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To Tame a Tycoon

Page 5

by Judy Angelo

  He could see that she was trying hard to project her professional image. She probably didn’t realize it, but it was spoiled when she kept stealing glances at him, her face going pink each time. Clearly, Asia was nervous. And then he realized he was being harsh. He’d probably frightened the girl with that kiss. He’d never been one for subtlety. He took what he wanted when he wanted and that was just who he was. With Asia Miller, though, he might have to try another tactic, maybe even take it slow. He wanted her. That was without question. But he could see that she wanted to maintain a distance, probably to hold on to her professional image. Well, he could be slow, he could be charming. He’d just take it easy and give her some time. Then he would make his move.

  Rico walked over and sat in the chair as Asia had instructed. She was opening her mouth to speak but he put up a hand and stopped her. “Before we begin, there is something I’d like to say.” He leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. “I’m sorry for the way I behaved the other night and I hope you’ll forgive me.”

  Asia blinked, looking nonplussed. Then, like the lifting of a fog, the tension in her face disappeared. “I…yes, you’re forgiven. And…thank you.” She fiddled with the papers in her hands. “I hope you understand that…we have to keep our relationship professional. You’re-”

  “I know,” he said with a dry laugh. “I’m your client.”

  She nodded and gave him a smile that reflected her relief. Then she pulled out a folder and placed it in front of him. “Now,” she said, her tone suddenly firm, “this is my plan of action for you. We’ll do a session today and then these are instructions for you to follow each day for the next two weeks.” Gone was the hesitant woman who had walked into his office. The old Asia Miller, the one he’d met on day one, was back.

  She shifted the folder to the side then straightened. “Today we’ll practice a relaxation technique that will allow you to relieve stress and achieve balance.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not under any stress.”

  “That’s what you say but your body says otherwise.” She walked around the table and reached out to press her hand against the right side of his neck. “Look at how your pulse is jumping. You’re not calm. You’re wound too tight.”

  At the feel of her fingers on his skin he almost groaned. If this was her way of getting him to relax she was off to a poor start. Her touch had the opposite effect. If the sudden tightening in his groin was anything to go by he had a long way to go before he could be described as relaxed.

  “Your tension and stress are reflected in your aggressiveness,” she was saying. “And that’s why it's so important to address the problem now rather than later. These things can lead to physical manifestations such as heart attacks.”

  He sat up straight, paying attention now. “Hold on. What aggressiveness are you talking about? I’m not aggressive.”

  Asia smiled and shook her head. “It’s okay, Rico. Denial is typical. And that’s why I’m here. As a professional I can point out these shortcomings and help you overcome them.”

  “But I’m not aggressive. I’m just an assertive person who speaks his mind.” He shook his head. “ Merde,” he said under his breath, “I wish more people would be like that.”

  “And that swearing,” she said with the lift of an eyebrow, “we’ll work on that as well.” She stepped back. “Now I want you to relax the tension in your shoulders. Just roll them forward and let them slouch.”

  Rico gave a deep sigh then he did as he was told.

  “Take off your jacket. That way you’ll be less restricted.” Asia waited patiently as he shrugged off the piece of clothing then slumped forward again. “Now say after me, ‘my right arm is heavy’.”

  Rico almost laughed out loud. What the hell was this? A joke? But a glance at her face told him Asia was quite serious. And she was waiting.

  “My right arm is heavy,” he muttered, glad nobody from his staff could see him right then. They’d think the boss had gone batty.

  “My left arm is heavy.”

  “My left arm is heavy,” he repeated.

  “My legs are heavy.”

  “My legs are heavy.”

  “My body is warm.”

  “My body is warm.” To his surprise, as he chanted the words his body had begun to act on each of the suggestions. He was feeling slow, heavy and unrushed. And he was warm, a cozy kind of warm.

  “My face is cool.” Asia’s voice was low and soothing and almost seemed to come from a faraway place.

  “My face is cool,” he repeated.

  “I am filled with peace.”

  “I am filled with peace.” By the time he’d got to that line Rico was almost falling asleep.

  “Now breathe.” It was that quiet voice again, Asia’s voice, that was prompting him. “Breathe deeply.”

  He breathed in and out, long, deep breaths that seemed to cleanse him from the inside out. With each breath that he exhaled he could feel the tension flow from his body and the stresses slip from his mind. A few more breaths and his mind went blank.

  “Now listen to me, Rico,” said the faraway voice. “Follow my instructions. Arms firm.”

  It felt like new life was flowing to that part of his body.

  “Legs firm.”

  His legs came back to life.

  “Body firm and just right,” Asia said, and her voice was closer now, stronger. “I remain at peace.”

  Rico’s head flopped back against the chair and he looked up at Asia as she stood watching him. He’d never felt so relaxed in his life. And so free. “What did you just do to me?” he asked as he stared up at her. But he was smiling because whatever she’d done had felt good.

  “I was getting you balanced,” she said simply. “Releasing the anger, relieving the tension, creating a foundation on which you can build strong techniques.” She gave his shoulder a light tap. “Sit up and get your jacket on. Now you’re ready to face the day.” As he slipped his arms into the sleeves she continued. “Once you practice the techniques outlined in your folder you’ll be able to de-stress on a daily basis. In fact, I recommend that you start with a balance exercise before you begin each work day.”

  “If it will make me feel as good as this one just did, no problem.” He rolled his shoulders back then looked at Asia. “Is this what you do each day?”

  Asia smiled. “I do it often, especially when I feel I need that extra boost.”

  “And is that why you’re always so calm?” he asked, genuinely curious now. “Hardly anything seems to throw you off balance.” Then he chuckled. “Except my kiss, of course.”

  He was a bit surprised when she laughed at that one. He’d half expected her to get defensive, maybe even peeved. But no, she hadn’t been offended at the reminder. Her dark brown eyes sparkled as she laughed and her pink-painted lips curved up in a sweet smile that made him want to kiss her again. Right here. Right now.

  He leaned toward her. “I want to see you again, Asia.” He was watching her face, gauging her reaction to his request.

  Her smile slipped away but she nodded. “You will. Two weeks from today I’ll do a follow up session with you.”

  “You know what I mean, Asia. I don’t need to spell it out.” He leaned back in the chair. “But I know your principles and that’s why I agree to stay away from you until this coaching contract is completed. After that I’ll no longer be your client so there’s nothing that should get in the way of my asking you out.” Then he thought of something and asked, “Is there?” He gave her a pointed stare.

  “No,” she said quietly, “there isn’t.”

  “Good. I’m glad that’s settled.”

  “Thanks for being such a good student today,” she said as she buckled her bag.

  “I actually enjoyed it,” he said and reached for the folder. “I’m looking forward to trying out some of these exercises of yours.”

  She looked like she was ready to go but he stopped her. “One last question,” he said. “Once I do these
two weeks of exercises I'm done with the training, right?”

  “That depends,” she said, giving him an enigmatic look.


  “On whether you pass the final test. If you don’t, I’ll have to give you another two weeks of work.”

  “What?” He hadn’t contemplated the possibility of anything delaying his completion. What if he didn’t pass the test? He had no intention of waiting four weeks before he could invite Asia out again.

  “What’s on the test?” he asked. “How can I prepare?”

  “Sorry, can’t tell you.” She was shaking her head and grinning at him. She must have guessed his worry because she seemed to be enjoying torturing him with the possibility of failure. “It’s an impromptu test. You won’t know when it’s coming, the nature of the test, nor how it will be graded. Let’s just say, if you’re ready to go back into the conference room I’ll know.”

  “Well, that’s a big help,” he said with enough sarcasm for her to tut-tut at him. “Whatever it is, Miss Asia Miller, I will pass that test,” he declared. “Failure is not an option.”

  She bowed her head demurely then bid him goodbye and went through the door.

  After she'd left he got up and grabbed his car keys from the desk. He had a meeting with the shipping association in half an hour. It had been a sore point on his list of things to do for the day but now he felt ready for it.

  And in two weeks he’d be ready for his second date with Asia Miller.


  He was going to make it. She could just tell. Darn.

  Was it unfair of her to be secretly wishing for the failure of her own client? Or was she just being a chicken? Maybe Shelley was right - she was running ‘man-scared’. Maybe her trepidation had little to do with Rico’s being a client. Maybe she was just scared of the man himself.

  She shook her head. What the heck was wrong with her? It was her job to tame this tycoon. That was what the corporation was paying her for. So how could she be scared of him?

  Snap out of this Asia, and get started on a plan to tame the social side of this beast. You’re the one with the PhD in Psychology, not him. Now, come on. Start acting like it.

  After that pep talk to herself Asia felt ready to meet ‘the client’. Two weeks had passed since she’d given Rico his stack of assignments and now it was time to assess his progress. She’d started out wishing that he would fail, just to buy herself those extra two weeks before she’d have to worry about his invitation. But no, she would go into this meeting wishing him the best. She was a professional and she would not let personal desires take precedence over professional responsibility. Whatever the outcome she was ready.

  When Asia arrived at the offices of Megalos Shipping she did not go immediately to Rico’s floor. Instead, she stopped in to see Cynthia Haye, the woman who had hired her.

  “Welcome, Miss Miller,” the woman gushed and ushered her into her office. “It is so good to see you.”

  Asia smiled as she entered the room. “I assume that means you have good news for me?”

  “Please, please, sit.” The woman pulled a chair out and waved her visitor into it. Then she bustled round the desk that looked much too large for her. “I don’t know how to thank you,” she began. On her face was a broad smile and she looked eager to share her good news. “I have never in my life seen such a dramatic change in a person. And a change in a positive direction at that.”

  “What have you observed?”

  “It started some weeks back with the revised incentive program with the departments.” Cynthia put her pen to her lip, looking thoughtful.

  “We started seeing an upswing in sales and with that an improvement in Rico’s mood. That’s easy enough to explain, I guess. But then this past week something about him changed.” She frowned. “I can’t quite put my finger on it but all I know is, instead of scowls we’re getting smiles and instead of roars of anger in the conference room we’re actually having discussions.” She turned a confused face to Asia. “What in the world did you do to him?”

  Asia laughed. “I simply gave him a greater awareness of group dynamics and then I provided him with an outlet for his tension. It’s simple. All he needed was balance.”

  “Well, however you got him to that state of balance all I can say is, we’re grateful. Staff morale has shot up to a point I’ve never seen before.” Then she leaned forward and spoke in a loud whisper. “I don’t think anyone will be leaving Megalos Shipping for a long time. We’ll probably have to pry them loose with a crowbar.”

  That made Asia laugh. Still, she would give the human resources director one last chance to tell her where the coaching session had fallen short. “He can’t be perfect, though. Are you sure you don’t want me to observe him in another meeting?"

  “Of course he’s not perfect. But considering where he’s coming from, he’s an angel now. We’ll take him the way he is.”

  So, there it was. That part of her relationship with Enrico Megalos was over and done. Now to face - and take control of - phase two, the social side.

  “I’m pleased that you’re satisfied with my work,” she said as she stood up and shook Mrs. Haye’s hand. “If you need any further assistance you know where to reach me.”

  “Of course, Miss Miller.” She walked Asia to the door and held it open for her. “And I will be recommending your services to my business associates. You can be sure of that.”

  After thanking her Asia headed down the hallway toward Rico’s office where she would hold her final conference with him, an exit interview of sorts.

  She stopped by his assistant's desk and when she was ushered in it was a smiling Rico Megalos that she saw. And he was without a tie. Looking casual and ultra-sexy in jacket and a shirt open at the collar, he seemed more relaxed than Asia had ever seen him before.

  As soon as she sat down she gave him the good news. “Congratulations. You’ve passed the test. You’re ready to fly.”

  “Well, that was quick. You take one look at me and you give me a passing grade. I thought I’d at least have to do some multiple choice questions.”

  “This is your lucky day,” she said. “I got some overwhelmingly positive feedback about you and on the strength of that I’ve decided to let you loose.”

  “Perfect,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “Now we can make the arrangements for our next date. Wear jeans or shorts.”

  “Trousers again? Where to this time? On another of your yachts?”

  “No, a sailboat.”

  “A sailboat?” Asia’s eyes widened in horror. “I don’t want to go on a sailboat. What if it capsizes?”

  “You can swim, can’t you?”

  “Yes, but that’s besides the point.”

  “Okay, since you're the guest you can have a choice,” Rico said. “Sailboat or motorboat? Which do you prefer?”

  “Motorboat. As long as we don’t go too far from shore.”

  “Motorboat it is, then,” Rico conceded, “although I can’t fulfill your second request about not going too far from shore.”

  “Why not?” Asia asked, a twinge of worry creeping into her mind.

  “Because I want to take you to my private island on the outskirts of the Bahamas.”

  “I…don’t think I like the sound of that.” What did he think she was? Crazy?

  “Don’t worry about it now,” he said gently. “We’ll talk about it when I pick you up Sunday morning at seven, okay? I’d like to get an early start.”

  What part of no did this man not understand? Before she could refresh his memory that she was in disagreement he said something which silenced her, at least for the moment.

  “Relax, Asia. You’ll be in good hands. Just imagine that your whole body is heavy. Relax and breathe.” Then he gave her a mischievous grin.

  Oh, no. The man had turned autogenic expert, giving her a taste of her own medicine. Under the circumstances the only thing she could do was laugh.


p; On Sunday morning Asia was up with the rising sun. She was actually looking forward to spending the day with Rico. Now that their professional relationship was over she could let her hair down. Literally. Today she would forget the bun and let her hair fall loose around her shoulders. He’d said she should relax and she planned to.

  Now if only she could control those rebellious butterflies that refused to settle down. She wasn’t even sure why they were there. Was it because she was scared of going on a motorboat or because she was scared to be with Rico? Or both? She inhaled a deep breath then let it out slowly. Then she closed her eyes in a brief moment of relaxation. She might as well practice what she preached.

  When Rico arrived at seven o’clock she was ready. She’d dressed in jeans and a halter top blouse but she’d thrown a light jacket into her tote bag, just in case. She remembered how chilly the sea air had been that evening on the yacht so this time she wasn’t taking any chances.

  Today there was no Hummer limousine to startle the neighbors. Rico was driving a Mercedes Benz convertible sports car which immediately put her in a good mood. She’d hated the pomp and glamour of the limousine but this car was just right.

  As soon as she’d hopped into the passenger seat they set off for the sea shore. The wind whipped through her hair, sending it streaming behind like an ebony scarf, making her feel so carefree she could not help laughing and holding her hands up to catch the wind.

  It was a perfect day. As they walked along the dock toward the boat the early morning sun warmed her shoulders and arms but the breeze from the ocean tempered the rays of the sun just enough that she was comfortable. Cottony clouds floated by, soft-white and fluffy against the brilliant blue of the sky.

  On a day like today how could she be afraid of a boat? The ocean was like a placid aquamarine bedspread, so calm and comforting. She’d been silly to want to stay on shore when there was so much blue sea to explore.

  And to visit Rico’s private island - that would be something. She was looking forward to it.

  “Tu es prete, mademoiselle?” Rico held out his hand to her.


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