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Rise of the Bloodied Phoenix

Page 48

by Andrew McGregor

  Passing destroyed Russian positions, crumpled bodies had lain near the defeated strongpoints in the snow, many shot at close quarter as the advancing soldiers took bitter revenge on the wounded defenders. Most of the casualties wore the grey padded or brown greatcoats of Russian infantry, the soldiers overwhelmed by tanks and armoured cars, a few German SS infantrymen having fallen near their prey.

  Infantry were moving forward from west to east, crossing the street ahead and behind the carrier, some with Kettenkrad motorcycle tractors towing equipment, units moving up with heavy mortars and machine guns, the soldiers staring up at the Hanomag occupants as it rumbled past.

  Reaching a junction, the gunfire sounded louder to the right, numerous soldiers crouched on the street sides as muffled explosions erupted beyond the buildings ahead. Hausser indicated to one of the men opposite, beckoning him forward, the young SS soldier glancing cautiously to either side before running across to them at a half-crouch, saluting as he drew level with the carrier. Moving behind the left side, his eyes took in the scratches and pock marks along the hull as he forced a smile.

  Hausser saluted back, his voice uncertain as Tatu and Moretti stared out towards the east, the carrier positioned halfway into the street, ‘We need to get further north…what is the situation here?’

  The young soldier glanced round once more, seeing additional soldiers moving up behind them, ‘Herr Leutnant, the Russkies have a wide tank ditch dug beyond these buildings, they are defending with many pak and machine guns…there is no way through for our Panzers, even the Tigers are unable to dislodge them.’ He nodded nervously as Hausser listened, ‘We have called for air support apparently, but we are unable to move round the flanks…heavy defensive positions are covering all the streets.’

  The explosions intensified, muffled shouts of alarm coming from the building beyond as soldiers ducked back into cover, Russian shells smacking and exploding against the apartment blocks they cowered in for shelter.

  Several bullets cracked down the street, the SS soldiers ducking instinctively and pushing their bodies against the walls, the occupants of the carrier dropping to their knees as the young SS soldier lowered, swearing aloud, ‘Scheisse! The snipers have been moving round our positions all morning…now they are at the end of the street…the men are exposed.’

  Screams rang out as two men writhed in agony, the wounded soldiers falling backwards as their countrymen grabbed for their tunics, attempting to haul the injured back towards the walls. More shots rang out, the SS soldiers firing their rifles back along the street, attempting to locate the enemy snipers.

  Hausser scrambled forward into the driver’s compartment, shouting frantically, ‘Pull us round into the street…advance to cover the soldiers on either side.’ He spun round as the motor whined, the carrier jolting as the left track spun, ‘Tatu get on the machine gun…stay low, fire wildly…it will keep their attention.’

  The Romanian rose upwards to a half crouch, pushing his body against the right side of the Hanomag, wary the snipers may be in an elevated position and able to see into the open top. Pushing forward as he swore under his breath, he felt the adrenalin rise within him as the carrier turned on its tracks, the engine burbling, metal grinding.

  Further shrill shots rang out, another couple of men falling, one shot through the head, the other suffering a stomach wound, the groans of the wounded increasing as the SS soldiers shouted frantically, several firing back down the street once more, the Hanomag lurching round into the street, the engine roaring as it skidded forward.

  Tatu grasped the upper machine gun, a burst of fire sweeping forward as tracers bounced off the upper walls on the right. Hausser stared through the forward viewing slits, Udet leaning forward intently, the grey buildings on either side of two or three storey construction, several roofs damaged or shattered on either side. Open eaves and broken windows faced the thoroughfare, the young commander shaking his head in frustration as he glanced from one possible enemy position to another.

  Udet leant further forward, his voice shaking, ‘We look for muzzle flash…’ He indicated to the building at the end of the street, several Russian bodies lying around the darkened open entrance, the apartment block four storeys high, the upper right side of the structure half destroyed with two floors collapsed. Udet gritted his teeth, staring outwards, ‘I think three or four Russians…one on either side at the end and perhaps two in the building at the next junction…they are hunting in a pack.’

  He ducked as two bullets clanked against the front hull, sparks flying from the armoured bonnet, Hausser gasping as Hase gritted his teeth, the Hanomag accelerating as two other flashes came from either side, further muffled screams from outside, the Hiwi’s mouth pursing, ‘This will be heavy…’

  The carrier engine roared, tracks clattering as the armoured vehicle gathered more speed, Hausser’s eyes widening as the machine gun rattled above, his voice almost a frightened shriek, ‘W-what are you doing?’ Approaching the end of the cobblestones, the commander’s eyes widened in horror, his body turning to scramble back, Tatu dropping from the gun position and grasping his submachine gun.

  The Hanomag slewed to the left, Hase braking hard on one side, the track locking as he then braked fully, snow billowing around them as the metal shrieked across the cobblestones. The rear doors swung open, Tatu and Moretti stumbling out as the carrier jolted to a halt, the two men falling roughly into the snow.

  Leutnant Hausser followed with Petru, both men thrown sideways with the violent stop, their legs stumbling out of the carrier as a grenade clanked against the front plate, Hase pushing Udet down as the explosion rocked the vehicle, Crina cowering behind the driver’s seat as the two men scrambled past, snow and dust billowing through the forward viewing slits.

  Tatu lowered behind the carrier rear, his PPSH raised as he waved to the others frantically, bullets clanking off the front of the Hanomag. Leutnant Hauser dropped next to him, the SS soldiers in the street edging forwards cautiously at a crouch, another pair lowering and positioning an MG34 on the right side of the cobblestones.

  Udet scrambled out in front of Hase, another grenade detonating before the carrier, bullets clanking against the front as Petru raised his rifle, staring down the empty street to the right. The Hiwi stumbled into the street, dropping to one knee as Hausser grimaced, Tatu lunging towards the right, his boot smashing against the door to the flat block, the obstruction bulging against the frame, but holding. Moretti charged forward, his shoulder cracking against the door as it swung inwards, the Italian groaning in agony as he collapsed inside.

  Udet slammed the doors shut on the carrier, Hausser glancing round the side and glimpsing several Russian infantrymen to the left, his MP40 rising as another explosion threw snow and debris over them, the blast wave following as he fired, the submachine gun bucking in his hands.

  Two Russians fell, the others ducking back towards doorways as the commander lunged forward, shouting over his shoulder, ‘Keep them covered and guard the carrier…I will get the snipers!’ The officer’s body ran low, jumping over two dead bodies as he swept into the darkened entrance hall, two bullets zipping past as he charged towards the broken staircase ahead, hearing muffled shouts from the upper landings, boots creaking on the floorboards.

  His eyes widened as a grenade bounced down from above, Hausser throwing his body over the broken balustrade as the explosion rocked the walls. Dust and cracked plaster fell downwards, the officer rolling and groaning as he landed roughly, his body crashing hard against the side wall of the stairwell, helmet rolling away. Coughing and spitting dust, he struggled onto his hands and knees, his hand reaching for his head as he felt warm blood, a gash across his temple.

  Gasping for air, he felt around in the gloom for his helmet and weapon, sight blinded with the falling dust and plaster, a muffled voice shouting downwards from above, ‘Fascist pigs! You die in this city!’

  He coughed further, gasping for air and retching from the dust caking the i
nside of his mouth, his eyes closing as his hands moved frantically for the submachine gun, hearing footsteps above on the next landing. Then he stiffened, muffled shots from outside, another explosion as boots crunched in the doorway, Hase’s Russian voice shouting up the stairs as he raised his rifle, ‘Drop your weapons…Deutsche Wehrmacht!’

  Hausser’s eyes widened, his dust coated body rising as the boots stopped above, furtive whispering then a sneering shout, ‘Ukrainian Traitor! You die!’

  Bullets erupted from above as one of the Russians swept round the bend in the stairs, Hase’s rifle bucking as he fired, a muffled scream as more plaster erupted from the wall above the Hiwi’s head. The Russian soldier shuddered as the bullet cut through his chest, tearing and puncturing internal organs, his body twisting as PPSH bullets peppered the side wall, plaster dust exploding outwards as the Hiwi lunged forward towards his commander.

  Grabbing Hausser’s arm roughly, Hase propelled their two figures towards the back of the stairwell, kicking the MP40 before his boot as falling dust and plaster engulfed them. Another two grenades clunked down the stairs as the dead Russian’s body slid down the wall further, toppling forward and cracking against the stairs, the body shuddering as it juddered to the bottom of the steps.

  Tatu charged up the stairs in the apartment block across the street, his PPSH 41 held before him as he reached the first landing, Moretti struggling behind him and breathing heavily. Plaster crunched beneath the Romanian’s boots as he lowered to a crouch, glancing upwards into the gloom, muffled shots echoing from outside.

  Stepping forward gingerly, he ducked out, glancing upwards, the floor above in darkness. He drew a deep breath, blinking in the gloom and raising the submachine gun further. His eyes narrowed, a fleeting smile crossing his lips as he considered the sniper was nearby and watching, waiting for him to emerge. He gritted his teeth when Moretti lowered behind him, his head turning slowly and whispering, ‘Aim into the darkness above…I will slip out, I think he is waiting for us.’

  Sergeant Moretti’s eyes widened in disbelief, ‘Are you a crazy man? He will kill you…’

  Tatu grinned, winking in the gloom, ‘Maybe…’ He turned back, gritting his teeth firmly, ‘…we will find out…’ He raised his voice, grinning, ‘Hey Russkie, surrender or we will have to kill you!’

  There was an uneasy silence, then an embittered female voice retorted, ‘Niet scum…you will die today!’

  Tatu’s eyes widened in shock, Moretti reaching to grab his arm as the Romanian grimaced, ‘Very well…but you will miss any dancing and dinner…I am a chef, so the food will be good. What do you say? Come down and we will meet each other…’

  The two men listened intently, silence descending apart from the muffled gunfire outside, Tatu wincing as Moretti’s boots moved on the stairs below, their ears straining. Then the creak of floorboards, boots moving across the floor above, further creaking and a flash of light, Tatu shaking his head as he lunged forwards.

  The two explosions ripped through the stairwell, Hase covering the commander’s body with his own, the Hiwi shuddering as the blast waves swept over them, the shrapnel smacking against the stairs, the Russian corpse shaking from the impacts. Hausser was coughing loudly, his chest heaving as the dust swirled around their figures, more rifle shots echoing through the open doorway, the SS soldiers now reaching the end of the street.

  Realising his commander was winded, Hase dropped to one knee, his ears ringing as he fumbled for and grasped the MP40, the discarded rifle clattering against the wall. He turned as he rose, Hausser leaning breathlessly against the wall behind him as he glanced upwards. Lowering slightly, he stepped forward, creaks of floorboards overhead as he glanced round, the dust falling around them, Hausser struggling round and crouching breathlessly to pick up the rifle.

  Hase suddenly lunged forward, the MP40 swinging round with shouts from outside filling his ears, the submachine gun bucking in his hands as he fired upwards, the short burst shattering the plaster on the wall at the top of the stairs. Stepping over the body, his boots crunched on the steps, the MP40 rising as he pushed his back against the wall, the dust coated barrel above him as he stepped upwards, his teeth clenched.

  Two SS soldiers burst through the entrance, shaking their heads as they glimpsed the two dust coated figures, Hase stepping gingery onto the first landing, the submachine gun pointing towards the second floor, creaking floorboards above. The SS Grenadiers stepped warily onto the stairs, the steps grinding beneath their boots as Hase glanced round disapprovingly, shaking his head at the noise.

  Disappearing from view, the Hiwi approached the next staircase nervously, Hausser emerging from the gloom below, his uniform caked in dust and plaster. He stepped painfully after the grenadiers, breathing heavily, the Kar 98 rifle raising as he climbed the steps.

  Tatu reached the next set of steps, the PPSH raised as he advanced upwards, his eyes straining in the gloom, Sergeant Moretti following him nervously as footsteps resounded in the entrance below. Machine gun fire erupted outside, the SS setting up forward positions on either side of the street, firing at Russians in the distance. Rifle fire cracked in return, Tatu reaching the next floor, his hand stretching out nervously for the only door.

  Pushing his back against the wall next to the doorframe, he hissed down the stairwell, ‘Stay there…she will shoot as soon as the door opens…’ He grinned in the darkness, ‘She is already probably some distance away…they will have a route across the rooftops.’

  He drew breath, kicking the door with the back of his boot, lights spilling into the hallway, the walls in the room beyond destroyed, roof collapsed. A bullet cracked against the wall opposite, Tatu grinning with heightened excitement as the soundwave echoed around the stairs, the Romanian beginning to descend the steps once more in defeat, ‘She is gone…that shot was from nearly fifty metres away…’ He glimpsed the SS Grenadiers looking wide eyed up from below, ‘Report to your commander that there are snipers in the area, get him to send a good man to hunt them. There is a woman amongst them.’

  Hase climbed the last few steps, his heart pounding as he stared at the paint flaked door ahead, above and to the left, light spilling through the opening, a cool breeze drawing him towards it, the roof and walls collapsed beyond. Lowering further, he dropped to a half crouch as he stepped cautiously onto the landing, the submachine gun pointing before him as he stepped forward, reaching halfway along the residential walkway.

  The closed door behind suddenly swept open, Hase spinning round in horror as Hausser lunged up the next few steps. The Hiwi lost his balance, falling sideways as the bullet swept over his shoulder, the Russian rifleman dragging the bolt back frantically as Hase fired into the darkness, the burst of bullets tearing through the opening, a scream and thud as the body shuddered and collapsed.

  Gasping, Hausser and the two SS soldiers reached the landing, cautiously pointing their rifles into the gloom as they advanced, one kicking the rifle from the twitching sniper’s outstretched arm, Hausser staring down at the heaving perforated chest, a stare of hatred returned as the young woman’s eyes misted over, her head lolling sideways.

  The young commander turned quickly, a low chest cough as he strode out onto the landing, grasping Hase’s arm and guiding him away towards the stairs quickly, his voice a whisper in Russian as the blood dripped from above his eye, ‘We need to leave now…before these soldiers get ideas that we will stay with them…and they speak to you…’

  The Hiwi nodded in shock, unaware his victim was a woman, Hausser taking the MP40 from him with a grin, ‘We saved some lives…’ He handed Hase the rifle back, ‘…but I will keep my weapon if you don’t mind!’

  Hase chuckled, their eyes meeting as he indicated to the commander’s dust coated matted hair as he whispered back, ‘Shall we get you your helmet back too? You seem to be losing things today…’

  Hausser’s eyes widened in surprise, as he pushed his friend along the next landing, ‘Cheeky Russkies!’

  Stopping at the outer doorway cautiously, they glimpsed Tatu standing by the back of the Hanomag, the Romanian beckoning to them that the street was clear, his voice croaking as he grinned, ‘Time to get back towards the north…I want some tea and something to eat. Young Udet was a good judge of snipers I think…’ He turned suddenly as he heard muffled shots, lowering cautiously, his eyes straining as a limp body fell from the building to the right, the remaining Russian sniper shot by three SS soldiers, one emerging out into the destroyed upper room and grinning into the street below. The young soldier raised his smouldering rifle barrel over his shoulder, staring downwards into the street in satisfaction, muffled machine gun fire and explosions echoing to the east.

  Then there was a loud crack, the soldier glancing down in horror as his body shuddered, blood extending across his uniformed chest as he fell backwards out of sight. Tatu spat onto the snowed cement in disgust as Hausser and Hase lunged forward quickly, aware the sniper would be reloading.

  The Hanomag engine roared, the vehicle reversing as cautious SS Grenadiers advanced towards them along the cobblestones on either side, an SdKfz 221 armoured car drawing into the street at the opposite end, a Kettenkrad behind with two great coated infantrymen sat on the side bins, staring up at the buildings on either side.

  As the carrier turned in the junction, the tracks squealing, Udet indicated upwards excitedly, pointing to the dots high in the late morning sky, ‘Stukas are coming…that will be for the tank ditch defenders…one of the soldiers told me they were on their way whilst we waited.’

  The engine burbled as the carrier pulled forward, rattling across the cobblestones as they headed back along the street, moving to the side to pass the oncoming armoured car. The mechanical screams began above, the angled winged planes beginning their dives as flares rose up from the German lines, pinpointing the Russian defences before them.


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