “I’ll take what you say into consideration, detective.”

  She waited until he left to grimace. “What a dick face.”

  “What?” Razor asked.

  She looked up, startled. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were there. Not you. Him. Detective Dick Face.”

  His lips twitched up into a smile. “Detective Dick Face. I like it.”

  “I don’t like him. He thinks you guys are dealing in drugs here. He wanted me to tell him what’s really going on behind the scenes. And he wasn’t at all interested in the break-in this morning.”

  “Drugs? Seriously?”

  “Yeah, he doesn’t understand why a bunch of ex-cons, his words not mine, would work here unless there was something illegal going on.”

  “Not much I can do about Detective Dick Face right now. What I can do is get you back home and resting. Come on.”


  She stared out the windshield of her car in shock.

  This was Razor’s house?

  This was not what she’d expected.

  Razor turned off the car. They’d brought her car since Razor only had his bike at work and he told her that she wasn’t getting on the back of that with a sore ankle.

  Razor didn’t like to argue. So whenever she said something he disagreed with, he’d just give her that look. And it seemed that for some reason, she found herself giving in.

  Big Bossy Boss.

  Another mug possibility.

  “This is your house?”


  “Does Red Riding Hood ever come to the door looking for grandma?”

  She said it without even thinking. Then she froze as soon as she realized what she’d said.

  “Did you just imply that my house is grandmotherly?”

  “No, no, I didn’t imply that.”

  She’d totally implied that. It looked like Little Red Riding Hood was about to skip her way up the footpath and knock on the door.

  “Are you lying to me, little girl?”

  Little girl? Where had that come from?

  “Fuck,” he muttered before climbing out of the car and walking around the hood to her side. He opened the passenger door, but instead of helping her out, he crouched down.



  “You comfortable staying with me?”

  That wasn’t what she’d expected him to say.

  “I kind of feel like I railroaded you into staying with me.”

  Well, he did. But in the nicest possible way. Because how could it be anything but nice when he was obviously worried about her?

  She shook her head. “You didn’t. I’m fine. I’m comfortable.”

  “Sure? If you’d rather stay with a friend . . .”

  Right. Because she had so many of those. Who could she stay with? Cat, the mysterious woman whose life she’d saved? She’d said that Tabby could call her if she needed something. But she never intended to do that. And did she really think that sort of favor extended to this? Or jogger guy who possibly offered her a water bottle that was drugged. Would he be happy to look after her? Millie? Who she’d met once?

  Yeah, her possibilities were endless.

  Actually, more like they were a dead end.

  “I know it could be weird staying with your boss. Don’t want you to feel awkward. Nothing that happens here has anything to do with your job, okay?”

  “So what you’re saying is that if I leave the toilet seat down, then you’re not going to fire me?” she joked.

  “No. Although if you feed me Carolina Reapers again, I’m gonna start to think that you’re trying to off me.” He winked to let her know he was joking. “How about while you’re staying here, we’re not boss and employee. We’re just friends, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She smiled at him.

  “Good. Gonna go open the front door, then I’ll come back and get you. Stay there.”

  She saluted him and his eyebrows rose.

  Yeah. She should probably stop doing that. Just like she shouldn’t have implied that his house looked like something the grandma from Little Red Riding Hood would have lived in.

  But it so did. It was a wooden house painted cream. The window shutters were a pretty duck egg blue and so was the front door. The whitewash porch had pots filled with flowers. It was so darn cute that she sighed happily.

  This was the sort of place she’d often dreamed of living. She could see herself in the rocking chair on the porch. Reading a book and watching people walk past. Maybe calling out a greeting because this was the type of neighborhood where people knew one another. Where kids went trick or treating on Halloween and the neighbors had a friendly competition about who had the best outdoor Christmas lights.
  Razor had taken her bag with him into the house and it wasn’t long until he returned to pick her up.

  Yeah, she could definitely get used to him carrying her around. He walked in through the front door. There were hardwood floors and the walls were painted a soft gray with white trim. It was seriously her dream house. And that it belonged to this man was mind-boggling. This was so not the sort of house she’d pictured him having.

  She guessed she’d misjudged him. She’d thought he would have a bachelor pad. Maybe an apartment with zero maintenance. Something a bit rough and rundown.

  Not something beautiful.

  He carried her through to a large living space. There was a big leather sectional that faced a log fireplace. Above it was a wooden mantel that she thought would look amazing with stockings hanging from it. To the right was a huge TV, and to the left was a bookcase that was overflowing with books.

  Yep, she’d totally misjudged him. And she felt pretty crappy about it.

  “You like reading?” she asked as he set her down on the sectional. He raised her foot up, putting a cushion beneath it.

  “Yeah, feel free to read anything I have. You like to read?”

  “Sometimes. It’s a good escape from real life. For a while, I get to live a completely different life.”

  “Get what you mean.”

  “I mostly read romance, though. You probably don’t have any of those.”

  “I think you’ll find one or two up there,” he told her.

  Was he blushing? Oh Lord, that was the cutest. The big, bad biker was blushing because he owned some romance books.

  She really thought he’d been created just for her.

  And she didn’t want to hand him back.

  Nuh-uh. Finders keepers and all that sort of stuff. Maybe she should lick him. If she licked him then he was hers, right?

  And she wanted him to be hers.

  Calm down. You can’t keep him. He’s not a stuffed toy you found at the playground. He’s a person.

  “I’m going to get you set up here. Sav should be here soon on my bike and I have to take him back.”

  He stood and grabbed the TV remotes for her, placing them down on the coffee table, which he dragged closer.

  “Where’s Luna?” she asked, realizing the dog would have been out to greet him the second he opened the door.

  “Still with the neighbor. You want me to get her before I go?”

  “Yes, please, if it’s not too much bother.”

  “No bother.” He stood and moved to the bookcase, choosing a few romances, which he also set on the coffee table. “I’ll get you some painkillers, you must be in a lot of pain by now. What do you want to drink? Eat?”

  “Oh, I’m fine.” She wasn’t. She was starving. But she didn’t want him running around for her.

  “When was the last time you ate?” he asked her.

  “Um, you got me some food when we were waiting in the emergency room.”

  “So about four or five hours ago?”

  “Yep. Not that long ago.”

  “How long do you usually go without eating?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Oh, I think you do know. Just like I think you’re starving and not saying anything because you don’t want to be a bother.”


  He gave her a stern look. “Can’t take care of you properly unless you’re honest with me.”

  Now she felt terrible. “Sorry.”

  “You’re forgetting I’ve been working with you for three weeks. I know how much you eat.”

  “Hey!” she protested.

  He grinned. “Not really sure I’ve got enough food in the house to feed you.”

  Her mouth dropped open, he did not just say that.

  “Might have to go get some groceries. Stock up.”

  She grabbed a cushion off the sofa and flung it at him without even thinking. It hit him straight in the face and he didn’t say anything for a moment.

  Horror filled her. “I-I’m s-sor—” she managed to get out before he broke into laughter.

  “Good aim there, Tabby-baby,” he told her.

  Warmth filled her at the name and she blushed. “Sorry. But I don’t eat that much.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You forget I’ve seen your snack drawer.”

  Whoops. So he had.

  “I feel funny if I go too long without eating,” she defended.

  “You do? You ever seen a doctor about that?”

  “Oh yeah, a while ago. He said I’m fine. I just need to make sure I snack regularly.”

  “Then you need a snack right now. Apple and peanut butter?”

  “Thanks, that sounds good.”

  He returned quickly with some sliced apple and peanut butter on a plate, along with some carrot sticks and cheese slices with crackers.


  There was also a bottle of water, some Gatorade, and those horrid pain killers.

  “This looks delicious, thank you.” To her embarrassment, tears flooded her eyes.

  “Hey. What is it? Don’t you like it?”

  “What? No!” She hugged the plate of food close as he reached for it. “Hands off. Mine.”

  He held his hands up in surrender. “Whoa. Okay, no one is taking your precious.”

  “Good. Yummy. Mine.”

  “Right. Didn’t realize you were so possessive of your food.”

  Well. He knew it now.

  You’re acting insane, Tabby.

  “Sorry, this is really nice of you. I’m just not used to it. Thank you.”


  What was it? Had she done something to upset him?


  “I’m going to go get you a blanket. Back in a minute.”

  He was gone longer than a minute and she was starting to think she’d said something wrong.

  When he returned, he held a blanket as well as Snappy and Scooby, who had been resting on top of her bag. She blushed, but he just tucked the blanket around her before handing her the stuffed turtle. “Sorry about before. Upsets me when you say things like that.”

  Like what? That she wasn’t used to people being so nice to her?


  That upset him? That was so . . . sweet.

  “Do you need anything else? Got to go to the bathroom?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  She heard the sound of a bike approaching.

  “There’s Sav,” he said needlessly. “I need to get going. Sure you don’t need to pee?”

  “I’m good.” Sheesh.

  “All right. Got your phone? It’s charged?”

  Her bag was on the coffee table and she drew out the phone to show him.

  “No moving unless it’s necessary. Call me if you need me. I’ll grab Luna now and put her inside. Remember, stay put.” He pointed a finger at her.


  She lay in bed that night, unable to sleep.

  After he’d returned from dropping Sav back to the shop, Razor had made them both dinner. Then they’d played a game of Scrabble and watched an episode of a house renovation show that both of them were addicted to.

  He was pretty much all of her fantasies and wishes in one sexy package.

  Well, except for his bossiness. But sometimes, that could be sweet. When it didn’t stop her from doing what she wanted to do.

  She rolled over. He’d insisted on carrying her around. Hell, he’d even run a bath for her. She’d had to put her foot down, figuratively, not literally, since he wouldn’t let her down, when he’d wanted to help her in and out of the bath.

  That wasn’t happening, buddy.

  Although, now she was kind of hot thinking about it. About him touching her, running his strong hands over her skin, her breasts, down her stomach to her pussy.


  Reaching down, she cupped her pussy. Then she ran a finger under her panties and along her slit.

  Could she touch herself? She never got muc
h satisfaction from her fingers, but she hadn’t brought her vibrator with her. Maybe she could give it a go. If she could take care of this arousal coursing through her, then perhaps she’d be able to sleep.

  Her mind was too busy and maybe it would relax her. She drew her panties down slightly and started to pinch her nipple. Oh, that felt so good. She let out a small sigh.

  Make sure you’re quiet.

  She brought up her fantasy again. Only, this time instead of being in the bath, she was in the shower.

  Razor was behind her, washing her. His hands ran down her body then up to cup her breasts. Her hard nipples pressed into his palms. She groaned.

  Then she realized she’d actually groaned out loud. Not just in her head.

  Fuck. She paused, her heart racing. Had he heard that?

  There was no noise from his bedroom, which was next to hers. Finally, she moved her fingers again. Pushing a finger into her pussy, she pinched her nipple at the same time.

  Now, where was she?

  Oh yeah. She and Razor in the shower. Both of them naked. Slippery and wet.

  He turned her around to face him. “On your knees.”

  Slowly, she complied, then looked up at him, waiting for his next command. Grasping hold of his cock, he ran the head over her mouth.


  That voice, deep, gravelly, and full of command, sent a thrill through her and she opened her mouth, taking him inside her.

  Moving her finger to her clit, she rubbed it, flicking it up and down.

  He drove his cock deep into her mouth, until she could hardly breathe. Hunger filled her. She loved that he was in control. That he wasn’t letting her make the decisions.

  So freeing.

  In and out of her mouth, he thrust.

  She moved her finger against her clit with firmer, faster strokes.

  So close. So close.

  Razor came in her mouth. “Swallow me down. Don’t you miss a drop, baby girl.”

  A shockwave rocked through her body as she shook with her orgasm. A groan escaped before she could swallow it and she paused, her orgasm still rushing through her, her empty pussy clenching then releasing, wanting that firm, thick cock inside her.


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