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Rise of the Bloodied Phoenix

Page 12

by Andrew McGregor

  The young German’s eyes moved upwards as the muffled mechanical screams filled the landscape, Junker JU87 Stukas twisting one by one from their high horizontal flight pattern to begin a vertical fall towards the Russian forces beyond the rise in the distance. Udet ducked in panic as a flash of light zipped past, the enemy shell sweeping between the carrier and the Panzer IV on the right, the tank commander scrambling back into his turret after a loud exclamation of abuse.

  The Panzers fired as they accelerated, the land beginning to decline as their guns rose. Tracer fire from fixed machine guns swept out towards them, Udet staring as the distant dark outlines of the Stukas dropped below the ridge, flames and smoke shooting upwards as the dive bombers dropped their payload and levelled out. Their engines roared as the planes swept back into the sky, small arms and machine gun fire following the two man camouflaged planes, the rear machine gunners raking the terrain below with MG15 fire.

  FW 190s roared over the tanks and two carriers from the south, the men ducking as the wave of engine noise swept over them. The six fighters banking hard to the right, their canopies glinting in the dull light before they swept back round to the north, the planes sweeping over the ridge as their machine guns began to blaze, small black objects dropping from beneath their fuselages.

  The Hanomag accelerated, drawing level with the Panzers as the decline became steeper, the tracks whining as ‘Hase’ gunned the engine further, the armoured vehicles heading towards the limited foliage cover of the trees and bushes lining the stream.

  The Panzer IVs and Hanomags reached the foot of the slope, grinding round on their tracks to diagonally traverse the frozen stream, the steel armoured plate cracking and smashing through bushes and trees. The soldiers ducked as the carrier shook, leaves and branches scraping across the upper armour as the Hanomag forced its way through the frozen foliage. The rear compartment rocked, ‘Hase’ dropping a gear as the front wheels smashed through the thin ice covering the stream, the tyres churning mud as the tracks behind forced the bouncing carrier forward.

  The Hanomag bounced and lurched as the tyres rose up onto the opposite bank, freezing water and debris streaming from the wheel arches as the steel tracks ground across the lower river bank, iced water waves from the tanks on either side smacking against the lower hull and splashing through the track links.

  The Panzer IVs and Hanomags rose up onto the slope, crashing through the last of the bushes and low trees, Udet staring at the burning buildings and black marked snow before them, the bomb craters from the first wave still smouldering.

  Bullets swept down from the ridge above, several machine gun positions opening fire as ‘Hase’ ducked in the driver’s compartment, the clanking and sparks blurring his vision through the viewing slit.

  Udet squeezed the trigger on the MG34, his face and upper chest pressed tightly against the upper armoured plate as the adrenalin poured through his frame, bullets smacking against the defensive shield before him, his shoulders jerking as the powerful gun fired. Tracers and bullets poured up the slope, the lower machine guns of the Panzer IVs opening fire as more planes roared overhead.

  Flames leapt upwards, black billowing smoke filling the ridge line as the mechanical screams began once more, Udet’s mouth opening in gasps as he fired bursts into the explosions. More eruptions filled the smoke, a T34 over to the right firing out from its concealed position in the copse of trees, the shell zipping past the front of the carrier as another flash erupted in the trees, the shell exploding before them.

  Tatu ducked further as debris flew into the rear of the Hanomag, the explosions rocking the sides as two more hidden T34s opened fire, shells zipping past as the Panzer commanders screamed into their throat microphones. Hausser had finally located the radio frequency of the tanks and was shouting into the hand piece, ‘Enemy tanks…right side…hidden in the trees on your flank!’

  A Panzer IV to the right jolted, flames and smoke pouring from the side as the hatches sprung open, the black uniformed crew attempting to escape their crippled tank. Bullets clattered against the smouldering hull as the machine gunners above targeted the smashed armoured vehicle, a loud scream to the right as one crewman…the driver…was cut down, his bloody body jerking and slumping forward from the front chassis turret, a human frame slashed by numerous bullets. Muffled screams followed as the remaining crew fought through internal flames and thickening black smoke towards the rear hatches, their hands clawing at red hot metal, a terror rising that the metal monster would explode as the interior filled with acrid clouds.

  ‘Hase’ gritted his teeth and swung the controls, the Hanomag veering to the right, pulling up at an angle in front of the crippled Panzer IV with a jolt. Udet fired a final machine gun burst towards the tree copse on the far right before dropping into the rear compartment, his position now exposed as bullets clattered against the side of the armoured carrier and swept overhead. Tatu and Petru frantically grabbed and tossed two smoke grenades, the flashes then puffs creating a swirling mass as the clatter of more bullets resounded against the left side of the Hanomag.

  Leutnant Hausser was screaming into the microphone as Udet ducked into the driver’s compartment, glimpsing a brief flash from the tree line as the smoke billowed over the viewing slits. Machine gun fire echoed all around as the cloud engulfed them, then two nearby explosions, the thump of the Panzer IV guns as smoke billowed into the rear compartment.

  More deafening engines roared overhead, screaming from the right as the clank of bullets on the left armoured plate resumed, Donatello screaming in blind frustration, ‘How do we help the Panzer crew? We need to get out or they will hit us!’

  Leutnant Hausser rose abruptly, his stance low as he shouted over the escalating noise, ‘Alle Aus! Keep down…move behind the Panzer and drop into the snow! Use the smoke as cover…fall back down to the stream!’

  The rear doors burst open, the soldiers scrambling from the vehicle as Tatu tossed another smoke grenade onto the slope above. Petru slipped and fell, Udet grasping his uniform and propelling the Romanian back behind the carrier, a deafening roar of engines overhead drowning out their frantic shouts.

  Leutnant Hausser pushed ‘Hase’ and Sergeant Moretti along between the benches, the clatter of machine gun fire raking the side of the armoured carrier as he bit his lower lip. The explosive blasts sent debris flying across their sight and bodies as they jumped from the rear of the carrier, Hausser grasping the back of their uniforms and throwing the two figures into the snow as he staggered, the intensely warm and powerful blast of smoke from the explosive discharge seeming to wind him as he stumbled backwards, the back of his helmet smacking against the open door of the carrier as he slumped forward onto his knees.

  ‘Hase’ spun round and screamed in fear, scrambling forward on his hands and knees and grabbing the commander’s jacket…pulling him down into the snow. Tatu and Petru crouched by the side of the carrier in the swirling smoke, the Romanian quartermaster wincing as he glimpsed the flashes through the smoke, the dull crumps from explosions, his voice rising, ‘Fall back…back to the river bank…’

  They struggled back upwards, scrambling past the hulk of the smouldering Panzer, ‘Hase’ and Udet half-dragging Hausser as the commander stumbled and slipped, his chest heaving as he grunted. Tatu followed the others, tossing another smoke grenade and ducking behind the crippled tank as bullets clattered against its far side, the distinct aroma of scorched flesh from within the Panzer filling their nostrils.

  Donatello and Udet glimpsed struggling figures ahead through the smoke, two of the Panzer crew, their uniforms smouldering and faces blackened were limping away as the soldiers ran forward, grasping their arms and supporting the smoke and oil smeared crewmen as their boots slipped on the iced slope.

  Finally reaching the narrow river bank, they crashed down the steep decline, Tatu sprinting back as he realised all were now in cover. Laying against the iced snow, the smoke began to gradually disperse, the freezing water below seeping i
nto their boots, ‘Hase’ checking Hausser’s uniform for signs of a wound, the commander gasping for breath as he lay on his back, his eyes clenched shut.

  Tatu leant across and grasped the binoculars, slipping the strap over Hausser’s helmet as the commander winced, his tone strained, ‘Looting my body already? I am only winded…what’s going on up there?’

  ‘Hase’ giggled with adrenalin filled relief as Donatello and Udet grinned, Tatu scanning the slope above, his voice tense, ‘The trees are burning…Stukas must have taken out the hidden tanks…the Panzer IV’s as moving up slowly, machine gun fire still coming from defensive lines at the top of the rise…’ His voice was drowned out as more fighters swept overhead, the six Bf110 twin engine fighter bombers rising to soar over the ridge as Tatu watched the Panzers open fire on the machine gun positions, explosions and tracer fire sweeping the remains of the Russian defensive line as some of the terrified survivors turned to run, their bodies cut down under the weight of bullets.

  Tatu glanced about…then shouted excitedly, his hand rising to point to the right, ‘More Panzers coming in from the east…IIIs and IVs…maybe twelve…’ He shook his head, wiping his eyes to clear his vision as he stared back through the binoculars and smoke, ‘There are also some Stug IIIs…armoured carriers are with them…they have infantry support!’

  Leutnant Hausser rolled over in the cold snow, staring back up the slope, his eyes narrowing as he saw the burning tank, the deserted Hanomag in front of the Panzer, ‘Let’s get back in the carrier then…follow the Panzer IVs up to the top of the rise…’ He ducked as more engines roared overhead, five FW190s dipping into the valley before the pilots pulled back on their sticks to sweep over the ridge, the commander shouting through the noise, ‘The Luftwaffe are giving them hell!’ His hand rose to point at more Stukas high in the sky above, the others eyes following his outstretched arm, ‘They are flying in small waves…the Russkies will be given no respite to regroup!’

  Hausser struggled upwards, shaking his head as he pushed his body back up the slope at a half crouch, slipping the MP40 from his back. Behind him, two panzer crewmen struggled back through the stream as six soldiers pushed themselves determinedly from the bank, their boots sliding on the snow as they propelled snow covered bodies after their commander.

  Chapter Eleven: Popov’s Mobile Armour

  The carrier doors slammed shut, ‘Hase’ slipping back through into the driver’s compartment as Hausser slumped next to the radio, resetting the set to the predetermined frequency with Major Wolff’s operator. Coughing, then speaking into the microphone, Tatu checked the upper mounted machine gun, attaching a fresh magazine to the top of the weapon, Donatello and Sergeant Moretti slumping onto the benches and checking their rifles as Udet started work on the small stove, his boots scraping dirt and debris across the steel floor of the Hanomag in a vain attempt to clean it. Petru lowered himself next to the commander, scrutinising the German officer’s eyes, Hausser glancing at him curiously as he prepared to speak into the microphone, ‘What is it, my Romanian friend?’

  The soldiers smiled warmly, ‘Just checking you still had your wits about you…I was worried you may have suffered some sort of injury…’ Muffled thumps of artillery echoed from the south, a whoosh overhead as the shells sped towards the valley beyond the ridge, distant explosive crumps and the mechanical scream of Stukas sounding to the north.

  Leutnant Hausser smiled reassuringly, ‘Not yet my friend…but there is a plenty of the day left!’ He leant forward intently, hearing the reply on the radio set and nodding to Petru, ‘Get ‘Hase’ to start the engine…once I have completed our report, we can follow the panzers up the slope.’ He turned slightly, pushing the headphones to his ears, ‘Y…yes…this is Leutnant Hausser…is Major Wolff available?’

  Petru handed the commander the map and clambered towards the driver’s compartment, Hausser listening intently across the radio waves, ‘Major Wolff…we are behind schedule…’ Hausser hesitated, glancing down at the map, ‘Our location? W-we are just south west of Grishino…north of the railway line. Heavy skirmish with Russian forces, believed to be Popov’s forward reconnaissance…they have been beaten back.’

  The commander listened intently as Major Wolff spoke, the static burbling through the message, ‘We expected they would make one final push…it is possible the Russkies will soon be cut off to the far north east, reports state that our Panzers and infantry are making good progress to the east and west of you…’ The static rose in intensity, Hausser wincing at the irritation to his ears before Wolff continued, ‘Bypass Popov’s Mechanised force…they are finished, head northwards in the direction of Isyum, stop at the railway south of there near Slavyansk, but be careful…the 1st Guards Army are ahead and you may have a fight on our hands. Stay with the main units and report back at nightfall…more forces are joining the offensive...then the drive to Kharkov and then Kursk will begin!’

  The commander nodded his understanding, his excitement mounting, ‘Yes Sir…we will report back at nightfall…’

  The engine of the Hanomag Sdkfz 251 roared into life, Hausser lowering the headphones and microphone and switching off the set as Udet handed him a steaming metal mug. The carrier jolted forward, turning to the left to lumber up the slope, the wheels and tracks sliding through the top layer of snow.

  Donatello glanced upwards, glimpsing the high Bf110 twin engine planes flying back south, his expression strained, ‘Where were they when the Russians were attacking us last month?’

  Sergeant Moretti nudged him firmly as Hausser stared across at them, Udet handing more mugs around, the older Italian correcting him, ‘No need to mention that now…the entire front seems alive!’

  Leutnant Hausser sighed, shaking his head, ‘We have learnt a lot about the Russians over the last three months…thousands of men’s lives have been lost whilst Ivan taught us a lesson…’ He nodded towards Udet and Tatu, ‘Our…and your entire divisions wiped out along with many others because we underestimated the enemy.’ He shrugged dismissively, ‘Let us hope there are enough men left to take advantage of what we now know…’

  Moretti nodded in agreement, his voice subdued as he stared at the commander, ‘So we are all of a kind…Herr Leutnant…’ He raised his mug in a toast, ‘Here is to our survival!’

  Donatello’s eyes widened, glancing up the slope as he pointed, ‘The Panzers have stopped…what are they waiting for?’

  Hausser rose slowly, picking up his binoculars and following the Italian’s stare, his hand running across his chin before replying, ‘They are in hull-down position…they conceal most of their armour using the ridge and can fire down into the valley beyond. Any Russian guns will struggle to hit them if they can only see the top of their turrets…’ Two of the Panzer IV’s shuddered, smoke billowing from their barrels as the shells swept down towards the Russian positions below.

  Hausser ducked down, shouting into the darkened driver’s compartment, ‘Pull up behind the tanks…I will go up to the ridge with Tatu to have a look…’

  ‘Hase’ nodded knowingly, a grin sweeping across his face as he winked at Petru, ‘I think he forgets I have been alongside him for nearly a year now…’

  Petru hid his face with his left hand, a wide smile crossing his lips as Hausser grunted, ‘I have not forgotten…I just don’t know what you remember!’ The commander leant forwards grinning as ‘Hase’ giggled, jabbing the back of the Russian’s shoulder softly with his finger, ‘Cheeky Hiwis…’

  ‘Hase’ grimaced in jest as the carrier slowed, then stopped some five metres behind the tanks with a shudder, his voice straining in poor imitation ‘Al-le Aus!’

  Petru burst out laughing, clambering up from his seat as Hausser’s eyes widened in surprise, the Romanian indicating to pass the commander, ‘Perhaps you Germans have more to worry about from your own allies than the enemy!’

  The rear doors of the carrier creaked open once more, Tatu dropping into the snow and turning as Hausser jumped after
him, both pushing their machine guns to the sides and advancing cautiously towards the ridge, Panzer IVs jolting as they fired on either side, the long barrels recoiling. Further along to the left, the occupants of the other Hanomag were stretching their backs, a couple knelt before the rise and viewing the valley beyond through binoculars.

  A couple of soldiers raised their hands in greeting, Tatu realising there were forward artillery observers amongst them, probably directing the fire from the armoured train and perhaps rear batteries. Muffled explosions echoed in the valley to the north, Leutnant Hausser edging towards the rise and lowering to a crawl.

  Tatu stared across the slit trench before the tanks, the ground too frozen to dig into effectively, the Russian infantry had adapted their positions with shallow protection, no match for sustained artillery, tank guns and high velocity machine gun fire.

  The brown and grey clad bodies were spread across the line, several crushed or severed limbs and torsos evidence of the ferocious fire that had fallen upon them. The blood smeared snow was surrounded with black powder and scorch marks, the points of explosive detonations where lives had been lost. Tatu considered the desperation of the rifle and machine gunners that had lain there, of their exposed and futile defence against aircraft and tanks once their own armour had been destroyed.

  A smashed and destroyed machine gun position lay further along to the right, a Panzer IV firing just the other side. The broken and shattered bodies lay around their destroyed gun, a direct high explosive hit tearing the human frames to pieces as shrapnel peppered their defenceless torsos, the barrel of the weapon twisted from the intense strain and power of the explosion.


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